Aries with a Leo man

Being with a Leo partner is great. We share soo much in common and both of us can be open and honest with each other. We tend have disagreements on few things but end of the day no relationship is perfect but we know we will kiss and make up after it all. I'm happy with my partner arranging events and activities as my partner has better eye fun than I have but will always discuss whether am happy with it. We both value and respect each others initiatives. Just love it when Leo partner gives me warm hugs and kisses - my Leo partner is more attentive than I am and is always there when I need my partner then most. I also provide the strong ambitious focus than a Leo needs when they are in more languid mood and keep the relationship at a up beat pace. If I'm down my Leo partner always cheers me up - they definitely shed a light (like the ruling planet, the center of the solar system) on my dreams and aspirations, as they feel the responsible to know everyone is happy.

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