He ruined my life

by erotika jones

im a Scorpio girl. i dated an Aquarius man for 2 and a half years. the last 5 months were long distance. when he visited me, he still seemed madly in love... i accidentally got pregnant. on valentine's day i got a positive pregnancy test so i called him and told him... he said he didnt love me anymore! well anyway he started hating me after that day and telling me that he was going to take my baby away... i'm 7 months pregnant now and he has disappeared, nobody knows anything about him, his parents hate me and he changed his number. he broke my heart and left me pregnant and alone.

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Look at the brighter side.
by: mousetrail

He did you a favor.Read the rest of the posts of people who are stuck loving someone who will never commit, for years and they keep saying they don't know why they stay or keep going back.It's cause aquarians keeps everyone and everything a friend with ease.It isn't personal ;).Just be happy he disapeared.Start dating people worthy of your time and energy.

That is messed up
by: Vlad

That dude just made all Aquarius guys look bad...I know we trouble committing but that is just overkill...I apologize on behalf of the AQUARIUS GUYS....we are all not that dumb

by: Anonymous

yeah he started dating a girl while i was pregnant, his son is 8 months now and he still hasnt met him

scorpio life ruined
by: Anonymous

I am a scorpio woman. We been married for 12 years. We have 4 kids together. Every time I got pregnant he would leave me. We always got back together. The last baby he left me for another woman. I did it for the kids and love. I hate being with this sign.I was thinking he will grow up.They have no emotions. Be glad he is gone.

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