Aquarius Scorpio online relationship

I began an exciting online relationship with an Aquarius male. He approached me initially, and almost immediately our chatting turned erotic and incendiary. He asked several times to do live chatting. For safety reasons I avoided it.

While online one night he gave he me his telephone number and asked me to call him. I did. We spend the entire night chatting via telephone.

I stated noticing a pattern. Recently after each chat session, if it became highly erotic, the next day he would talk about how I needed to meet others to chat with. He would say he could not give me what I wanted or as often as I needed.

Then after a few days of dry emails, he would start up again with the erotic teasing and requests. Then the distancing.

Initially, I tried to draw him out regarding his thoughts. He would cite his age difference as the main reason, and then his lack of free time.

Actually I am much busier than he. I see him online at our original meeting site for-logged in most of the evening.

I really like him and want to be supportive, but don't want to be a chump either. Is he really done, but being polite by not just ditching me entirely? We exchanged some racy photos and maybe he is afraid of that. I asked him, but can't get straight answers about this distancing.

He's aqua sun, Scorpio moon, mars in Aries, venus in cap and Scorpio rising. I'm Scorpio sun, scorp moon, scorp Venus, mars in aqua, and Libra rising.

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Aquarius experince
by: Vlad

Its not your fault...Aquarius men have a hard time saying what they need to being an Aquarius I know...The best thing is to let him know what you expect from him and what you want...If he loves then he will respect that...yell him that you love him and I understand you like your space..but make sure that you dont forget that I am still here...if you dont let me know how you are then you will be worried...

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