Aries relationships

Partners of different zodiac signs bring out slightly different facets of the Aries personality. Some elements however are fairly common to all Aries relationships.

Common features of Aries relationships

Aries is a direct and forthright lover. They don't generally play mind games, and you will typically know exactly where you stand when in a relationship with an Aries. They can sometimes be relatively aggressive and domineering partners, but it's done in a genuine, enthusiastic and bold manner which is hard to find fault with. Overall the excitement of dating an Aries overrides their take charge attitude. Along these lines they are often the initiator of a relationship, and the most common complaint is that they can come on too strong or try to move things along too fast.

Whether male or female it's worth noting that Aries don't want weak partners. Just because they tend towards being dominating it doesn't mean they don't want to work for it! Quite the opposite, they often get bored rapidly with a partner who is a pushover. They typically do best with an equally feisty and confident lover.

Aries is one of the most physically protective signs of the Zodiac, typically not hesitating to risk life or limb if a loved one is in danger. The flip side to this is that they rarely will back down from a fight or challenge, no matter how bad the odds may initially appear. Courageous and full of integrity, it's hard not to admire them in this area.

Aries relationships and jealousy

In a relationship Aries may become jealous fairly easily. More to the point, if they're jealous you'll hear about it sooner rather than later. This isn't a person who withdraws to ponder such things; they take the direct approach to confrontation. Their openness is a good thing in this instance as they don't sit back and resent you, but instead boldly explain themselves.

Aries relationships and sex

This is a passionate sign, unafraid of risks and often willing to accept a challenge. This can lead to promiscuity and poor choices in the spur of the moment. Similarly, Aries lovers aren't famous for being patient or subtle, and often can be turned off by partners who are overly cautious, reserved, analytical or sensitive.

Aries relationships with each of the other signs

As mentioned earlier different zodiac signs bring out slightly different facets of the Aries personality. As these are fairly detailed I have a separate page for each combination:

Aries and Aries
Aries and Taurus
Aries and Gemini
Aries and Cancer
Aries and Leo
Aries and Virgo
Aries and Libra
Aries and Scorpio
Aries and Sagittarius
Aries and Capricorn
Aries and Aquarius
Aries and Pisces

For a comparison of average compatibility scores of each Aries match please see the Aries compatibility table.

Aries men and women also tend to handle relationships differently. My Aries man and Aries woman have details for each.

Use astrology to explore your unique Aries relationship

I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. These are designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality.

Further reading on Aries relationships: