Capricorn women best match for Virgo men

I am a Virgo man of the age 19. I have been with other signs that I feel isn't close as a match for a Virgo like a Capricorn female. I suit my sign to the fullest and more. less than a month ago I met this girl of age 16.her presents, love, honesty, her way of life just makes me fall for her like as if I been in a relationship with her for years. I will do anything to make her happy and to make her feel like there isn't any guy for her but me and she doesn't have to worry about anything's don't fall easy toward any female no matter how hot they are. I seek for the heart and nothing less. I have only been in a sexual relationship with one partner a year ago that women being a Leo. she was very unfair and sexually abusive and if I could go back in time she wouldn't have been my first girl I had sex with. us Virgos are very sensitive and shy with great instants for women. that's because we are great at reading people in general. we are also loving and forgiving we just don't forget. that is most Virgo men I most add. but for a cavicorn women being with a Virgo man their isn't a better match. how do I know that??? thats because a true Capricorn women and Virgo male wants the same thing in life and that being love. together they can accomplish anything because they both have each other missing puzzle pieces they have always searched for. one thing is very important to a Virgo is being understanding and allowing us to feel comfortable with love. all the goals a Virgo man and Capricorn women may set in life' they will both achieve it together because no better feeling knowing that you have someone that believe in you for who you are and will love you no matter what. good luck to all Virgos men and Capricorn women

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so true
by: Anonymous

aymen to that work of words!

capricorn is usually the initiator and virgo is usually the completer.

Should i go for Virgo
by: Anonymous

im a 21 years old capricorn and im loving this 35 years old virgo man. the thing is i dont know what is on his mind. sometimes he nice to me sometime i felt like hes taking a step back.... i dont know

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