Confused by Taurus man
I am a Scorpio female, 21 and I am in love deeply with a Taurus male, 23. I don't know what it is about him that has me so confused. Maybe it is his ability to work so well with his hands. Or maybe that he is a real man. I do not understand the way he makes me feel. He makes me so angry and I could think that I hate him, but the next day he may call me to see him and I'm right there excited forgetting what I was angry about the day before. I am an idiot for his love. He loves to spend time with his friends, do what men do (whatever that might be) and will put those friends before me. But when we are together the vibe and chemistry there is magnetic. I always seduce him n he admits that he loves to play hard to get. But once we are started he takes control of the sex game. He doesn't stop until he's ready regardless if I beg for him to stop. Omg he is definitely the man of my dreams. We been dealing with each other for almost three years and we both have 1 child with another mate. He thinks I'm crazy, but he doesn't realize that he makes me act this way. I want to do everything for him, but in return will he do the same for me? I know in my heart that he will eventually hurt me, but my love is so strong I just want to experience us being together. I really think that him being hurt by his Childs mother has a big impact on his heart. The bitch cheated on him. I would have never cheated on him. I just want to lay with him every night and marry him. He told me that he is going to marry me. He doesn't even realize I hang on to his every word. I know in my heart that he loves me too. He only shows it when he wants to. He tests me to see my sincerity. And he even saved me one night. Once in a blue he may express his love, only after I told him I hate him and not talk to him for a week or so. He doesn't appreciate me until I'm mad at him n not speaking to him. I don't understand. I just want us to be happy. He is just as complex as I am. And Scorpio women are very complex. He gets mad at the crazy comments I make about him dealing with other women when he does the same to me. He makes smart remarks under his breath that I hear that let's me know he loves me...I feel like a trophy when he is around his friends. I also love how he turns the tables and gets freaky with me instead of playing hard to get. He has a mind control over me and I will kill a bitch for him. So watch out lol....