Confused by Taurus man

I am a Scorpio female, 21 and I am in love deeply with a Taurus male, 23. I don't know what it is about him that has me so confused. Maybe it is his ability to work so well with his hands. Or maybe that he is a real man. I do not understand the way he makes me feel. He makes me so angry and I could think that I hate him, but the next day he may call me to see him and I'm right there excited forgetting what I was angry about the day before. I am an idiot for his love. He loves to spend time with his friends, do what men do (whatever that might be) and will put those friends before me. But when we are together the vibe and chemistry there is magnetic. I always seduce him n he admits that he loves to play hard to get. But once we are started he takes control of the sex game. He doesn't stop until he's ready regardless if I beg for him to stop. Omg he is definitely the man of my dreams. We been dealing with each other for almost three years and we both have 1 child with another mate. He thinks I'm crazy, but he doesn't realize that he makes me act this way. I want to do everything for him, but in return will he do the same for me? I know in my heart that he will eventually hurt me, but my love is so strong I just want to experience us being together. I really think that him being hurt by his Childs mother has a big impact on his heart. The bitch cheated on him. I would have never cheated on him. I just want to lay with him every night and marry him. He told me that he is going to marry me. He doesn't even realize I hang on to his every word. I know in my heart that he loves me too. He only shows it when he wants to. He tests me to see my sincerity. And he even saved me one night. Once in a blue he may express his love, only after I told him I hate him and not talk to him for a week or so. He doesn't appreciate me until I'm mad at him n not speaking to him. I don't understand. I just want us to be happy. He is just as complex as I am. And Scorpio women are very complex. He gets mad at the crazy comments I make about him dealing with other women when he does the same to me. He makes smart remarks under his breath that I hear that let's me know he loves me...I feel like a trophy when he is around his friends. I also love how he turns the tables and gets freaky with me instead of playing hard to get. He has a mind control over me and I will kill a bitch for him. So watch out lol....

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The REAL side of Taurus Men!
by: Aphrodite Bull

I am a Taurus woman. The men and women posess the same traits. He DOES love you. Tauruses are very shy and introverted. We do a brilliant job at covering it up. Why? Exposing that vulnerable side of ourselves does NOT give us the upper hand. We will keep you at arms length just to keep you on your toes. This stems from completely ignoring you to making you feel like the most important person in the world. This is usually enacted through unexpected sensual kisses, suprised romantic gestures, and putting our hands all over you. Our goal is not to get you to fall in love with us...but to make you fall in love with us AGAIN...and AGAIN..and ALL OVER AGAIN! He may have a secret fear of losing you, or losing his hold over you (since we're posessive by nature).
When he is not around you, or calling you, he will consistently obsess about what you're doing, or who you're doing it with. (It's just not demonstrated in the early stages of courtship). We play it off real well. In laments terms, you may not hear from him in weeks, but during that time he may be checking you out on facebook, or asking people about you. The best way to win them over? Be patient, bold and persistent! Don't let him know that his actions offend you. Disregard it. NEVER EVER try to make this man jealous. He will secretly hold it against you. When it seems like you won him over, he has already decided a long time ago that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

confusesd pisces
by: Anonymous

im a female 21 Pisces and i might be in love with a Taurus male 21 . oh wow... where to begin i love everything about them. the sex is amazing.
but im kind in a love triangle. im currently dating a Gemini. i mean the relation is good but not a good as a Taurus. i really want to be with Taurus. but he may be pushing me away and im a bit heart broken over this.i tried texting and calling him. could be falling in love me too. some one please give me advice on what to do

Hey There Pieces Girl.
by: Anonymous

Ok....I am a Taurus male and althougth our signs do not rule us or give any insight into personal problems we may have througth bad experiences....

I will say that this whole idea of you txting him and him not answering is SO taurus and you being hurt by it is SO pieces.

We tend to do things like this...even thougth it can be torture for us.


Because even thougth he may be madly in love with you he needs to know your going to be there for him no matter what - by ignoring you and you chasing him to him it means you wont give up on him. It means you really want him becuase you love him.

On the other hand - if he knows your with someone else at the same time then he may be struggling with that and not answering because Taurus cannot stand being compared to anyone or feeling like they are in competition. Taurus do not do competition - you either love them completely so they can feel secure and stable or you need to leave them alone.

Taurus are usually good at "magic touch" and it goes hand in hand with the desire to be maternal - thats not to say that a Taurus wants to be your dad or anything - its just the way we roll. We want family and we love to nurture and for things to be gentle and calm - so we tend to have a innate ability to touch you deeply with a seemingly simple touch or caress. Before that can become the norm Taurus needs to KNOW that you are not on the fence - you give yourself to a Taurus and they will do anything to see that your safe, secure and loved - and your kids to if you have any.

Good Taurus test - leave them alone in a room with your pet cat or dog and spy on them - take them to a farm and pretend to go do something else but really go where he cant see you but you can see him an watch. A stable Taurus will tend to try to reach out to that animal and will be VERY patient and kind about it. If the animal will not come to them they will respect its boundries and not try to overpower the animal. Be prepared to watch for a while thougth....Taurus are very patient with these sorts of things and animals love them because animals do not trust easily and most animals - even pack animals - mirror the Taurus - they will take all day to come up and say hi and once a Taurus touches the animal the animal is usually won over - trust and a bond is established.

A unhealthy Taurus will let their desire for stability turn into a impatient demand for security - they will corner the animal and force it to be touched - this wont work at all and the unhealthy Taurus will be frustrated by this and lash out. This IS the way they will eventually treat you so dont walk - RUN in the opposite direction. =-)

: )
by: Anonymous

great stuff! Helps a lot! hope its true!! My Taurus man completely ignores sometimes which drives me nuts : (

Taurus men
by: Anonymous

Yeah...Taurus men can be a challenge due to the lack of apparent communication that many signs perceive Taurus behavior as.

I mean men are bad at talking as it is but Taurus men? Forget it!

They do communicate - but in their own way and its not verbal.

Ever watch the horse whisperer? Or the dog or cat whisperer?

Its all the same stuff - Taurus speak volumes but you have to speak their language which typically has nothing to do with verbal communication.

They look at you and they think to themselves ah....the love of my life how lucky I am! and your lookin at em like....what....what do you want? Say something already.

Some Taurus get hurt by that kinda thing because they think how they feel is so obvious that how could you miss it?

It is not about mind reading either - If your Taurus looks at you for more than a few seconds without saying anything then looks away try going up to them and taking their hand then look them in the eyes for a second or two (no more than that) and kiss them like your on your first date - do NOT say anything at any stage of this.

They will likely stumble out a "what was that for?" Just tell them "I saw the love in your eyes for me and I had to."

Then turn and let go of their hand slowly and gently let your fingertips linger on his for a second as you walk away - and go do something else....might take a hour might take a day but your Taurus will do something sweet for you or will ask you something about you to try to relate to you on a verbal level (they dont want to they just want to return the percieved attempt at understanding) or hug you from behind (that is a big deal to a Taurus when they do that - they are saying they feel comfortable with you and they want to know your safe and that you feel safe with them - so enjoy it when they do and dont assume it means they want anything - if they are doing it for any other reason you will know.

Try it and see. =-)

The hard part....Taurus are stubborn and they see things their way and they tend to see verbal communication beyond a few words as talking just to hear yourself talk. If anyone figures out a way round that one I would love to hear it.

in reply to taurus
by: Anonymous

haha i know its totally Pisces of me too do that but i wanted closure and i wasn't going to give up until i got it. like we had a text conversation about our past relationships and all that good stuff. first off we met at the most random place ever we exchanged numbers and all. then like one week after knowing each other we hooked up. at that i was feeling guilty for cheating. and every time we would hang out we would have sex. by far the best sex I've ever had. the more we hung out the more i wanted to be with him. we hit it off right off the beat so it been 4 months since we've each other and it only took me like 3 weeks till i was in love. he told that hes was falling for me but he didn't want to get hurt that's why he pushed me away

so Friday he texted me after like 2 weeks could that be a sign that he still in to me. i really miss him and his company. i just dont want to lose him. rather we stay friends or date in the future. I've never met any one quite like him.

i think me being a Pisces and him being a Taurus. its kinda hard to express how feel towards to each other so we both kinda separated our self from the situation and just ignored it for the time being.

im really going to try your Taurus test and try to rekindle what he had going on

thanks for the advice your a sweetheart Taurus <3

Hey again Pisces Girl
by: Anonymous

Yeah....Taurus dont wanna get hurt I think they feel as deeply as Pisces but again...unless you know what your lookin for the Taurus is just gonna look stone cold or broody or whatever depending on your point of view.

With a "healthy" Taurus if your seeing him and someone else at the same time they are gonna see it as your cheating on them once they get intimate with you...its just the way it is....once a Taurus bonds with you then they dont exactly see you as "theirs" its more like they cant understand why you would want to be with anyone else.....and yeah that means exactly how it sounds - this guy fell for you and now he is not AFRAID of gettin hurt - he IS hurt.

He is SO into you - if he is txting YOU after two weeks of nothing.

Thats why if he passes the Taurus test then you gotta decide if your gonna stay with him or let him go.

The whole "friends" thing Taurus has a really hard time with it - it is likely not to work for either of you - either he gets hurt cause he will think you want him around but arent good enough to commit to - or you might get hurt because he will "shun" you once he realizes friends is all it will be. Remember that Taurus does not form attachments easily and when they do its deep and usually long term. A lot of that stems from the fact that Taurus is actually influenced a lot by Venus which is a feminine sign - thats why a "healthy" Taurus is cautious, sensitive, nurturing,patient and is also where they get their talent for deep unforgettable intimacy. When they touch and feel love they exude a energy that you can feel (and they can too) its soothing and electric all at once.

Rekindling is not necessary - he already made up his mind about you - consistency, patience, and proximity (but not constant proximity - he needs some time to miss you) is all thats needed.

Finally my sweet dear Pisces Girl - I keep stressin "healthy" Taurus because Taurus is infamous for their stubborn streaks and their flashes of anger. Stubborn and seething anger can actually be a great thing believe it or not - when its outlet is someone thats harassing you or doing you wrong in some way a Taurus will be quick to move in to protect their "family" and they will not back down.

I have dealt with "unhealthy" Taurus and it gets ugly when a healthy and unhealthy Taurus go toe to toe and I have seen the fallout that some wonderful girls have suffered at the hands of a broken male Taurus - because if they aint right that protectiveness and stubbornness is turned on you and it can be downright traumatizing or worse.

I dont even know you and my Taurus streak is wanting to make sure you are not with one of my "unhealthy" brothers. Thats Taurus for ya. =-)

Good luck and I wish both of you all the best whatever the outcome.

hey there again taurus
by: Anonymous

yes i do believe that he is hurting by the situation. but so i am. rite now im being a sensitive Pisces. i didnt want to hurt him for any matter. he being completely stubborn Taurus. its driving me nuts. i really dont want to let him go.
i just want to talk things over and see where things go. i really want things to work out between us. hes really patient and so i am. i miss his touch and his caress. we have an amazing physical and sexually thing going on for us. yeah maybe your rite. its not rekindling that he needs. he just needs time to think things over.

thank you so much for all your advice.

Hey yet again Pisces Girl
by: Anonymous

Oh of course your hurting over all this....I didnt mean to imply you werent and sorry if it came off that way....everything you have said shows me that you are a kind, compassionate, person with a great deal of depth of character and morality. So I would imagine this to be a hard situation for you....I am is hard sometimes.

Thank you for sharing with me - it means a lot to me.

Scorpio Female with Taurus Husband
by: Anonymous

I have been with my taurus for 15 years and he is definitely a true taurus male. He possesses all these traits especially possesive and I LOVE IT, he makes me feel so safe and secure and like I am the only one for him, even after all these years. He definitely loves stability and to feel like he is the only one in the world for me, and how could he not be with his gentle,romantic, loving ways. this is definitely a til death do us part, he lets me know this everyday.

Confused and Hurt Capricorn
by: Tia

So Taurus Guy..

I was or still am in love with a Taurus. He was my everything and I swear I would have done anything for him because of all that we have been through together. He was my first for kiss hug and ( red cheeks) sex as well and he knows all of that. I told him my deep and dark secrets. I trusted him and I had faith in him and in us that we would make it as a couple together forever.

Well we dated from Feb 2009 until my birthday (01/01/10) and on my birthday we had a great time and it was just awesome but all while we were dating he kept like just disappering like dropping of the face of the earth and them just reappering I guess. Back in Oct 2009 he told me that he could not be with me because he could not give me what I deserved. That he could not be there evry waking moment like he wanted to be..I told him just as long as I had him in my life he was all I needed and that we could make it work at a couple.. to just TRUST me and we could be together like we had planned forever.

Now what makes me so hurt and confused about him is that he didnt like just break it off like you know " we're done" and blah blah blah but he did the whole diappearing act on me again and next thing I know he has another girlfriend. .he so in love with her and she is just this "Ah-MAZING" woman and what not.. and he made time for her to go out of town with her and everything.. so like when I questioned him on it he goes that she is helping him.. she knows all about me and why he did what he did..

I do have to admit we were like up and down because I had alot of problems going on at home and I was to shy and embarassed to tell him how bad my life was at home.

So now and then I text him just to see how he is doing. I really love him and I even told him that once..not trying to make our converstation awkward even though I did.. I can't help it because I just thought he meant every word and I like confused and hurt about it all

C/H Capricorn

Taurus Ex Male
by: Bella

Taurus's are very tricky. Me (21 F, Scorpio) Him (29 Taurus) Back in September he told me he was no longer in love with me after a 4 year relationship in which is wanted so bad. I dunno, Maybe he became so jaded after all those years... But I was really hurt by this. The thing is; Now Im seeing someone else and he hates it, But I still continue having sex with him. The sex is AMAZING, I just don't know if Im ready to completely break it off with him. Could this JUST be sex and nothing else? Will he ever come back to me or is his mind fully made up?

@Scorpio Female with Taurus Husband
by: Taurus Guy

15 years and still loving it - how great is that?!?!

I always thought Scorpio and Taurus were a amazing combination.

On the one hand you have Scorpio who posses their mate mind body and soul.

On the other hand you have Taurus who owns their mate and wants to protect and nurture.

Both signs are forever signs so this combination can be SOOOOOO amazing....trick is to establish trust and never violate it on either side - Scorpio and Taurus dont handle a breach of trust very well.

So happy for you both!

by: Taurus Guy

Capricorn....You know Taurus and Capricorn are supposed to hit off really well long term because they are both earth signs. Both like security etc....

There has to be more to this than I am said your relationship was up and down because of things at home...that this other woman knows about you and is helping him and knows why he did what he did.....little nebulous for me but I will guess.

You said...

Back in Oct 2009 he told me that he could not be with me because he could not give me what I deserved. That he could not be there evry waking moment like he wanted to be..I told him just as long as I had him in my life he was all I needed and that we could make it work at a couple.. to just TRUST me and we could be together like we had planned forever.

Allow me to translate....."Your not there for me (or I cant be there) when I need you - so I want out - let me go" He may also feel that the relationship is one sided and he is doing all the nurturing and not being nurtured.

That whole Trust and forever thing...your speaking his language there but something stopped him from believing you.

Taurus prefers "now and forever" as opposed to "someday(s) and forever" anyways. If there was any turbulence that led to him feeling like he could not be there for you when you were in a bad place and especially if you lashed out at him during those times...Taurus would feel confused and injured. Same goes the other way round but Taurus typically will endure not having their needs met if they are feeling like they are nurturing someone else. Stubborn to the point where they will hurt themselves but at some point (varies for everyone) they hit a wall they cant get past.

Ok all you Taurus - confession time....if your in a unstable relationship you stay in the unstable relationship to try and make it work but you keep one eye out for the person who is going to listen to you and most importantly just BE there for you....arent you? And if you do happen to find that person who seems long term and knows how to be with you at times without talking - the other(s) in your life will be dismissed (so you can protect the new relationship) wont they? You feel bad about it - but not bad enough not to do it.

I suspect that might be happening here - but again just a guess. (continued nest post)

@Tia - part 2
by: Anonymous

Taurus can be complicated because they dont typically verbalize their needs and often do things to see what your reaction is so they can find out who the real you is - not who you say you are. If he disappeared and you didnt chase him - he may have felt abandoned - or....he may have been testing this other woman and deciding which to go with (there will be only one typically for Taurus in the end)

Sorry but I think you are torturing yourself (and maybe him) - might be that ambitious and patient streak working against you this time around...great Capricorn qualities and especially when it comes to Taurus (they are usually very patient with each other) but hes gone - sounds like he bonded with another and thats that. Will he respond if you contact him? Probably....because what you two had was likely real and he would have a hard time letting go...he is not likely to show the world it might look like he just dumped you for another woman - for him...he is likely in a lot of pain - maybe even conflicted still - and isnt going to let that show.

Best to leave him alone - move on without him or you will just wind up confusing yourself and him. Remember he is a Taurus there is part of him that wants to love you and nurture you and he likely has to fight that when you contact him.

Sounds like the right signs but the wrong circumstances... =-(

Re: Bella
by: Taurus Guy

Oh scorpios both intrigue and frighten me.

Taurus: I dont love you anymore (Translation: Lets see if you love me for real)

Taurus walks away pretends not to look back but does when your not looking. Probably asks around your friends his friends etc...

You get a relationship going with another guy - suddenly Taurus is back in the picture...why? More likely than not he said the words to see if you would abandon him - and when you did (in his eyes) he rushed back when someone else got involved to try and establish that he still owns you.

Scorpios....the sign has a innate need to captivate and then possess their love interests. Taurus has a innate need to draw and then own their love interests.

Sex is amazing? Sure! He is probably using every bit of his taurusness to re-establish that you belong to him. Does he really want you long term? I would say it is likely otherwise he wouldnt bother....he could be shallow but after 4 years Im sure you know if he is or isnt.....if he is then enjoy the sex but break it off when your ready - if he isnt....and you want him...slowly come back to him. Dont do it too want him to think that he won you over and if its too easy for him then he is going to do this to you again. Oh...if he does pull this again and you do love him and still want him - then give him time to miss you and then make little bits of contact (txt or whatever) and hint (NOT obvious hints) that you still want him. This could be as small as txting him and saying "Hey - hope your doing ok".

He will come around - if not move on but dont let him get away with him rushing in to re-establish himself. Once....ok....he made a mistake....twice? You deserve better than that....dont you?

A day in the 1
by: Taurus Guy

So - Last week I met somebody....I wasnt sure if they liked me or if they didnt.

I decided to find out....I sent her a email last night and asked her if she remembered me....she said she wasnt sure...I thought she might be playing coy. So I asked her over....I was pretty confident when she txtd me right away saying she was on her way.... =-)

Heres the thing...two weeks ago I had a casual encounter which led to me feeling hurt because lets face it - Taurus usually have a hard time with that - but I was lonely and foolishly thought I could keep it casual. Wrong - ouch...despite all the compliments and invites and things like that it was made very clear this was going nowhere good (for me) connection or passion just weird sex. (sorry sex without unbridled freedom of expression is weird). Needless to say I did not nor will not be calling them back. I didnt turn on the magic touch or anything....and I was still invited back....Im like wow is this what people really do? How boring and nasty is this?

Ok - so the nice girl - We havent dated and we werent supposed to hit the bedroom but we were so into each other it couldnt be helped - so we wind up in bed and I couldnt help myself - I felt a deep connection - I turned on the Taurus magic touch and she went near out of her mind before we were even doing anything but touching - and so did I - It was awkward a bit afterwards because it wasnt planned but it was consensual. We just clicked and it happened. She was SO nice and sweet and kind and she liked the way I held her head and stroked her hair at points...a real passionate loving girl who knew how to love and be loved.

My dilemma....I cannot stop thinking about her....I KNOW Im supposed to wait....dont call...but all I want is to see her again....I dont know what sign she is I am privately praying shes a Taurus or a Capricorn....I THINK shes a Capricorn....but....the point is not txting or calling is a minute by minute thing....Im not gonna do it....but I WANT to....

So I find myself analyzing... Taurus....maybe...that was the most incredible experience yet and we didnt even get that deep into it. Her touch was electrifying (first time I ever felt that) and she had me going crazy so I think Taurus (never been with another Taurus)....she is pragmatic and good with money, frugal - almost a I think Capricorn. Regardless she is very grounded and staid so Earth for sure....and yes I am typing this to keep my mind off of txting her. =-)

I know I wont...not for a few weeks. But it will drive me out of my

She is mine already - and I hate it when I have to wait to see my girl again. =-(

A day in the 2
by: Taurus Guy

Wonder what shes doing....hmmm...and how the heck am I supposed to get anything done with her on my mind. I was walking with her last night and just loving it when people see we were together...she is the most beautiful girl...I just want to take her out and show her off, give her flowers, surprise her anyway I can - make her happy, feel safe and loved, give her the base from which she can succeed and come back to when the day is done and I want her to know that she is mine...totally and completely and I am hers. Two meetings and I would kill anyone who messed with her and gladly take a bullet for her.

Silly Taurus....I dont even know for sure she wants a relationship!
She could have forgotten all about me and is just goin about her day like nothing happened...maybe I will wait for her to contact me....maybe.

You know what she has to be taurus cause she didnt say anything the entire time we were in the bedroom....yup bet you anything.....she was kinda shy but also starightforward despite her shyness....sounds llke Taurus....damn that means we will not hear from each other for weeks. =-)

Aqua girl
by: Anonymous

Don't wait for weeks, call her, you silly bum!!! :) Do not wait for her to call you either-it is nicer than a guy calls you first!!! Longest you have to wait is two days! By the way, what is her star sign? Good luck!

freakin taurus
by: Anonymous

I feel ya......I have dated this taurus in the past and we ended up hating each other for years! I just happen to see him again recently and the chemistry is still there. I know I care about him and he knows it too but hates to admit that he cares back he has told me he loves me before but only when he is drunk or thinks Im sleepin. I cant stand it and it is prolly going to make me hate him again and tell him to beat it. I cant play these games much longer. I just don't understand y it is so hard for him to let his true feeling out. Its not like I would shoot him down and he knows it. He says he just wants to be single n see other women and thats fine but I think he is lying considering I stay at his house every night and talk to him a few times throughout the day. I never call him unless it is for a reason yet he calls me for nothing all the time. Ugh freakin Bulls oh and the top of the ice burg is his dog is a tarus too and has the same spoiled attitude as his dad. lmao freakin Taurus'

Confused Leo
by: Anonymous

I am a Leo, and I have been talking to a Taurus for about a month now. I have seen him twice. He confuses the crap out of me, because he would text me at least 50 times a day. But in the 4 weeks we’ve been talking, he’s flaked on seeing me 4 times. One of those times he just didn’t even bother to call till early the next morning. After that incident I told him that maybe we should just be friends and nothing more. After that, things changed, we didn’t talk anymore. Now I was getting (if I was lucky) 1 txt msg a day. I realized I didn’t like not talking to him. So I told him that I wanted things back to the way they were, but I didn’t want the issue of not calling and always flaking to arise again. He said he would try harder not to do that next time. There is just something about him that I don’t understand. if this were any other person I would have RAN by now. but I don’t know if he is flaking because he doesn’t want to see me, and  if that’s the case why doesn’t he just leave me alone? And the non- communication that will drive me NUTS! I get that men are not good at communicating, but a simple “im not gonna make it” phone call or text would be nice. Were back to txting 50 times a day again, im just waiting for our next meeting to see if he will flake on me. I don’t like that, but what can I do?

@Aphrodite Bull
by: Dan

@ Aphrodite Bull..

I am a male Taurean.. and I think your spot on with everything your saying.. It's almost like your talking about ME in fact haha.. oh.. :)

It's actually kind of refreshing reading something that a woman has written.. It feels nice to be understood. So thank you for spreading the word.. coz i think sometimes Taureans can be very mistaken or misunderstood :)

Peace babe ;)

upset cancer
by: Anonymous

Met a Taurus 3 months ago. He was all over me took me to dinner and unlike me we spent the night together on first date. It was awesome but part of me was regretting it. He stayed in touch would come over 2-3 times a wk (always for 1 thing)We never spent wkends together or did anything else. I addressed him that it was not a great feeling & kinda felt used. Long story short after on & off not speaking then calling or texting we were together again (again for 1 thing) Yes it was amazing & very additcting, but as a cancer i need more...Had a long convo & all seemed ok till he pulled his dissapearing act once again. Im done...regardless of taurus "type" when you care about someone cut the games & bs and act like a real man. No one should have to deal w/someones issues especially when you have stated it is hurtful! Find someone who cares & is there for you. Had a Libra that was the bestest at that!! I believe our sings are a good description of us. However, if someone has issues, isn't honest and cant be there for you...MOVE ON!! It gets really old

Confused Leo
by: Anonymous

Two days after my last post I told my Taurus that I wanted to see him, but this time I was going to go to him, he said that sounded great! But as I was on my way over there he txt me to tell me not to leave yet, that he was still very busy. I txt and said so you don’t want me to come after all? He said no, I do but Im just going to be home late and that he was going to find out if he could get out of what he was doing. I said ok, but please don’t flake again, and if you do just tell me so at least I know. Once again I received nothing back, no call, no txt, no nothing. So after 3 days of being extremely PO… I txt him and said… look its obvious we are no good as being more than just friends, so if you ever need to talk or even just to BS just give me a call, ill be here when you need a friend. I never received anything back. I kinda miss him, but I will not put up with that inconsideration, to me it’s just rude. Are all Taurus’s like this, or was this just my experience? And if it is a Taurus thing can you Taurus’s tell me why your like this?

hey there
by: a pisecs girl

im a pisces woman 24,currently datein a taurus man 23, an im soooooooo in love with dis guy its not even just havein a hard time dealin with the fact that he has a baby mother(i didnt meet him with one)this happened when his mom died due to cancer:~(..and we were talkin to each other but not yet datein. even doe he used to always tell me he love me and how hes so happy that he meet me. mean while he and his ex was broken up at the tyme for years now,but i guess they still talked to eachother(she did him so wrong)so i guess me not being around he felt like tings wasnt goin to go anywhere between us(we have a long distance relationship rite now)..he decide that he cud sleep with her.and now she ended up pregnant.that shit hurt me so its like ever since that he hardly talk to me like he used to,dont tell me he love me like he used to,he say its becuz he feel like a bad person.but i told him even doe dis happened i forgive him cuz we werent together at the tyme and i will b there for him...

hey there
by: a pisces girl

no matter wat but it like even doe i said all thoes things i still get no response for him on a daily basis...its like if i dont txt or call him he wont call or txt me..i wanna know wats up with dat?? i mean i love this guy to death if we ever break up idk wat i'll do..being with him makes me feel so good b honest im just so scared being that im a woman whenever he has to see his child that she doesnt try anyting cuz i know men can get week by temptation...but he always sayin he aint goin no where he wanna marry me and he cud see himself with me forever,and i believe him with all my heart,and trust him with it too but i guess my insecurities is tearin me down...i really just hope that i wont loose him cuz he has a kid with his ex and feels like they should b together bcuz of shakin in my pants rite now.. HELP ME TO REALLY UNDERSTAND WATS GOIN ON PLZZZZZ..

Another Taurus..
by: Tia

Okay so I just so happen to meet another Taurus guy.. but he is 4yrs older than me.. To make it long story short we met at his sister's wedding and we both just clicked since. Only problem he had dating me let alone marry me was that he didn't want me to hurt him.. So I confided in him and made it be known that I would never would dream of hurting him and to prove it I left every other guy I thought I had interest in and just kept my focus on him. Now I get a phone call from him and he tells me that he wants us to get married on his seven day leave..I was shocked and taken by complete surprise and Now I am all confused again but by Another Taurus.. HELP!


by: Anonymous



To Confused Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

I'm a Taurus female--

"so if you ever need to talk or even just to BS just give me a call, ill be here when you need a friend. I never received anything back. I kinda miss him, but I will not put up with that inconsideration, to me it’s just rude. Are all Taurus’s like this, or was this just my experience? And if it is a Taurus thing can you Taurus’s tell me why your like this? "(Posted by Leo).

With Tauruses it's funny. It can mean any of the following...
(1) He's not interested and wants to let you down gently.

(2) Tauruses often get stuck in routine. If you're not a part of their immediate circle of people, then you're pretty much irrelevant at this point.(Expect flakiness). A Taurus list of priorities, (1) Money first, (2) Nuclear family second, (3)Surrounding themseleves with familiar people, usually friends they have known for 10+ years. Anyone else beyond this circle is irrelevant. Which means there will have to be a lot of coaxing and persuasion on your part. I know Leos are too proud to beg. Well, so are Tauruses.

(3) He may be shy and scared to death of you.

(4) He's keeping you on your toes to see if you're really interested. Try avoiding refering to yourself as the 'reliable friend.' Tauruses are obsessed with consistency. Start out in the friendship zone, stay in the friendship zone.

(5) He hasn't rationalized his feelings for you yet and needs to be away from you to figure things out. Mental pros and cons. We don't wear our hearts on our sleeves. Call it segregation of mind and heart. Yes, we're procrastinators.

(6) He may be seeing other women to keep himself guarded. What causes this?
(6a) Strong feelings for an individual in such a short period of time. Needs to withdraw, refocus, comprehend, again segregation of mind and heart. Dating other people will help him regain focus.
(6b) If he doesn't feel safe, or see a potential threat to his vulnerabilty, expect many disappearing acts. Although he will prevent himself from becoming too emotionally attached, he will pop in and out of your life just to re- claim you. A Taurus motto for possession, 'I Have.' Or he will stalk you from a respectful distance (checking up on you).
(6c) If he feels that you're a control freak who is trying to navigate the relationship, he will simply look for someone less controlling. Taurus are drawn to strong minded people, but we require some form of vulnerability. Know when to be in the drivers seat, and learn when to be in the passenger seat.

Personally I think it's ALL numbers 2-6. Something tells me he's semi-interested.
Good Luck.

To: Aphrodite Bull
by: Confused leo

Wow since my last post there has been so much more to my story! First off, I want to thank you for your advice and taking your time to respond to me.Well, he eventually called me and told me he missed me. So we began talking again every day. He asked me to come over to his place and he would make me dinner and we can relax in his spa after dinner. I agreed but I wasn’t 100% sure this was going to happen (because of his previous track record of flaking). Well, I did go to his house and we had dinner and relaxed in the spa. I also explained to him that his constant flaking was something I wasn’t going to deal with for much longer. His reply was that he knew this conversation was going to come up and he said he will try and correct this, but that I have to try and understand where he was coming from, (a little background, he has some medical issues that he is struggling with at the moment) and I told him that In turn I would take into consideration his stand point. I stayed the night, he was perfect, attentive, caring, and protective, every moment he got he was holding me, kissing me, and he was EVERYTHING I WANTED! The next morning we got up to get dressed and we went for breakfast and when we got back to his house his daughter called and he ended up having to leave. So I went home and he told me he would come by that night so that we could go out. That night he didn’t show up but he did call. Anyway we talked for a few days and then he disappeared! For 2 weeks AGAIN! The last time he disappeared for that long was the last time we were intimate. Anyway this last time he txt me and said he had to get away and clear his head and now he’s back and that he was sorry he was so hit and miss for so long. I said are you ok? He said yes. I said did it clear you head? He said yes and he would like to start over and he told me how beautiful I was and if I would like to go to dinner with him next week. I agreed and the following day I hadn’t received any text until I sent him a pic of my nephew and me, he responded, and that was that. Up to this point in our relationship he has done 3 or 4 no call no shows, at least 10 flaking, and 3- 3day disappearing acts, and 2-2week disappearing acts, all within 2 ½ months.

To Aphrodite Bull Part 2
by: Confused leo

He has told me he wants to see where this relationship is going to go that he wants to take things slow, I agreed with him I didn’t want to rush into anything either. Anyway the following day after the picture I txt him in the morning and told him I needed to talk to him. He said ok. I said “look, I’m not going to pretend that your disappearing acts don’t bother me, to tell you the truth, they make me very upset! And your most significant disappearing acts are right after we are intimate and that made me feel like your playing me for a fool.  I needed to get that off my chest and thank you for letting me.” His response was “I understand and thank you for your honesty.” I didn’t want to dwell on being upset so I changed the subject and we txt back in forth a few more times, but then it stopped. 2 days later I still hadn’t received anything. So I decided I needed to do something drastic to keep him from coming back into my life, because when it comes to him I can’t just ignore his txt or phone calls. I am a strong independent Leo women but he put some kind of spell on me.. lol! I had told him a few times that I liked him a lot, and maybe I shouldn’t have but I felt I needed to. Anyway I txt him and in the text I made it so I seemed a lil clingy and insecure, which I hadn’t ever been that way with him before so I was hoping that he would be disgusted by my text and not respond or want to try and contact me again. Since then he hasn’t, but then again it hasn’t been that long. I’m not going to lie, I miss him SOOOOO MUCH! Even though I only saw him a few times I can’t seem to get him out of my head. I don’t know if he will ever contact me again, and if he does I don’t know if I can be strong enough to ignore him. He has a hold over me that nobody, including myself will ever understand.

So confused...
by: dubie

I'm a female capricorn and my boyfriends taurus male. Oh man im crazy over him but so confused and tryin to talk to him seems impossible. Some days he says he loves me and some days he doesnt say it. Some days he calls me babe and stuff and some days he doesnt. He is SOOO hot&cold with me and i dont know what to do about it. We just broke up for the third time and hes acting like hes wanting to get back together again. He is way too hot&cold with me. I'm going to tell him that he wants to be with me or not and that the next time he leaves me, im done for good because it hurts me worse everytime he does this. Some days he cant get enough of me and hes confessing his love for me and then the next second he doesnt know if he wants to be with me but he still talks to me like we're dating. I'm so tired of chasing him around... How do i get through to him and get him to chase me alil too?

by Aphrodite Bull
by: To Confused Leo

His problems may be FINANCIAL!

If his fiances are not in order, then his confidence level is probably at a ground zero. This causes them to isolate themselves from a lot of people, possibly loved ones as well. We are naturally private people. If I'm correct in my assumption, he's probably not going to divulge this information to you. For Taurus men, they're usually the rock, or glue that holds everything together. When people come to Tauruses during their time of need, Taurus men are always happy to oblige. However, during their time of need, they tend to isolate themselves instead.

Why are Tauruses like this? If we break down emotionally, then everything and everyone else around us will crumble. We have have an amazing emotional strength, and rarely whine and complain about our problems. We're fixers. Not whiners. But in order to correct a problem, we need time away from you to do so. Money is a security blanket for Taurus men. Taurus is the sign of finances.

If it is FIANCIAL... He may not feel that he is worthy of you. He certainly doesn't want to be taken care of by a woman financially. This man wants to possess YOU. He doesn't want it the other way around. If you're going to be his WOMAN, then he needs to show you off, spoil you, but needs money in order to do so. He's proud. He doesn't want to be pitied.

Thoughts and emotions are always suppressed by Taureans. We live in our own heads. Don't make too much of the disappearing acts, or his non-verbal communication. It's nothing personal. Instead, focus on how he looks at you when he's with you, or how he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking. This will speak volumes about how he feels about you. If he looks at you like:

"I can't believe this person belongs to ME. I feel like the luckiest person in the world."

He wants to possess you. He wants to be your MAN.

When we feel like this, it's a combination of awkwardness, euphoria, and accomplishment.

It's like winning the lottery. Your're excited about being a millionaire, but hesitant about the effect it will have on your morale, judgement, or choices. So although you're happy about being a millionaire, you still opt to move with caution. That's your Taurus man.

Best advice:
-Be an active listener (when he's ready to open up).
-Don't let his disappearing acts bother you. It has nothing to do with you, or how he feels about you. His problems are personal. it may take him awhile to divulge the info.
-If he does contact you, or sees you in person, be real affectionate. Try hugs and kisses instead. We're a tangible sign. Not a verbal sign.
I'm a Taurus woman. I understand them very well!

To Dubie...So Confused
by: Aphrodite Bull

Have you tried any of the following?

1) Making him laugh. Renting a comedy. Cracking jokes with him.

2) Are you physically expressive or physically hesitant/cold? He needs tangible proof of your affection. This means reciprocation. Yes, the way he comes on to you UNAPOLOGETICALLY, he needs to feel as if you think he is the sexiest man alive. Men love to be complimented and reassured too.

3) Baking cookies, or his favorite cake.

4) Wearing some nice perfume or burning scented candles.

5) Are you 'accepting' of anyone his inner circle (family, friends)?

....If you answered "NO" to all the following, Girl, it's time to step up your A GAME.

Libra / Taurus .... does he like me???
by: Renee

So confused ... Libra female who met a Taurus man 4 months ago ... he shyly asked if I still had his number (had called for a work related thing earlier) and when I said yes he suggested I "text him sometime". I did and we've been texting back and forth ever since. I've hinted numerous times that I'd love to hang out and he's shot me down every time. He's also however made many comments about how I'm pretty etc. and always responds to my texts (only once has texted me on his own accord). I've seen him in public three times since and he's always insisted I hug him hello or goodbye. I watch him hug others and it's a simple hug hello whereas mine are lingering tight squeeze (should be followed by a kiss) hugs. I've read a lot about the Taurus man and he's it to a "t". I've tried to be patient because I really like him and want for something to happen.
I'm so confused .... does he like me or am I just another friend to this Taurus man?

confused scorpio woman
by: Anonymous

I'm a 24 year old woman that recently broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years. I am extremely confused by the mixed signals of a taurus man (29) that up untill 2 weeks ago was nothing more than one of my closest friends. We actually met through my boyfriend (they were best friends and have known each other for 9 years - they're both 29) and grew very close when he came to stay with us when he and his gilfriend of 2 years broke up (they have a baby together). There was always an attraction between us and he always sided with me when me and my ex fought, and often instigated it by 'telling on him'. in that time he always stressed that he is more my friend than my ex's and since the break-up don't even speak to him anymore. when at last we took it to the next level, so to speak, I still acted like we're friends, being too proud to ever admit my feelings. now it feels like we're trapped in the pretense of friendship and we're both to proud to admit we have deeper feelings. worse is the fact that when i tell him i really need a friend right now he doesn't even try to support me. he's inconsiderate, mean and selfish. WTF?/. he knows that I'm hurting and if he cannot even be my friend how am I supposed to trust him with my heart?

To Confused Scorpio Woman/Anonymous
by: Aphrodite Bull

Why do Scorpios play so many mind games? In order to fully comprehend your Taurus man, communicating with him 'sideways' will not work in your favor! Sending indirect and subtle signals and expecting him to fill in the blanks will fall on deaf ears. You will be as irrelevant to him as an unwanted kleenex tissue. We are the least abstract people of all signs. There are no gray shaded areas with us. Too proud to admit your feelings? Hello! This man risks his friendship with you former BF, has supported you through thick and thin, listened to you, sided with you...just to be placed in the friendship category? What have YOU sacrificed?
If you want him to pour his feelings out to you, then good luck with that one! He's not a sh@t-talker! What isn't verbalized through a Taurus will be expressed through genuine actions, tangible gifts, and affection. You better take that as PROOF of his feelings for you, and run with it.
He may be withdrawn because he feels slighted by you.
Your problem may not be with your Taurus man. The underlying problem may lie with some insecurities you may have. What are you afraid of?

To Renee, Libra
by: Anonymous

He sounds like a shy typical Taurean. He's defintely interested, but is also keeping you on your toes. If you want to be removed from the 'in limbo' routine, then you may want to move a little more boldly. Avoid texting him, try calling him instead. He may prefer to hear your voice. Lose the subtle hints. Taurus men are very straight-forward. Tell him you're interested in him romantically. He will not shoot you down. He may be more afraid of you than you are of him. Offer to cook him dinner, or rent a comedy by Jack Black, or Dave Chapelle. This will help him come out of his shell.

-Good Luck.

by: Lionessa's like I'm reading my own story over and over again.
I have pretty much the same show happening in my life right now...and it's not pleasant at all.
He's obviously a taurus an I'm a leo (scorpio in ascendant).
The only difference is that I've pushed my taurus away, but it's not like I've been trying to. It's just the fact that my friends are mostly guys....I simply can't find myself a good female friend no matter how hard I try.
We've had this thing happening for about 6 months now and I just can't get over him (not like I want all know what I mean).
We kind of stopped seeing eachother in august but somehow we've got to see eachother last week and I'm back into it deep enough to drawn in emotions as he told me while sitting on my bed he wanted a serious relationship with me but he got scared because of all those guys around me. And he also said he HAD feelings for me but on his way out of my appartament he hugged me so softly but firmly at the same time...I knew I was his. He tried to hide he was smelling my neck while hugging me.
Since then we've been talking mainly on the internet even though we both live in the same city and like really near. I've been the one to initiate conversations even though he was the one who brought up the idea about internet. He seems and acts like he dosen't care in one moment and in the next he suggests subtly we should go for a walk.
So however, I'm really desperate and I want him to be mine but I simply don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm totally pushy and like I'm always begging for his attention but I can't stop. It's hard for me as I am a really proud leo and at the same time a really possessive scorpio. I wish he told me those things earlier, I wish he gave me one obvious sign he is still at least thinks about me and I wish I was more "girly" girl.

confused scorpio female
by: Anonymous

to aphrodite bull.

thanks for the the harsh but undenaible thruth that I may be the one at fault. one thing though, I'm not playing mind games, just being way too subtle like you said. We were friends for so long that I'm not sure how to let him know I want more than that. We were intimate for one night only (we didn't sleep together) and although I may not look it, are very shy and old-fashioned in that sense. I am soooo in love with him but don't know how to show it. I feel like a 10 year old again, grinning inanely at the memory of some stupid and seemingly inconsecential show of commitment from his part. I do not trust easily and cover my feelings with a smile and a laugh, and a 'we're just friends and you're my pal' attitude. This is how I've always handled unwanted feelings from men, but I really want to make it work with him. Aways knew we would be great together.. and as for your question of sacrifice, believe me, as a friend I'm the most attentive, loyal and sincere he ever had (his own words). I listen to people and really care and that's why he (and others) find me alluring.. I think... You're right, I am scared to death.. I deplore weakness in myself, are way too proud and stubborn, and seem indifferent when I'm everythting but.. just don't know if I can trust him enough to let go completely and how to make the first leap fom 'just friends' to 'I love you madly, truly, crazy'...

Taurus lover
by: cc

I have a jamaican taurus, we know each other for four years, we met and he cheated with me for a few weeks then he stopped all communication. I believed that he felt that I was a treat to is family but he gave me the silent treatment even when we see each other in our community. We started acknowledging each other a year after in which I was in a new relationship, he was still with the same girl. We did mainly flirting over the course of four years, hardly any conversations, during that four years we both had baby boys with different partners. His son turn a year old and he invited my son and I to the party. We began conversating everyday for four months when I told him that I love him, he was withdrawn, sometimes he acts like he wants me and other times he doesn't. Currently we are both in a solid relationship, we started having sex and everything changed, he gives me more attention and act as if he cares but he still didn't tell me if he has fallen inlove with me, I love him dearly, we are taking it slow but I am worried that he doesn't feel the same way. He ask me if I love him the last time that we were together, I said yes but he didn't say taht I love you too.

To Aphrodite Bull
by: LIonessa....again I really dont know what to do anymore, so I am kindly asking you for any kind of advice. I see you are trying to help us all.. It became the point where I've tried reading selfhelp books.
As I wrote before, we are talking on the internet for about a month now. After I read this thread I thought I should be more straight forward by telling him I have fallen in love with him. There was no response for quite some time and then he appeared telling me he got sickand was in delirium.
Next day I told him I was thinking of thim and that I hoped he was better. He replied he thought of me as well. I asked when I'm going to see him (because I am sick of hanging here behind the computer and waiting till he's online and I'm sick of all hopes and expectations). His reply was: "I wish you wouldn't think of me as of anything else but a friend. In a perfect world I would expect of you to keep talking to me because I love our funny suporting conversations." I was left wordless. Is that it? Is his interest really and only in our "friendship"? We were never friends..only lovers with almost identical sense of humor...(we dont really share interests, but we think alike). On the other occasion he mentioned that in these days of all those social networks, lack of dignity and pride happy and longlasting relationships are not possible.
I don't know what to do anymore...Am I supposed to talk to him after what he said(this means I'll have to be the one to contact him first)? How sould I act when I see him? Like I am his freind or what? I am hurt and disappointed because I was expecting totally different outcome. I'm hurting myself by constantly thinking of how things could be... But I can't stop because I trully madly and deeply love him.

To Lionessa
by: Aphrodite Bull

Wow! Your man is very much a Taurus...and VERY much like me! He is absolutely spot on about the New Age form of romantic communication that separates men and women. I completely agree! Remember, we're old traditional souls. The five senses of a Taurus needs to be stimulated, sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. He needs to be able to see you visually, smell your perfume, hear your voice, touch your face and kiss you, and taste your cooking. This can't be accomplished via e-communication (ie, facebook, myspace, text messaging). These men are very, very sensual.
Right now his opinion of you is 'fixed.' This is not a good sign! These men can be quite inflexible when their initial perception of you is that of a 'f**k-buddy. This means drastic moves will have to be made to win him over. He needs to see you as a prospective life partner. It's all or nothing with a Taurus man. He's not going to waste his time or energy passing time with a 'current possibility girlfriend.' They leave very little room to chance.
Taurus love Leos for their ability to maintain themselves physically, blatant honesty,intelligence, and go-getter attitude. Don't change those qualities about you.
You need to DO the following:
(1) Avoid communicating with him via text
(2) Distance yourself from your male fan base (Tauruses are jealous and possessive by nature). He wants to possess you and be possessed by you!
(3) Continue to be persistent. Instead of e-communicating, cook him dinner, be real affectionate with him, smell nice, and be clear and concise about how you feel about him. No subtleness. Call him on the phone. Always leave a message. Hearing your voice on his AM will be a reminder to call you when he's not busy.
(4) Ask about his family. Ask to see some pictures, photos or family videos. Eventually he will incorporate you into his inner circle, and will bring you around them.
(5) Avoid being overly-dramatic. This man is practical and very peace-loving. Use 'rationlization' to communicate. This will cause him to be more flexible and less dogmatic, trust me.
This will bring him closer to you, and eventually his initial perception of you will change.
-Good Luck

To Lionessa
by: Aphrodite Bull

Bulls are generally calm, peaceful animals who behave violently only when defending themselves or their territory.

So it would be extremely important for you to avoid drama at all costs. He's either going to RUN away from you (non-confrontational), or come at you full throttle, violently! Leos and Scorpios are known for stirring up drama. So please avoid this. He does not like his peaceful environment disrupted.

When you become his, he does not want to keep defending his 'territory' (which is primarily you) against the desires and intentions of other men. So please keep you male friends at bay or at a distance. This feeling of jealousy will eventually lead to resentment. They're not the sharing type.

@ Aphrodite Bull
by: Lionessa

Thank you for the suggestions! I really appreciate your help. I would gladly do all those things...but I dont have the possibility to see him in real life even though we live in the same part of the city. I don't want to make drama and I don't want to scare him being pushy.
Looks like Ill have to let him go if I dont want to damage my emotional health.
Bah...hate this feeling.

Thank you again!

@ lionessa and Aphrodite bull
by: Confused leo

Lionessa- I was in that same boat and it sucks! I'm VERY sorry for what you are feeling...
Aphrodite Bull- although it didn't work out with me and my Taurus I wanted to thank you for all your advice, and for taking the time to try and help us poor lost souls.. :)

@ aphrodite bull
by: confused pisces girl

my male taurus and i have a long distance relationship rite now and its drivin me krazy. i always wonder wat he is doin over there if he cheatin on me and that sort of stuff. as it is already he has a baby momma(if u wanna call her that) and they live in the same im terrified of this. i mean when i try talkin to him its like i could never get a response from him,if i do i get very little words,or sumtymes my question dont b answered til the next day.i ask him why he do this to me,his reply was its just that im too far.i mean he wasnt complaining about the distance when we decided to be together why he complaining now?..this just drives me krazy cause i love this man so much and im so afraid that i might loose him.and everytime i ask him if hes cheatin on me he gets mad & says no im goin krazy. now on the baby mother part i feel like he cares for her more than he does for me sometimes.why? because when im callin and shes around he doesnt answer my call,he said thats cuz he dont want no drama but,i

@ aphrodite bull
by: confused pisces girl

dont care. i feel when i call i should get a answer because no matter where i am and he call me he could always get me..sometimes if i dont call or text him he wont,and if i leave it to b that way thats how its gonna prolong and i hate that,i even ask him at times if he do b thinkin about me he says yeah,but i tink he b liein sometimes cause his action dont show it. And i dought it that his baby momma knows about me its like im his secret and tne taught of that breaks my heart all the time.maybe im over reactin or someting but i feel im not. im posed to see him for christmas spend few days with him,i cant wait to see how that goes..i love this man with all my heart..lord know if we were to break up i dont know wat i would do. im kindah bracin my self for it doe as much as i dont want it...plz help me aphrodite bull i seriously need advice.

To Confused Pisces Girl
by: Aphrodite Bull

I read your posts several times. I have a few questions to ask you first before I can fully give you my advice.

(1) How long have you been dating your Taurus?
(2) Have you met any of his immediate (nuclear) family memebers (ex. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother)?
(3)What state do you live in? What state does your Taurus live in?
(4) How often do the two of you commute to see each other (per year)?
(5) What was the reason behind your Taurus and his baby mother's seperation?
(6) What does he do for a living? How many hours per week does he work? (This is very important because Tauruses are extreme workaholics, a 'money-making' finances will come before you at this moment, and your calls will DEFINTELY go unanswered).

@ aphrodite bull
by: confused pisces girl

well me and my taurus has been talkin to eachother for like 2yrs,datein for for 1yr rite now and it seems so much has happen in dat same yr. i have never meet anyone in his family as yet,his mom died and his father lives in another country.which leaves just his brother,but he said i cud get to meet him when i go to see him this month.i currently live in florida,he lives in new york,we see eachother like every two or three months in the tryin to get rid of this problem so distance doesnt b an issue,so im movin closer to him. well he told me that him and his baby mother broke up due to the fact that she cheated on him while they lived together,and one tyme had one of her boyfriends confront him...and he still had the nerve to give her a baby..8~( this tears me apart.but this all happend when we was just talkin to eachother we werent an actual couple yet.i asked wat was the reason for this he said that at one point they were tryin to work tings out with eachother,and lets not forget he was still talkin to

@ aphrodite bull
by: confused pisces girl

that his ex mite b pregnant and the baby could b his.cause at that tyme to she had a boyfriend i tink.and after all of that i forgave him told him we can work this out.i even asked him if he wants me to just leave him alone so him and her could work it out for the baby,he told me that he aint goin nowhere and that he wants to b with me.i make him happy and he dont tink he could go on with me out of his life,how he never meet someone like me he find me interestin,but im sayin to myself wat if this is just all word of mouth? i dont get him sometimes..he has been workin at the airport,and when he was tings was goin so smooth,although the baby momma situation,but now he lost his job its like im talkin to a wall sometimes,like he tells me very little,and i told him that.thats y i ask him if he b cheatin on me or something.he gets mad when i ask sayin im goin crazy.i really do love this man and want it to work,but its hard.when we with eachother its like nothin matters..

To Confused Pisces Girl
by: Aphrodite Bull

Here is what's going on....

He's been very honest about his 'non-existent' relationship with his child's mother. Tauruses are pretty much straightforward people when it comes to being interrogated with direct questions. Although we absolutely hate to regress (especially with past relationships where infidelity was involved), nevertheless Tauruses {We} feel an ethical and moral responsibility to be full time committed parents and devoted partners. This is why both Taurus men and women can be quite procrastinators or pull disappearing acts during the initial dating stage. The wrong selection can produce a series of negative, lifetime consequences. Now he's stuck with a slut-baby mother(forgive the pun) that he doesn't see a future with. This is what we fear the most!

Our second biggest fear? Not being able to provide for our loved ones. In his case, his child, and not being able to pamper you and spoil you in the way that he hoped. The absentee of finances can put a Taurus in a slump or serious depression. In the past, when I lost my job or was not financially where I wanted to be, I isolated myself from many potential suitors. I was completely embarassed. I love to spoil people too. I never kept communication lines open. I always tried to sort it out myself. Here is the thing. Tauruses are the go-to, nurturing people when everyone has a problem. We're the emotional glue that holds everything and everyone together. So we prevent ourselves from having any emotional meltdowns around other people. We hate for people to see any emotional weakness in we try to put on brave faces. But when our finances are not in order, internally, our world is falling apart.

I can assure you he's not cheating on you. He's actually embarassed. It's the holidays and he probably has no money. See, Tauruses (We) express our love for others through tangible gifts, and not through verbal expressions of love. Buying you presents is our way of showing/telling you how much we love and appreciate you. Right now, he knows no other way to express his gratitude. He's a Taurus. Although we're extreme romantics, being affectionate and spending on our loved ones is our only form of self-expression, unfortunately.

As for what he's going through with his finances, he's not going to let you in. We NEVER let people in when this happens. So don't pry, pressure, or confront. Bulls HATE that! Let it ride. In the meantime cheer him up. Make him laugh, cook him dinner, and give him the sexual ride of his life! When his finances improve, he will repay you in 10FOLDS!!! Trust me. With a Taurus, a good deed is never forgotten. We're ethical people remember!

-Good Luck

@ Aphrodite bull
by: gem woman

Ok so I'm back, I went to see my Taurus friend and I need help, so we have been talking on the phone and texting for over three months. (ldr)I guess, the night before I was leaving he was probing me with questions before i went to see whats on your mind when it comes to me?? now mind you he never asked that question before, I couldnt answer at the time because the question threw me off....he then asked if I would be more comfortable to tell him in person and I agreed. We had a great time while I was there he stared at me alot from a distance, i touched him, teased him, tried to appeal to all his senses, ( i hear you guys like that, lol)he was affectionate and after coming back home he has been very distant, he dosent initiate contact like before, when we spoke he said that he wanted to be "good Friends" where was this coming from?? we never discussed a relationship before but 1 week before I was goin to see him he text me due to a message I sent to him the nite before being concerned about him, he said he thought there was alot of emotion behind the message and he liked that...he said "I have to get used to a partner in crime", "If you were here I know we would be together"?? I'm very confused he pushing me away cause he may have feelings but not ready for a realtionship?? was this a test to see how I would react? is he still intrested?? or should I give up?? i havent called in 6 days and this is the longes we have not spoke since meeting Aug 8th. Please any insight would be helpful!!!!!!

@ Aphrodite bull
by: gem woman

Ok so I'm back, I went to see my Taurus friend and I need help, so we have been talking on the phone and texting for over three months. (ldr)I guess, the night before I was leaving he was probing me with questions before i went to see whats on your mind when it comes to me?? now mind you he never asked that question before, I couldnt answer at the time because the question threw me off....he then asked if I would be more comfortable to tell him in person and I agreed. We had a great time while I was there he stared at me alot from a distance, i touched him, teased him, tried to appeal to all his senses, ( i hear you guys like that, lol)he was affectionate and after coming back home he has been very distant, he dosent initiate contact like before, when we spoke he said that he wanted to be "good Friends" where was this coming from?? we never discussed a relationship before but 1 week before I was goin to see him he text me due to a message I sent to him the nite before being concerned about him, he said he thought there was alot of emotion behind the message and he liked that...he said "I have to get used to a partner in crime", "If you were here I know we would be together"?? I'm very confused he pushing me away cause he may have feelings but not ready for a realtionship?? was this a test to see how I would react? is he still intrested?? or should I give up?? i havent called in 6 days and this is the longes we have not spoke since meeting Aug 8th. Please any insight would be helpful!!!!!!

@ Aphrodite bull
by: gem woman

Ok so I'm back, I went to see my Taurus friend and I need help, so we have been talking on the phone and texting for over three months. (ldr)I guess, the night before I was leaving he was probing me with questions before i went to see whats on your mind when it comes to me?? now mind you he never asked that question before, I couldnt answer at the time because the question threw me off....he then asked if I would be more comfortable to tell him in person and I agreed. We had a great time while I was there he stared at me alot from a distance, i touched him, teased him, tried to appeal to all his senses, ( i hear you guys like that, lol)he was affectionate and after coming back home he has been very distant, he dosent initiate contact like before, when we spoke he said that he wanted to be "good Friends" where was this coming from?? we never discussed a relationship before but 1 week before I was goin to see him he text me due to a message I sent to him the nite before being concerned about him, he said he thought there was alot of emotion behind the message and he liked that...he said "I have to get used to a partner in crime", "If you were here I know we would be together"?? I'm very confused he pushing me away cause he may have feelings but not ready for a realtionship?? was this a test to see how I would react? is he still intrested?? or should I give up?? i havent called in 6 days and this is the longes we have not spoke since meeting Aug 8th. Please any insight would be helpful!!!!!!

@ Aphrodite bull
by: gem woman

Ok so I'm back, I went to see my Taurus friend and I need help, so we have been talking on the phone and texting for over three months. (ldr)I guess, the night before I was leaving he was probing me with questions before i went to see whats on your mind when it comes to me?? now mind you he never asked that question before, I couldnt answer at the time because the question threw me off....he then asked if I would be more comfortable to tell him in person and I agreed. We had a great time while I was there he stared at me alot from a distance, i touched him, teased him, tried to appeal to all his senses, ( i hear you guys like that, lol)he was affectionate and after coming back home he has been very distant, he dosent initiate contact like before, when we spoke he said that he wanted to be "good Friends" where was this coming from?? we never discussed a relationship before but 1 week before I was goin to see him he text me due to a message I sent to him the nite before being concerned about him, he said he thought there was alot of emotion behind the message and he liked that...he said "I have to get used to a partner in crime", "If you were here I know we would be together"?? I'm very confused he pushing me away cause he may have feelings but not ready for a realtionship?? was this a test to see how I would react? is he still intrested?? or should I give up?? i havent called in 6 days and this is the longes we have not spoke since meeting Aug 8th. Please any insight would be helpful!!!!!!

To Gem Woman
by: Aphrodite Bull

Your Bull defintely has feelings for you. When your Bull stares at you from a distance, that is a sure sign that he's 'really' into you. He's assessing you, feeling you out,seeing how you interact with other people, but thinking how lucky he is to be with you. It's weird. No one knows what goes on in a Taurus' head. We will stare at you and make you feel like the sexiest person on the planet, and leave the same person clueless as to what our true intentions are. We confuse people with our lack of verbal communication, but our eyes tell the whole story. You appealed to all his senses. Smart woman! He probably was going nuts inside! He told you that he admired the emotional content you left on his AM. Bulls absolutely love stability. We crave that reassurance of concern, especially if it's genuine. BTW, we also love to see that our object of affection can be both strong & vulnerable.

The long distance, however, will be a problem. Here's what they don't tell you about Bulls in the zodiac. We're highly ethical, yes, conservative, yes, stable, yes, Blah Blah Blah. Here's the truth. We're absolute nymphs! I am not sure if you had a sexual encounter with your Bull or not, but your mechanical Bull wants multiple orgasms in one night, every night of the week if he can have it. He's too much of a gentleman to tell you that. He also craves physical contact vs texting and calling. We don't want pen-pals. We want physical intimacy. Tauruses are affectionate by nature. This is what we're famous for. All true! An LDR can be draining for a Bull who craves constant physical and sexual contact. LDR's don't work for us, so he's probably letting you down gently.

I hope this helps.

@ aphrodite bull
by: confused pisces girl

thanks for the advice,and i understand wat your sayin.but you know im a pisces and were very very emotional..i mean i feel it to my heart that hes not cheatin on me but,wat am i supposed to think when hes not answerin me..i mean if i dont ask him the things that i feel i should know he wouldnt come out and tell me if i dont ask.this bothers me very much cause i tell this man everyting,and i could at least get the same back.dont you agree? i understand the kind of person he is and i totally respect him for being him,and not liein to me..but my biggest fear is his baby mother cause we both know men are easily you tink he would give in if this was to happen? i trust my man,and i know he trust me too.but, i know he have doughts that i could cheatin to but dont say anyting..all i want is for this boy to talk to me.i dont read minds..but, i would take your advice and put it into play and see wat happens..


Thanks AP for your post, Wow so all that contacting for over 3 mos to just let me down after having an amazing weekend!! well I dont know what to say, I mean we were intimate and the sex was terriffic, lol Im a gem/taurus cusp by the i definitely thought we had a strong connection and he said so as well. It's just weird how after having sex, he has changed..I asked my father and he said sometimes guys pull away when the sex is good and a man dosnet want to be attached?? AproditeBull you think he has feelings for why not act on them now that we have and all this physical contact? We talked about me moving to his state which I love and my niece lives there and i have been out to visit 3 times already this year, is is a designer and stays busy tring to build up his brand so i definitly understand being my REAL QUESTION IS? Am I wasting my time?? =(


Thanks AP for your post, Wow so all that contacting for over 3 mos to just let me down after having an amazing weekend!! well I dont know what to say, I mean we were intimate and the sex was terriffic, lol Im a gem/taurus cusp by the i definitely thought we had a strong connection and he said so as well. It's just weird how after having sex, he has changed..I asked my father and he said sometimes guys pull away when the sex is good and a man dosnet want to be attached?? AproditeBull you think he has feelings for why not act on them now that we have and all this physical contact? We talked about me moving to his state which I love and my niece lives there and i have been out to visit 3 times already this year, is is a designer and stays busy tring to build up his brand so i definitly understand being my REAL QUESTION IS? Am I wasting my time?? =(

@ Gem Woman
by: Aphrodite Bull

The advice your father gave you was spot on! With a Taurus individual, it's all or nothing. It's either we possess you completely, or keep a respectful distance. We're actually quite guarded and extremely shy towards people we have strong feelings for.

I will let you inside our heads. With LOVE, it's a segregation of mind and heart. We're always struggling to balance emotions and logical reasoning. The emotional aspect of this trait? We're obsessing about you all the time. This usaully involves thoughts about any physical initmacy we would like to have with you on a continuous basis. Or smelling your scent, hearing your voice, or conversing with you face to face. Suprisingly, we actually hate this feeling. Our insecurities kick in, and we would like to know that the person is feeling us the same way we're feeling them. During this stage, we're either guarded, mean, standoffish, distant or pulling disappearing acts. We want you to let your guards down FIRST. Pulling the disappearing acts (in and out of your life) keeps you on your toes, interested, and secures our spot(position) with you just in case we decide to resume a relationship w/you.
The logical reasoning aspect of this trait? We do not give our hearts openly and readily. We're quite selective people actually. So we assess all your flaws, positive traits and etc.
The best advice I can give you is to consider moving to his state. Tauruses love financial security. He's not going to give up his bread and butter to relocate to your state. Real talk! But I can assure you he has feelings for you. The LDR, however will not work. Because although he has feelings for you, he's not emotionally invested in you to make a LDR work.

Wondering Now What..
by: Tia

To AP, so I've been listening to what you have to say and all these other posts and what not. I've commented before but now I am wondering something else. Seeing that the guy I love is Taurus,do I really have to forget about him and move on or is there anything I can try and do to get him back in my life. He one of our three things that kept my life stable. I'm okay now, but I find myself obsessing over him in my thoughts and in evrything I do. I hate looking at other guys because I just compare them all to him. Is there really no other chance for me?.. My older brother and my little sister says I should just call him to see how he is doing, but I'm scared to even pick up the phone. I'm scared that I'm shaking now. I just don't want to be let down and I do NOT know what to expect at all so that's why I am scared I guess.

~Confused and Hurt Capricorn

To Tia the Capricorn
by: Aphrodite Bull

I read your current and previous post to get the whole story. I hate to admit this, but your Taurus man was just not that into you. Move on. There are both good and bad traits of a Taurus that the zodiac does not cover. (they seem to only dwell on the positives, thus, misleading a lot of people). The less evolved ones move like this:
I call this one 'Preventing the boomerang effect.' Tauruses (the unevolved ones) will play along with their significant other, play it by ear, and just nod in agreement, but leave themselves an open door WITHOUT writing the official staus of your relationship in stone. This is quite clever actually, no games, no manipulation, just very little communication. This simply means by being evasive, and not signing off on the status of your relationship, he can convince himself that he was NEVER in one once he decides on choosing another mate. But your bedroom will be a revolving door with him popping in and out of your bed for sexual gratification on his terms, and his terms only. He will not have to worry about anything coming back to bite him in the @ss. He can always say "We were never in a relationship" just to defend himself. Because somehow, he's convinced himself of his own BS. Yes, Tauruses can be quite selfish, too!

Because we're intuitive and perceptive, he may have guessed that you were very much a lady and would not have tolerated a fly-by-night type. So he just played along. Because we're extreme nurturers, romantics, and very stable, reeling in the opposite sex is never difficult. You will be suprised to know how we're able to draw people in with very little effort. I'm pretty sure that's how he attracted his other women. Even the one he's currently seeing.

There is nothing you can do on your part to get him back. Tauruses are very stubborn people. Once our minds are made up there is nothing a person can do to change it. WE have to be the only deciding factor to correct any mistakes that were made. If he realizes that he made the wrong choice, then he will pursue you in the exact manner a fox hunts for a rabbit...and there will be nothing standing in his way when he does this.

...But in the meantime, please try to move on and keep yourself occupied.

Okay..Will Do
by: Tia

Okay.. they always says the truth hurts and it does.. But I understand.. I can and will do that. =) Thank You.


To Tia the Capricorn
by: Anonymous

For future references... if your Taurus does come back....

Capricorns have a tendancy to guard their reputation and 'good girl' image with much gusto. Cappies tend to be way too overly concerned about how they're perceived by others. TaurusGuy was correct in one thing, Tauruses (at least the evolved ones) wants to nurture, nurture, nurture. We're not looking for perfection. We value honesty above anything else. Let him get to know the 'real' you, flaws, dysfunctional family and all. He will respect you. An evolved Taurus wants to nurture you, make all your problems disappear and make you happy. But he needs to see the 'real' you in order to do so.

crazy about my Taurus
by: Underwatergirl

Hi. Well after reading all about the Taurus men you ladies know, I just have to ask for some advice myself.
I am a Pisces and I have known my Taurus for about 6mnths now. We met over the internet, never saw any pics of each other anything, just 2 people looking for a friend to hang out with for a day. I was a little nervous about meeting a stranger, so we texted and talked on the phone for a couple days, I finally agreed to meet up with him. And oh wow, I am not sure if I'm glad I did or not,lol. It was amazing! We spent a very magical evening together, just talking, watching the sunrise, holding hands and eventually a kiss (= Then he took me home.
And he came on STRONG. for the next couple weeks, we saw each other every night(he works days and we both happen to like watching stars) We talked about everything, mostly about how we were both a little scared by each other and couldnt believe what we had found. And how he wished he would of met me years ago. He always said, the perfect right person, just the wrong time. (both of us at the time were in the process of divorces) BUT, we were both in agreement that we were not looking for a relationship. But it was like two people in love sitting there lying about being in love. lol. Once he asked if he could keep me forever, I said you know it isnt possible. When I met him, I was moving in a month. And he knew this.
We spent what time we could just being around each other, talking, good morning, good night texts, calls everyday, falling asleep in each others arms and waking up to each other. 2 weeks after we met, he said I love you, I couldnt say that yet. At this point of a month, we still hadnt slept together. I told him I was a lady and didnt just hop into bed with anyone. But he did his best to respect that, lol.He always would ask what are you thinking, whats on your mind. He said nobody was ever as emotionally or physically as comfortable as me.

Anyway, a couple days before I was supposed to move, I did something silly. He showed up at my house to surprise me and I was a little intoxicated, I got too emotional! I was a mess, crying, talking a bout how I couldnt deny my feelings for him. He asked me to look him in the eyes and say it, I couldnt, not because I didnt want to, just because, I am shy and words failed me. He said he couldnt give me more right now, he was numb. And it just wasnt the right time, he didnt want to fall in love, he needed some time.

crazy about my Taurus part 2
by: Underwatergirl

After that, the disappearing and flaking started. I only had a couple more days in town, but the everyday talking and texting stopped. Then right before I left he called and asked if I wanted to sleep with him, I said no. Then I left. I was only gone for 2 weeks before I decided to visit again. We kept in contact while I was gone, mostly texting. When I got back, I went to see him and we did have sex. And it was amazing!!! The next day when we parted he said call or text me. So I did the next day. And then I tried to see him before I left again. But he just kept being flaky and we never saw each other before I left again.
Anyway, three months later, and we have still kept in contact through texting, not a lot, mostly just once a week, one of us says hi, or are you still there? But, I have now moved back into town, partially for family and partially because, I missed him. The night I decided I was moving back, I hadnt heard from him for a bit and all of a sudden got a, when are you gonna be back in town text. I said, actually Im moving back in a couple days. Then the whole next week, he kept texting and asking, where are you now, then he asked if I needed a ride form the airport. I said, ok. Well, he ended up flaking on that. He does have a kid and sometimes has to watch her, so I try to be understanding when he says it's for that reason, I just say well thats ok then.
Since I have been back thou, it's been a month now, I have been texting and trying to see him. Once I flaked on him, and a couple times he just doesnt answer for a while. At the moment thou it feels like I am in pursuit of this boy, but he keeps me hanging there, he will text and say I'm not ignoreing you, just got stuff going on. So this last time, I texted and said, I would really like to see you and he answered back and said, I would like that, so we planned on meeting the next day. He said text me or call in the afternoon. So I did, I texted a couple times, then I finally said, are you ignoring me. He texted and said yes, I dont wanna talk to anyone, I'm having a bad day. Urrrgghhhhh, So I said, whats wrong- no answer. Finally I said, ok, well let me know if theres anything I can do. Nothing. And now its the next morning.

So, anybody have any advice? Is he still interested, or is this the blow off? I'm not that easily scared away, I'll stand here and wait, as long as I'm not just hanging around in vain.

To Underwatergirl
by: Aphrodite Bull

I'm a Taurus woman. The 'Fishes' can be unpredictable and changeable at times. The Bulls hate that. We want stability. Which means we have to see honesty & consistency. He handed you his heart, and expressed how he felt about you unapologetically (which is NEVER easy for a Bull to do). Hello! You told him that you were moving in a month and not looking for a relationship. He probably just simply 'mirrored' your response by telling you that he wasn't looking for a relationship either. But trust me, his heart was ripped to pieces. He meant everything he told you. He wasn't flaking on you in the beginning. He knew EXACTLY what he wanted...which was YOU!
On the other hand, YOU'RE actually the 'flaky' one. You're moving in a month, not looking for a relationship, get intoxicated, and then tell him that you're in love with him, then you move, contact him, and then admit to flaking on him a couple of times. Of course he's disappearing on you sporatically...look at how you're moving with him. Your intentions? 'I really want to be with this Taurus man'. Your actions and how it's being perceived by your Taurus? 'I'm just having a little fun after my divorce, and it looks like you're it.' This is usually one of the biggest challenges for Earth and Water signs. Water signs assume everyone lives underwater and is suppose to be in tuned with their emotions ALL the time. Underwatergirl, may I suggest finding a Scorpion or a Crab underseas. Your actions to a Bull on Earth, spells C.O.N.F.U.S.I.O.N!

Underwatergirl PII
by: Aphrodite Bull

Here's what's going on with him. He just went through a divorce, so financially he's probably drained (Bulls love money), he has to adjust to changes in his family structure and (custody vistits, etc)and re-priortizing everything in his life. As you know Bulls HATE change! To make matters worst, now he's crazy about your inconsistent flaking @ss. Wouldn't YOU be just a bit cranky? Here is my advice to you Fishy, swim upstream, and observe a Bull during a Bullfight. We love peace, comfort, and familiar surroundings. You will not see too many people in a Bull's inner circle. When we welcome you, embrace it. Don't lie to us or flake on us. Always be honest and consistent.
However, if you observe that there is a threat or any changes to a Bull's environment(primarily by bullfighters), you will see Bulls react negatively, stomp, charge, and possibly be violent. We hate drama, disturbance, or a change of any kind.
With Bulls, it's all or nothing. Don't try to entice him with possibilities, hints or innuendos. They will fall on deaf ears. He wants the real thing. Say it, and mean it. This means your actions will have to be consistent. No more flaking!

@Aphrodite Bull
by: Underwatergirl

Thanks for your response. I'm just wondering, now that I came back, is chasing him around always trying to let him know I want to see him to much? Or should I be patient and let him come to me and wait till then to let him know how I feel? I have every intention of telling this man how I feel. But it needs to be face to face, I need him to see me when I tell him, I need to be able to make him feel it in my touch, not in some lame text or on the phone. I just get nervous not wanting to push him and wanting to let him have his space. I know how nerve racking it must be for him getting everything back in order. I thou, like him, have a tendency to mirror behavior. When someone says to me, I'm not looking for a relationship then I let it be. But I know that what we have is real and worth it.

by: Aphrodite Bull

Here is the huge misconception people have about Bulls. Because we're slow to initiate courtships and dislike to be pressured, potential suitors will either pull away, or may not verbalize their 'real' emotions towards a Bull. We ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you, we just prefer the courtship to be gradual. With Bulls, we're very complex people who are full of suprises. We give ourselves away in bits and pieces...never in a mouthful(even if we're in love with you).
The most ironic thing about this introversion? People fall in love with us very easily. For the life of us, we NEVER understand people's immediate emotional reaction to us. Yeah, we're very shy, quite humble and modest people. So rather than communicate with you, we're evaluating our own worth. Am I where I want to be fianancially? What is about 'me' that this person is drawn to? We may feel this person's feeling is just temporary, and the feelings may later change once they get to REALLY know us. See with Tauruses, we want 'forever' and not'right now.' To possess you and be possessed by you. This is when we start feeling out a person to determine whether or not we want to resume a relationship. But this will require patience on the other person's part.
My advice to you, tell him how you feel, where you stand with him, but tell him you understand the changes he's going through in his life, and that you're willing to be patient. Those are magic words to a Taurus. He will then, let you in little by little.

@ ap
by: confused pisces

ok i have a problem, plz help me to understand wats really goin on here..alrite, SO like i said b4 im supposed to b goin to see my pisces for christmas,but dat isnt goin to happen,due to the fact dat hes sayin i cant stay at his house cuz he usually has his son on the weekends,so i asked him y cant i stay with him even if his son is there he gonna say,that his baby momma dont want me around him,now wat does dat sound like to u? sayin that he dont want no drama cuz sumtymes she comes to pick him up and he dont wanna loose his privilages of seein his i ask how are u goin to loose your privilages if yall are not together? somting just doesnt sound rite to me. so he said can i give him another to give ma an answer i said day comes he still sayin i cant stay there cuz he dont know how to tell his baby momma that he cant have his son for just that wat came to my mind is that hes afraid of her or that they are still sleepin and seein eachother?? now i cursed him out tellin him how he cares

@ ap
by: confused pisces

for his baby momma more than he does for me..i mean i actually took off just so i can spend tyme with this man cuz i feel we havent seen eachother in awhile.and hes tellin me i wont cuz of his baby mother..that just not addin up in my book.he even asked how i feel about him not workin? i said to him that i know its hard for him but no matter wat im still here i got his back.idk it dat means anyting to him,but im feelin like he doesnt love me the way he used to b4 and i dont know y.wat u tink i should just call it quits with this man?or is it more to it that i just dont know..cuz i really love him. help me plz

@Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

Here is what I think (I may be wrong)....

His child's mother may be helping him out financially. But of course, he's never going to tell you that. His father is in another country, his mom passed away, so his support system is pretty much non-existent. No support system + No job= Disaster, and possible depression for a Taurus. I live in NYC, and let me tell you, the cost of living here is NO F^^KING JOKE!
I don't think he was leading you on. Tauruses are extremely overly-cautious and we pre-plan EVERYTHING! If he was still sleeping with his child's mother, he would have NEVER invited you to come to NYC initially. We're not that stupid. For every decision that's made, our grounds are usually covered.(Cont'd)

@Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

He doesn't want any drama from the woman who is still feeling him and helping him out financially (and who knows, alleviating him of any child support financial responsibilities) Tauruses hate being controlled.
But we will give our opponents the upper hand, temporarily if we're benefitting from it somehow. Which is why we enjoy our OWN financial security. We hate to relinquish that control.
Here is an example. How can I explain it? During my undergraduate years I was friends with this guy that I wasn't attracted to. However, he was attracted to me. I hung out with him because it was convenient for me at the time I wasn't working. He was being nice and helping me out. I never initiated a relationship w/ other men that I wanted to be with because I didn't want to upset him. But in reality, I didn't want to sabotage any form of security I was getting from this person. (Cont'd)

@Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

(Cont'd) So temporarily, I denied my own happiness for some type of security with someone I didn't see myself with. Our confidence is extremely low at this point. Although I had many suitors, nevertheless I didn't think I was worthy of any of them. With Tauruses, for people we TRULY want to be with, we want to give them the best of us! Our better halves. Which is why we never regress, re-hash sad childhood memories, or have this person ever witness us in a financial slump. With that friend of mine, I couldn't care less, I was not in love with him. This is what the zodiac does not divulge about Tauruses. When in love, there's introversion, insecurities, doubt, and uncertainty. We're very complex people. When I found a great paying job and my confidence went up, I distanced myself from this guy. Was it messed up? Yes. But we can be quite selfish people, too. Take away our finances and support system, and we will be looking out for ourselves and ourselves only...but just temporarily.
So Pisces, it's going to be left up to you. If the woman continues to support him financially, you will ALWAYS come in second until he gets himself together financially.

@ ap
by: confused pisces

here the ting i dont know wat to tink..he was gettin unemployment but he said that they stoped it cuz they had to get sum letter from his job he was workin at. den his phone got cutt off but i didnt know the reason as to y it wasnt paid.ok so it been off for like 1week and a half and durin that tyme he called me on sumone elses phone and told me y it wasnt i paid the bill for him.and i told him if he needs anyting just let me know. u tink if she was supportin him financially he phone would b on without me doin it? and if she is helpin him y would he take the help from her and not me whos willin to help him out through his rough times? i dont understand y. and dat gurl has no morals at all the child is only like wat 3 months and she already got him babysitting so she could go to the club,and he says he believes when the baby is with her he tinks she feeds him cold milk,i probobly shouldnt have put that out but im sayin,if hes seein dese stuff and being the kind of ppl that tauruses are y would he want

@ ap
by: confused pisces

want someone like that to b with if that was to b the case. how i see it this gurl is just full of drama.. i mean back den it even had one tyme she saw him in the mall a public place and embbarrassed him cursin him out..he was mad told me he aint never goin to the mall again,i asked him wat did she say he said he didnt want to talk about it she evil.but this was after his mom died. it was after his mom died dat he had slept with her,so i was sayin to myself maybe he just needed the comfort and she was there,and at that tyme we wasnt datein as yet just my ting is after this evil gurl did all these bad stuff to you u still had sex with her talkin about yall were tryin to work tings out? when he said that i asked him wat he would have told me if they were to get back together? he was speechless,and he was tellin me he love me,send me txtes that he wanna marry me and stuff,i mean was i just the rebound gurl to get over her then? i still wonder sometimes if wat he was sayin was true cuz i believed him...

@ ap
by: confused pisces

i mean was he just playin games with me?. can i even trust this guy?? i mean he still tells me he loves me.does he mean it? i mean this guy has my head all confused so confused..and talkin to him is like talkin to a cat,lol i guess he want me to feel more than he has to speak,but i dont read minds..just confused.

@ Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

He's not playing head games with you. He's embarassed. Which I stated earlier. Personally, I think she is helping him out financially (unless he's got a 'side hustle'...which I doubt). Just because she didn't cover the phone bill does not mean that she's covering other things. I don't know what borough he lives in, But the standard rate for a one bedroom apt in Bklyn/Queens..$1200/month. Manhattan, at least $4000-5,000/month. Combine that with Electric, and Gas. He may have thought his phone was something he could do w/o for right now. Especially since his unemployment was cut off! HELLO!
Why would he prefer to borrow money from her? Simple. He doesn't love or respect her. He doesn't mind being seen as weak in her eyes because he does not see longevity with this woman. Like I said earlier, with Tauruses in love, there's a lot of introversion, insecurities, doubt and uncertainty. We have to be able to SHOW that we're good enough for this person which is why we ONLY show our better halves. No emotional meltdowns, no open discussion of any financial problems we may be having. Like I said earlier, if he's in a financial slump, he will NEVER let you in. We're proud people and easily embarassed. (Cont'd)

@ Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

(Cont'd). You're a Water sign (Pisces), so you're observing the situation from an emotional standpoint. You're not in his position right now.
This is where your Taurus man is:
1. No employment
2. High rent
3. Electricity
4. Cable
5. No support system (family)
6. A child he has to care for
7. No unemployment checks

What's going through his head right now? Feelings of inadequacy, poor financial preparation, financially crippled, unworthiness, isolation, and worst of all humilation. All the love and support you offer him will be greatly appreciated, but it will not remove him from this slump. He has to sort things out on his own. Unfortunately, he will have to distance himself a little from you to do this.

@ Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

He slept with her after his Mom passed. That's not suprising. Question? When your Taurus man gets himself together financially, would you consider relocating to NYC to be with him?

@ ap
by: confused pisces

well i asked him if she is and he said no one is givin him nothin...rite now its him and his brother livin together.i even asked him y he wont let me help him he said cuz he dont wanna depend on a i just told him ok i understand but im still here if u need anyting...and of course i would,i dont want to b with anyone else besides him,and im not waitin for him to get situated to move im movin already to b closer to movin to connecticut,but if he wants me to move with him when hes situated i will most deff.i love that man to much to let him slip away like that,dats y im seekin understandin b4 anyting drastic has to happen cuz i will b crushed..

@ Aphrodite bull
by: Confused leo

What you had predicted has happened. My Taurus sends me messages every now and again, nothing in debth but just enough to remind me he's there. I still think about him a lot and I don't say anything to scare him away actually I might not say enough, because I'm afraid he's going to dissapear again. My question is do taurus's check up on every women they have dated? Will they go out of their way to talk to a woman that they have moved on from? I guess I just was to know if I should feel special to him because he is checking up on me, or does he just see me as a friend?

@Confused Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

Tauruses HATE to regress. But this only applies to relationships. We do not like to keep photos, pics, videos, or any memoralia of any past exes. We prefer to start NEW relationships on a clean slate. Just you and one else! It's that simple. He's defintely semi-interested, which brings me to my next question. Where did you INITIALLY stand w/your Taurus man? Were the two of you FWB? F-buddies? Or in a relationship?

This is very important because Taureans have a tendancy to treat a situation according to the way it presents itself. We're so stubborn, inflexible, and so confident on our read on people, it becomes so difficult for us to read in between the lines and see them in another light. (Cont'd)

@Confused Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

(Cont'd) Let me give you an example:

I had a FWB in the past. Yes Tauruses can distinguish the difference between love and sex. He never gave me the indication that he was looking for a relationship in the beginning. We flirted, sent each other sexy text msgs, so I proceeded to treat it as such. Then one time I came to see him (for our usual sex romps), and then I'm being introduced to his family. He asked me to be his date at some wedding, and then this 'talk' about how he sees himself with me, and etc. Other signs of the zodiac would have seen his intentions as amorous. To a Taurus, throwing something like that at us the last minute (especially when we have grown accustomed to having you as a f-buddy) spells EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION.
Because we're so stubborn and confident on our 'initial' read on people, our inflexibility does not allow us to look at you in a different light. This is how we're viewing this person...
1) This person clearly doesn't know what they want
2) Emotional manipulation
3) This person is playing mind games

My question to you is, did you initially tell your Taurus that you were looking for a relationship? (For us, it's not about how you proceed, but what you initially 'put out there')

@aphrodite bull
by: confused leo

well.. in the beginning we would talk a lot and when we finally met up we had coffee and talked so much more. we ended up back at my apt. and we sat on the couch and talked. Usually i am very good at reading people but he was difficult and i was staring at him at one point, and he asked me what i was thinking. i told him that i was trying to figure him out because for the life of me i couldn't. he laughed and said i am an open book whatever you want to know i will tell you. so i asked him if he was still a player... (background.. him and i went to school together about 15 years ago, we were acquaintances back then but nothing more.) he said no, that he realized a while ago that he doesn't want to be alone for the rest of his life that he wants something meaningful. and i told him that i was afraid of him because i know what he is capable of, and that i have been hurt so many times that i dont want to jump into any relationship quickly. he asked me why i was so afraid and i told him about all the times ive been hurt. he tried to reassure me that, that wasn't what he was going to do to me, that those are not his intentions, but he agreed with the not rushing into a relationship idea. i then told him that i wanted to wait a little while before getting intimate with him, he agreed to that also. that didn't last long the next time i saw him was the first time we were intimate, that is also when his notorious disappearing acts became more frequent. in our entire relationship we were only intimate twice. when i would ask him if he only sees me as a "booty call" his response would always be no, that he enjoys spending time with me. that always confused me because if he enjoyed spending time with me then why would he flake and be so distant. we were never really boyfriend and girlfriend we never had the title, and honestly because i think there was someone else. anyway i hope this helps you make a better assessment of my situation.

@Confused Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

In the beginning, your Taurus man told you EXACTLY what he was looking for {A relationship}. No BS, no games. However, this is how he perceives you....

"A woman with way too much emotional baggage, who's guarded, and completely unsure of what she wants."

We tend to treat a situation according to the way it presents itself. This means he will 'mirror' your actions, and be just as indecisive as you are. We want to be 100% sure about who we marry...and we want the other person to be 100% about being with us. To possess you and be possessed by you. All or nothing!

You told him that you were afraid to be intimate with him, but then you decided to sleep with him.
He will check on you from time to time. He sees you as a FWB, not a potential girlfriend.

His initial perception of you is SET IN STONE!

@Aphrodite bull
by: Confused leo

Thank you! That helps me out a lot!

@ ap
by: confused pisces

ok i want to show my bull that i care about him and his u tink if i tell him that i would give him some tyme and space to get his self together,not meanin that im breakin up with him cuz i will never do that,but u tink that would cause a problem for us? i mean would he feel like i dont want to b with him anymore becuz of his situation? or wat do u suggest i should do?..

@ ap
by: confused pisces

ok i want to show my bull that i care about him and his u tink if i tell him that i would give him some tyme and space to get his self together,not meanin that im breakin up with him cuz i will never do that,but u tink that would cause a problem for us? i mean would he feel like i dont want to b with him anymore becuz of his situation? or wat do u suggest i should do?..

@ Confused Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

Tell him that you love him and will give him space to sort things out. If he wants o contact you just to talk, that you're 'open ears'.... and will always be there for him once he decides to open up.

* Don't offer to pay any more bills. He's humilated enough. He wants to hold on to whatever pride and dignity he has left!*

@ ap
by: confused pisces

thank you..i tink he would appreciate that..i just hope he doesnt forget about me..

Virgo girl
by: Anonymous

This Taurus guy has confused the living day lights outta me! He's hot and cold all the time. We'd been out for a date about a year ago, then he left. But now he's back and said he'd missed talking all cute with me. He tried to get back with me initially n we did. But now he calls everyday but he's very rude. He wants to know what's happening n where I am n we meet quite often but he's hot n cold. I don't know if he's playing with me or he wants to be just friends or more. Some help?

by: confused pisces

so i have a problem with my bull as usual. rite now im in new york and i havent seen this man as yet. idk wat is goin on with. idk if to just leave him alone or just hold on? ok so i came to ny from since friday nite and u know he didnt even txt or call to see if i made it in ok or i txted him and told him that im here all he said was OH. and later that nite he txted me and asked me if i wanted to see him on christmas day? so i said of course y not,he said ok he love me and goodnite.

@Virgo Girl
by: Taurus Guy

First off Im back on the thread after a very very difficult time in my life and starting over again....

I doubt he is playing with you but careful....sounds like you got a Taurus thats letting his sign rule his emotions plus maybe some baggage is along for the ride.

Yeah - Typical Taurus - again they want to be secure in their relationships and that means "owning" you - in a good Taurus you will have a confidant, protector, nurturing soul. In a bad Taurus - they will be mean, obsessive, controlling, and worse.

Good Taurus - he will respect your boundaries and give you the freedom you need to be you. It will bug him but he will keep his yap shut about it and try to restrain himself from asking too much or from smothering you in an attempt to win you...

This one sounds unstable to me - talking "cute" being a priority, mean or rude, needing to know where you are....that not right.

Bad Taurus - RUN!

@confused pisces
by: Taurus Guy

Wow - your still with your Bull? Sorry been away a bit and just noticed after reading back and Aphrodite Bull is like right on here.

Your situation is pretty intense but I got a few quick insights: (could be totally off)

This whole thing about the kid and the mom and the screaming and insanity drama etc....typical - a Taurus will endure that for years because they still feel a deep need to protect the kid. Sounds like your guy is in a tight spot where he is giving in when he has to but he isnt realizing he has other ways out while still proteting his kid.

if he been smacked upside the head enough emotionally then he may be in a head down endure anything at all costs in order to protect the kid.

He may even be doing this out of a sense of loyalty to his ex.

I did that for years - got beat down day after day but stuck with it cause I felt a obligation to stay to take care of her- thats without kids.

He needs to figure this out on his own but this could take a while.

If you want him - then offer him something that his other situation dont - stability, kindness, love and patience.

Be careful cause this could take a while - hate to see you spend too much time waiting on him when he may never find a way to come out of this.

So...did you see him?

Scorpio has me scared
by: Taurus Guy

So...I been seeing a Scorpio and lately things are looking good - I spent time with her at her house a few times and last time asked if I could leave a few things (its a long long drive but worth it).

I did that cause of course....I wanted to let her know that I want her to be mine. She said sure - so I did leave enough stuff that it was obvious I was coming back.

I also wanted to ward off any other competition - if there is any they are going to have to deal with my stuff being there. =-)

The problem is she has been hurt - very badly - in every way imaginable - by 4 other Taurus.

She knows in her head Im not like them - they are immature, selfish, stubborn and jealous.

It is hard to know that she is not yet mine and I am not hers when I love her so much but I understand that her past is going to cause a lot of trust issues.

I open myself to her as much as I can and - given her past - I allow her to fully explore every facet of my personal life - I have nothing to hide - no skeletons in my closet like the others did.

She is not as forthcoming and holds onto pictures and things from the ones that hurt her....I know why. She wants to remind herself that she felt trust for them and they hurt her - so she will not let her guard down. They remind her to be careful and not trust what seems stable.

When we are together I am careful with her but I cant help touching her with the "magic touch" and she responds like you would expect.....but it is scaring her to feel again and she shuts down afterwards - kinda hard and it hurts.

Day later after the first time she asked me how I knew how to touch was my one indication other than while we were together that I was getting througth.

I feel so confused sometimes cause Im doing everything I can to show her that I am who I appear to be but she wont trust it yet.

Part one....

scorpio has me scared part two
by: Taurus Guy

I think this is going to be a long time and she might tell me to get lost - if she does I will - no arguments and no drama - poor scorpio has had enough of that to last a lifetime thanks to all those bulls who didnt just abuse her - they kept after her for years afterwards (as bad Taurus are apt to do - stubborn).

If I am not wanted I walk away and hope she finds someone better but I am afraid I am setting myself up to be a doormat and that scares the heck out of me. If she tells me to get lost and then invites me back a month later its gonna hurt - I cant deal well with that and I know I probably would go back but I gotta find a way to set a limit for myself to not be the guy who gets used.....

She wants to go out with her friends on New Years Eve and then invites me over for the afternoon of new years day which means staying the night....I know she is testing to see if I will demand she spend NYE with me or demand that she take me along but I wont do that - I cant....if she needs time with them then she should have it....But of course I am all insecure about it - she will never hear about that part. But it hurts cause I know she dont trust me and thats why I will be alone NYE....well not alone but not with her which is where I want to be.

I want to watch out for her and give her what she hasn't had - freedom to be her while being protected in a stable, warm relationship.

Time and patience I guess...I can do that but I wonder if a scorpio after being banged up so very badly can actually open up again...

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

no i still havent seen him and i feel i wouldnt.wat u said i kindah feel thats wats it is but he dont wanna tell me cuz he knows i'll leave him alone and i guess he doesnt want that.but if thats the case i will b waitin for a love passionate partner that will never come.i mean i tell him over and over about this situation and how i feel like he dont really care about me as much as he does for her but he never really tells me hoe he feels about the situation.and im gettin tierd of it rite now and i know he is too cuz he gets madd when i bring it up sumtymes.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

and the ting is that when i ask him how he feels about me and if he tinks we have a future together he says he love me,needs me,care for me,and yes he do see a future for us.but im questioning that is he just sayin that bcuz he wants to keep me around or does he really mean it? u dont know wat i go through with this guy forreal. in the beggining it was never like this.i mean i felt like i found my soulmate.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

i mean this man used to tell me he wanna marry me,have babies.i mean he used to call me all the tyme txt me all the tyme.i mean i even got love poems that he wrote me he would dedicated songs to me.i got roses.the first tyme we saw eachother in a long tyme he read me a poem that he wrote for me.he would look me in the eyes in ways i cudnt describe i mean i feel inlove with this man.but ever since his baby momma incident i got a complete i get ignored,my phone calls came to a mimnium,mt txes even.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

and now im lookin for answers to y this happen and its like im left in the dark.idk if hes still inlove with this gurl or he just afraid that she would do bad things to him,where as he would b put on childsurrport,or loose privlages to see his son.but all im askin is for him to talk to me and let me know wats goin on.i love this man sooo much but, if imma have to wait a life time to be with him then i'll have to move on cuz there only so much i cud take.and one tyme he even asked if i would move to ny with im askin him if he wanna move wit me to connecticut hes sayin hes stayin in ny cuz all his family lives here.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

i mean y all of ah sudden its a problem? this makes me feel like hes hidin something.and im loosing him.cuz i feel when it cums to tellin me things about his ex he holds back.idk y cuz i dont even know the gurl and never called her out of her name althouhg i feel she has cuz the tyme of person i've heard that she is.the sad ting is to she dont want me around the child.and it seems hes agreein with.cuz i cudnt even stay at his house bcuz his was gonna b there and he says sumtymes she cums to pick him up. now tell me how that sounds? talkin bout he dont want no drama and dont wanna loose any privelages to see his son.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

so i asked him y would u loose privlages if yall aint together? he said nuthin. so i asked if hes still seein her or if hes still sleepin with her he said no hes not.idk if thats ah lie.rite now i question everything he tells me.i mean is this man just a fake.wats really goin on with him plz let me know.

@confused pisces
by: Taurus Guy

idk you didnt see him yet?

My opinion (could be off) is that he is stuck and he wants you but he dont know how to bring his life together with all the conflicting situations.

He is probably frustrated, humiliated, and angry that he finds himself where he is at.

I am guessing he is not intentionally stringing you along - in his eyes he is trying to do whats right and getting overwhelmed between his wants and what is.

I would let this one go - it might hurt but this seems bad for you and there are other people out there who would appreciate you and are in a situation where they can.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

this would tear my heart apart in actually wantin to cry rite now.cuz im givin my all to this guy rite now.being patient,loving,trying to understand wats goin on with this man.i really taught that we had someting goin.i mean i havent loved someone this strong the way i love him.and now lettin go will really hurt me real bad.i meAN I LOVE THIS MAN so bad its not even funny.and i know he do love me to but i seriouly cant wait for sumting thats never gonna happen,this is the last ting i wanted for us.butmimma have to suck up my pride,love and everyting and move on.oh my god i cant believe im sayin this.thank u very much i really wanted to hear it from a mans point of view.again thanks.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

i mean isnt there someting i can do to hold on to my relationship with my bull? i love this man and cant picture myself without him.i know one day imma have to let go. but im not ready yet. any advice u could give me. cuz i know he loves me and doesnt want me to leave,cuz everytyme i try breakin up with him. he always trys to apologize to me about the situation.i know its hard for him cuz he wasnt expectin this to happen but he did it and he cant change it.again is there anyting i can do cuz i do want to persue a relationship with this man.

@confused pisces
by: Taurus Guy

I know...its hard as heck tryin to make these decisions....stay go - give another chance - wait it out - move closer - move further - move on....facing some of those challenges myself.

idk its up to you but you got my opinion on it....for what little its worth. dont need the run around and like I said I dont think hes doin it on purpose or to be mean - hes in his world and as a Taurus from what little I know....Im not sure I could ever break out of where he is.

Good luck dear pisces and I seriously hope it works out for you whatever path you choose.

@confused pisces
by: Taurus Guy

mean isnt there someting i can do to hold on to my relationship with my bull?


Keep offering him what he cant get where he is - peace, stabilty, loyalty, love.

Eventually he will probably find a way out - but like I said....that is a long road most likely cause hes stuck between responsibility and wants....and with Taurus responsibility tends to come first.

@ taurus guy
by: confused pisces

well i saw my bull today. and as usual they never wanna talk. but i got sum stuff out of him. and continuious i love you,kisses,and all...but still i must say im still a bit confused,but truely believe their cud b sumting there for us.but i wont wait forever for that to he will have to show me he really knows wat he wants to do about this. i know he has responsibilites,and i wont try to get in the way of that,cuz i know he will take care of it no matter wat.but i just want to know where i stand in all this.

@Taurus guy
by: Virgo Girl

So he's unstable. Does that mean I start running away from him? Or does it imply that I need to stick around and wait for him? I really wanna talk to him but I generally just wait for him to call instead, am I not doing enough? These days he doesn't contact me everyday and we meet less frequently. Bad sign?

@Virgo Girl
by: Taurus Guy


Actually just dont respond and he will go away.

Thing is he is hot and cold - ok fine - but the rude part concerns me. There is some kind of resentment there or something and well...sounds like you deserve better than being disrespected. You dont wanna mess with a unstable Taurus - or me you dont want that in your life.

@Taurus Guy
by: Virgo Girl

Now on new year's he wants to meet at 12, seeing that I can't he comes outside my place at 2 in the night, I was asleep but hahaha. Happy new years btw. Yeah so Im gonna be hot and cold too, why put in so much effort with little results right?
PS: scorpios are insanely difficult to understand but shit loads of fun to have as friends to hang out with! Lol I would know, my guy best frnd was one, before he stopped talkin to me for some reason that I don't know :S

update....confusion (@Taurus guy I need some insight pretty please!)
by: Lionessa

After not contacting my perfect Taurus for 2 months at all(this means I didn't initiate conversation, I didn't run into him anywhere, I didn't hear from him at all, no skype....I think he has blocked me or something) I've sent him a message last week saying that I could not just forget and that everything reminded me of us and that I'd do anything for him. Yes, I know....I'm a drama queen but I was honest. He did not replied as I expected.
Then on monday evening I went for a drink with my friends. There he was...djing on stage at the club we went to. My heart was giving me hard times I thought it was going to stop beating.
I am almost sure he did not see me from stage because of the lights. But still. When he finished with his performance he packed his things and was leaving. I went after him and called out his name. He seemed surprised when he saw me and he wanted to hug me (why do you want to hug the person who is not worthy of your contact...this confuses me a little)
However don't want to make it complicated. The biggest w00t for me was when he asked me if I saw that he was djing..if I noticed him at all?
I do not really understand why he asked that.
However we exchanged few words.
The feeling of this whole situation is really positive for me.
I feel great and free. I am really happy because I've seen him...can't really explain it. But I am content and I do not expect anything at all. I am happy he is there doesn't matter if not with me.

by: Taurus Guy

You were honest....thats good cause you cant pretend to be who you arent or it wont work out in the long run for the drama part....Typically a Taurus male loves to hear this sort of thing but not after a whole lot of nothing - theres nothing in the Taurus mind that backs up your assertion that you would do anything for its just seen as drama for dramas sake....or he might think your playing with him.

Taurus.....slow, steady, reliable, grounded, nurturing - intimate to the extreme - sight, smell, sound, touch all VERY important to Taurus to develop a intimate relationship.

He asked if you noticed him - he wanted to hug you - theres something still there - slow, steady yes....but non-personal communication...not a Taurus strong point. So why so much e-communication attempts?

Why is this not going anywhere?

Taurus can get over the male friends - believe me - but they have to KNOW that there is nobody else in your eyes except him....this can take a lot of energy on your part because you DO have male friends so Taurus will shy away...your move. Do you want to have a relationship with this one? Not sure by the way you finished whether or not you really care - you care about HIM but do you care about BEING with him? There is a huge difference....

It dont matter who suggested e-communication - if he did then he is likely testing the waters - if you did he may see this as a brush off. What does matter is if you want him...This whole impersonal thing has to go.

The male have to be open about who they are and what they mean to you....and he has to meet them.

If this guy really is an old soul Taurus then its time for you to step up and get some steady personal time in with the bull. See him in person somehow without the emails, skype or whatever and ask him if you two can go out....dont ask him out exactly...more like suggest it without being unclear as to what your intentions are and stick to it - Taurus not only needs to know you will be there for him but he needs to be there for you in some sense otherwise he is going to see himself as an option...and will retreat (part 1 of 2)

by: Taurus Guy

Part 2 of 2

So....what do you want Lionessa? Taurus are not as sure footed on rocky ground where relationship status is concerned - and this sounds like rocky ground to me (the time away, the e-communication).

I am dealing with similar issues - on the reverse side - I want my scorpio but she is not sending me the right messages - and its leaving me thinking about if she is serious or not. Taurus is not insecure by nature...jealous yes....insecure no....but Taurus does need to feel like there is no ambiguity when it comes to the relationship. You are his and he is yours - Taurus needs to know both of those are true. Talking wont do it - lovemaking wont do it - time alone and with friends wont do it - turning to them for emotional support wont do it - allowing them to jump to your defense wont do it - romance wont do it - time alone to miss each other wont do it - but all these things together will....not some but all. Seem like a lot of work? to a Taurus this is not work - it is life.

So I ask again....what do you want out of this Lionessa? Do you know?

by: @ Taurus Guy

Thank you for this detailed message.

Ok if I start with 2 months of nothing...I do not want to blame I think I slowly scared him off with my emotions. But those are the facts:I told him I fell in love with him but he said I should have forgotten about that...and just be friends. He is also the one who stopped communicating. I tried calling him and sending texts many times...but nothing was turned back, answered in any way. He was ignoring me. So I guess there was no chance for me to suggest to catch up somewhere sometimes. And there's obviously no chance for him to meet my friends and see that they are no harm to him.
I know what I want. I want to be with him. I've changed my mindset...stopped doing drama.
I would gladly do all those things and I would be there for him and stick to him as I really care about him and about BEING with him. But I dont know what is the deal now..Does he care or what is this all about? Should I contact him now? I mean should I try calling him?

by: Taurus Guy

Yup - you should call and lay it out in plain simple terms without the drama.

Call him - no long winded voicemails...if you leave a voicemail then make it short and say you were calling to say hi and ask him to call you back if he gets a chance.

If you get him - tell him - your friendship means a lot to you but you would like to date him.

If he says no lets stay friends - then you chance.

If he says ok then dont have sex with him next time you "date" - instead keep it simple, drama-free, but not too surfacy...start over - get to know him all over again - fun sure - but not a party - keep it fairly intimate.

Not having sex will avoid the whole "friend with benefits trap" - if he dont ask at the end of the night then ask him - do you want to go out again? (avoid the sometime thing...and keep it light - if he says yes then tell him to call you - kiss him goodbye and thats it - if you dont hear from him in a few days then call him again)

Its a fine line - bulls cant be pressured into a relationship and they wont see you as desperate if you call them - even for second date - given your shaky start with him and the time thats gone by he likely will need to be pursued (not chased or trapped)

taurus man "needs time"
by: irish

After a year and a half of committed relationship in which my Taurus man had some major upheavals, (death of parent, move, job loss and turning 50), he began pulling away around holidays. Have spoken twice, in past 5 weeks, and he doesn't want to end our relationship, says that he needs time. Is he pulling a disappearing act, or is it true...I lent him some$ to get thru the job loss, which is over, and he's paid it fact, he's just come into much money this month, so no longer a factor. Is he re-evaluating our future, or his without me in it? Last I said to him was "take all the time you need....light is on, door is open"

by: Taurus Guy

Sounds like your handling it beautifully.

He may be evaluating his past present and future but theres nothing you can do except give him time and remind him that your there for him when he figures things out. If he disappears or outright cuts ties then theres nothing more you can do about that.

Sounds like he might feel like the ground gave way beneath his feet and thats not good - not stable - thats a lot at once and add the holidays....likely he is soul searching.

Time and space but letting him know your still there for him and want him is the way to go if you are ok with it yourself.

Beautifully worded....Take all the time you need light is on door is open.

I love it and I dont think theres anything else that can be done.

@ Taurus
by: Lionessa

Ok...thank you for the advice the total insight.

Im trying to collect all the courage I have in my heart and pick up the phone, dial his number.
Even though I am really really afraid of the negative answer.
But I'm trying to think positive...
One more question. When a bull has decided not to enter into relationship hard is it for him to change his mind? I mean, when does a taurus male change his mind..

You are really kind! :) thanks again!

@taurus guy
by: irish

thanks for your support/insight. It is difficult to sit on the sidelines and wait, but from what I've read @ Taurus, and what I know about mine personally, I believe he wants/needs to work this out himself. I am a Virgo....very logical and analytical, but the relationship really works for us. I know no one can really answer the ? of how much time...very subjective, but he only lives a mile stop by? Or wait for him to come to me??

by: Taurus Guy

Typically a Taurus will not enter a relationship because either they are not allowed to love/protect/nurture/romance or because they dont see any long term future (usually based on those and other traits).

A bull can change their mind - but only when they are sure there is a future there. Bulls are stubborn but sensitive.

So - If a Taurus has decided a potential relationship is to dramatic or there is no real future there - they will change their mind if their mind is drawn back to the possibility and whatever their reservations were about have disappeared. If you hurt them by not inviting them into the circle of friends...then you would need to mention that you want him to meet them early on (not on the first date because thats about you and him unless he brings it up).

Tough with a Taurus because they dont tell you straight out what they are thinking.

My guess with this bull is that in his mind a relationship started that quickly went to the back burner because the intimacy was lost due to so much e-communication. If he started down that path my guess is he was testing to see if you were happy with that.

Only a think carefully about the origins of this encounter and where it may have gone off the rails.

and...thank you - you seem really kind to - he's a lucky bull if you two hit it off.

by: Taurus Guy

Stop by....usually a bad idea when they want to be alone....

phone? Sure...often enough to let him know your waiting for him but not so often that he cant think...every few days maybe - NOT every other day. Keep it warm and inviting and understanding.

Waiting could be a good strategy but it could backfire to...

Under "normal" circumstances when a bull does this sort of thing they are just looking for a way out without any fighting. But yours does not sound like a normal situation - sounds like a stressed bull.

So yeah - try giving him a call now and then - see if he warms up.

@taurus guy
by: irish

There's not a lot normal @ our relationship. Have been friends for 8 yrs, and I rent him some space (commercial). We started dating 1.5 yrs ago in summer (his initiave)....parent died in April, and sibling started coming to "their" summer home every weekend, so we dropped down to 1 night a weekend @ my place, and maybe a breakfast middle of week. Never been big on phone. Been away on at least 4 weekends and had a blast... We had plans to go away in Feb (would guess not.

Previous to his request for time, when he started pulling away, not calling (but has always taken my calls)...I asked him point blank in very quiet tone, if he wanted it "relationship" to be over...response was, No, that's not what I want.

As much as I want to trust him/our relationship, not sure if his aversion to confrontation is leading this, or truly a time for introspection and figuring out his next step in so many directions.

His response to my "take time...light is on" comment was (with a smile) Pretty sure I knew that.

@ Taurus Guy
by: Lionessa

A little update... I think something happened today. No, I did not have enough courage to call him...but Ive sent a text message saying how good he was djing and that I am a little bit proud of him. It was a cool text..nothing really personal. I didn't get the reply but as it seems he unblocked me on skype.
Umm....I want to start all over again, meeting him slowly. And Im not want to rush and have everything in this moment (as I usually do). He truly means a lot to me...don't want to lose him and I don't want to let go. So I am prepared and willing to change my mindset, to control my thoughts and temper.

Taurus Guy...I thank you so much for the support! I appreciate your help very much :)

@taurus guy
by: irish

my gut feeling is that he is a man of deliberate action, and if I give him the time to get his life back in order, we might have a future. I cant fathom that he is lying about needing the time and not wanting the relationship to end, but there's a part of me that questions removing one of the only positive things in his life at the time(me!). Is it that he feels he has to come to the table his life in order, and doesn't want me to be on the sidelines during the process?

@ Taurus Guy
by: Lionessa's me again. Last time I wrote there was an update and me writing about how calm I am and stuff.
Ok I still am calm, normal, more than content and I'm successfully fighting off all those negative comments being made by my friends about the whole situation. It doesn't really matter what other people think as long as I'm happy.
So ...since the last time I've gotten his reply on my last text saying that he was really happy that I liked his performance. Also while we had a short chat on skype last night he told me that he was happy when he saw me in the club.
I don't know. I feel there's something more that just the funny chitychaty or really friendly attitude even though everyone has been telling me to cool off and back off. (:() I want this and I want it to work....
I'm interested in your opinion as you are taurus yourself. Would you after intentionally not having a contact with certain person for almost 3 months express your feelings or something in this way? And if you would...what would this mean?
So this "just friends" situation or is it "undefined still meeting each other" one. I guess I should treat him as a friend for now? Or? I don't understand this.
However the answer doesn't really change my mind or feeling. I still will feel the feels right *blush*.

by: Taurus Guy

He said he was happy to see you - that is a lot for a Taurus and would I express that to someone I was involved with for a time after intentionally backing away for 3 months?

Only if I was interested in a relationship.

Taurus are very reserved for the most part - saying something like that is very unusual for most unless theres more to it.

Lionessa - you really should call him and ask him out - stay away from txt and skype - you need to get close to him - if his physical senses are not in tune to you then its not going to go anywhere - and this is where he needs to be pursued and not chased or trapped - I will give you a personal example - someone pursued me recently after I cut them off for 6 months and they did it in a very subtle way - they invited me out to talk and when I asked them if they wanted to talk on the phone they said no but they wanted to talk - she didnt give me the opportunity to stay on the phone - she said she had to go and hung up and that we would talk about it when I saw her. She played it right and didnt give me the chance to hide behind the phone or the computer - When I did see her - everything changed for me - she was no longer an abstract thought or a nice memory - she was real again. She was very open verbally - She made it plain that she didnt want a one night stand and wasnt sure about how she felt about long term - that left it up to me to decide what I wanted out of it - I slowly and steadily pursued her - she encouraged me every now and then with a gentle touch when I totally didnt expect it - but she never lingered for more than a few seconds - just enough to let me know I was not wasting my time or emotional energy. Today she still lets me pursue - althougth really she was the one who pursued me (and still is - she does make it seem like I am pursuing her but thats not really whats going on...) Not sure if she learned this from our past experiences or if its coming naturally to her...but it is totally working for me. I dont know if that helps but just one example of how a Taurus can be approached.

@ Taurus Guy
by: Lionessa

Ok...I've tried calling him the other evening. But he wasn't reachable neither he has an answering machine. After that I fell asleep. It was very early...I forgot to log off from computer and my phone was set to quiet mode. The next morning I saw he contacted me on skype asking if I called him and then there was a text on my phone as well saying "you called".
I answered with text saying that I needed some information considering some books and stuff. Could not call as I had a very very stuffed schedule. He answered right away and that's when I wrote that I owed him a coffee. Did not get the reply.
Later that day....i accidentally dialed him while having my phone in a pocket. He obviously answered that call and I guess listened to me and my flatmate (who is male! damn....) having conversation. After wards I've sent an apology for accidentally dialing him....did not get anything back and I feel like everything is back to complicated again.
Don't know where it went wrong or am I just being in panic state of mind maybe? Is there anything I can do now?
Bah..don't really know what am I doing wrong.

I am really grateful for your advice and explanation of every situation. Don't know what I would do without the support you are offering!

@Aphrodite bull
by: Irish

Aphorodite bull...if you are still around, could I get your perspecitve. My Taurus male, 50, has had a lot of stressors in past year...see above. I noted in one of your answers that finance is a big issue...I lent him money, which he has repaid (all during this crisis time). My question to he wanting to come "back to the table" so to speak with his life in order. Back in Aug,about a year after we started, he responded to ILU w/ ILU too....I've loved you all along...would his feelings have changed so drastically in 4 months??? I am ambivalent about whether this is the slow fade, or a genuine need to get his life back on track.
Appreciate any advice from you or anyone else who cares to post.

@ anybody with insight
by: Confused leo

Ok so I had a dream about my x Taurus. My x Taurus is still my friend on a social site I have, Forgetting that he was my friend on this site I posted “I had a dream about someone I don’t even want to think of ever again!! errr!!!!!” and a few minutes later I receive a message from the Taurus asking if it was him that I had a dream about? I responded.. nope…. And that was it. but then again last night I had another dream about him and I don’t know why he's stuck In my head!should just tell him it is him? or if I should leave well enough alone? I haven’t talked to him a couple months. Every once in a while he will send me a message saying hi, and my response is always just hi. Or he will send messages calling me a butthead and I will respond with the same. Should I tell him? Will it make a difference? Is he trying to communicate with me? Or is he just playing games?  

@ Confused Leo
by: Lionessa

What I can tell you from my experience...( I'm Leo with Scorpio rising and deeply in love with a Taurus ) don't overreact, be cool, do not go all over him, do not be too excited, try not to expect anything and try not to analyze...if you want to keep your common sense. Otherwise you might get really hurt.
Even if he wants something he will want to know that you are stable and in normal state and that you are not leaning on to him again, making the pressure. Ok he contacted let him show you what he really wants from you. Give that situation enough room to change if it will.

I really wish all the best to you and be patient!!! Please don't do the mistake we leos usually do!


by: Lionessa

I know, I just posted a reply to you Confused Leo...and I seem smart in it but...still I am confused big time as well.
A lot of things happened during all this time. And now I'm again where I was 4 months ago.
So facts.
-Weve seen each other couple of times
-We kissed
-He seemed fine when we were together until this Monday
-He watched my first performance ever (on Monday)
-All of the sudden he's moving to his hometown because of some problems he doesn't want to talk about
-He told me not to wait for him (on Monday)
-I met his best friends and as it happens we are renting a flat together
-His friend says he is depressive
-Yesterday he came to my place when his friends came for a coffee and he left early and when I walked him to the doorstep he said "ok see you on Monday" like nothing happened and I hugged him

Come on...I did nothing wrong and come on what is this all about? I am totally confused. I still feel that waiting for him is the only right thing to do. But I can not calm my heart..Even though I know he feels something towards me and I know that what he says is not always true (I look at his actions) I do not want to put my head into sand. Any opinion is welcome.
I don't know what is messing his thoughts. And I wouldn't want to put even more pressure on him now. I guess I should give him time and space or something. It's making me sad..

dnt know what 2 think about this taurus man
by: The Jazzy1

i met my taurus man in 08 he was the sweetest man ever he took care of me when i was sick cooked me dry breakfast called me all the time but i never slept with him. I moved outta town we lost contact for months he myspaced me tellin me 2 call him asking my closest friends about me and everythng. I moved back to my hometown after having my babyboy in dec09 we started talking again he use to call me all the time text me all the time he always wanted me under him all the time we finally had sex the summer of 2010 it was magical we still continued seeing eachother until a fake friend of mines told hima bout another man i was seeing and a few other mistakes i made with him like leaving his house with other me n going out all the time. we continued 2 see eachother after the incident but i wouldnt sleep with him the next morning he was so mad and i left his house without us talking about it he never called me or texted me and vice versa 2 months later i saw him out at a night club with a random chick i didnt say anythng but i wanted him back so i started pursuin him again he was soo mean to me like he hated my guts tellin ke 2 die in text not answering the phone for me trying to talk to my friends the whole nine finally we got on good terms he never told me how he felt about the whole situation but i have stressed to him how much i love him and wanna be with him and how im willing to do anything to make it work but its just not the same anymore he talks to me but not like before if he does something i dnt like and i tell him ill leave him alone he come calling me asking me whats my problem now. he has alot of other women he talks to but for some reason it doesnt bother me because i love him so much and when we were together i was with him all the time.What to do? I dnt know if he loves me anymore but its hard to tell my bday just passed 2/14 and i was with him the whole day then when i left he hasnt been callin me or texting me he hardly tells me he loves me like he use to but i tell him i love him all the time should i give up on him or just give him space or can anybody tell me how to deal with this taurus man, ima aquarius woman btw! thanks

by: Confused leo

Ok So I sent my Taurus an email telling him that the dreams I was having were about him. I really didn't expect him to respond, but he did. And he told me he was sorry for being such an A$$hole, that I didn't deserve to be treated that way, and how when he realized that the way he was treating me was out of line he was to ashamed to contact me again. Later I responded and told him that I forgive him. And he thanked me for that. After all of that I felt so much better!! But now I can't seem to get him out of my mind! I havnt tried to contact him since... But omg! I can't shake the thought of him! What do I do????? Do I continue to just play it cool and wait to see what he does? Or do I pursue him?

This Pisces Chick..
by: Taurus Dude

This Pisces girl at work is just melting my heart and we
barely ever speak verbally. But everytime something goes wrong at work, we always look at eachother and smile even though we are in complete opposite sides of the room. When we look at eachother, I feel just so... sorry I'm a Taurus so I am really poor at explaining myself but... man it just feels electric!

She has paler skin and just these beautiful watery blue eyes
and it almost hypnotizes me. It feels that we are so close and yet we know nothing about eachother. I don't even know what to do! I never felt that before!

My dream Taurus
by: Libra/Scorpio cusp Girl

After a year of seeing my Taurus off and on, I had recently found myself wondering if he cared for me.
I have found such insightful information in all of your posts.

Upon reading, it seems my Taurus man might just like me a lot. After a month of silence from a major misunderstanding on both of our parts, he came back to me, first in a long letter, asking to see me and talk. When he came over to my house that night, (incidentally for the first time MY place!) he showed me some tiny glimpses of my answer.

Little things, that if I did, would be nothing; his doing them, I'm thinking, actually meant something.
But I'll leave it to yall Tauruses to tell me for sure.

Firstly, when he got there, I was reserved. Thought we had gone through quite a few spells where he was MIA, this last one was the worst. I was a bit numb, thinking he had abandoned me for good.
Before we sat down on the couch to talk, he came up to me and hugged me, I hadn't hugged him at the door.
I have a very large L-shaped couch, he sat in the middle of one side, I sat in the middle of the other side. Through-out our talk, he got up twice, once to change the music, once to do something else. The first time he came back to sit down, he sat about 2 feet closer than he had been, and in the middle of the 'L'.
The second time he sat down, he sat down so closely to me that his leg hit my leg.
I was dead set against giving in that night, and being my affectionate self, because I was still hurt/numb.

My Dream Taurus (part 2)
by: Libra/Scorpio female

Against my silent wishes, he leaned over from his nearby position, and kissed me on the lips. "I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy", I said to myself in my head...but I secretly cherished what was happening. He was melting the permafrost that had entombed my heart that 4 weeks before.
He kissed my lips twice. I didn't give in entirely, I was a little cold, I just didn't expect to be dealing with kisses when we had things to resolve with words. Usually I can't get enough affection, and it's I who speaks in kisses.
Then he kissed my forehead. The rest of the ice on my heart immediately liquified and splashed on the floor. I was done for.
Trying to act normal and unwavering, I continued keeping him talking. He started talking about a skit he saw on tv that had to do with something I had just said, and he and I both began to laugh, and smile, and the air lifted, and we were cracking jokes. It felt amazing. I didn't know he had it in him to lift MY scorpion mood. I was not dealing with a light-weight. He is a simple, yet powerful force. Damn him. ;)
Before I knew it, I was facing him and running my fingers through his hair, and looking into his eyes. The light was brighter in the room than other times that we'd been together. We started talking about eye color, and I got to look into them deeply..what beautiful eyes. *sorry, getting distracted*..
Anyway, I think we kissed some more, I cannot remember. He had immediate reactions to our kiss, elsewhere on his body, and I felt good about that. I'm glad he couldn't hide it, either. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
When we got up, and he was going to go home, he lingered, like he wasn't in a hurry. I put his arms around me and turned around, with my back to him. He just held me like that until I spun around and hugged him, and probably kissed him (again, I can't totally remember clearly after the forehead kiss) I was just so happy the barren desert of silence was gone and things were green and alive again.
He said he'd like to come out again sometime, and I told him he could come back for a picnic on my picnic table, or for a movie on my couch..
I wanted so badly to run out in my barefeet to him again and kiss him, hug him, and maybe even tie him to my bed, but I didn't. I just smiled warmly, and said "drive safely".

Anyway. I can't remember what question I had. Oh yeah...did he show enough little signs, that mean he does care? Sometimes subtleties are lost on me....but I'm learning to pay attention. Blame it on my ADD;)

To Aphrodite Bull
by: Solenn Wilson


I am a Leo Lady and He is a Taurus man.
so here is our story: me and this Taurus Man started as friends. We met since we have the same group of friends. at first, things were ordinary. until time passed, we became closer than what we are expecting. in the middle of our friendship, he confessed to me that he likes me. But since he is one of my closest friends, I got scared that if something will happen between the two of us, and if thing would not work out for us as a couple, i might lose him as a friend as well. I told him that, and so we continue being close friends and eventually, bestfriends. with these bestfriend relationship that we have, i can still feel that he still likes me even though we barely or we don't talk about it. and the story goes. in the middle of bestfriend relationship, things got a little steamy. (yes, we had sexy time together even if we are just bestfriends) we continue this act until i realized that it is wrong, and since we are bestfreinds, we talk about everything including the feelings he had for someone else. so apparently, i have to put things like sexy tme to stop. and so we did. but even after we put it to stop, we still continue being bestfreinds like what we always do. things were apparently okay, i believe that we became closer as time pass. but, as for my nature of being someone who is dramatic, at times, i give him dramas that could be out of the line. some because of my problems,some because of him because at times he is distant for some reasons that took us time to talk about, the reason which is me. in example, he said that he was distant then because he was torn between me and his precious special girl cause he has feelings for me, he said. so apparently, we talked, still be bestfriends etc. TBC..

To Aphrodite Bull
by: Solenn Wilson


time passed, things became weird. he changed around me, he became slightly distant again. so i try t understand and waited for him to talk to me about it because i know he will. and thing happen, we did talk etc. eventually, he met thing new girl.he said, he likes this new girl, (he tell me stuffs like this since we are bestfreinds). he tells me stuffs about her etc. at first it was okay, i mean, i am happy forhim. but things got a little strange. things changed between the two of us. i barely see him, unlike before, i can't reach him cause at times he is with her, and again he became distant and indifferent with me. due to my dramatic nature, i told him and asked him this and that. i just want to understand why. but he denied that he is distant etc. and so things happened, i met this other guy, started to just have a crush on him. then i told my taurus bestfriend. to my concern, he told me he doesn't like this guy because of this and that. and i saw a bit of sadness upon his face.which immediately faded after some minutes. i just wonder why is he like that with this new crush of mine if he already have someone else as well. alalal, and things happened again.. lately, we have some arguements again, about the samething, why is he distant, in different etc. hay. any advice? why is he distant? is it because of his new girl? and with this, does he tends to forgets about our bestfriend relationship? am i really his bestfriend? i must admit, i might still have certain feelings for him, and actually, i miss having him for my own. i just need some advice, some clear advice on what should i do. this might include how do i get him back to how he was with me befor etc. but in general, what should i do now? signed: the Lioness :)

To Aphrodite Bull, please help me with TAURUS
by: Solenn Wilson

I am a Leo Lady and He is a Taurus man.
so here is our story: me and this Taurus Man started as friends. We met since we have the same group of friends. at first, things were ordinary. until time passed, we became closer than what we are expecting. in the middle of our friendship, he confessed to me that he likes me. But since he is one of my closest friends, I got scared that if something will happen between the two of us, and if thing would not work out for us as a couple, i might lose him as a friend as well. I told him that, and so we continue being close friends and eventually, bestfriends. with these bestfriend relationship that we have, i can still feel that he still likes me even though we barely or we don't talk about it. and the story goes. in the middle of bestfriend relationship, things got a little steamy. (yes, we had sexy time together even if we are just bestfriends) we continue this act until i realized that it is wrong, and since we are bestfreinds, we talk about everything including the feelings he had for someone else. so apparently, i have to put things like sexy tme to stop. and so we did. but even after we put it to stop, we still continue being bestfreinds like what we always do. things were apparently okay, i believe that we became closer as time pass. but, as for my nature of being someone who is dramatic, at times, i give him dramas that could be out of the line. some because of my problems,some because of him because at times he is distant for some reasons that took us time to talk about, the reason which is me. in example, he said that he was distant then because he was torn between me and his precious special girl cause he has feelings for me, he said. so apparently, we talked, still be bestfriends etc. (to be continued) .

To Aphrodite Bull, please help me with TAURUS
by: Solenn Wilson


time passed, things became weird. he changed around me, he became slightly distant again. so i try t understand and waited for him to talk to me about it because i know he will. and thing happen, we did talk etc. eventually, he met thing new girl.he said, he likes this new girl, (he tell me stuffs like this since we are bestfreinds). he tells me stuffs about her etc. at first it was okay, i mean, i am happy forhim. but things got a little strange. things changed between the two of us. i barely see him, unlike before, i can't reach him cause at times he is with her, and again he became distant and indifferent with me. due to my dramatic nature, i told him and asked him this and that. i just want to understand why. but he denied that he is distant etc. and so things happened, i met this other guy, started to just have a crush on him. then i told my taurus bestfriend. to my concern, he told me he doesn't like this guy because of this and that. and i saw a bit of sadness upon his face.which immediately faded after some minutes. i just wonder why is he like that with this new crush of mine if he already have someone else as well. alalal, and things happened again.. lately, we have some arguements again, about the samething, why is he distant, in different etc. hay. any advice? why is he distant? is it because of his new girl? and with this, does he tends to forgets about our bestfriend relationship? am i really his bestfriend? i must admit, i might still have certain feelings for him, and actually, i miss having him for my own. i just need some advice, some clear advice on what should i do. this might include how do i get him back to how he was with me befor etc. but in general, what should i do now? signed: the Lioness :)
hope to hear from you soon, Aphrodite Bull.

To: Solenn Wilson (Lioness)
by: Aphrodite Bull

I'm going to be brutally honest...but this is just to help you out Sweetie. So please bear with me.

You're playing mind games!

People forget although Taurus natives are not water signs, neverthleless, we can be quite intuitive.

He is 'mirroring' your actions. This is not a good sign. When this happens, Tauruses are pretty much guarded. Expect a lot of disappearing acts!
He is trying to build emotional bridges with this woman. But he wants to know if he still has a chance with you. If you want to be with this man, it's time to call:


Let your guards down. He has let his guards down over and over again, and is probably beating himself up for it. BTW, we almost never do this. We're extremely cautious people.

If you come on to him. You better do it gradually. If you move in automatically, he may think you're just in it for the thrill of the chase, and may not take your demands too seriously. Taurus natives hate drama, or confrontation. So Ms Wilson, be prepared to be extremely patient with this man.

He will not offer his love willingly. You lost that option. He will take your interest into consideration, but he will continue to see this other woman. Why? He will continue to test your loyalty time and time again. He needs to know that you're not going to flake on him in the future. Remember, now he's guarded.

Here is where things will get complicated. If he continues to see this other woman, you will have to be patient until he chooses between the both of you. But you will no longer be permitted to see the man you're currently dealing with. It's unfair. But it is what is! So from now on, everything will be on his terms.


whats it goin to be
by: waiting pisces

Hello all. I'm a pisces fm wanting to love this tm i have knownhim for six months. I mean I tx him call him. He calles n tx me to but he don't answer all the time. He told me he wks a lot of hr at wk bcuz I have been trying to get a date with him since jan. I did have him over for lunch and he enjoyed it he said the next meal was on him but again he didn't do any thing. He always have to make it another day I never been intimant with him I did kiss him one time he say he likes me but I think he is scared of me he says he's not n if he was to get with me it would b goin down he told me to be patient cuz he has something to wk out and I have been just that I really like him. O buy the way I'm older than he is buy eleven yrs but he says that's ok we planed a trip to the florida keys this fall. I'm not sure if he want me in his life as a friend or lady I have told him how he makes me feel safe just talking over the fone. My question is do he like me or just leading me on

whats it goin to be
by: waiting pisces

Hello all. I'm a pisces fm wanting to love this tm i have knownhim for six months. I mean I tx him call him. He calles n tx me to but he don't answer all the time. He told me he wks a lot of hr at wk bcuz I have been trying to get a date with him since jan. I did have him over for lunch and he enjoyed it he said the next meal was on him but again he didn't do any thing. He always have to make it another day I never been intimant with him I did kiss him one time he say he likes me but I think he is scared of me he says he's not n if he was to get with me it would b goin down he told me to be patient cuz he has something to wk out and I have been just that I really like him. O buy the way I'm older than he is buy eleven yrs but he says that's ok we planed a trip to the florida keys this fall. I'm not sure if he want me in his life as a friend or lady I have told him how he makes me feel safe just talking over the fone. My question is do he like me or just leading me on

Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: Solenn Wilson

okay, it's me again. Apparently, you're right. Miss Bull, I actually had a confrontation with this man. You see, what happened is, according to him, is that I really pissed him off. he said I was already interfering with his personal life, that i was already treating him like what we have is something beyond bestfriends, that i assume too much but at the same time, I am numb. another thing, I can't believe that he could use such harsh words with me. I know i am wrong. i already took the blame for it. I really regret it. i am wrong. i already swallowed my pride. i know it's my fault, my mistake. and everything that he said, really hurt me - a lot. Another thing that he confessed is that, before, i did something for him. and he seem to appreciate it. he even told me that because of what i did, he will really want to keep our friendship permanently. then all of the sudden, he told me that that thing i did really pissed him off. that I am too interfering with his personal life. for me, "oh shit, seriously? so what happened to what you just said and did? are those lies? because then you'd be telling me that you hated it when before you told me it was nice." it really hurt. for me, he could've just told me. i don't want to assume that he's feeling this and that. and he doesn't want me to assume as well. so what now? then he toldme that he never knew that I could be that numb. Now i guess he is really pissed at me. Some say that once the Taurus is mad, he will treat you like a stranger or whatever. I don't want that to happen, i still want our friendship to stay. but could you give me advice on how could i have him back and/or on how could i do that? How can I make things work between us again? i just want to get him back and get things back to the way they used to be. i miss my bestfriend Taurus.

singed: Lioness

I need help anybody please 2 parts
by: Determined leo

Hi, I keep going over my problem in my head and it's driving me nuts! So if you have any advice I will be so grateful. My Taurus and I were never really an item just friends with casual sex, till about 6 months ago when de did his disappearing act for 4 months. Then he came back into my life by sending me an apology letter, telling me how he was wrong for just disappearing and how none of it was my fault and I didn't deserve it. So I forgave him, but i also told him that as long as he doest expect the "benefits" part of our relationship anymore we can still be friends. He said he was fine with that and that he wasn't going anywhere. We started talking and I told him about me joining the military (He was in it not to long ago so I figured he would understand).Instead he told me not to do it that he didn't regret it because it made him a better man,but that I'm already a magnificent woman that it's not necessary. I told him the reasons I want to go. so then he told me he would miss me and now he would like to help me with training. I told him that would be a great idea! One night he came over,we talked, and I made dinner. At one point he looked at me and said " don't go, you can come live with me and I'll take care of you." I said the reason for me going has nothing to do with money, and you know that! I want to go for the experience. He lingered on his stare a Lil then nodded his head. An hour later he turns to me again and says "I'll go for you so you don't have to go!" I said I'm going for me not because I have to. He gave me a look of frustration then looked away. Later that night he kissed me and I allowed that, but nothing more.

Please I need help! part 2
by: Determined leo

When he left he kissed me goodbye. He txt me that night "I missed you so much!" anyway we kept talking the nxt week. then he was having fam problems and I told him we should go out. the following day we went to an amusement park. We had a good time but he seemed a Lil anxious. I was asking him a lot of personal questions but nothing that was too envasive. He also explained to me about why he dissapears and that he needs to think things through. That he might eventually come back. He also hates crowds. So we left and he wanted to part ways to go home and nap then meet up later for a movie. I agreed knowing full well that wasn't going to happen (he is a huge flake). Anyhow he called me and told me him and his fam were arguing again. I said it's ok we can see the movie another time that I enjoyed myself that day and if he needed to talk I would always be there for him. We txt a Lil the nxt morning but he seemed distant and I figured maybe he was upset about the questions I was asking him the previous day. So I sent him an apology txt telling him that the only reason I asked those questions were because I wanted to know how difficult it is to be in a relationship in the military. And I was sorry for being envasive. I didn't get any response. Then I txt him a few days later saying ok I know you, and your disappearing again and that's ok take your time and if and when you want to talk to me again I will always be here for you. But that wasn't the end of it. I had so much to say to him from his huge disappearing act 6 months ago. I didn't want to say anything now because I was afraid he would disappear. But now that he had anyway I sent him a long letter. I told him how he made me feel, and how i wanted to be with him. how when he asked me to move in with him and he would take care of me I was so excited. And that when he came back in my life I was ecstatic but at the same time upset, because I was leaving. I said I didn't want him to feel obligated to hv to talk to me or feel pressured that I want a relationship because that's not what I want, I'm leaving soon and I wouldn't tie him to an obligation like that. And I ended the letter with I hope you get everything you ever wanted you deserve it and have worked hard for it. This was over a month ago and I havnt heard anything from him. Please explain to me what I did wrong? I want him as more than a friend but I would never ask someone to make that kind of commitment. But I enjoy having him in my life. Should I just forget him and move on? I'm so lost!!!

To: Solenn Wilson (Lioness)
by: Aphrodite Bull

He wasn't being harsh. He was being honest. He saw drama and emotional manipulation and called you out on it! As I said previously, Taurus natives are highly intuitive and perceptive. We can see deception with our eyes closed. Undermining us will not work in your favor, Lioness. You kept referring to the preservation of your friendship. But lets keep it honest, you want more! If you want your Taurus to be honest with you, then you will need to be honest with yourself. Solenn, What do YOU want? Do you want a friendship or a relationship. Please don't attempt to combine the two. To a Taurean, this spells confusion. Remember, there are no shaded areas with us. We're simplistic people who see the world through 'black and white.'

Your Taurus already senses that you want a relationship, but you're playing "the friend who wants something 'more' game." If I see it, so does he! He's upset. But trust me, give him space, and he will get over it. We're loyal people who value friendship. But your friendship will never be the same. He knows what your 'hidden' motives are. When he does contact you, avoid being melodramatic, controlling, invasive, and manipulative. If you continue to do this, you will lose him for good!


To Waiting Pisces
by: Aphrodite Bull

1) How old is your Taurus Man?

2) Do the both of you live in the same city/state?

3) Is he working long hours? Two jobs? Self-Employed?

I think he's running game! He hasn't initiated one date??? Taurus men can be shy and some like to be pursued, but if all your emotional cards have been laid out on the table, then there should be no reason why this man is still hesitant. You were quite vocal about how you felt. And you expressed it to him.

He's testing the waters, and playing with you. It sounds like you're passing amusement to him. Why is he doing this? It could be a number of reasons.
My advice, shut him down. Tell him that you do not appreciate the mind games and that you're no longer interested!

Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: Solenn Wilson

before anything else, thank you miss bull. Thank you for all the help. :)

i will just like to clarify, when you said "Your Taurus already senses that you want a relationship, but you're playing "the friend who wants something 'more' game." If I see it, so does he!" what do you actually mean?

next is..
So, apparently, what you're saying Miss Bull is that, after the confrontation that happened, i should just give him some space, and a little more time to think and get over what happened? that i should just be patient with this? nothing more and nothing less? i am actually quite scared in approaching him. could you give me some concrete advice or just plain advice on what should i do?

signed : Wilson

scorpio woman wants a taurus man
by: Anonymous

So I recently started talking to a taurus male. He always caught my eye, but at the time he was married. Well he's now divorced. He would talk to me when when we saw each other out, just small talk. I didn't think anything of it at the time, cause I thought he was still with his wife. Well I found him on facebook and we started chatting, I got his number and we texted. I asked him if he was taken cause I didn't want to ruin anything. He said he was talking to someone, but he wasn't fully committed. He's not ready to put all of his eggs in one basket just yet, lol! Well after some more texting...I went out one night and he was out also. He is just so amazingly hot! He approached me the night I was out and well we hit it off and one thing led to another. I'm very into this guy. I'm just not sure yet if he is. I think he may still be getting over his ex, which is understandable. I just went through that. He did text the next day and we text here and there. Of course most the time I have to text him. I'm pretty sure he knows i'm interested, by some of the comments I've made. I wasn't sure if I should come out and say it, but I did and thought oh crap I shouldn't have said that, but he replied that he was having a bad day cause he went to church for his kids thing and sat with his ex for the kids and then her new b/f, which was one of his buddy's shows up. My question is? How can I get this guys attention? I know Taurus are stubborn and lack communication. I don't want to run him off by constantly texting, but I do want him to know that hey i'm still here and not leaving til you tell me to. I know they take things slow, but if he's not interested will he say so? I'm not a mind reader. What does the taurus man like? Does he like when a woman talks to him everyday? And what are some things I can say to keep him interested or into me. Yes I sound so vulnerable, lol. I don't wanna let this one go, but I don't wanna get hurt. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated

scorpio woman wants a taurus man
by: Anonymous

So I recently started talking to a taurus male. He always caught my eye, but at the time he was married. Well he's now divorced. He would talk to me when when we saw each other out, just small talk. I didn't think anything of it at the time, cause I thought he was still with his wife. Well I found him on facebook and we started chatting, I got his number and we texted. I asked him if he was taken cause I didn't want to ruin anything. He said he was talking to someone, but he wasn't fully committed. He's not ready to put all of his eggs in one basket just yet, lol! Well after some more texting...I went out one night and he was out also. He is just so amazingly hot! He approached me the night I was out and well we hit it off and one thing led to another. I'm very into this guy. I'm just not sure yet if he is. I think he may still be getting over his ex, which is understandable. I just went through that. He did text the next day and we text here and there. Of course most the time I have to text him. I'm pretty sure he knows i'm interested, by some of the comments I've made. I wasn't sure if I should come out and say it, but I did and thought oh crap I shouldn't have said that, but he replied that he was having a bad day cause he went to church for his kids thing and sat with his ex for the kids and then her new b/f, which was one of his buddy's shows up. My question is? How can I get this guys attention? I know Taurus are stubborn and lack communication. I don't want to run him off by constantly texting, but I do want him to know that hey i'm still here and not leaving til you tell me to. I know they take things slow, but if he's not interested will he say so? I'm not a mind reader. What does the taurus man like? Does he like when a woman talks to him everyday? And what are some things I can say to keep him interested or into me. Yes I sound so vulnerable, lol. I don't wanna let this one go, but I don't wanna get hurt. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated

To: Solenn Wilson (Lioness)
by: Aphrodite Bull

"i will just like to clarify, when you said "Your Taurus already senses that you want a relationship, but you're playing "the friend who wants something 'more' game." If I see it, so does he!" what do you actually mean? " (by Solenn Wilson).

Tauruses are quite intuitive and perceptive. We're cautious observers who weigh out all the mental pros and cons, and fact check everything in our heads (yes, our memory is impeccable). We're active listeners who listen for any inconsistencies. Trust me, your Taurus man knows that you want more than a friendship. So advertising "I want my BFF back", will not cut it!

The best concrete advice I can give you? Don't be pretentious about the position that you want to play with him. Tauruses admire Leos for their bold honesty. I'm sure this is why he was smitten with you from the beginning. Don't utilize this time to play the BFF role. This is not where you want to be.

My advice, give him space to cool off. Don't attempt to invade his surroundings or he will chaaaaarge at you again. Lol! Trust me, he will get in contact with you again. Provided that you be patient. When he does get in contact with you, tell him you want a relationship. You want to be with him. Don't be shy about expressing your feelings. Don't throw out that friendship BS! But be sure to tell him that you will step aside and allow him to continue pursuing the other woman. Tell him that you want happiness for him even if it's not with you. No pressure.

He will not give you an answer right away. But he will think about the possibility of a future with you. Just give him space to do so.

Although a Bull does not like to be pressured into doing anything, we ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you. So never be coy or pretentious about expressing your feelings.


To: Solenn Wilson (Lioness)
by: Aphrodite Bull

"i will just like to clarify, when you said "Your Taurus already senses that you want a relationship, but you're playing "the friend who wants something 'more' game." If I see it, so does he!" what do you actually mean? " (by Solenn Wilson).

Tauruses are quite intuitive and perceptive. We're cautious observers who weigh out all the mental pros and cons, and fact check everything in our heads (yes, our memory is impeccable). We're active listeners who listen for any inconsistencies. Trust me, your Taurus man knows that you want more than a friendship. So advertising "I want my BFF back", will not cut it!

The best concrete advice I can give you? Don't be pretentious about the position that you want to play with him. Tauruses admire Leos for their bold honesty. I'm sure this is why he was smitten with you from the beginning. Don't utilize this time to play the BFF role. This is not where you want to be.

My advice, give him space to cool off. Don't attempt to invade his surroundings or he will chaaaaarge at you again. Lol! Trust me, he will get in contact with you again. Provided that you be patient. When he does get in contact with you, tell him you want a relationship. You want to be with him. Don't be shy about expressing your feelings. Don't throw out that friendship BS! But be sure to tell him that you will step aside and allow him to continue pursuing the other woman. Tell him that you want happiness for him even if it's not with you. No pressure.

He will not give you an answer right away. But he will think about the possibility of a future with you. Just give him space to do so.

Although a Bull does not like to be pressured into doing anything, we ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you. So never be coy or pretentious about expressing your feelings.


To: Solenn Wilson (Lioness)
by: Aphrodite Bull

"i will just like to clarify, when you said "Your Taurus already senses that you want a relationship, but you're playing "the friend who wants something 'more' game." If I see it, so does he!" what do you actually mean? " (by Solenn Wilson).

Tauruses are quite intuitive and perceptive. We're cautious observers who weigh out all the mental pros and cons, and fact check everything in our heads (yes, our memory is impeccable). We're active listeners who listen for any inconsistencies. Trust me, your Taurus man knows that you want more than a friendship. So advertising "I want my BFF back", will not cut it!

The best concrete advice I can give you? Don't be pretentious about the position that you want to play with him. Tauruses admire Leos for their bold honesty. I'm sure this is why he was smitten with you from the beginning. Don't utilize this time to play the BFF role. This is not where you want to be.

My advice, give him space to cool off. Don't attempt to invade his surroundings or he will chaaaaarge at you again. Lol! Trust me, he will get in contact with you again. Provided that you be patient. When he does get in contact with you, tell him you want a relationship. You want to be with him. Don't be shy about expressing your feelings. Don't throw out that friendship BS! But be sure to tell him that you will step aside and allow him to continue pursuing the other woman. Tell him that you want happiness for him even if it's not with you. No pressure.

He will not give you an answer right away. But he will think about the possibility of a future with you. Just give him space to do so.

Although a Bull does not like to be pressured into doing anything, we ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you. So never be coy or pretentious about expressing your feelings.


Scorpio Woman wants Taurus Man
by: Aphrodite Bull

Your Taurus man may be smitten with you, but he hasn't built any emotional bridges with you. This will take some time. He just went through a divorce. Chances are, he will not jump into a relationship so quickly. Remember, "Change' is an ugly word to a Taurus.

What do Taurus men like?

1) Honesty (hates mind games, prefers straighforwardness).

2) Loyalty (admires women who possess those traits).

3) A woman who smells nice and looks nice (try a nice soft-scented perfume, and a nice spring dress that shows off your curves, modest, but not 'slutty').

4) Some vulnerability. An empathetic woman who cares about other people.

5) A woman who is passionate about sex. Taurus men prefer all-nighters, and at times (depending on his upbringing) can be quite nymphos.

So Scorpuo woman-
-Expect lots of PDA from this man!
-Lots of sex
-Lots of laughter ( these men have funny bones)
-Expect to be possessed. If it leads to a serious relationship, you're one else's!


To: Determined Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

You did nothing wrong.
He's in love with you.
He loves you just the way you are.
His disappearing acts has nothing to do with you.
His problems may be family-related or financial.
He's not going to want to burden you with his problems. He explained his 'disappearing act' which is something Bulls RARELY do. We're private people. He wants to take care of you. He expresses that he misses you. He respects you. He needs to sort things out whether it be financial or family-related. But you're leaving for the military as well, so that's adding on to the sadness. Taurus natives, we're emotionally strong people. He isn't going to break down in front of you. He would rather isolate himself from you instead before you detect any weakesses in him.

Judging by your description of him, you're dealing with a hardcore Taurus. He dislikes crowds. Most of us do. LOL. Because you're dealing with an alpha-male Taurus, you might want to tone down the Leo Pride just a tad. Dealing with this man, you will have to be in the passenger seat every once in awhile. Not all the time, but when it's needed.

You have two options.

Stay and resume a relationship

Or leave for the military and keep in contact, but you will immediately be placed in the friendship category.

Good Luck-

@AB thank u! Just one more question please
by: Determined leo

AB, thank you so much for your advice, I am truly grateful! I just have one more question. He responded to me and he said that he will always be there for me and that although we were not meant to be together that he will always be my friend and that if I ever need him I should just reach out for him and he would always be there and that above all I have to keep in touch. My question is that when I come back ,and if we are both available ,and still friends, how difficult would it be to go from friend to significant other?

just to let you know
by: irish

posted above about my Taurus many asking for space. Apparently, they don't lie!!!! After 3.5 months, he came back, apologized for the break and is 100% back in the relationship. He just needed time to get his "life" back on track!!!!

To: Determined Leo
by: Aphrodite Bull

"My question is that when I come back ,and if we are both available ,and still friends, how difficult would it be to go from friend to significant other?" (by Determined Leo)

Making that transition, for you, will not be difficult. You're one of the fewest people who have posted who made a graceful transition from casual sex, to getting a Bull to fall in love with you. Not an easy task when dealing with a Bull who prefers consistency. But somehow you mastered it.

He will see other women while you're gone. Real Talk! Bulls crave sex and physical affection. But I will give you some pointers on how to hold his interest. Arouse your Taurus man by appealing to the senses.

Please, please, no e-communication! Avoid this at all costs, as 'Taurus Guy' indicated earlier, this is the worst possible way to get closer to a Taurus. If he initiates it, don't follow. Call him instead.

1)Call him. Let him hear your voice. It's easy on the ears.
2) Send real feminine (no slutty)photos. It's easy on the eyes.
3) If you write him a letter, sprinkle your favorite perfume on the envelope before you mail it off. It's easy on the nose. A pleasant scent from the opposite sex is addictive!

Because you're away, touching, tasting, and kissing you will be quite challenging.

But I'm sure you will figure out something....


AB thank you!!
by: Determined leo

AB, thank you so much! And had no expectations that he wouldn't see other women. But I will try everything you recommended. I can't thank you enough for your advice.

Hurt and need some advice with my taurus man..
by: Loving Leo Girl

Hi all, I have read all of these posts and I really need some advice about my relationship with my Taurus man, let me know if this thread is still going, thanks :)

to Aphrodite Bull
by: Emma Lynn

Miss Bull, one simple question. How do you get a Taurus man back? or how do you make him fall? You see, we were once best friends until we once had our own romance, though we didn't really had an official boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. but things are going so well, until one time, it got a little rocky. he said i interfered to much on his life and that i hope too much. at the same time, he also had another girl. he said he likes her etc. he told me this because we were still best friends. but then we had a little misunderstanding. he had to go to Europe to pursue hi career. we haven't talked for almost a month, until one day he emailed me. our conversation was okay, it is actually too okay up to the point that it is like nothing happened, like we didn't had an argument. i still have feelings for him though, and i am quite sure that he knew. or at least i think he does. what should i do? i'll be glad to have him back.
signed, Lady Leo.

to Aphrodite Bull
by: Emma Lynn

Miss Bull, one simple question. How do you get a Taurus man back? or how do you make him fall? You see, we were once best friends until we once had our own romance, though we didn't really had an official boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. but things are going so well, until one time, it got a little rocky. he said i interfered to much on his life and that i hope too much. at the same time, he also had another girl. he said he likes her etc. he told me this because we were still best freinds. but then we had a little misunderstanding. he had to go to Europe to pursue hi career. we haven't talked for almost a month, until one day he emailed me. our conversation was okay, it is actually too okay up to the point that it is like nothing happened, like we didn't had an argument. i still have felings for him though, and i am quite sure that he knew. or at least i think he does. what should i do? i'll be glad to have him back.

signed, Lady Leo. (emma lyn)

Will my Taurus man come back to me??
by: Loving Leo Girl

Well, this is a long story but I'm going to make it short, I am in a long distance relationship with my Taurus BF, he lives overseas, shortly after we met, he persued me endlessly, said that he felt like he was falling in love with me, said he had my whole life planned out, he was so persistant, so kind and loving, we saw each other recently for about 5 days, it was amazing, but I have had a bad experience before with a long distance relationship and I guess I have not healed from it yet and didn't realize how hard it would be for me to deal with all of this again.

I feel like I need some space in order to have a healhy relationship with him or anyone to sort some things out. Ive tried to talk to him about this and he tends not to listen to anything he doesnt want to hear sometimes. I had plans to go see him in September, but we have been having disagreements lately, its been really hard for us to be apart and sometimes he forgets to communicate with me at times because he is so busy with work and it makes me feel kind of bad, anyway, we were both frustrated, and I kept telling him I needed to talk and he kept blowing me off about calling me, I didnt want to bother him because I knew he was busy with work, but finally I was waiting at home for 4 hours for him to call me and I just lost it, I felt like he was avaoiding me, I became very upset, we got into an argument, he called me and saw that I was crying and he hung up on me. I sent him a message saing that he didnt deserve me if this is how he is going to act and basically ended it. I wrote him a letter (he loves it when I write to him), and I explained that I just need some time for myself and the reasons why I need to figure things out, while taking responsibility and apoplizing for everything and making sure he was aware of how much I love him and that I hope he loves me enough to wait for me to have this much needed space, he hasn't called or messaged me, I just sent him the letter today and nothing. It has been almost 3 days and we have never gone a day without contacting each other somehow in the past 6 months. What should I do?? Will he come back to me? He said that he is in love with me and wanted me to fly over to visit him and meet his friends/family. I love him so much and I dont know what to do, do you think he just needs time to cool down? Do you think he will call me if I back off? Im heartbroken, he is my soul mate..I cant lose him...please give me some advice...thank you.

by: Loving Leo Girl

I wanted to make a correction, when I was telling him that I needed to talk and he was blowing me off, I was at work and he was having dinner with his father, hence the time difference, he was still saying that he was at dinner when it was 1:00 in the morning (his time) I felt he was toying with me when he knew I was a bit hurt and needed to talk to him, and I couldn't understand why he was acting this way, I told him, I really need to get this out or I feel like I am going to explode, I have never said anything like this before and he said, look, dont push me or I'm going to explode and you are going to regret it. And thats when he called, saw that I was crying and hung up on me. I was totally shocked he did that..

sag female married in love with a single taurus man
by: Anonymous

First off before the hate. Been married since 20 yrs old. Never cheated, this took me by total surprise. Started out as friends...little flirtation..physically wasn't my type, but he was always with me at the husband was husband said my smile changed when he walked in. The look in my eyes...bottom line I fell in love with him I didn't realize I was living content, not happy.. We Hung out one night. Gave him a ride home in May. Asked me in, said thing you know he kissed me, electrified is all I can say. I apologized next day I saw him. Never did anything like that. Not a cheat or floor although it would appear that way. We stayed friends just hanging out (husband always there but playing golden tee). His friend tells me he had a dream about me with the other man.. alot of mixed signals. See Taurus alone again in end of august. Just like before no more than kissing, replay. Husband finds out and threatens everyone. Now Taurus man wont talk to me even though I have told him I love him. I am willing to leave the marriage. heartbroken, he made me very happy.

Loving Leo Girl
by: Aphrodite Bull

I read your entire post(s)...all three. Please forgive my blatant honesty but if you do not stop what you're doing, you will lose him forever!

Two things a Taurus individual hates:
1) Being pushed...
2) Drama & Confrontation

He TOLD you how he felt about you. He SHOWED you how he felt about you. He's including you in his inner circle (family and friends). Working his @ss off to provide a future with you someday. You already indicated that he's made future plans with you. What is your problem? Please don't create a dilemma when there is none. Keep it up, and he will cut you off.

Why did he hang up on you when you were crying? Simple! He's a stubborn alpha male. No emotional meltdowns will sway his decision. If you continue to be confrontational and make threats, trust me, it will not be pretty. You will feel that wrath of the almighty Bull, and he will chaaaaarrrrge at you. Despite the calm demeanor, Tauruses have horrible tempers! Consider yourself warned.

Stop being melodramatic and find more constructive ways to utilize your time. He will love you more for it!

To Emma Lynn (Lady Leo)
by: Aphrodite Bull

It's hard to win back someone that you never had in the 1st place. Your dliemma is tricky. There are way too many loopholes. I will need some more info....

1) Did you ever tell your Taurus that you were looking for a relationship?
2) When the two of you were fooling around, did the topic ever come up?
3) Is he still seeing the girl that he liked?
4) How old are the both of you?
5) Why didn't the two of you ever decide to become permanent?

To; Married Sag Female
by: Aphrodite Bull

He was toying with you, smitten with you, but had no intentions of being with you long-term.

Due to the fact, Taurus men hate drama and confrontation...

He simply just removed himself from the situation!

If you love him, good luck, try wishing upon a star. It won't happen!

To: Aphrodite Bull
by: Loving Leo Girl

Thank you for your input, I understand where you are coming from, but please make no mistake that I did not mean to push him. If someone you love tells you that they need to talk, then you should respect them and give them a listening ear, not ignore it for weeks at a time and act like their request does not exist. Thats rude, disrespectful and thoughtless towards your partner. And what it does is forces your partner to supress their emotions until you push them too far. Communication is key in a relationship. I understand that Taurus men are very stubborn, as well as us leo lady's, but there is a difference between being inconsiderate and making yoruself busy..I also know that he likes to do things on his own terms, but sometimes you have to compromise to show your support to one and other. The problem here was that there were things that I needed to express, without being overly dramatic, but it becomes dramatic when your needs are not met, you have emotions bottled up inside and its sort of like a snowball affect after that. I'm not a needy person, I have always respected his space and never demanded anything from him. I dont think it should be too much for someone to give enough time to the person they love so they can hear that person out.

We still have not talked and as much as I love him, I know I cant be with someone who cant handle the truth of the situation and chooses to live with only their own stubborn ideas. From the beginning, this has always been all about what he wanted-he wanted me, he persued me and he has made it clear that he will have me and he has our whole life planned out. But not once did he ask me if that was ok, if it was what I wanted or what I wanted in my life for that matter. He just stuck with his own ideas and ran with it, after 5 months of dealing with this, I'm very sorry that I needed to talk...I must be a bad person for having my own individual ideas of whats important to me also.

He has still has not tried to contact me and its been 4 days, I didnt do anything to deserve this treatment, I know he is still mad and upset, but to completely shut me out like that, I just dont get it, I dont know if I should send him a message or just leave it alone.

No relationship is perfect, I have been a great person to him and if he loved me so much and is such a loyal and devoted person as they say with taurus, then this is something we should learn from, and know how to act/react when I need to talk and how much space I should give him until he is ready to listen. This is the first time we have had a bit of an argument, if he cant handle this then there are a ton of other things that will come up in life that he may not be able to handle either...I dont want to be with someone who reacts when the going gets tough, he gets going.

I really just wish I knew what to do at this point...because I am totally lost as to how I should act at this point..

by: Loving Leo Girl

Also, please understand that he lives in Europe and I live in the US, we have only spent those 5 days together on a vacation a month ago in the past 5 months, he doesnt communicate very often verbally about things and when he does, its only on his terms, so I never really ask to much, but Im going to need a little bit more reassurance than that to maintain a long distance relationship with someone...its just a really difficult situation to be in sometimes.

by: Loving Leo Girl

Also, I never made any kind of threats towards him once so ever or nagged him or pushed him at all, I was telling him that we needed to talk for about 2 weeks (just casually like, hey can you call me later when you are not busy or when is a good time for me to call you) and he kept avoiding it, making excuses and such, its not that the talk was going to be something bad or he didnt want to hear, I just wanted to tell him how I was feeling about everything, I should be able to tell my best friend how I feel, but hey after a few weeks of dealing with that, yes, I became emotional...its not so easy to have a relationship with someone just through text messaging..I'm sure you can understand that too...

Cancer & Taurus
by: Anonymous

I am deeply in love with a Taurus.
He's so...manly. He takes control. I love the way he walks, the way he talks. His hand movements. His facial expressions, how we can stare at eachother forever and have a conversation. The way he kisses <3, the way he touches.
His very patient. And confident that I need him (which i do), so he used to go weeks ignoring me, and then late at night we'd get together and talk under the stars. And it'd be worth it.
He's blunt. Never has lied to me. If he doesnt want to tell me something, he wont. I dont persist, as I think it annoys him . We want the same things in life. We bicker, playfully. When I get angry, his sarcasm, and attitude drives me crazy. I want him sexually all the time. He's so easy to love. He makes me so calm, and makes me feel like screaming at the same time. I'd never ever ever leave him. He's too perfect. I can't find a fault with him. I love how slowly, but surely, he starts spilling little secrets to me. It makes me feel trusted, and like i could trust him. <3 Taurus Men score a perfect 10 ^__^

aphrodite bull
by: Anonymous

Ok, thank you, I have been told by many friends, but I am a sag female and extremely loyal to my feelings for everyone, if I love you. He did tell me he loved me but can't, he is an alicohaluc, but Ian a I an a fighter..we would work through it, but if you area make based on all the comments he is an unheaunhealthy Taurus, I just don't have any experience in this area. And yes, I stay in a content marriage with a Capricorn man who loved me with 2 daughters. Please if I can change his mind just to talk to me. Be won't....

by: Anonymous

Lots of mis-spelling's in last post. I will stay content, if there is no way to change his mind. I do believe I am married to my best friend, but I believe the Taurus man was the live of my life.

To Loving Leo Girl
by: Aphrodite Bull

The problem with you and your Taurus man stems from a long distance relationship. Will he relocate to the US, or do you plan on moving overseas? This may help the both of you greatly.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Loving Leo Girl

I think you are right, well I was supposed to go there in September, he wanted me to meet his friends and his family. Just a little more to the story since I wrote in first, he STILL has not contacted me, its driving me INSANE, sometimes in the middle of the day I just burst into tears, I have messaged him because I am impatient by nature (I know something I must work on), and at this point I have gone through all of the emotions and reacted towards them, I have gotten angry, mad, sad..felt like I wanted to get on a plane and either curse him out for shutting me out like this and then turn around and get right back on the plane, and at other times, I just wish I could look at him and tell him how much I love him. I dont know what to do. I have sent messages, saying now at this point to at least give me closure, to please talk to me and not shut me out like this, I see that he has checked the message, but he will not respond. He wont give me closure to move on, he wont tell me lets have some space or whatever...I cannot stand it that he is just shutting me out like this. I feel like a pshyco right now honestly. I dont know how to act, how to feel. He is showing his stubborness thats for sure, but its ripping my heart out. Yes, we have talked about me moving there and thats why I got freaked out. I had a really really bad experience relocating for a fiance before, I traveled overseas, lost my job, lost everything for someone..I never thought I would be in a long distance relationship again and when I met him I thought I was healed from my past, but all these fears started to come up within me and I started to act strange, couldnt really understand I figured out what it was, I was honest with him (my Taurus) I wrote him a letter and asked for a few months to figure things out but assured him that I just needed some time to work out these issues with myself and that I loved him very much and that this needed to happen for us to truly be together. He hasnt responded about the letter, nothing. Uphh, its been a mess. Now I am heartbroken and feel that I may have lost my soulmate...I have tried everything, but he will not speak to me at all and it has almost 2 weeks. Seems like 5 years.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Loving Leo Girl

Im just totally lost, I know I have to stop messaging him and just let it go for now, but its hard, and I'm not messaging him like crazy, just every couple days I will say something. I dont know what to think, how to act or what to do at this point.

Why is he ignoring me? Is he done? If so, why cant he tell me why or give me closure? I know he loves me, but have I ruined this? I really just dont know. Will he try to contact me after having some space? Should I just stop messaging him and move on? I was raging with anger and hurt the other day and I took off all of our pictures on fb and messaged him and said that it occured to me that he didnt love me anymore and I just want my life to go back to the way it was before we met. I know it was terrible, but this silence is making me go crazy and I am acting in ways that I normally wouldnt, my fear of loss is intensified by 10X because he is in another country and I just have no clue what to think... please, any advice would be wonderful, I am totally desperate right now.

by: Anonymous

hi after reading lots of post about other signs and taurus men, i feel quite funny because as a taurus woman i can totally understand what those [ran away] [hot&cold][Disappeared] Taurus men were up to.. i have the same problem.

When the lover suddenly showed too much determinations or too much affection i just backed off, did not know what to say back.
It takes almost ALL day to send a TXT message for me. Not just that, i get very frustrated when the answers are what i did not expected (so rather not to answer back).

i always loved beautiful people, hypnotized by their beauty, accidiently go and talk to them (it does not mean that i'm "in love". Beauty is Beauty, Enjoyable full stop).

Personally, i met a taurus man before for a month, he told me we had great time and i thought too.
it is quite true, both taurus man and woman never comfortable to talk about each other's relationship. And even with our own emotions it is never in our heads (emotional but can't find the reasons to talk about our emotions.)

when we were together, we walked around ran around eat drink touch chase played hold hands like children. Even the txt we shared were very much simple.
For us, txt and communication were not that important, b'cos we saw it as just a words game and we did not like spending energy on just playing games. Instead, we met up once in a while, get crazy about what we planned to do for a day, move around and do a lot of different things. This was ideal for us, b'cos we loved our job and still wanted to have fun sometimes.

Sometimes we dressed up differently whenever we meet, set an individual dress code and let the other one guess when we meet. Just small little fun , again like children :)

we shared Pictures or videos of what we like, saw and felt. Not much words. it is a great stimulation and spiritual connecting experience rather than boring dates. Although I overed a month ago, it was fun.

I am a leo women in love with a taurus male
by: Sarah

I have known this man for 9 months now and met him over the internet. We have only every seen eachother about 4 times, as he lives long distance. We used to talk on all the time, over the intertent but it kind of died a little. I have never stopped the contact, sending him messages every now and again. He to flakes alot. I do find it very difficult to cope with. He will go weeks with no contact and I mean 8 weeks or more and then I will get a message asking if he can come see me or if I am alright. When we first met I instantly knew we had a major connection because the way we are together. We have never actually had sex but we have had sexual encounters which we both struggle to resist. He has said he does struggle. He has a daughter who drops everything to be there for her. I respect him highly for this and I always let him know how proud I am of him for it. He is hard worker and works demanding shift patterns which leaves him with no time for himself and the bike racing he does at weekends, plus having his daughter. I am very paitent with him but I always try to let him know I am there,if he needs me. I try to give him space to, so I don't message him every week, even though I want to do that. He doesn't show his feelings but when I do have contact with him he does say how happy he is that I am keeping myself busy and doing well, he seems to like the fact that I am their with support when he needs it. When he comes to see me, he very rarely talks other than, how relaxed and comfortable he feels around me and one he always lets me know how warm and relaxing my house is, which makes me laugh. I am very confused with what he wants from me if anything. The only thing really that makes me think he does want me is the way he looks at me and touches me. Its like I can see that affection and love through his eyes. The last time I saw him, he opend up for the first time, this was only because again we struggled to resist eachother again but he stopped half way through saying it didn't feel right and that he didn't see me as a piece of meat or a one night stand. His words were I was very special. He actually said he had picked up women before, had sex with them but never seen them again, as for me he didn't want to do that because he said he liked me. Then said he was too busy for a relationship. I understood because under his circumstances he hasn't got time for himself let alone anything else. It confuses me. He left that night very happy and gave me a kiss. (I have added a second post below because I can't fit it all on one post)

I am a leo women in love with a taurus male
by: Sarah

I asked will I see you soon and he said for sure. It has been 12 weeks now sinse I last saw him but in that time he had a bad accident while racing on his bike which left him with a broken leg in two places. The only contact I have had is through me messaging him but again he didn't respond until 3 weeks ago asking how I am and telling me about the progress of his leg. I asked him out right when he gets better will I see him again and he said for sure he will come see me when all is better and he will have a cuppa and a chat to see how I am doing. Well it has been four weeks and he has been told he could need an operation on his leg, because it hasn't healed.
My feelings for him have significantly developed. I told him I was in love with him and that I had been holding back for too long and I needed to tell him,it was destroying me. I told him by message because again its the only contact I have and I didn't know when I would see him again. I also said I didn't expect him to respond to this message knowing full well he wouldn't anyway, because of the way he is and that know doubt he would think I was a crazy woman and probably wouldn't want to speak to me again. I did say like I always say, I would always be there for him. Well I was right I so wanted him to respond but I knew he wouldn't and now I feel terrible because I am so worried by telling him I won't see him anymore or that I have freigtend him away. I don't know what to do if anything, because I don't want to push him, but I certainly don't want to be ignored either. Can someone please help and tell me what the hell is going on with this guy and if all I said was genuine on his part. What will he be doing with the message if anything and have I blown it, because I can't stop my feelings towards him I feel like an obsessd, crazed woman but I just want to spend the rest of my life with him. I am so lost with this now.

reply to leo
by: Anonymous

sorry to say, you pushed him away. He doesn't have the same depth of feeling for you, and now he will feel guilty that your feelings for him are so strong. In addition, you told him you didn't expect him to reply --- so he doesnt have to. You are about to experience the slow fade....although if he can go 8 weeks without contact, I'm not sure you really had much going. Just sayin'

Taurus Mess
by: Honey Bear

I could really use some advice. I will give you the short version. My taurus (40) and I (37) have been doing the back and forth thing for almost a year. By the way he is divorced twice .We dated for 3 months, then out of no-where I got an email where he told me that he couldn't give me the 110% I deserve blah blah. We kept in contact and didn't see each other any part of that time. I would drop off cookies at his desk and be friendly. He kept in contact with me. After almost 4 months, he texted me and invited me out to dinner. We had a nice time, just as no time had passed. Before I know it, we just picked up where we left off. Then he got a job transfer and moved to Florida. We spent all the time we could before he left. And he made certain to ask me, you will come see me. We work in the travel industry, so traveling to see each other is no big thing. Anyway, about two weeks after he leaves to Florida we are still chatty and everything seems to be good. Then a co-worker decides to meddle in our business. She sent him a text asking how serious were we in our relationship. Needless to say he freaked out. I got another email and I responded and told him how I really enjoy spending time with him and that I was in no hurry. He was good with that answer. I had a business trip in Florida and we spent some time together and it was a little weird. He would sit by me and watch my purse, then text me when he got home. But we hadn't seen each other in 6 weeks and no real physical contact. Just a kiss and a pat on the butt. He didn't ask me the next day what I was doing, had an emergercy at work and I had to leave. Didn't say goodbye, he tracked me down and texted me. Once I explained what happened with work he was fine. Since all of that... He has't been as communicative with me. No initiciating contact. If I text him or call him he will respond very quick. So I have no idea where to go from him. I think I need a Taurus translating guide. Can anyone make sense out of any of this...??????

I just don't understand the Taurus Man...
by: Passionate Scorpio

Hi There!! Okay, so I have known this man for about 1.5 years. For the first year we never saw each other because we worked together via phone. I always thought he was a very down to earth person with great morales and a good heart. After about several months of not speaking I met him at a social event. So we are finally seeing each other for the first and it was lovely. We talked and hung out all night as if know one else was there with us. After that we texted for about two weeks. He was always a hit and miss. There was on time when he didn't answer my text at all. So, one day I called him instead of texting him and we talked. We ended up getting together and had a very lovely evening. We were intimate but did not have actual intercourse. Skip to 2 months later. I have not seen him at all! I am so confused by this. He text me from time to time to check in on me and the last time he text me, he said that he would love to hook up when gets back in town and I have not heard from all...that was a month ago. So, I text response. I called response.


Why does he text me at all if he is not interested. And if he is interested why does he disappear and reapper by text and has not followed through on us getting together. Why not just not text? Please let me know your thoughts...Thanks

In Love with a Taurus Man
by: Leo Love

I will try to keep this as short as possible. I met this Taurus man in June 2010 very briefly at a hospital we were visiting a family member. He had just came home from Iraq. Anyway, i did acknowledge how cute he was and even commented but i never seen him again until April of this year. See my daughter's boyfriend is his brother and i went with my daughter to there house and that's when i saw him again. We began talking, had a few glasses of wine. All was very good. I found him to be very interesting and he seemed to be lonely and sad. The next day the parents invited me for a BBQ, i went he was there, we talked a lil more but i could just tell by the way he looked at me that he was interested. So, that was it, i went home and i have not been able to get him out of my head ever since. So i thought about it and convinced myself that i needed to reach out to him and let him know i was interested. I asked his brother to give him my number and to give me his. He did. and of course i contacted him a few days after with a text saying that i was very happy to have met him again and i would like to get to know him. We texted a few times and agreed that we would hang out and do something when i got back from my travels. Actually i went to NYC and i had learned he loved pizza with a special topping i brought him 2 slices. i contacted him the next day after i arrived and he came to my house and we had the pizza and wine! it was fun! We then went to the movies that weekend. We became intimate like 2 weeks after. At this point, I learned then that his B'day was coming up and that he was going to be in the army during his b'day. it so happens i had planned on going on a cruise the week he was returning.. so i surprised him and booked him to join me on the cruise (of course i asked him without giving up the surprise if he didnt mind going away with me) We went on the cruise and had a great time it was truly magical. I can just feel the connection when i'm with him and when he looks deep into my eyes i could feel that he wants me.

In Love with a Taurus Man
by: Leo Love

Anyway, we went away a few weekend after that. but at some point he became distant. We planned on going to MIA for 4th of july weekend and 2 weeks prior to that he stopped calling, he didnt respond to any of my text to a point that i didnt even know if he was still going. Then like 3 days before he texted me that he was sorry and was trying to get his pms under control!! haha!! i thought.. i remained calm and we went and had a wonderful weekend. i waited for a good opportunity that wknd to tell him how i felt about his lack of communication and that it would make me happy if he would just respond and tell me straight out that he's busy or just cant talk and that i would understand. Anyway, after that wknd.. he did it again.. this time i didnt hear from him for 3 weeks. Once again i was goint to be traveling and i had asked him to take me to airport. so i went to his house and texted him to please come outside and he did. I asked how he was and that i was sorry that i was there unexpectedly but that i hadn't heard from him in 3 weeks and i needed to know if i needed to find another way to get to the airport. He said that he would, he also said he missed me. of course, he didnt give any explanation as to why he hadnt called or texted and i wasnt going to push for one. I left it like that. I was leaving on sunday morning and he called me on friday to confirm and came and stayed with me at my house on Sat. which was the first time he ever stayed which surprised me. took me to airport and picked me up a week later and stood with me again the night i came back from my travels. I've always invited him to my house to eat or just to hang out and he says he doesnt feel comfortable (because of my kids) i had a BBQ that sat and invited him and i couldnt believe he agreed to pass by and he did. We had a great time and actually opened up to me a lil.

In Love with a Taurus Man
by: Leo Love


let me tell you few things about him.

He currently lives at home with parents and siblings. since he's been back from the army he's been living with them. He's not working but is going to school. He hasn't had a girlfriend in over 5 years. He says he's very private and doesnt like to bring girlfriends to his house. (btw, i havent been to his house since we started dating) he likes to think as this as his escape. In one of our conversations, he mentions that he's not ready for a relationship and that we are not compatable at this point because of where he's at. Doesnt have his own place nor does he have a job. He's got some issues with his dad. He's sometimes has mentioned finding a job in another state, looking for his own place he also has said that he believes he was meant to be alone. That he doesnt mind it at all, no offense to me... and that he will not make promises that he cant keep.

a little about me:
i'm older than he is (by 10yrs) i have adult kids, i own my own home, car, have a good job and doing well for myself.

The past week he finally talked to me about his ex and told me everything that happened and how badly he was hurt. I can understand know why he hasnt been in a relationship since.

So my question is... do you think he's into me as much as im into him? i think he can tell how much i like him.. but i'm not sure if im just a FWB for him or something a more. He's a very nice guy, humble and calm and has potential and i know that i can help him be successful but i get the feeling that he doesnt want my help.

your response is very much appreciated!!!

insight please ...taurus are confusing.
by: leochels

im right there with you in the confusion. I have been talking to this guy for about three months now. He had my complete attention...meaning I was super in to him. Now im just confused and thats making me lose intereST out of frustration. At first we hung ou t and text or called each other as often as we could. He even made a cute nickname for me. Well we ended up having a pregnancy scare and he disappeared for a week. We ended up running into each other and he approached me to talk about the situation. He told me if i was that he didnt want me to keep it and he was sorry for everything and that he would like to continue getting to know each other. I swear he kissed me so passionately he pretty much had me at that point. Well i tried letting him know what the results were but wasnt able to get ahold of him. I ended up running into him two weeks later and we talked.he told me that he hoped we could still be friends. Well last time we hung out he started rubbing my back for me without being asked and held my hand and asked if he could kiss me. I told him no since we were supposed to be friends. Honestly i wanted to but i felt like it may be games at this point. Im still really drawn to him but not sure about his behavior. Im a leo if that matters. Any insight?

To Leo Love (poster above)
by: Aphrodite Bull

You're way to domineering, intense, and impatient. Three traits that Taurus individuals abhor! Keep this up and he will run for the hills! We prefer to move at our own pace. Patience is the key when dealing with a Taurus. Let him get to know you, and court you gradually. These men are very old-fashioned.... Don't be fooled by his age. They're 'old souls', and mature way beyond their years. But I'm sure you already figured this out due to his humble, calm, & gentle demeanor. They prefer to aquire their finances through their OWN means. Attempt to take over, and you will emasulate him....and then lose him forever. Remember the Taurus motto : 'I have." This is represented by possessions and aquisition. MY money, MY house, MY car, MY woman. Possessions complete him. This is why he is hesitant in pursuing a relationship. He hasn't acquired any of these things. When he's complete, then he procceds with a slow courtship. This man hates to be rushed!

To Leo Love (poster above)
by: Aphrodite Bull

Your Taurus is not playing games. As for physical contact and intimacy, it's in a Taurus' nature. Tauruses are very physical signs. What may be brought on by physical attraction does not automatically indicate longevity. Taurus is an earth sign. These are stability signs. Time will tell. But this will be left up to you. You may want to re-evaluate your movements. If you want longevity with this man, there are some things that you may want to reconsider.

1) Do you want to have more children in the future? Taurus individuals have a particular fondness for children. VERY NURTURING.

2)Are you willing to be EXTREMELY patient with this guy? Tauruses HATE to be rushed into anything. He will not budge!

3) Will you allow him to lead in the relationship? (not dominate the entire relationship, but lead). There is a difference. He's respectful. He will not try to dominate you, but he will need to know that he's respected in the relationship. In the beginning, he will be inflexible, and somewhat stubborn, but this will ease up after he's let you in gradually. He will adapt to your habits, and love you in spite of all your flaws. Yes, that's the true loyalty of a Taurus.

He may be contemplating these things...He will continue to be distant, hesitant, until he feels complete.

@Passionate Scorpio
by: Aphrodite Bull

Need more details. The story sounds vague.

To:Aphrodite bull
by: Leo love

Thanks for your response. I didn't realize until know that i was being domineering and that's the last thing I want to be. I so understand the need to be complete and I want those things for him and I also know he will get there. I have a lot of respect for a man who can be honest enough to tell a woman that he can not be in a relationship until he's complete and in his own words he has said that to me. I guess I really wasn't listening. I don't want him to run for the hills, I want to give him the space and time he needs. I want to be patient, and I'm willing to wait So, what do I do? Do I take a few step back and stop texting him? Stop calling? Leave him alone? I just want him to know that I'm here for him if he needs me. You said he's not playing games? Are you referring to playing games with me or relationship?

To Aphrodite bull
by: Leo Love

I agree time will tell and i know that i must consider a few things if i really want this. The three points you made in your comments are very real and I have thought about them in depth. Because of the feelings I have right know I can honestly say that I would consider having another child in the future but time is a big factor due of my age. I can definitely be patient, at the end the reward of his love will
be worth it! I want him to lead the relationship, I need that balance. I guess it all make sense to me now, I can understand why the distance and why he's hesitant but what and how do I let him know that I understand and see his perspective on things? Know that I've considered all these things, I guess I need to sit back and wait.

Thanks again for your great insight and advice! Much appreciated.

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

You can continue to be in his life. He may not admit it, but he wants you there. We love individuals who are willing to fight for us. Taurus individuals have very subtle, introverted personalities. You have to observe our movements.
And ALWAYS pay attention to the eyes. Even when he thinks you're not looking. Be supportive, but not overwhelming. He's a Bull. He will accomplish his goals. Bulls are determined and persistent. He wants to secure a financial future for his Lady love, he would rather die than have it the other way around, lol.

If you're conflicted because he's uncertain about a relationship, but yet he's very affectionate with you, don't be alarmed. Don't be taken aback by the disappearing acts either. This is the assessment period. Because we're stability signs, an evaluation period always takes place with a Bull. It's just not brought to the forefront, so a person is usually left feeling confused. This throws a lot people off. He's not playing games with you.

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

The best way to assist a Bull w/o being overwhelming...

Bulls are usually too proud to ask for help, but being an active listener will help a great deal. Play it by ear. ASK him if he needs you to research some info. But never use the term HELP.
It sounds bananas. But it's the truth. Remember he needs you to be supportive, not take over. Tauruses like to reap the rewards for their hard work. We enjoy completion, and a satisfied end product. So Tauruses don't mind putting 100% into a project. Taurus is an earth sign as well as a financial sign.

Most Tauruses prefer to be self-employed.

My advice, be patient. The wait is worth it, trust me on this!

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thanks again for the wonderful insight. I will take all of your advice. Your absolutely right about the EYES!! since the day i met him i told him that his eyes speak volume and it's true. I sometimes think he knows what im thinking before i even say anything. He makes me feels like he understands me without even saying a word just by the look in his eyes i can feel it. It's a crazy feeling but i love it!! I will continue to pay attention even when he thinks im not looking.

Also very happy to hear that he's not playing games with me and wants me in his life because i really want to be there too. I will continue to be supportive and extremely patient as he reaches his goals.

When he's distant, do i just let him be until he resurfaces?

Thanks again!!

Aries women Taurus man
by: Anonymous

Hi! So i have known this guy for quite some time. He got stationed hours away in the army so we kept in touch through email and such. after 4 years of not hanging out we decide to go out and catch up. we had an amazing time. by the end of the night, yes we had a couple of drinks and he did tell me that I had all the power and he was hooked. So the kiss happened. After that, forget it.. its like we were both completely different poeple. In a GREAT way. Hung out for another 2 days and he has done all the sweet things previous poeple have posted. But can hanging out for only 3 days and hardly knowing each other really be a real connection between the two of us? He is constantly calling me adorable and cute, goergous.. even with no makeup on! Hes said that we probably cant progress because he is stationed so far away. Not sure a Long distance relationship would work. Anyway, he is gone to see family this week.. and I havent heard from him in 2 days. Although, I understand because of long distance and roaming charges from being in a different country. I dont want to seem needy to push him away, but i really want to facebook him or something. I told him I would miss his cuddles before he left. Am I going about this in the right way? Please help a girl out! I am an Aries but I love to be cherished.. I need SOME independence but I am not like the regular Aries' that are described. I am actualy on a Aries/Pieces cusp. Thank you all :)

can somebody please give me advice about taurus man please!!
by: thejazzy1

It seems like we are hot then cold, I met him in 08.. I made a previous story about him in the previous blogs (dont know what to think about this taurus man) things have changed slightly.. Well we still talk and have sex, we have 2 more major situations were the roles were reversed and he hurt me by holding hands around the club with his ex and then not letting me get my things I left at his apt. The second incident was he was just plan disrespectful. He acts like im zuppose to jump when he calls but when I dont he text me calling me assholes and sayimg he hate me and fuk me... I love this man with everythi.g inside of me but I dont know what to do with him, I dont run to his every call becsuse I have a life and because hes didrespectful. He never apologized for his actions but he will be really sweet to me when I bring it to me he say the reason he do what he does is because I dont do what I say im going to do as far as seeing him and having sex with him when he wants,i really just want him to be more respectful and sensitive towards my feeli ng s that I have for him but I know he has alot of work and chanfing but whenever he does get it together he will be my dream guy..please help with advice that u would go by if u was in my shoes and in love with a taurus man.

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

I have a few questions....
How old is he?
What is YOUR sign?
How long have you been seeing yor Taurus?
Are the two of you exclusive?

I also wanted to ask....
When he was holding hands with his ex, were the two of you exclusive at the time?

part 1 to aprodite bull ...please help with my taurus man
by: Anonymous

@aprodite bull he is 41 I am 25 I am aquarius. At the time we were just seeing eachother bur he dont like it when I talk to other men and he always something to say about the other man so its like we are together but were not.. On that particular night he knew I was going to be in the club because I just left from his house from eating..(he always cooks for me) so on when I got to club I was just chilling with girls having drinks when I saw this girl come in the club and go str8 to his booth I said nothing I ignored him and continued on with my night but my friends were informing me that he was staring at me and watching me but I wouldnt give him eye contact...finally he text me and told me to come give him a kiss..i did when I went over to his booth we were talking thwn she came over he completly stop talking and started listening to her then I told him to let me in he gave me a drink and I seated and just watched him quietly finally I got up because I noriced there were other women from previous incidents so I went to leave and he told me dont start, when me and him started to chat he stop talking to the ex and she walked off we were still talking but he was like searching for her all around the club.. I left and I heard from friends thT he left out of vip booth and was walking around holding her hand. I was so hurt. I tried contacting him for my belongings he wouldnt respond or give them to me until 2 months later.. Sometimes I feel like im nust a booty call but at other times he does other things to show me im not, I met him 3 years ago when him and his ex just broken up he was so sweet always wanted me over always wanted to talk on the phone cooking for me.. I left him in 08 of meeting him on spring break and spending most of my 2 weeks with him I went back to school and graduated when I came back from school I had a baby

Part 2 @aprodite bull...please help witb my taurus
by: Anonymous

And every since I had my baby and made a few mistakes with other men he haschanged majorly and its obvious but every time I try to leave him alone he swindles me back I feel like I dont want to let go but I want things to change..i know be dont want me out of bis life because he always say you keep threateninv to leave me but I want him to myself and want to spend more time with him im so in love with the old him..i dont know if he wantz to be involved with me like I want to with him its crazy please help

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

He seems immature for a 41 year old, but honestly I also detect some immaturity on your part as well (no offense). The two of you have been playing this cat and mouse game for 3 years?

In his eyes, you appear aloof, and emotionally detached. He's playing games because he needs reassurance. You're not returning his calls, ignoring him, and yet you flip out when you see his ex. Which in my opinion, he did deliberately to get a rise out of you. He will not budge, or give in to you, he's a stubborn Bull. LOL. Set in his ways and very inflexible. He will watch you deteriorate emotionally...before he does. He will turn you into an emotional wreck until you give in. Not a very mature way to deal with this...but you're dealing with an unevolved Taurus. He will verbalize NOTHING, and when he feels threatened at the possibility of losing you, he will give you EVERYTHING! ( thus, explaining the hot and cold moments)


Part 2 @aprodite bull...please help witb my taurus
by: Anonymous

My baby and made a few mistakes with other men hes been distant I wonder what he wants from me please help...i feel like he keep me around for a reason,idk please help

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull


I will let you in on a secret about Tauruses. We secretly want to possess you...but also want to be possessed by YOU!


Mark your territory, and claim him.

Tauruses differ from other earth signs. Virgos adapt, Capricorns initiate, BUT Tauruses are more 'fixed.' This means, at times, they would prefer for people to move around them, instead.
We won't budge.

Simply tell him this:
Look. It's been three years. No more BS. It's you and me, and me and you. No one else. If this is not enough, lets just cut ties. It's all or nothing.

He will commit to you. He needs reassurance.

He needs to know that you're a woman who is consistent, firm, and knows what she wants.

No more head games...

@ aprodite
by: Anonymous

So what exactly do I do to get him to understand that im really in love with him and willing to do whatever it takes to be with him? I do demand respect..then I wanna know how do I show him that im not aloof and emotionally detached? I just want to be with him and give him my all and be in a healthy respextful relationship. How I do I handle seeing him with another woman or keeping my cool? How could he still think im not in love with him after that lol.. I was floored! Bit seriously he tells me love me all the time but some of his actions make me second guess things, im working on maturity..i know hes a real and a good man I wanna b the best for me out chica!!!;)

@ aprodite
by: thejazzy1

i dont think he is ready to commit to me. I gradually say little things to initiate the conversation but he doesnt reply I think hes still in love with his ex and has to many women to commit to only me. I dont want to give up on him but what else do I need to do? How do I know if he is still in love with me and will ever want to be in a real relationship with me and hes so not verbal and we dont spend time like we use to its crazy cas ne makes me feel like if I try to talk to him then he blows me off or dont respond but at the sametime he gets mad when I dont jump to his freaky calls or text and he threatens to sleep with other peoplelike he probly is already doing. I feel obligated to him and I feel like he knows that im really in love with him but he feels like he can sleep with me whenever he wants but he dont have to commit, whew! Its frustrating because im a very attractive woman and he knows im very capable of having a good man commit to me but im so stuck on him that I will try to talk to other men and nust keep them on standby until they eventuallydisappear. I feel like im wasting my time waiting for him but its still a inch in me thats telling me to follow my heart..whats a giel to do..HEKNOWS IM IN LOVE WITH HIM and bes still ignoring the commitment part????? Help me again please

Leo love
by: Aphrodite Bull

Okay, I think my Taurus guy is withdrawing again. This past week we've txt back n forth a few times which is rare. I asked him during the week that if he want too busy this weekend if he would like to hang out. He said he would see as a few things came up on his car that needed to get done I told him that was okay I know the car is priority but that if he wasn't extremely tired from working on the car that we could just chill at home we didn't have to go out and do anything. He said he would let me know. Anyway friday came around I didn't hear from him which was okay. ,my daughter ask me to drive her to babysit the cousins kids( remember my daughters boyfriend is his brother) so I took her I had only met the cousinh once same place and time I meet my Taurus man. She was very nice and welcoming. Okay, sat comes and I have to go get my nails done I take my daughter when my daughter tells me the mother wants to come get her nails done with us. Ok no biggie I go pick her up, I notice that my Taurus guy is not there which was fine as I don't like to go into the house when's he's there bcuz of how ackward it feels for both of us and he's told me how he's never brought a girlfriend home and doesn't like for family to know his business.

Leo love
by: Aphrodite Bull

I understand and respect his privacy. Anyway my car needed an oil change and the father insisted that I take the car to garage so he can do it for me. I said ok but it would be later in the day after we got our nails done and I ran my errands. Okay later in the day the father calls and tells me to bring the car that it would only take maybe 30 min. I asked if my Taurus guy was there but was told thAt he wasnt so that was good anyway the oil change took longer that 30 min and I'm in the back room with parents just talking when he walks in, I wanted to die! The last thing I want him to think is that I'm invading or intruding in his world. He surprisingly said hello but didn't even give me a kiss on the cheek, he acted like I was a stranger and I was devastated and embarrassed because even though I don't go to his house and we are not publicly announcing that we r dating they know we are. So of course I was dying to leave and when the car was ready he came and gave me the keys, I said thank you and that was it!! He didn't say good bye, I did notice at one point as I was walking out of garage that he looked at me from the corner of his eye but it was quick. His mother and I left together and I took her home. That was it! I texted him later in the night and I got no response. I texted him this morning and still nothing.. So I called him and he doesn't pick up! I left him a message just saying that I was sorry for making both of us feel uncomfortable and that I take responsibility for it because I put myself in that situation but it doesn't take away how bad the situation made me feel and I was hurt. and that I want him to know that he's special to me and that my heart is open To him and I will be patiently waiting for him to come and make his and that I will always be here for him.

So... Do you think he may be upset bcuz I was at garage? And he didn't expect me there? Becuz I Went to the nail salon with his mom. It's not the first time I do something with his mom she's very sweet and she likes me.

Should I worry about this? You think the message I left him was too much?

What should I do? Any advice is appreciated!

Aphrodite bull
by: Leo love

The comments are from Leo love to Aphrodite Bull sorry for mix up

@leo lover
by: thejazzy1

Its crazy my taurus man does the same tyoe of things

@ Aphrodite
by: Anonymous

Hi! So i have known this guy for quite some time. He got stationed hours away in the army so we kept in touch through email and such. after 4 years of not hanging out we decide to go out and catch up. we had an amazing time. by the end of the night, yes we had a couple of drinks and he did tell me that I had all the power and he was hooked. So the kiss happened. After that, forget it.. its like we were both completely different poeple. In a GREAT way. Hung out for another 2 days and he has done all the sweet things previous poeple have posted. But can hanging out for only 3 days and hardly knowing each other really be a real connection between the two of us? He is constantly calling me adorable and cute, goergous.. even with no makeup on! He said he would love to see me before he goes back. we didnt make concrete plans but insinuated that we would get together the next day. Next day came, no text.. and then he said he was sorry he was sleeping all day. ( had a 12 hour drive from seeing family) so I said " glad you had a relaxing day :) im going to bed.. totally pooped out.. night" he said again that he was sorry that we didnt get to see each other that day.. and so I didnt respond. He said its hard to find a women who is not a dormat.. but also not a bitch. that fine line in between. ive shown him my vulnerable side. My independent side.. and now hopefully the side that says " not showing up is not cool" .. Am I going about this in the right way? Please help a girl out! I am an Aries but I love to be cherished.. I need SOME independence but I am not like the regular Aries' that are described. I am actualy on a Aries/Pieces cusp. Thank you all :)


To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

Gradually saying little things to initiate the conversation or throwing subtle hints will not serve you justice. Remember he wants to POSSESS YOU AND BE BE POSSESSED BY YOU!.

Three years is too long....Now, he's simply complacent ( a weak Taurus trait).

You will have to GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS, or you will be one stomped, defeated Bullfighter.

Be direct, firm, & persistent.
No subtle hints.

Tell him this:
"I love you. I want to be with you. But this game-playing is getting old. Look, it's me and you. You and me, all or nothing. Be with me, or simply don't waste my time."

Cowards don't win over Bulls.
Direct, firm and persistent Bullfighters do.

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

The messages you left him was 'overkill.' One should have been enough. LOL.

It sounds like your reactions were stemmed from your fear of losing him. You're not going to lose him. Relax. Fall back a little. LOL. He hasn't responded to you because he was also embarassed and felt awkward. (which explained the quick glance). As I stated earlier, ALWAYS WATCH THE EYES!

He will withdraw temporarily. But don't panic. This will not last long. You were in his inner circle. (around his family members, his safe haven). His reaction towards you is normal. He is assessing right now. Which means he's analyzing the two of you. Give him space and allow him to do so. When he does contact you, just make pleasant conversation. And more apologies!

To Anonymous (Aries)
by: Aphrodite Bull

You're doing just fine. A 3-day connection is just a physical connection. Tauruses are naturally affectionate people. It's in our nature. It does not indicate longevity. Only time will tell. In order to determine longevity, a Bull needs to feel safe and secure.

Feeling safe and secure encompasses these three things....
1) Reliability
2) Consistency
3) Honesty ( no head games, no manipualtion, no straightforward and direct at ALL times).

Without theses three factors.

He will keep his guards up.

...But so far, you're doing fine..
Aries can be impatient. But you will need to exercise extreme patience when dealing with a Bull!

Good Luck

To Jazzy, Leo Love, Anonymous Aries
by: Anonymous

Remember with Bulls...

It's not always what you TELL us....It's what you SHOW us!

@aprodite bull and leo lover!
by: thejazzy1

@aprodite I just want to thank you so much and I want to tell you that I have been following everything you all have said and MY HAVE THINGS CHANGED FOR THE BETTER!!! I asked him to commit and he said he would, I talked him about sending me mean text messages he stopped< i been consistent about keeping in contact with him and showing sincerity and he been accepting it! Everytime he starts his disappearing acts and i ask him did i do anything wrong he simply replies no baby i love you! I have observed that he that is observing me because i started talking about COMMITMENT! Now I feel secure with him not calling me or texting me everyday because I know I can get in touch with him WHENEVER I want! I offered to take him out to eat on a date to see how things go. I am so in love with this man! My last question to you all is when does the romantic nice taurus man kick in> Meaning when will he ask me to dinner dates and surprise me with gifts and treat me like im his woman? I am willing to wait and take it slow but I am a princess and i need to be treated like 1!!

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull


He will begin to spoil you.
Give it a few weeks/ months.

You will be his #1 priority.
Pleasing you will be his #1 priority.
He won't be happy, unless you're happy...
Expect lots of PDA
Unexpected kisses in the most bizarre areas...
Supermarkets, drugstores, libraries
And the possessive side...
Trust me
Every man in the room will know that you belong to him!
Expect generous gifts.
A very nurturing man.
A strong stable man...
A man who will endure all the hardships so that you won't have to.

Always remember to be
...and consistent at all times

....Enjoy the ride....

Aphrodite Bull, JazzyA
by: Leo Love

Congrats to you Jazzy. I'm so happy that things are working for you!! The way im going i would not be surprised if he moved to the other side of the world!! LOL!!

Well he called me!! which shocked the heck out of me!! he said he recieved my text but that he was doing some community service for a ticket he received and was to embarassed to share that with me. Anyway, we hung out that day and we talked about how i was feeling. I told him about feeling bad that he didnt acknowledge me at the garage but that i understood why. so i asked him if he thought of me as just FWB and he said yes!! yeah... i asked for that one! so i told him that i didnt want to be just a FWB and he asked me what i wanted because the last time we talked about it we both didnt know. I told him that even though i wasnt ready for a committed relationship right now i did know that i eventually wanted one with him and asked him what he thought about that. He told me that he saw me as this great adventure and experience and that because love really never last he doesnt know and doesnt want to lead me on or hurt me. i asked him if he had any feelings for me and he said that i wasnt just a piece of ***. (not sure what to take from that)

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

I then told him that my feelings for him were growing and that i didnt want to get hurt and that this whole incident at the garage made me think about all this. He said that he didnt want me to accept something that i normally would not accept. That the way he sees it is that when he's with me, hes with me and when he's not, he's not simple as that. So if im with his parents he's not going to pull me away from them so i can be with him. i told him that in a relationship there can be compromise and i wondered if he was willing to compromise with me on this. I understand and respect how he feels so i would avoid those kinds of situation but sometimes things are beyond our control and if he just acknowledges me by just a kiss on the check that i would be okay with that. He agreed!! which was a bit ironic because when i started talking i thought to myself shut up!!! he's never going to give in to anything!! Anyway, i told him that i didnt want to lose what we had and that i would be patient about us and that i wasnt going to give up! He said things like...maybe if he lets me go now i would get over him sooner, maybe if he was bad to me i would not be so interested. That he didnt want me to change who i am for him and if this really bothers me that i shouldnt tolerate it. (thats when i began talking about compromising) I asked him what he wanted to do know and he said lets just take it one day at a time, get to know eachother and enjoy eachothers company...

So... only time will tell if i just ruined everything or by being honest with him on how i feel will bring us closer..

i wish i would have seen your comments before i opened my big MOUTH.. but too late to take anything back...your thoughts?

@leo love
by: thejazzy1

Personally leo love taurus men are crazy! But its crazy how when u be honest they act funny with u... It seems to me like when I was a mystery to him he,loved me the most.. Ur taurus sounds like hes all over tbe place.. Like most taurus men it seems like they know when a wiman really loves them but it seems like tbey never let their guard dwn cas when everything is going good tnen they disappear. How do they want everyone to be honest with them and in my case my taurus is never honest with me about were we stand with eachother. I just say since you being verbal to him isnt working maybe fall back with verbal love and just be there for him at all times no matter what.. Dont tell him ur gonna be there no matter what just do it.. Thats what I decided to do because my taurus man disappeared on me and he not responding to me my calls or text for what..i dont know so I fall back and he will be back because he love me but im so in love with him I cant keep allowing my heart to keep being hurt everytime he wants to pull his disappearing acts or do something to hurt me. I changed everything that could be for the better for us and still he be on b.s but it dont change my feelings for him its making me stronger..hopefully he will come around just be there for him without being overbearing.. And verbal. Let me know what you think about this and ine last thing I believe if one way isnt working try simething else for the better of course!

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

so it's been 10 days since I've seen or spoken to him but it's weird because im not freakin out about it. I really think reading these posts and learning about his character and the way he works has helped me be more relaxed. My daughter told me this past weekend that he mentioned to her that he was trying to text me but that it wasnt going through. He also told her i was beautiful and i had my stuff together and he admired that. I found that to be really shocking as he's not the type to make comments or to talk about me at all and to my daughter at that!! but it did put a smile on my face :) . She also told me that his phone was disconnected and that he noticed when he was trying to text me. Anyway, I've been doing some thinking and i've decided to just sit back, fall back and just watch it all unfold. I just hope it doesnt take years!!! LOL!! i also found out theres some new financial issues that have come up with him so, im taking your advise and just let him be until he's ready to talk to me, or he misses me!!

leo lover
by: Thejazzy2

Yep! Just be really really patient, if he really loves u he wont be able to stay away long.. I havent talked to my tairus man on almost 3 days and im not freaked out either! O know he will be back, lol we have a great physical connection and most importantly he loves me..i say just stay true to him and everything will be great! But heres my email if u ever wanna chat

by: Leo Love

thanks for that! at least you know he loves you, im not even close to that but i hope that it will develop in time. I know i really like him and i might as well enjoy whatever time i have with him instead of worrying about whether he loves me or likes me enough.

The Leo in me wants to just take over and make everything perfect for him so he can focus on me!! LOL!! but i understand that i can't do that.

confused about my taurus (boyfriend?)
by: scorpio89

do taurus men think that its all right to not see your girl friend for a full week or two? My boy friend would not come see me even though he say that he misses me and loves me and stuff. He lives 10 minutes away from my place. He says that he wont cheat on me and its been only a few weeks that we have started to exclusively date. Its amazing and magical when we are together and I know that he enjoys it too. He even told me that I should start spending nights at his place but then he never came to pick me up for some reason or the other. He had valid reasons every time for not coming but since we just started to date I feel like we should be seeing each other more often. In fact he ignores me more and gets angry when I start to text him too much. He asks me if i am cheating on him when i ignore him. Its so annoying. It feels like as if he is playing games. He texted me in morning that he wants to see me and when i asked him in evening about it, he just never replied to it.

Im gunna go insane plz help lol
by: Cancergirl

Aphrodite bull ......

You give awesome advice and i would love to hear your opinion of this .....Ok my taurus guy and i have been doing w.e it is we are doing for 6 yrs now. We were friends at first and he confessed he liked me and we both felt the same. We started hooking up but i never took it serious. We both had gf n bfs come and go but still held on to eachother and played our partners. It wasnt a every day thing but it happened a pretty good amount of times. He told me he would only cheat w me n he neva knew why but anyways. Randomly 3 yrs into this he asked me to be his gf. I said yes but later that day told him i wasnt ready for a relationship bc i just got out one. I know he was hurt bc he told me but i never saw him wanting to be with me coming, it was the most random experiance ever. A few months after i realized i was ready for the long haul w him n he rejected me obv bc of what i did to him. So i just let it go found a new bf n ended up w a baby. He was devasted but still refused to go anywhere and told me i better keep the baby. He ended up going away to the army for a year had a new gf but still spill his love out to me n hooked up w me on his break. I got rid of my sons father... he was a jerk n my taurus came home from the,armyy got rid of his gf bc he was "unhappy" n we have been back at it. He loves my kid. Hes just perfect. Now my dilema , i tried asking him what we were gunna,do its been 6yrs of this and he tells me he doesnt kno what he wants right now he just brokeup w his gf hes been away he needs to enjoy life blahhh obv i understand this hes only been home for 2 mnths but wen,i tell him i love him he doesnt say nuttin. he sees me like once a week

by: Cancergirl

but still texts me everyday. im like going insane because he was so emotional to me before and now its like im getting the cold shoulder. and then when we are together its like nothing is more perfect. LOL i just cant figure out if hes leading me on or if he is going to be with me eventually and i should just wait for him to be ready. what do you think honestly? ive met his family and hang with his friends and all that stuff so i know im not a nobody to him but i cant figure this guy out and im a cancer and need TLC and commitment or else i gotta go lol thank youuu =]

To CancerGirl
by: Aphrodite Bull

He's in love with you but he's building emotional wedges between the both of you. A defense mechanism for self-preservation. Although his feelings for you are strong, he no longer sees you as a long term investment. Remember with Taurus individuals, we're cautious investors. The two of you were at this cat and mouse game for six years...and yet, no return was made on his investment.

Imagine this...
You're depositing money every week into your savings account. This is hard-earned cash. But you know that it will be worth it in the end. How would you feel if you walked right into that same bank, and the teller told you there was NO money left to withdraw?

You would feel cheated!

A Taurus takes this approach to relationships. We're earth signs. Stability signs. We take relationships very seriously!

Cancer Girl, Continued....
by: Aphrodite Bull

In order to begin building emotional bridges with this man, emotional unpredictability will not work in your favor! Say what you mean and know what you want. Cancers have a tendency to communicate and move sideways which will not work in your favor either. You want him, Be a DIRECT bullfighter and stand your grounds! Why?

This shows....
1. Consistency
2. Reliabilty
3. Certainty

This is how a Bullfighter tames a Bull!

Also Cancers tend to 'mirror' their partners actions. Newsflash, hon. Bulls do it, too! LOL. So if he's projecting unpredictability, it's because you have done so in the past...and continuing to do so. You thought a Cancer was cautious. Match that with the caution of a Bull 10X!

There is a great possibility for success here. You're already in his inner circle. He's not bringing anyone around his family members, so treading lightly will not be necessary. Good Luck!

@ aphrodite bull
by: Cancergirl

thank you so much hun! its good to hear that i have a chance lol i told him atleast 3 times now that im ready for more and i basically get the run around. i have shown unpredictability in the past but ive been trying so hard to show him ive changed by texting/calling everyday, trying to see him as much as possible ( without looking desperate) and i feel like im getting no where. i get the "i have feelings for you but im confused and i need to live my life right now" now i dont know if i should just back off because im starting to feel hurt by it. He still checks up on me daily by going on my facebook but i feel like hes hesitant to talk to me since he only calls or texts like a few times a week and i see him once out of the week. i know he loves me but hes so stand offish and hes never been like this. i feel stupid for telling him my feelings now. i honestly wanna go into my shell and cry LOL and its just sad knowing he isnt going anywhere, reguardless... i know even if i dont talk to him as much he will still reappear in my life. im staring to wonder if his minds still on his ex? i wanna hit him with the ultimatum - its either we are gunna be together or im gunna be all set with this and be ur legit friend but it might be to soon considering he just got back from war 2 months ago, right??? i really appreciate this.

To CancerGirl
by: Aphrodite Bull

Whatever you do...Please do NOT shell up, and isolate yourself from him through frustration. It will only worsen the situation. He's a Bull, remember, which simply means he will dig his hooves in the mud...and not budge! Honestly, out of all the zodiac signs (not being biased), Scorpios and Virgos have a great way of dealing with us.

Scorpios will claim their territory, stand their grounds, and provide a Bull with stability and loyalty. To a Bull, that screams marriage! The scorpions are NOT afraid of us. They will fight! They will sting a Bull before they get stomped over...but will never leave our side.

Virgos will observe our movements, adapt, and politely grab the bulls by the horns without being confrontational...Virgins have a subtle way of taming Bulls....How? Virgos are EXTREMELY patient....and they will not leave our side.

To CancerGirl (Cont'd)
by: Aphrodite Bull

My advice to you.

Be a DIRECT BULLFIGHTER and stand up to him. Fight for him! 'Shelling' up shows cowardness. And judging by the instability of your relationship with this Taurus for the last 6 years...this will come across as another act of 'flakiness' and 'inconsistency.' Thus, allowing him to become even more stubborn, while digging his hooves in the mud.

He's not in love with his ex. If he were, you would have NO contact with his family. Trust me. I'm willing to bet that his ex didn't have contact w/them. He's not checking up on you on FB...he's stalking you on FB. LOL. I'm a Taurus, trust me. Even if we're still assessing you, we're stalking you from a distance, but will still play hard to get.

'Shell up' and he will place more emotional wedges between the two of you...which would accomplish NOTHING!...

Take advice from the 'Scorpio' and 'Virgo' references. Remember, you're still in his inner circle. Work it to your advantage. Good Luck!

In a love a Taurus Man
by: Taurus Woman

Im a taurus woman, 25 years and i think im in love with a taurus man his 27. Plus his a cop. We have knowing each other for 3 months and only gone out once. Lately ive been doing all the texting and he does text back. but i wonder why doesnt he look for me first? why doesnt is he acting!!

To Aphradite Bull
by: Leo Love

I'm so confused!! I dont know what to think about anything when it comes to my taurus man. After not hearing from him for two weeks he finally texted me this past weekend. I left a post card on his car windshield last week, just saying hello and letting him know that i was thinking aobut him. He texted me and asked if I could pick him up. So of course, I did. We went away to the beach for the weekend and had a very nice time. It was fun and i was very happy and he seemed very happy as well. So, in conversation he asked me if i could do something for him. He wanted to surprise his parents by getting them a hotel for the weekend and asked if i could suggest a place and/or make a reservation for him. I did. I also had some add'l ideas for him to add to the room stay, etc. Anyway, i took care of it for him and it felt kind of nice that he asked me to do something. I dont want to read to much into this but could this be a break through? Anyway, that Monday when we got back from the beach he said he promised his cousin he was going to hang out with her but he never asked me if i wanted to go with him... He also mentioned that he needed to go to Miami this weekend to pick up a friend he hasnt seen in 3 yrs. and wasnt sure how he was going to do this since his car will not make it... i told him we can switch cars with me and he can take mine. I then asked if he wanted me to go with him and he said no becuase it was just him, his friend and the friends cousin (all guys). So, im not sure how to take all this..
Any thoughts?

Taurus Lover in Seattle
by: Anonymous

I dealt with a Taurus for four months who told me he didn't want commitment but that he loved me. I met the family and friends and he had me doing "wifey" like things but I was confused about what he truly felt. I made the mistake of talking to another male who happened to know him about my confusion and he found out and distanced himself from me. Never gave me a chance to defend myself. I apologized and he accepted it but I have only seen him one time, since the split, and it was purely platonic. I usually initiate contact to which he usually replies but then he sent me a text with a pretty random question recently. I answered him and some say he used that as an excuse to contact me and wanted me to initiate more but I did not for fear of rejection. I still love and miss him so much. Do I let him know or just let him be?

He's retreating and i dont get why
by: What do i do

Im a Scorp (24) and he's a Taurus (28) neither been married and no kids. So no drama there. We met on an online dating site abt 6 weeks ago and have been talking, texting and emailing everyday since then. After the 1st wk, we decide to meet. On that day, he cancelled because he ended up working late. We were both busy for the nxt few days so we make plans for the following wknd. We first go to dinner, had a few drinks then went for a romantic stroll by a nearby park. We kissed at it was amazing! No sex just passionate kissing. The next day we both confirmed that the chemistry was incredible. The correspondence continues but now even more intense. Hoping to see each other the following wknd, i was disappointed to hear that he had a last min trip overseas. I reassure him that I understood and we would try for the following wknd. While he's in Tokyo, he continues to call and text therefore getting even more intense. He finally comes back into town Wed nite, texting me to let m know he was home and he missed me. I forgot to mention that wknds work best for us as I work nights for the next few weeks and he works days. Now we're looking forward to this wknd right? Well a family member lands in the hosp and he flies out to CA. When he told me that I was so disappointed but understood that this was abt family. I txt him back telling him thats its ok and to just let me know when he got back and when he was avail. After that, it was as if I had said something wrong because he never called or text me again. Over the past few weeks I've tried calling and even txting him but no response...except for one a few days ago which made no sense to me. Seems like he was txting his brother and sent it to me by mistake. I quickly wrote him bak but again no response. It was almost as he just wanted to remind me he was there or to see if I would still talk to him maybe? Im so confused because although our time was limited, the connection we shared was amazing. Sounds crazy but I can actually see myself falling in love with one day. Now my question is, could this behavior be a normal taurus trait or was he no longer interested? Please help me.

He's retreating and i dont get why
by: What do i do

Aphrodite Bull and Taurus Male Ive read many of your insightful advice so I hope you can get to mine and help me determine what is going on.

aphrodite bull please help,,,!!!
by: thejazzy1/update

So I thought committment would see improvement he seems distant, unless he is checking on me from time to time,,he never has/wants to spend time with me hes always in the club and I feel like hes stringing me along as a option I do everything for him cook clean take him wereever he wants im a good woman to him we havent had sex in almos two weeks!! He loves sex and I do too everything changed,, he only seems posseaive wjen he wants and he callss me ar 430 am asking me where im at like hes checking on me/tryna booty call if im up for it when I asked him wats up with that he say im his and he can call whenever he wants,,he also acts like he can sleep with me whenever he wants,,if we were a regular relationship it would b fine but I havent saw starting to think he committed in a selfish way..meaning just so ill shut up and to have me to his convience,,we dnt have a healthy regular relationship I just know that if I give up on him he would never forgive me hate my gurs and be really hurt but hes not trwating me lik the beautiful woman I am PLEASE HELP should I walk away or fight it out?!!

To: Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

I hope it's not too late, but whatever you do, don't lend him you car for the weekend! If your Taurus man does not ask you for a favor, DIRECTLY! Don't do it! He mentioned it in a subtle way, without asking because he knew you were going to offer. Leolove, with Tauruses, you will have to learn to show interest without appearing too eager. Stop trying to take over.

You offered to switch cars but he didn't want you to go with him. This other 'friend' that he has known for three years is probably a female, or a male friend or relative of a female he's interested in. Trust me, I'm a Taurus, I know how the game is played. Think about this LeoLove, there are three guys involved, and yet, no one has a reliable car to drive to Miami?

This is what you tell him instead. "I went home and had time to think about it. And you know what? I think you're playing me! I may be interested in you, but I'm not pressed to be with you. You seemed like a real, genuine nice guy. I'm starting to lose respect for you". Although we like to sometimes lead, we are turned off by 'doormats.' Stand up to him, and he will respect you.

To Leo Love (Cont'd)
by: Aphrodite Bull

He will be shocked when you call him out. But he will get over it, and will not pull that stunt 'again.' With Tauruses, one humiliation is enough. LOL. He will call you, but when he does, ignore his phone calls for a little while. When you do decide to respond, keep it brief.

He will do the pursuing from now on....
The push/pull will now be in your favor...

Appearing too eager with a Taurus is never a good sign. We will either do two things...

1. Dig our feet in deeper, and will not budge, or will look for the quickest, most convenienet way to escape.
2. Use it to their advantage, and deal with you when it's convenient for them and them only.

Remember, patience with a Bull is very important.
I met a lot of men in my twenties that were too eager to please. Although I was attracted to them in the beginning, I saw their 'eagernes' as a sign of insecurity...or as a sign of a 'hidden agenda.' With Bulls, it has to be a slow, traditional courtship. Relax. Your actions sometimes is 'overkill.' LOL!

To: Retreating Scorp (24)
by: Aphrodite Bull

Relax. He hasn't cut you off, he will call you. LOL. This is normal Taurus behavior. Many of us are self-proclaimed workaholics, it's ridiculous.
Because we are also obsessive-compulsive planners, it will take him some time to 'key' you in his schedule. This will have to be a gradual process.

As for his family member, the situation may have been real serious. Because Tauruses are deep introverted thinkers, he will not convey this to you right away. Keep in mind, we're also emotionally strong people, so don't be alarmed if he is taking and 'bottling' everything in right now.

You're on his mind. Trust me. It's just bad timing. Once he gets over this 'hump,'...he will contact you.

by: Aphrodite Bull

Is he making money @ this club?

Looks like you're going to have to give your Taurus a good Bullfight! Your Taurus didn't commit in a selfish way. We are capable of selfishness without the committment. He would have figured out another way to keep you around. Trust me. If he agreed to a committment, it's because he wanted to commit to you. We're Bulls rememeber. The most stubborn signs in the zodiac. No one can make a final decision, but us! We're not easy to win over.

He still guarded for some reason. Your Taurus man (as most of us do) have trust issues. He clearly loves you, and wants to be committed to you, but for some reason, he doesn't trust you.

Jazzy, do you have any skeletons in your closet that you think he doesn't know about? We can be Master Detectives. You will never know what we're thinking...or what we already know!

You may have to drag it out of him...

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

It's too late that was a few weekends ago and i did lend him the car. His friend moved from NJ to Miami and he was going to see him. I really didnt think of another woman but you probably no more than i do. I havent heard from him in over a week. He spent last weekend with me and we've had no contact since. I found out his friend from Miami came to visit him this weekend and i figured that was why he had not communicated with me. 2 weeks ago i asked him to dinner and he responded with he was going to bday party with army buddies. I got upset because he didnt even think of inviting me and i told him that. After a week of non communication he called and said he was sorry, etc... anyway at this point I don't know how to react now that the thought of another woman is a possibility. Should i confront him on this anyway? what should i say? please help !!

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

It's too late that was a few weekends ago and i did lend him the car. His friend moved from NJ to Miami and he was going to see him. I really didnt think of another woman but you probably no more than i do. I havent heard from him in over a week. He spent last weekend with me and we've had no contact since. I found out his friend from Miami came to visit him this weekend and i figured that was why he had not communicated with me. 2 weeks ago i asked him to dinner and he responded with he was going to bday party with army buddies. I got upset because he didnt even think of inviting me and i told him that. After a week of non communication he called and said he was sorry, etc... anyway at this point I don't know how to react now that the thought of another woman is a possibility. Should i confront him on this anyway? what should i say? please help !!

aphrodite bull please help,,,!!!
by: Thejazzy1

Ok this is the thing.. Old friends have told him I was a hoe they told his friend I was a prostitute and his friend always say stuff about me and he has to take up for me the rumors are bad but I dnt know if he believes them or not also he told me I slept with one of his friends and I asked him who cas I know its a lie but he said what if I didnt know they were friends. I dnt understand why he has absolutely no time for me, he tells me he loves me and I repeatedly ask him if he wants to be friends if he cant hove me the lov I deserve then I can accept that and if hes looking for a way out that here goes the opportunity he tells me to hush and I belong to him and telle to realize that im his WOMAN,, he never talked to me like that b4 and o ask him what am I suppose to do wait on him, he gets quiet, he only calls once a day to see were I been and what im doing then off to the club, he partys poppin bottles and women everywere. Im insecure cas he spends no time with me barely calls anda when he does its so short like hes just checking on me,,sigh i dnt feel like im his woman,and I made that clear to him and I told him tjat I sjouldnt have to feel like that and he said o was rigght but he never said how it wiill change he dnt respond to my text anymore and I dnt even waste my time calling him I let him reach for me or else ill find myself gettin frustrated having to call him several times to get threw I asked him to talk face to face nothing I know hes a homebody theres gotta be another woman idk help me please I feel like im nothing to him

He's retreating and i dont get why
by: What do i do

Thank you so much Aphrodite Bull for you reply. Here's a quick update. I found out through a 3rd party that the medical problem with his family member has been under control for almost a week. I've reached out to him 3 times for the past 3 day (one day each) but still no response. I keep reading that one has to reassure a Taurus which is what I think I'm trying to do but I'm afraid of over doing it. I miss him so much and want to see and talk to him. Again, I keep hearing about the patience thing with a Taurus. So do I just sit back and wait for him to contact me and stop contacting him? I'm afraid that if he waits too long my natural reaction will then be to not trust to stick around for the long run. I'm sooooo confused.

aprodite bull pt 2 continued
by: thejazzy1

So I saw one of the old friends of my mines but I didn't get a chance to talk to her about the negative things she has been saying to my mans friend so I tell my man I saw her buy I wasn't able to talk to her... iasked him should I b expecting any bad things from herethat he has said...he told methat he told his friend who the girl tells all the lies to which is also his friend that it could b heart dropped in my stomacher I feel like he been playing me all along and that's y he doesn't bring me around his group or treat my special and treats me with bare minimum everything..I told him how hurt and disappointed in him I was and how I always had his back and its over..I contact believe he has been pulling me along with no intention of really being with me I'm so hurt and boggled I'm in tears I thought he really loved me. I tryed showing himthat those rumors were lies and he didn't give me the time of day to prove myself and wheni asked hint he didn't just ask me ifhe believed it and he saidcas he didn't but then he clicked over and never clicked back over or calledba k he has a women from outta town there I'm starting to think he neverloved me and it was a game and he laughs with his boy about it..he really hurt me

He's retreating and i dont get why
by: What do i do

Another thing is that most of my close friends are telling me that if I continue to let this go on, I'm only allowing myself to eventually become his doormat. Could this also be true? I can't take him hurting me like that.

To: Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

This is what you tell him instead. "I went home and had time to think about it. And you know what? I think you're playing me! I may be interested in you, but I'm not pressed to be with you. You seemed like a real, genuine nice guy. I'm starting to lose respect for you".

Do not mention (and I repeat)...Do not mention the possibility of a female. There is no proof.

Tauruses hate it when their integrity is questioned.

After you tell him this, if he attempts to call you afterwards, send him straight to voicemail.

Wait it out a few weeks, he will continue to call you. When you DO pick up. Make casual conversation, but keep the phone calls real brief. Tauruses hate uncertainty!

He will start moving...and quit plodding in his domain. Trust me.

To: Retreating Scorp (24)
by: Aphrodite Bull

Tauruses DO need reassurance, but not in the way that Water Signs do. Rememeber, Tauruses love hard, but we love very DIFFERENTLY from water signs. We may not spend all day telling you we love you, but we will spend a lifetime showing you we love you (without all the emotional meltdowns, tears, and emotional awkwardness).

Reassurance from a Taurus requires a specific type of support. Loyalty. Being an active listener. Understanding us. Offering practical and helpful advice. This lets us know that you're in it for the long haul. You're in our corner. Crying and emotional meltdowns doesn't. We're practical, and very emotionally strong people.

Contact him once a week. Just to see how he's doing. He may be slow to respond (as we all are). The keyword with a Taurus is 'patience.' He will have to warm up to the idea of having you in his life. He will call you. Be patient. But continue to call him once a week. Keep it to once a week. 3x a week is overkill!

To: Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

I knew there was something! There had to be! His actions were very synonymous with a 'Guarded Taurus.' I don't think there is another woman ( if there is one, it may have been a one-time thing). He BELIEVES the rumors about you. He really loves you, I can tell you this much, but he is still guarded. Spending more time at the club (Tauruses are natural homebodies) is his way of preventing himself from getting hurt. So he's not approaching this relationship...Full Throttle.
He is building emotional wedges, just in case. If you did decide to cheat or walk away, he will be emotionally prepared to move on without losing himself in the process. We're emotionally strong people, remember.

I will be honest with you Jazzy, Tauruses, knowing how we are, it will take him some time to trust you. Right now, he's testing your loyalty.
Love me? Then prove it!

In terms of what to do. Well, this will be left up to you. You can either be patient until the trial period is over, or you can walk way...

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Your awesome Aphrodite Bull.. I will do exactly as you say. I will send him a text and tell him exactly what you said and i will send him directly to voice mail if he decides to call me ever again. I'm not sure if he's really into me at all anyway so this will definitely be a deal breaker for me at least.

i've already made plans to keep myself busy for the rest of this month... i just hope he does reach out.

To; Taurus Lover in Seattle
by: Aphrodite Bull

You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't know where the two of you stood, so you opted to exercise your options. Your Taurus does want a commitment..but unfortunately, most of us have trust issues. Your Taurus man understood your need to exercise your options. We're practical, remember. But I will be honest, he's still slightly hurt. He is not going to reject you. I highly doubt it. He is still responding to your texts.

aprodite bull response
by: thejazzy1

OK so I do love him and I dnt and won't. Ever cheat on him how do I get him to see this and to reconsider being I changed my main line number on him..he still has a number to contact me on but I'm about to change that number whenever I remember the do I make this into a positive prosperous situation and get him to trust me without him running me over and treating me like his ladywith respect I remember him telling me that he measures his lovefor me by asking himself if he never could never talif he doesn't give me a chance..should I b honest about everything like help!!! He has been clubbing every weekend since 08 he seems like he just not ready and he talked negative about me to his immediate circle no wonder he doesn't bring me around them..its crazy but we both love eachother hands down.. he hasn't called or texted and neither will I..please help

aprodite bull
by: thejazzy1

I was trying to say that he told me he measured his love for me by asking himself..if he couldn't talk to me anymore would he b hurt? He said he would. I am so in love with this man I just need his attention to let me show him. How do I get his attention again and make him want me again we are suppose to be in a relationship but he doesn't want to talk about anything and if he does its brief and distance I know I love him because this is the most I have ever put into a man and as much as we have been through with any other man I would have BEEN gone. I just need him to open the door to let me show him and to put some effort into us..

Straying or Thinking?
by: Anonymous

I thought I read on here before that if after a Taurus male gets close to you, distancing himself or even dating others while he dates you helps him keep his perspective? Can someone speak to that a little more? I thought that my Taurus man and I were getting closer for good. He still seems to run and hide after getting close to me again. Yes, he eventually resurfaces, but not until after I've banged my head into a wall for days...sometimes a week or two. If I was not a stronger person, he would have killed me the first few months.

To Aphrodite Bull
by: Taurus Lover in Seattle

Thanks Aphrodite Bull. I will maybe send him a nice, practical gift or something. Besides that one thing, we never had a problem and he'd always comment on how nice things were with me. Oh well, wish me luck.

by: Aphrodite Bull

Your predicament is tricky. As I stated earlier, we never fully commit to someone unless we're 100% certain that we want to be with this person long term. We're capable of 'selfishness' without the committment. LOL.

You can choose to walk away, but chances are, he's not going to let you. This is probably the best advice, I can give you. Cut ties with him. Cold turkey! Before you do, make sure you have a logical discussion about why you're breaking up with him. Don't hold back when you do. We respect honesty and vulnerability. It melts the heart.
Cut ties with him, which means no FB, texting, calling, or emailing. My advice, avoid dating for a couple of months. As I stated previously, we're Master Investigators. Chances are, he will look for alternative ways to keep tabs on you. Rememeber, you still need him to trust you.

When he does contact you, he will be a bit softer, gentler, more calm. He will know that you're not the one to mess with.

See, with Tauruses. We rend to treat a situation according to the way it presents itself. Because we're 'fixed' signs, it becomes extremely difficult for us to change our initial perception of you. But once we're convinced that you're not out to sabotage our 'hearts' and not put up with our BS! Trust me, we will become much softer, more vulnerable.

We will eventually come around....Something tells me that he will. He committed to you. He obviously loves you.

aprodite bull
by: thejazzy1

OK so me and him ARE together he's showing improvement we he's much nicer but he has been testing me having me take him and his family places he has been opening up to ALOT but its just going to take time he has been really affectionate in public kissing me all time and just smiling at me saying he love me. He had to check his boy a few times for messing with me but for the most part he's communication is improving and I'm just taking it slow with him I treat him really nice I buy him things when I buy me things I look out for him meaning I ask if he eats if he needs anything and I also tested him last night.. we were suppose to see each other but he had to many drinks and fell asleep I played mad/silent role to see if he would yell or be really mean like he's bullying me to get his point across ....he was soft understanding and explaining and basically saying he love me and he didn't do anything wrong I was moved now what do you think? The rumors are still here but he knows they are not true.. I think he knows I'm his now.. I don't think the coast is clear but I'm seeing ALOT of progres were do you think his mind is now? Do you think the rumors are as relevant as before? Also he's been playing broke and I been holding us you think he would use me being the rumors he heard? Do you think he's playing broke because he's spending on some one else?

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

He may still believe the rumors, but he's fighing against it. Thus, the main reason why he committed to you. He's not financially using you. Despite what they say about Tauruses in the zodiac, we're not gold-diggers at all. We're very proud people actually. This may be another reason for his insecurities as well. The fear of you leaving him for someone who is better off financially. He may be embarrassed. Lol.

Tauruses normally wait until they're financially secure to pursue a relationship. This may have explained the procrastination period as well. He may have had a big fear of losing you to someone else, so he committed to you. Remember, we NEVER COMMIT to someone unless we're certain! This is why Bulls are notorious for being slow. When we commit. We commit!

If he wasn't serious about you, he wouldn't have cared about the rumors or committed to you. He would have figured out another way to keep you around. Bulls are very good at that! Correction, very skilled in that dept. LOL!

Once a Bull does a background check on you, keep subtle tabs on you, exhibit jealous behaviors, & commit to you. He's in love! It's that simple.
There are no gray areas with us. We're WITH you or we're NOT WITH you. You showed him 'humility', therefore he showed you 'loyalty!'

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

AB - I want to thank you for responding to us with your knowledgeable advise. Your always right on and it really helps when your looking for answers. So thanks again for what you do for us on this blog!!

So..It's been 15 days since i've seen or heard from him. it's been 8 days since my last text. He hasn't even attempted to reach out to me. Do you think he will eventually? I refuse to contact him at this point. I've taken this time to really think about it all and it hurts to think i was being played. And although i may have ruined any chance i had with him i dont regret sending that text.

But do you think he will eventually reach out to me? how long do you think it will take before he does? it kills me to think that i wont even have the opportunity to send him to voice mail if he does attempt to call. It will probably be way over a month before he calls should i still ignore him then? I'm guessing if he doesnt reach out in a month it probably means hes not into me at all... your thoughts..

aphrodite bull
by: jazzy1

Hey ab... u were so right! Me and him is doing good he's showing major improvement and he's wanting to spend more time with me...I can't get him out the club but I'm more secure atleast for the moment.I'm not going to ask him to stay out club case he loves it so much lol do you think he would accept me wanting to help him financially until he can get back on his feet? Also do you think his circle of friends will make him feel uncomfortable? I know I make him happy thanks to you..(wink wink) lol fresh Taurus are REALLY. DIFFICULT LOL so now all I have to do is get him sexually addicted..I say this because he goes 2 weeks without having sex?! Ima Aquarius and we are borderline nympho lol but he don't seem like the type to b experimental he's more traditional so ima have to see how to make him comfortable idle but let me know what u think and ill keep you posted girl!!!! Thank you spoon much!!!

Help!!! From a taurus man or a Taurus woman that thinks like the opposite sex
by: AlexandriaScorpio

O gosh, there is this Taurus guy that's edges me. I'm a scorpion cusp I'm shy old fashioned (in love expectations),well a brainy. He has these beautiful green eyes And evertime I catch him glancing at me, when are pupils meet it just so lust. I'm the first to break eye contact. On Friday, we where talking in a group I said something and he shut the other gal's lips just to listen on what my topic was about. And that girl was pretty, evertime I talk to him he makes eye contact and is always so interested in what I'm saying. When I talk to my friends in that classroom he's ready to just opinion in my conversation, and when I smile about something that he says he smiles to. He has this practical and political voice and green-green eyes and is a life guard c'mon who isn't going to fall for him. And he's dating a girl that is clueless,obnoxious,annoying,scandalous,RUDE, and doesn't know how to chew gum with her mouth close, last and certainly not least a harnet. Everytime she see's him talking to me she gets this anger temperment and fills her head with blood and leaves screaming. I kind of like it though :D I need help defining if he likes me or not!!!!!

Update : aphrodite bull
by: Cancer girl

Ok so i officially hate my taurus guy lol i took your previous advice but this guy is STUBBORN! He began speaking to me as if i was a sex object which really pissed me off. We got into a huge confrontation about it which turned into me telling him hes hurting me by not making me his gf and treating me like a piece of ass. I saw him once a month cuz hes always oh so busy. Then had the nerve to tell me i should wait for him to be ready for a gf cuz i will never find a guy like him. Who does this guy think he is? I dont think he appreciated my response of no i waited long enough because he told me ITS over, im just thinking what did we have to be over lol our once a month sex boohoo. So i assumed he wasnt going to talk to me anymore and he text me again last night, i just ignored him cuz idk what to do with him anymore. What do you think? Lost cause ?

everyyhng dwn the drain ab
by: thejazzy1

Ab just when I thought we was getting somewhere we are not he missed my fundraiser event with my job that I intentionally invited him to so he can see that the rumors are false and that I do work..he got upset when I called him to see were he was.. he told me later that he was sorry n he would make it up to me he hasn't done nothing ..but make shit worse fundraiser was Wednesday friday I went out to a bday at his boy nightclub at his boys club that he goes to every frickin Friday..he was mad because he didn't want me to go but then he told me to go ahead so I went. When I got there it was PACKED..I valet then texted him to come to door he told me no case he didn't have no pull.! I was pissed luckily I look good and have balls I walked to front of line and got right in.. when I saw him he reached all the way from his VIP booth grabbing on me trying to explain himself and telling me to go to hell all in the same breathe.he wouldn't let my arm go and he did it twice then he came from his booth and in the midst of people walking in two directions he started explaining himself again I told him that I don't expect him to do anymore then what he has been doing and walked off.. he didn't answer phone that night.. the next day when we talked...(Saturday) he was appalled I was

ab...part 2
by: thejazzy1

Was telling him I was moving on. He kept saying. Are you seriously breaking up with me case I didn't get you in club? I told him its that and several other things and that he's just not the 1 for me... he got quiet then he said.."OK" in a pleasant voice like he was relieved then we both hung up..I texted him all the reasons why it was over he told me how hurt he was going to be and how hurt his. F3elings was.. he said it in an accepting tone. He never once said how he was willing to change or anything. He loves me but he's not in love with me.. I just want a regular relationship and he's not giving me that he's giving me 30%. Where do I go from here?? Cold turkey? Also immune text I told him that I hope he finds a woman up to his friends standards and I wished him lick and best wishes. He responded don't sell yourself short I think your 1 hell of a woman... this is the first time he spoke on how he felt about me..I was impressed the only catch is his actions show me differently he doesn't treat me special I feel like its just over. I don't want it yo b but it is.. he pinky seared he would never leave me and I know if I want to go back I can but he's not going to treat me special ill get the bare minimum I want closure to why he treated me so rough and cold but I don't want yo bother dhim even though he stay at home most of the day he seems so busy like he doesn't have time and if we for spend time. Its around his club schedule... ugh I'm so disappointed with him..I bend backwards for humans I'm willing to for anything for him and this how he repays me? And also he awards he doesn't believe the rumors. What now..?? I can't let him treat me wrong and I do not want to leave him permanently I love him

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Aphrodite Bull,

okay i think i've lost him forever!! talk about overkill.. wait to you hear what i've done!!

okay so on the 21st day of no communication and after 14 days since i sent that text he never responded or even tried to reach out to me. I've been missing him so much that i was even dreaming about him.. i had a dream that he whispered that he loved me in my ear! i was missing him like crazy so i decided to text him and tell him that i missed him.. and i did.. well he never replied by the time i left work i had all these emotions and feeling really messing with my head. i went and texted his brother to see if he was home and asked him to please tell him to meet me outside his house. Well when i got there his brother told me that he said he wasnt coming out. My heart dropped and it felt like a knife went through it i was devestated as i never thought he would have done that to me. I left thinking okay i got what i came for and i guess this is it for us. 2 minutes later i get a text from him saying " sorry to drunk right now dont want you to see me this way" i was beside myself and i flipped out - i could not believe that after 21 days of no communication i try to see him he rejects me and now he wants to text me!!! OMG! i was pissed!! i cursed him out via text i tried calling but of course he didnt pick up nor did he ever reply back!! i texted him the following day again pretty pissed off. i asked him to talk to me that all i wanted was closure and i would leave it alone. i told him that his actions spoke volumes and that i took that to mean that whatever we had was over and that if he didnt want my love i was sure that someone else would. That was the last of my texting saga!! lol!

i dont understand any of it... how do you go from spending a beautiful 3 day weekend to no communication at all and then rejecting me like that. i feel so sad and hurt and dissappointed and i dont know what to do. My feelings for him are very strong and i dont want to let go.
I was told that his male friend (daughter confirmed it is a MAN) from NJ who moved to Miami has now moved in with him & his family this past weekend. It seems like his focus and priority is on his friend and i will probably never see him again..

I feel bad about the way i reacted to his rejection and cursing at him and saying some ugly things to him. He probably thinks im crazy and never wants to see me again.

what do you think? is it over? what should i do?

please help!

To: Aphrodite Bull
by: Taurus Lover in Seattle

I am back. You seem to have a real understanding of your sign so can you provide me with more insight? I posted before about my experience with a Taurus and you answered. Most recently I was traveling but before I left I texted him that I miss and love him always and he replied back a day later saying that my message was strong and asked when and if I'd be returning. Almost two weeks later, I sent another message on our anniversary just saying how he has affected me in a positive way and how I still look up to him and how he motivates me. I didn't anticipate a reply so I am not hurt that he hasn't. I need closure with him though so how should I proceed? Do I just figure out how to have it without an in depth discussion with him? Tauruses seem to not like emotional displays and I know if I sit down with him to rehash what happened, I will surely cry and he may shut down. What should I do? I love this man like I have loved no other. Thanks in advance for your help.

Taurus Guy
by: Pisces Girl

Im a Pisces girl(18)and I've been seeing a Taurus guy(21) for about a month. When we met we really hit it off and it seemed like we clicked. After we met, we didnt see or speak for about a week.

We met up once, but he seemed really distracted. I was upset by how he acted and didnt want to talk to him anymore.. a couple weeks later he texted me out of no where. It bothers me how he changes from day to day. We hung out the next day and he was soo sweet.
We sat and talked forever and it just flowed so well. We ended the night with the sweetest kiss. That night he called me and we spoke for a few more hours. It seemed like he wanted to speak to me forever. It was great! This was a friday, well he texted me saturday, we made plans for sunday then he bailed. I didnt seem him for the rest of the week, and he shot down any attempt I made to talk to him. I asked him if something was wrong and all he said was that we needed to talk.. I was sure that we had no hope and that he wanted to tell me whatever it was we had was over. But he didnt, he called, and when i missed his call he texted me twice saying he was sorry for the past week.
I was so happy he acknowledged me that I couldn't be upset. But now he is doing it again. He is so distant and it seems like he has his own agenda. I feel like I'm not important enough for him to make time.
I think we have potential, and i dont want to give up on him. But should i text him? or let him be? Will he find me annoying if I bugg him too much? I never know with him and its so confusing! Help!!!

confused aquarian
by: Faith

So Ive been seeing this Taurean man for almost a year and I cant lie to you I do love him deeply. Our relationship to me has been a big lie and deceit. He was seeing other girls when we first started talking and he even seen some when we actually got together but because i cared for him I stuck around. Now Im pregnant from him, a child that he intentionally gave me ( dont understand that one). Now he "claims" that he is not seeing other woman and its all about me and him now bt I cant trust him, so I resent him and find myself arguing more than I want or need to. Im still very unsure about him because he does and say things that i absolutely hate that im dealing with. Now Im all out of things to do to make our relationship work or to get him to act right. So my qusetion is what should I do to get him to see that I am one foot out the door if he doesnt straighten up?

Aphrodite please help....again
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Ok so since my last entry you were 100% correct in that he did reach out to me. Three weeks later but he did as if nothing had happened. I let it go and didn't question his "absence" because I really missed him and didn't want to push him away. He told me how much he missed me and couldn't wait to see me. Gullible that I am I make plans with him only to have him cancel on me the day of our date. I again reassured him that it was fine and he told me that he promised that he would make it up to me. Well 3 days go by and I don't hear from him. I sent him a message asking if he was interested in making plans again and when a day goes by and I don't hear from him, my impulsive Scorpio side came out and wrote him saying that he was obviously no longer interested and basically ended it. Now of course I'm kicking myself because I do miss him but I'm not sure where to go from here. Pleeeeeaaaaaase do I get him back without seeming super desperate?

Pisces Girl & Scorpio
by: Leo Love

I'm not an expert in Tuarus men but I've learned a great deal about them since dating one for the last few months.

I've never had my Taurus guy bail on me on a date but he's certainly dissappeared for weeks at a time. They go MIA but they do resurface. Let him miss you! fall back a little and give him space and time he will come around if he's really interested and when he does just keep it light and friendly and BE EXTREMELY PATIENT!!

Being Patient is key here with Taurus men... they dont like change but they do adjust gradually...

They hate drama, confrontation, or unpleasantness of any kind. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

They hate to be rushed. H-A-T-E to be rushed. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

"They give you their hearts, and ask for very little in return.

They only ask for patience.

Give them time to get there. Don't make threats. Back us into a corner. Make situations difficult for us. Bulls crave peace and harmony, and we hate confrontation. "

Bulls are real slow, slow, slow to initiate!

Attempt to rush us, and we will run, run, run!

Those are some tips that were givin to me and it so true...

good luck! and be patient if you really are interested in this man.

Pisces Girl & Scorpio
by: Leo Love

I'm not an expert in Tuarus men but I've learned a great deal about them since dating one for the last few months.

I've never had my Taurus guy bail on me on a date but he's certainly dissappeared for weeks at a time. They go MIA but they do resurface. Let him miss you! fall back a little and give him space and time he will come around if he's really interested and when he does just keep it light and friendly and BE EXTREMELY PATIENT!!

Being Patient is key here with Taurus men... they dont like change but they do adjust gradually...

They hate drama, confrontation, or unpleasantness of any kind. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

They hate to be rushed. H-A-T-E to be rushed. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

"They give you their hearts, and ask for very little in return.

They only ask for patience.

Give them time to get there. Don't make threats. Back us into a corner. Make situations difficult for us. Bulls crave peace and harmony, and we hate confrontation. "

Bulls are real slow, slow, slow to initiate!

Attempt to rush us, and we will run, run, run!

Those are some tips that were givin to me and it so true...

good luck! and be patient if you really are interested in this man.

To: Cancer Girl Update
by: Aphrodite Bull

"Then he had the nerve to tell me I should wait for him to be ready." (Posted by Cancer Update)

He was being serious. No kidding. Real talk! When he texted you, you should have responded. Now he's going to question your sincerity. Why are Cancers so impatient? LOL. Cancers demand, don't get results right away...and then POOF! Shell up and disappear.

Bulls are very practical. Curse us out, yes we retaliate (we're bulls afterall) but we get over it after it's sunk in. When he contacts you again. Pick up the phone. Tell him that you sincerely want to be with him, but not under those terms. He has to come to a compromise. You're wiling to wait patiently. He's busy. Bulls are compulsive planners. We're rarely impulsive. He just needs the time to fit you in his schedule.

Take advice from LeoLove
She cursed him out, stood her ground, but didn't disappear. We ALWAYS resurface. Trust me. We can get stuck in ruts, but sometimes need a good old fashioned kick in the hiny! You just need to be assertive and patient enough until we come around.
You did a good thing by letting him have it! Where you went wrong? Shelling up and being incognito!

To: Cancer Girl Update
by: Aphrodite Bull

Take this advice from LeoLove

(I went back and read it)......

Being Patient is key here with Taurus men... they dont like change but they do adjust gradually...

They hate drama, confrontation, or unpleasantness of any kind. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

They hate to be rushed. H-A-T-E to be rushed. ALL Tauruses, male or female will tell you that.

"They give you their hearts, and ask for very little in return.

They only ask for patience.

Give them time to get there

To: Taurus Lover in Seattle
by: Aphrodite Bull

We don't like emotional displays or meltdowns. We see that as emotional instability. But we DO crave emotional vulnerability. There is a difference.

Emotional vulnerabilty lets us know that you're in control of your emotions, but that these emotions are still very much visible, alive and present. We don't want an icebox. But we don't want an unstable person who is going to create drama for us either.

Emotional Instability lets us know that at any given moment, you can fly off the handle! This creates anxiety within us, fear, guilt, confusion, and uncertainty.

You showed him emotional vulnerability. So, no, you did NOTHING wrong! LOL. You can relax. Just give him time to allow your words to sink in. Remember, we're slow, very slow to initiate.

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

He didn't let you in the club that night because he's insecure. You were looking hot. Pardon the expression, LOL, and he still has a certain level of distrust for you when it comes to having you surrounded by other men. The 'I love you, but I'm not in love with you' is B%llsh*t. As I stated previously, we never commit to people unless we're 100% certain. It's all or nothing with us. Which probably explains why he was upset and hurt when you broke up with him, but pretended to be relieved. Yeah right. It's a cover up!

When we're in love. We can be some very jealous, insecure people! Just the thought of you looking at someone else (even if it's innocent) can send our insecurity meters running. What you see is not always what you get with a Taurus. Especially when it comes to the matters of the heart. But yet, we're blunt and sarcastic about everything else! Go figure!

I would let this one sit for awhile. He still has those insecurties in his head. He loves you though, I can guarantee you that.

He will resurface.

To: Faith (Confused Aquarian)
by: Aphrodite Bull

Have you ever heard of the saying for Taurus individuals...?

Our mantra: "I have"

If he intentionally got you pregnant, it was obviously so that he could keep you for the long haul. He clearly sees a future w/you. We're possessive by nature.

As for the playing around, every unevolved Bull goes through this stage. Heck. I did. LOL. Remember most Bulls are fairly attractive people, nurturing, and have mastered the art of seduction. Seducing you into submission. But it's all a confidence booster, considering at times, a majority of us at a young age, can be quite insecure, jaded, and bitter from past experiences. When we're young, we're often too naive, too trusting, so when we get older, we're often guarded. Allowing just a few individuals into our inner circle. While keeping other individuals at bay, protecting our hearts, and experiencing what it's like to be the heartbreakers instead. This is why Bulls are often perceived as heartbreakers.

He may be telling you the truth. Only time will tell. But my gut instinct tells me that you should give it a shot.

To Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

Avoid coming on too strong (as Scorpios tend to do).

He will resurface.

Bulls are practical.

When he does.

Let him in.

Don't avoid him

Patience is required with these signs

To: Alexandria Scorpio
by: Aphrodite Bull

He's shy and reserved, probably a little insecure. He will not approach you. But he's defintely smitten with you. He's a textbook Taurus, 'defenders of the underdogs.'

So of course, more than likely his girlfriend will not be in the picture for long. Although she's attractive, she represents everything that a Bull despises. Why would he be with her then? Simple, she'a an attractive woman who strokes his ego. But this will soon dissolve once his confidence level is up.

If I were you, I would approach him in a friendly, non-threatening way. Always watch the eyes with a Taurus when you're communcating. His demeanor will be slightly evasive, preferably sticking to topics like politics, history, and etc, while keeping his feelings to himself.

But trust me, his eyes will give him away every time!

To: Pisces Girl (18)
by: Aphrodite Bull

You have nothing to worry about. He just has to incorporate you into his schedule. As LeoLove indicated, Taurus' respond to gradual changes. We hate sudden changes. This may take him some time, provided that you be patient.

But he's defintely smitten w/you....

He's retreating and I don't know what to do
by: Scorpio 24

Thank you so much Pisces girl for your insight. I haven't heard from him at all though. Do I just sit tight or give up? I know I shouldn't of over reacted but unfortunately I did and now I'm stuck wanting him back but I'm so afraid that I've pushed him away forever. If I reach out to him I'm afraid I'll seem desperate right?

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

How are things going with your Taurus?

(I hope I got to everyone:)

He's retreating and I don't know what to do
by: Scorpio 24

Thank you so much Pisces girl for your insight. I haven't heard from him at all though. Do I just sit tight or give up? I know I shouldn't of over reacted but unfortunately I did and now I'm stuck wanting him back but I'm so afraid that I've pushed him away forever. If I reach out to him I'm afraid I'll seem desperate right?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Welcome back Aphrodite Bull!!

I've certainly miss you!! Well i have much to tell..

So after 25 days and me cursing him out Finally LOL!! Part 1 -Oct 21st..

He text me and asked me if i wanted him and if i can go pick him up... i waited a while to respond but i did... it was ackward at first, i asked him why he was doing this and he said he didnt know. We talked for a bit. He said a few things that lead me to believe that he does care about me. and i could see it in his eyes.... i think he's scared and very guarded. I asked him if he just wanted me for sex and he said no but that right know he couldnt give me anything else because of his situation. he began to tell me how i could do so much better than him and that he didnt deserve me. that i was beautiful and kind and sweet and had it going on for myself and he didn't know why he acts like that with me. That he was stupid for not knowing what he wanted. i assured him he wasnt stupid but that i understood he needed to get his stuff together. I told him i couldn't be his sex buddy as i was already emotionally involved in us and i did not want to get hurt. He understood. I told him that we could be friends without benefits and that i just want him to be happy and that i will always be there for him. that i just want to love him only if he would let me and that i would wait until he was ready. I told him that if he continued to reject me and push me away that eventually it will happen and if he didn't want to be with me to just let me go. Although he didn't say it to me his actions proved he didn't want to lose me. He also said that every moment we spend together he's always had a great time and that we have great memories. I asked him if he would be willing to compromise and he asked what was i thinking. i told him that i wanted to spend more time with him that once a month was not enough for me, i told him i understand we both have lives outside of our relationship but that i needed more time with him and what would he say about seeing each other every other week, to my surprise.. he said yes that he could do that.. that even though things come up unexpectedly he would make the time for me. then he asked me if there were any rules.. and i said no... i dont like rules! haha! then i asked him if he had anything or any rules or things he wanted me to stop doing or start doing and he said no all he wanted was me!! and i told him he already had me.... So... We spent the night together and it was absolutely amazing as always! So only time will tell.. I think we've taken a small step in the right direction

am i ahead of myself thinking this guy may really like me and he's just too afraid and not ready because of his situation?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Part 2 - Halloween weekend!

so.. i went away this weekend to NYC. The last time i was with my Taurus man (September) i had asked my Taurus Man if he wanted to go to NYC for the Halloween weekend with me and he said that he couldn't go because he had family that was coming from out of town. I said okay and made arrangements accordingly. Anyway, since a month past without communication i never had the chance to tell him i was going to NYC. And when he finally reached out i forgot to mention it. Anyway, my daughter was at his house and was talking about my trip this weekend so he knows now... Since we've been seeing eachother, when i travel I've asked him if he can take me and pick me up at the airport so that i dont have to spend all that money on parking and he can watch my car for me. Anyway, i texted him this morning knowing it was a last minute request and he said he couldn't do it but he wished me luck on my trip and asked were is this place thats lucky 2 have me... i thought that was so sweet however, i know for a fact he knew where i was going. I suggested leaving my car parked at work and if he could pick it up from there and he said yes that he could do that.

do you think he was upset that i didn't mention my travels earlier? i wonder did he ask me where i was going because he wanted to see if i would tell him?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Part 2 - Halloween weekend!

so.. i went away this weekend to NYC. The last time i was with my Taurus man (September) i had asked my Taurus Man if he wanted to go to NYC for the Halloween weekend with me and he said that he couldn't go because he had family that was coming from out of town. I said okay and made arrangements accordingly. Anyway, since a month past without communication i never had the chance to tell him i was going to NYC. And when he finally reached out i forgot to mention it. Anyway, my daughter was at his house and was talking about my trip this weekend so he knows now... Since we've been seeing eachother, when i travel I've asked him if he can take me and pick me up at the airport so that i dont have to spend all that money on parking and he can watch my car for me. Anyway, i texted him this morning knowing it was a last minute request and he said he couldn't do it but he wished me luck on my trip and asked were is this place thats lucky 2 have me... i thought that was so sweet however, i know for a fact he knew where i was going. I suggested leaving my car parked at work and if he could pick it up from there and he said yes that he could do that.

do you think he was upset that i didn't mention my travels earlier? i wonder did he ask me where i was going because he wanted to see if i would tell him?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Part 3 - 10/31 -
So I went on my trip and had a nice time however, i really did wish he would have joined me. Since he did the favor of looking after my car for the weekend and saved me some $$ I went and bought him a gift (cologne) which he seemed to like. He picked me up from the airport and we hung out for a few hours at home. Of course, we had the best **** as always!! but he didn't want to stay the night.. which was a little disappointed but he said he had to go home. I'm starting to think he just wants me for sex. The last time we were together we had made a compromise that we would see each other every other week which would fall on this coming weekend. I'm worried that because he saw me this weekend he's going to consider that the weekend. should i say something? or should i wait to see if he reaches out to me? i wanted to plan something for us but i don't want to be disappointed...

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Part 4 - 11/4

He owned up to his end of the compromise. He called me early in the afternoon and we talked aobut what we were going to do the weekend. I didn't hear from him until late in the evening. he texted me from his brothers phone saying he lost his phone and if i can go pick him up. so i did.

I had a wonderful weekend with my Taurus man. He stayed all weekend and we had such a great time. We went for massages which was amazing.. went to dinner, drinks and a movie.. it was very nice to spend some quality time with him and actually do stuff together. So he left and of course i hate to see him leave because i dont know when i will see him again. haha! Anyway, i went online that night and was on facebook. he doesnt have FB but his father does. I was on there looking at pics when i came across a very interesting picture. Looks like it was taken in xmas of 2008. It was a picture of him and a girl at his cousins house at a dinner table. The other pic was in front of a xmas tree and his parents and siblings and cousin and this girl was in the picture as well. I know this was 3 years ago but because i know how much of a big deal it is to him to bring a girlfriend around his home that it made me think wow.. this girl must have been pretty special to him. So know i'm confused. As far as he has told me.. his last relationship was 6 years ago and he was hurt very badly... this picture was in 2008 only 3 yrs ago.. maybe this is just a friend and i should not think anything of it... i want to ask him about her but im not sure if i should? with the holidays coming up i wondered will he ever invite me to a family dinner? should i expect to spend the holidays without him..

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Part 5 - 2 days ago....

I've decided not to bother asking or inquiring about her. This was obviously in the past and I am going to leave it there..I thought about it really well and i think that if she was or is so important to him he will eventually tell me about her on his own. I'm not going to give it that much importance as I don't feel threatened by her and wondering and worrying about this person will only take away from being confident in who and what i am as a woman. I dont want to waste my time and energy on things of the past. does that make sense to you? i want to enjoy my time with him and allow our relationship to grow naturally without worries or insecurities, etc...

This weekend he opened up a little more to me.. he told me about school and what he would like to do when he's done and where he would like to work. He actually asked me if i can assit him with creating his resume. He talked about having his own business and i was so happy and excited for him because he was happy and excited.. it was great to see him feel good about himself and of course i told him i would support him all the way and if he ever needed me that i would be there for him. Whether it is to type up the resume for him or do some research i could do those things for him.

He mentioned first round of interviews that are coming up for him and i suggested we go buy him an interview outfit and he just loved the idea!!

I think he can clearly see how much i like him... and i can only hope and pray that he's feeling me too..

But let me ask you..

The fact that he stayed with me all weekend and i didnt even ask him that a sign that he's gradually adjusting to me? I mean i did ask him to come over on Friday night but i didnt think he was going to stay until Sunday!! hahaha!! not that im complaining at all!! lol

my daughter also told me that when he got home on Sunday he walked in so happy and was talking about what we did this weekend... the spa.. dinner and the movies... i was surprised at that as i thought he would never mention us and the things we do to his family and friend. Can this mean anything? or is it just me wishing it means something?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Sorry Aphrodite Bull.. you've been gone for a while and i'm pulling this stuff from my journal!! HAHA!! :) hope you dont mind being bombarded.. but i know you will give me good and honest advise and i sooooo appreciate it!!

soooooo... this is what i am confused about:

Since he's not a chaser and if i need to be persistent and do the chasing, then i must be going down the right path since that's exactly what i've been doing. But then we are told we're not suppose to chase a man... very confusing...

I'm always available for him but isn't that a bad thing... i should not be available to him all the time..

this is a scenario i was given...

"Female: I really want to be with you.
Taurus Man: I'm not too sure right now. I'm in transition. I can't be in a relationship right now.
What he's really thinking...
"Be patient. Wait for me. Fight for me. I don't know how to answer you at this moment. But I don't want you to give up on me."

That is so US.. it's crazy!! LOL!! he has actually made comments to me about him loving the fact that i dont give up and to be patient!! LOL!! the last time we were together (2 weeks ago after the month long disappearance) that's exactly what i felt like, he didnt want me to give up on him. He said " he didnt know what he wanted and could not understand why he was being that way with me" then i came up with a compromise and he agreed to it... so isn't that an indication of me not giving up on him?

I can see the insecurities at times and it is very difficult for him to express himself to me but your right when he's touching me and looking at me and making me laugh and making me feel like an incredible woman..... i see it all in his eyes!! and it melts my heart away!! just like that!!

Sometimes i think am i crazy for thinking he likes me just because his eyes are so intense and deep and they make me feel that way... however, his actions may say something else... his dissappearing acts, not responding to my calls or text those actions make me think he's not into me or not interested in a long term relationship.

And he is secretive and VERY PRIVATE!! but he does open up to me just a little at a time.. and that's okay because when he does that i give him a little more of me...

I've thought about telling him that i'm in love with him... because i am but i am not sure its the right time to do so...should i hold that back?

thanks again your advice and guidance is appreciated big time! i don't know what i would do with you AB!! :) thank you!

Scorpio 24
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Thanks again Aphrodite Bull! You're the best! I missed u :) I really do hope he does resurface bc I miss him a lot. And we do come on strong :( even if we do have the best of intentions. I'm just afraid that I may have pushed him away completely with my last e-mail to him. I keep hearing how stubborn they can be and it makes me crazy thinking this was the last I'd hear of him. I'm hesitant to reach out to him as that may seem I'm desperate. Am I wrong?

To Leo Love; PII Halloween Wknd
by: Aphrodite Bull

"do you think he was upset that i didn't mention my travels earlier? i wonder did he ask me where i was going because he wanted to see if i would tell him? " (Posted by LL)

He was never upset.

He already KNEW. LOL. He just wanted to see if you were going to be honest with him and that he could trust you. Bulls. We do this all the time. We have the proof in our hands. But will 'innocently' mention something as if we have absolutely no idea. We're master investigators, and skilled at being evasive. Ha ha! There is a lot of things that the zodiac doesn't divulge about Bulls. We're very cautious, guarded and non-trusting individuals. Yes, even if we're smitten with you.

We do backgrounds and fact check everything you tell us. Seriously. If we find even the slightest lie, we will pull away. I dated this guy one time, very strong physical chemistry. But his stories didn't add up. The lies weren't big, detrimental lies, but still, small little white lies here and there. The lies may have been harmless. But to a guarded Bull, it screams nightmare! See, if you're hiding behind lies, we can't see the REAL you. We don't mind imperfections. We will love you in spite of it. And will certainly let our OWN guards down. We're not as finicky as the other earth signs {ie, Caps, Virgos). We just hate lies and pretenses. That will totally put us off!

You told him the truth. That's all he wanted to hear. He needs to know that he can trust you.

To: Leo Love (Parts III-V)
by: Aphrodite Bull

Don't worry about him being reluctant to spend the nights in the beginning. He will adjust. Bulls, we're obsessed with routine. Sleeping in our own beds, going to sleep at a certain time, getting up in the morning and jumping in the shower. We like to have our toiletries readily available. Toothbrush, lotion, deodorant, and etc. We're boring and predictable like that. LOL! Bulls like for everything to be in it's natural place. We're funny like that. This obsession we have with 'order of things.' Any sudden change, or anything out of place will send us into a panic attack. Literally. LOL!

My advice to you. LeoLove, have a spare toothbrush ready. Have his favorite lotion or deodorant waiting in the bathroom. Mention it casually. Crack a joke or two. (Tauruses loooove a good laugh) Tell him he has a spare toothbrush and lotion because you don't want to smell his breath in the morning. He will laugh, slowly adjust, and begin to feel more at home. He will no longer feel like a stranger in your house.

My best friends will tell you. I am the most predictable person you will ever meet!

To Leo Love: Conclusion
by: Aphrodite Bull

"this is a scenario i was given...

"Female: I really want to be with you.
Taurus Man: I'm not too sure right now. I'm in transition. I can't be in a relationship right now.
What he's really thinking...
"Be patient. Wait for me. Fight for me. I don't know how to answer you at this moment. But I don't want you to give up on me."(Posted by LL)

This is 100% spot on/accurate!

You were also 100% accurate about Bulls being private and secretive also. We will open up a little at a time.

We're very private people. We're never hiding anything malicious, it has more to do with self-preservation. We let just a few people in. This stems from a fear of being judged. Remember, we want to be seen as perfect in your eyes. Any imperfections we see in ourselves will drive us to isolation. But we also need to know that once we give ourselves to you completely, you will not sabotage our hearts. Trust me, it's happened to us before. We may forgive, but we never forget, or regress! This takes us some time. But we only ask that the individual trust us enough to be patient.

Yes. We will investigate. We're gatekeepers of our inner circle. We're protective of our domain.
Very few individuals will be given the opportunity to meet our family members or members of our circle. Bulls operate on an organizational plane. Finances, 1st, Relationships 2nd, Marriage and Family 3rd. If we don't give you an answer right away, don't panic like most do. LOL! We're trying to sort things out for ourselves. Trying to see if we can trust you, where we see ourselves financially, and figuring out ways to incorporate you into our lives.

It's just never done in the pace that people want it! Eventually, they just give up on us, which contrary to our aloof disappearing acts 'exterior' can tear us to pieces. This is why we frown when we contact people and they're either not available or not answering our calls. Panic sets in, and we assume that they're looking elsewhere. We never assume that they're just put off by our 'aloofness.'

To Retreating Scorp (24)
by: Aphrodite Bull

I would send him an email, apologizing for your actions. But also explaining why you did it.

Do this, and he will contact you.

He will probably be ecstatic that he didn't have to make the 1st move (since we're stubborn by nature, lol :)

We're pratical

Send him the email.

And he will come around.

And, no, you wiill not look desperate.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

OMG!! I laughed so hard yesterday after i sent my 6 part story!! and i actually went back to read it ALL!! LOL!! I couldnt believe it myself!! I'm so sorry for the BOOK! I thought AB will never ask me how are things going for me again!! lmao!! and that you have taken the time to respond is so awesome of you!! :)

So true... he is very predictable!! and i love it...

i actually did go and pick up a toothbrush for him a few weeks ago, and i also picked up his favorite moisturising lotion that he uses for his face. Although he brought his stuff with him this past weekend, he did think it was a great idea that i did that. that is too funny.. becuase he is very feminine in that sense and i just love it! he does like to have his things readily available... i'm thinking i will get a bag with all his favorite stuff in it so that he can feel little more comfortable next time!!

Thanks again AB!

Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

First I want to tell you that you are soooo good that you really need to get you're own column or radio show regarding how to deal/understand how Taurus men think/act/speak etc. You'd become a millionaire! So I sent him an email as u you suggested and he wrote back almost immediately! I so happy to hear from him as he sounded a happy as well. We wrote back and forth for a bit and he apologized for disappearing again saying that he's had a lot of issues with work and personal life. But he did say that he's been thinking about me a lot. He was home sick today and asked me if I'd take care of him, I quickly replied yes but he never brought it up again. I guess maybe he just wanted to see if I was willing? Throughout the rest of the evening we then began to text and he sent me a few pics of him and I did the same. I so want to see him as it's been 6+ wks since we've been together but I'm afraid of pushing him away if I suggest it. Even though the last time, I let him suggest it and regardless he still bailed. I do plan to take things super slow this time. I will text him once a day and if I get no response well then I'll wait till next week to send him a friendly how are you. I really hate the pushy side of me so Im trying to make an effort to just let him decide ... within reason of course. Is there anything else you can tell me to complete my happiness with the man that has my heart?

He's retreating and I don't get why
by: Leo Love

From my experience.. All you can do is be patient, patient and more patient!! LOL!!

be consistent
be honest

They really do take there sweet time so being patient is KEY!! and if he's got personal stuff going on then he will continue to dissappear but he will always resurface and dont take it personal...

Me in your shoes, had he asked me to take care of him.. i would have followed up on your immediate yes with something like.. "yes, would you like me to make you some homemade chicken soup and bring it over?" take the initiative.. it's okay these men kind of like that to an extent...oh... and taurus men love food!!

They dont like to be rushed or pushed into anything... but sometimes you have to push them just enough to get a response...

anyway, good luck and remember Patience is KEY with taurus man..

Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Leo Love thanks so much for your words of wisdom. I definitely see the patience trait needed for these men. However they seem to be so worth it. I'm trying my best to be patient (challenging trait for a Scorp). I guess what confuses me the most is that I'm not sure if he's sincerely interested or just stringing me along. He rarely makes the effort of reaching out to me first so it makes me wonder if I'm the only one pursuing anything. He says that he thinks of while his MIA but you know the saying "actions" speak louder than words right? How do I know that he's really going through a difficult time or whether he's just keeping me as an option or his groupie?

He's retreating and I don't get why
by: Leo Love

LOL!! I'm laughing because i've soooo been there...:) and still dealing with some of this stuff.

It will take time to learn and figure out if he's really interested in you.. i use to think the same thing. from what i've learned thanks to AB (shes the best taurus advicer ever) that they will not tell you anything.. ever... they will show you but in very little spurts..and ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION TO THE EYES!! the eyes will tell all...

My taurus guy dissappeared for 25 days- (sure sign he wasnt interested right?)i was going crazy until finally i got fed up and showed up at his house to see him and he would not come outside to see me. he texted me with some reall lame excuse and i got so upset, i thought that was it, it was over we were finished!! i cursed him out and let him have real good.. then 3 days later.. he texted me..and i answered and we talked and we compromised....

I know that they say the man has to be the one to chase and pursue.. and it is true but when your dealing with a Taurus man to some degree you have to do some pursuing of your own...They are not chasers! :)
I will admit it...I've pursued my taurus man from the very start and i really feel if i didn't i would not be where i am today with him... we have only been dating for lil over 6 months but i can see the changes coming along slowly but surely.

read some of my postings and AB's replies.. that should help you tremendously.. it did for me..

Another thing.. if he told you he's is going through a difficult time... believe him... he would not tell you that if it wasnt true. you need to be supportive and caring and let him know that your there for him.

I'm sure AB will be around soon to give you much better advise!!

Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Leo Love - I read through quite a few of your posts and I understand how you seem to be going something similar to me. Fortunately you seem to be in the later stages where I'm still stuck in the beginning. We haven't been to each others house so showing up at his house would def make me seem like a psycho. And reading his eyes is also tough when we rarely get to see each other. It's horrible. He assures me via email/text how wonderful I am for understanding, how he's so interested, how much he misses me and even can't wait till we see each other again! Prob is that every time he makes plans "something" comes up. It's so frustrating and I'm sure you can understand. AB suggested I reach out to him no more than once a wk so I'm sticking to that. However, if I don't reach out, he doesn't either. He is so sweet and says just the right thing when we are communicating and that's what makes it so hard to let go. I have told him that I'm here for him if he ever needs me but he never reaches out. Before reading through these posts, I figured he was just playing games but it says that Taurus' rarely play head games and don't say what they don't mean. So I'm back to square one again! Thanks for the advise...this is a great page to help each other understand what MAY be going on....

He's retreating and I don't get why
by: Leo Love

definitely keep your communication to once a week and be patient he will resurface they always do.. just when you least expect it...

What you must do is continue with your everyday routine and make plans as if he were not in the picture. I know it's hard to not think about him all the time but occuppy your time with the things that make you happy and when you least expect it.. you will get the call or the text/email.

like AB says.. taurus individuals need to assess the situation and think about it carefully and think about it some more... lol!! but he will come around...

This is definitely a great forum when your looking for great advice, answers or direction or just a peace of mind... it's helped me understand him so much it's amazing. had i not learned the things i have about his characteristics and traits i probably would have given up a loooongggggg time ago....

Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

I'm not sure what makes them so irresistable but they just are. I don't mind doing the "chase" if he would just let me catch him once in a while lol I'm wondering if the next time he suggests meeting, if I should make it where I go out to him rather than him out to me and I get left disappointed.

by: Thejazzy1

Soooo I am over it I have made up in my mind tjat I know he loves me and that he will be around no matter what and I will always be here for him, ugh hes so difficult and annoying
Lol he always found the nerves to tell me that he does loves me me to death and will fo anything for me but we are already in a comfort zone. I took from the conversation that exactly what you told me in previous post he dont want to be hurt so he just practice breaking my heart and making my emotions go up and down lol but the new me hasnt neen taking his shit! Lol with me being so much younger then him I accept the fact that he dont trust me so I just let him do whatever I dont force anything or expect anymore than what he has
Been doing to save myself the heart ill take your advice and let him "sit" for awhile hell all he does anyway is sit around lol freakin homebody weirdo lol he only goes outside for business and club night lol and when he leaves for business he wears a hoody hes a creep j/k bit seriously I live him and hopefully he will trust me one day,,thanks again ab

Patience right?
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Well I got up the courage to send him a well thought out note telling him everything I feel towards him and that I believe that we can make it as a great couple. I detailed my every feeling towards him. Since he has work and personal issues going on I told him that I'd be patient wait because he was worth it. I hope that doesn't give him carte blanche to leave me in limbo indefinitely. I just didn't want him to think I was doing this as a way to pressure him to be with me. Hoping I did the right thing. Problem is that it's been a few days and I haven't heard anything. I wrote a lot of personal stuff we've shared and would of thought that he would of replied by now. I'm not going to follow up as the ball is in his court. I took a scary step in telling him my thoughts (Scorps rarely do that) and now I think it's up to him. If he's not feeling the same do you think that he'd at least reply and tell me? Is it wrong to no longer contact him if I receive no reply? How long is too long to wait? And what if he replies but with no reference to what I wrote? I'm trying really hard to play it cool here and trying to understand his mind set. Please help!! I'm so head over heals for this man it's crazy!

He's retreating and I don't get why
by: Leo Love

He will respond eventually.. he just needs time to absorb it all and think it through.

how long is too long too wait? hmmmm.... lets see.. i waited 25 days.. so really that all depends on you and what your willing to do for the relationship to evolve. you guys are so fresh and new just try to be VERY patient and continue on with your everyday life you will see he will contact you when you least expect it.

I know what your going through i've been there and the only thing i can say is that if you truly are crazy about this guy then you must learn how to fall back and wait and learn how to be extremely patient!! it takes time.. but i have to tell you it is soooo worth the wait!!!

i'm crazy about my taurus man.. and everytime we are together i fall more and more and we get closer and closer a little bit at a time... baby steps.. and you know what? im loving every minute of it.. enjoying the moments because thats what truly counts right now.

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Thanks again for your words of wisdom. They really help a lot! Especially the part about falling back. Yesterday I had to literally stop myself from calling him as his football team won a big victory. It was suppose to be something that would connect us a bit more. However, I kept my cool and didn't do it. Mainly because I felt that I'd be considered pushy even though it was just to praise his team. Know what I mean? I get what you mean about him having to absorb things but is there really that much to absorb when someone is wearing their heart on their sleeve? I am trying so hard to understand him bc I know 100% that he's worth it. Obviously there's no set time frame but sheesh how long does it take to realize that you have a good thing in front of you? Not to mention, why wouldn't he be worried that I may just find someone else?

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Btw Leo Love I forgot to tell you that I'm very happy that things worked out for you and that your soooo happy. Your patience obviously paid off and thank you again for taking the time to help me through this rough time. I really appreciate it.

He's retreating...
by: Leo love

Girl I'm still going thru it with my Taurus man... I'm not singing my glories just yet! Lol!

But with time you begin to Understand these taurus men.. This forum and Aphrodite Bull has helped me tremendously and continues to help me, as I still have a longs way from capturing his heart and his love. But learning about his behaviors and how to handle them really help understand the who he is.

Just be patient girl! Trust he will resurface.... When u least expect it!

And Aphrodite Bull is always on point! She will tell you the best advice! She will resurface soon... Remember she's a bull!!! Lol!

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hahaha...yes AB has def given me a lot of advice that has helped me understand AND cope with my situation. One has to wonder how it is that these Taurus men ever even get into a relationship with with all these disappearing acts and flakiness! It sure does take a lot of patience! LOL Wow and I can't believe you waited patiently 25 days. I'm very proud of you. I hope to be this strong!

He's retreating and I don't get why
by: Leo Love

haha!! i didn't say waiting 25 days was easy.. not at all.. it was driving me crazy but i refused to text him or to reach out.. until i couldnt take it anymore. that's when i went to his house and he left me outside. i was so hurt and dissappointed then he texted me 2 minutes later with some lame excuse! so i cursed him out so bad i thought for sure we were done it was over for sure...

then 3 days later he texted me wanting to see me!! crazy i know... but i responded and we spent the entire weekend together and we talked about it and we came up with a compromise and so far he's held up to his part of the compromise. Again, im still going through my growing pains with him but i'm learning how to be more patient and it helps when you start to see things happening exactly how AB said they would!!

these taurus men are pridictable and i'm learning how to pick up on those things and it makes it easier to be patient and remain calm.

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

@Leo Love - I know the feeling all too well. lol And even though I want to reach out to him so bad I know I won't. I told him a lot of things about how I am feeling which was really hard for me since he does this hot and cold thing with me so much. So now I am going to stay strong and not reach out out all. That's all I've been doing lately is reaching out getting a response then poof he disappears again. I was really hoping that he would have at least acknowledged what I told him but nothing yet. So I suppose only time will tell. I have strong feelings for him but it can't be one sided. Sometimes I just think that he's with someone else and that's why he keeps me at bay. Kind of to keep his options open. When we do communicate he says all the right things but that may just be part of the Taurus charm I guess. I've never come across such a challenging situation. One would think that maybe that's the reason I want to be with him so much but I know in my heart it's not. I just know we'd be great together.

he's retreating...
by: Leo Love

He will continue to disappear but he will resurface. just focus on you and continue with your daily life and trust me he will resurface.

Missing and returns
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

So I read through a lot of the things written previously and I'm a bit confused. Hopefully someone could clarify. If a Taurus reappears after retreating for days and weeks, that means that he's into you? Because I kind of thought that it meant that they just wanted to see if you were still interested and there for I'm confused even more.

I am older than my lusty bull =(
by: sweet scorpio

Hello to all. I have been reading everyone’s comments for weeks now. Every night I read a lil more. Soooo entertaining, soooo true, so comical. I love it all and I have an appreciation for all of the sun sign traits, the good and the bad. I am familiar with some sign characteristics and agree with alot that has been said. This is not my first Taurus relationship so you would think I am familiar with their traits and slow and steady rhythm.....hmmm this time - for me - not so much. Truthfully I am allllll jacked up on the age difference. There is a huge gap - large enough to be embarrassed about. I want to let my lusty bull loose to run wild and do whateva it is that young hot bulls do. But I can't - I mean I tried. I told him we can't do this - this isn’t going to work - where is this going? I confirmed with him eye to eye face to face honestly how I know we both are so into each other but the difference in age is huge and I told him I must let him go. I told him that by doing this it does not change the way I feel for him or diminish my desire for him - and I even told him I know hes into me and we have that physical chemistry and total attraction but we got to just let it be and let it go. He made funny frustrating faces at me - he tried to just shake my hand and walk away but when he put out his hand - i held onto it softly and with y big brown puppy dog eyes I asked him softly to not be upset. I told him he didnt loose me - bc we didnt have much together to begin with (we saw each other for about a month, couple of goodnight kisses and some sexy sex, maybe only 2 meals together). I told him I did not want to have him and still want him and we are better off letting this go. He asked for a kiss - he took a deep breath in and hugged n kissed me. We joked as we walked away in opposite directions. Bitter sweet. I replayed our first kiss in my head - 30 days prior to this last kiss goodnight - I was doing laundry he came by to say hello - we were close - he pulled me closer - outside under a sky full of bright stars and a tree that was full of black birds (that was weird and another story) anyhoo - as he was asking for a kiss he didnt even get to finish the question - i leaned in and kissed me - i seen fireworks - my body awoke - the sensations that ran through my body were like never before. we both took a deep breath when the kiss ended - we were both speechless. i could not help but notice and comment on how hard his heart was beating - ooooh god - I drove home that night thanking god and asking him to please help me down from this high - it was waaay too high for me. My body trembled all the way home. As I am writing this I have this huge smile on my face.

I am older than my lusty bull part 2
by: sweet scorpio

K So now back to reality - reality of a month of us seeing each other here and there and me slowly realizing the age thing is a bit of a problem. So I try to handle it and stop us before I get in over my head - additionally his flakiness was almost unbearable and I kept thinking it was bcuz of his age. So I end it like I previously told you. 6 days later he sees me out - Im looking cute - real cute - thank god - so he sees me and is drawn right to me - sits down and just floods me with compliments - my hair, my scarf, my perfume and wateva else. I try to play it cool and thank him and say it is good to see him. He text me from across the restaurant asking to meet him outside - i do - he again floods me with compliments - we kiss - and now we are back on. That was on 11/5 He called me a couple of the days after that - we met up 3 times since then. Hello the age difference is still there. I try to stay back and I keep myself very busy. I always have lots going on. And I try to use the age difference to stay away - ..... not working. I find myself wishing he would call just like the others who have shared here. funny shit. I feel like there is nothing to end with him so cant do that and already tried lol. I feel like Im stuck. We socialize in the same circles but not exactly the same. I could avoid him but that would take serious psycho effort. I really just want this to run its course already. I know I will keep it going if there is something there. That is a true scorpio - our emotions run deep and strong and sometimes smolder instead of dissipate. This is scary - even tho he is very mature for his age - the age difference is ridiculous. I am glad I got all of this out. Thank god for all of you sharing. I look forward to more insight. Life is such an adventure. So many people to meet and explore. Such a journey. I hope everyones is full of love an light! Lets be good to one another. Shine on everyone!

today is my bday 11/19
by: sweet scorpio

Today is my birthday. I am turning another day older than my lusty bull. I havnt heard from him since Thursday during the day. He said he needed help unpakn. I told him I would help. We both said we would talk after work. When I called him after work - he did not answer. lol Typical bull. and hes young...hello to self! Soooo I know not to expect a happy birthday from him. I know to not get disapointed if I dont hear from him. But truth is I will be hurt and disapointed. Crazy. Crazy how our heads tell us one thing but our feelings don't connect with our thoughts. Unfair. I am going to have a good day. I am going to know that I am desirable, mysterious, sweet, smart and sexy. Ima do me and eat up all of the attention from everyone else. I am going to appriciate those who do recognize my bday. They love me too. and I love love. I will shine today. This lil light of mine Im gonna let it shine, let it shine let it shine let it shine. Love n Light everyone!

Sweet scorpio
by: Leo Love

Happy Birthday Sweet Scorpio! Today is your special day so enjoy your day cuz it's all about you! Like you, I'm a lot older than my bull...And I can relate to your situation...

Patience is key with all bulls and I'm convinced that goes for all ages!

Crazy! Yes! I haven't heard from my bull for 7 days...

Sweet scorpio
by: Leo Love

Happy Birthday Sweet Scorpio! Today is your special day so enjoy your day cuz it's all about you! Like you, I'm a lot older than my bull...And I can relate to your situation...

Patience is key with all bulls and I'm convinced that goes for all ages!

Crazy! Yes! I haven't heard from my bull for 7 days...

by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Happy bday Sweet Scorpio! I know it'll be hard to keep your mind off of him but try to make today about you and not him or his absence. Funny coming from a fellow Scorpio who would probably be doing everything but! lol And Leo Love....he's disappeared again? I thought everything was going well. These Taurus men are so incredibly hard to understand.

He's retreating...
by: Leo love

Lol! Yes it's not easy understanding these Taurus men.. It's a lot of freaking work... Lol

Young Lusty Bull Called -part 1
by: sweet scorpio

Awww thank you very much everyone. You guys are awesome with your bday wishes. Okay soooo ready for this... my girlfriend threw me a surprise bday party today. I was super duper surprised. I did not have a clue what was going on. I woke up today commented here, ran to the gym, tanned, talked to a couple of girlfriends trying to keep my self from feeling sorry for myself (my mom, sis, gma and bff live in another state), kept having to remind myself today is a good day and really it was. Sun was shining! Not too cold. I have all of my colors I love to wear on, cute dress, boots, lip gloss and shades! I was good to go. My gfriend said I had to be at her house at lunch time. She said she bought movie tickets - Im think omg I am going to the movies during the day for my bday - oh ugh - oh just make the best of it... anyhoo I get to her apt - walk in and - surprise - a bunch of my friends and some of family is there. My heart was pounding as I am scanning the room, saying hello to everyone, so overwhelming. Kind of weird having all of your admirers in one room... yeh so is everyone wondering if my young lusty bull showed up??? Well what do you think? Come on - tell me you already knew he wouldn’t lol - of course he didnt lol was I surprised? No but somehow still disappointed. I asked my gfriend how long was this planned for - she said for a couple of weeks but she only text Lusty yesterday. She asked him to let her know if he was coming and she would give him directions to her apt. She never heard from him. She did not like the fact that he didnt respond. I can understand that. I think I actually tried to stick up for him and say he is young and he dosnt know any better - yeh um it didnt fly - she said bullshit. so anyhow - party was oover right before dinner time. Her and I rested then went for coffe and startd getting ready to go out. I think it was like right before 9pm - Lusty calls me. I just stare at the phone - my gfriend says dont you dare pick that up... and so i didnt. You know all of these thoughts ran thru my head like oh now you call so late in the day - after dinner hour but right before I go out - like you are setting up ur booty call for tonight and then theres that other thought of I know it took him allot to actually call me. That is huge for these bulls. Why didnt he just text me back he other day or even earlier today n said happy bday - atleast? and then this call would not seem so outta place. Why couldnt he atleast text my friend back and say thank you but cant make it. I did not know wat to do. All of these thought ran thru my head at once with my gfriend next to me saqying I dont alwaaaays have to be available when he calls. And the other supporting thought is he may have disapointed me if I took his call.

Young lusty called -Part 2
by: sweet scorpio

I find these bulls to be very disapointing unless you are actually with them - in there presence - in there arms = in their face - that is when they are not disapointing - shit who amd I kidding - even when we are in the same room together theres no disapointment - cuz I can actually feel the tension - the eyes - the stare - I can frign smell his desire and all of my senses are on alert - lol blah blah lol I crack me up. back to what I was saying, I am okay with not picking up the call. I was unsure how I was feeling about him with not responding to my friend and I did not want him to know I was disapointed and I really didnt want to be disapointed and really i did not know how I felt at all. Part of me wished she didnt even invite him - since I knew he wouldnt come and I would of rathered wondered if he would that be proven he wouldnt. See told you they are disapointing. I like that I didnt pick up the call. He will never know what was up. Eventually I wil bump into him and all I gots to do is act cool - "haaaay what is up - wow it so good to see you - hows the new place - oh great - i am glad your happy there - well sounds like you are good to go I am so happy for you - well it was good to see you." lol yeh who am I kidding. I will think all of this is going to come out all smooth and cool till he looks in my eyes - or how about til he gets close enough in my personal space to where it is obvious that he is trying to smell my perfume - lol. He can be sooo seductive sometimes. I ussually break the tension with a wise crack from some movie in a funny accent I say "I am not trying to seduce you" - we both just laugh and that is about the time he pulls me close to him. lol oooh man. Oh wait so are you wondering if he left me a voice mail when I didnt take his call.....? well what do you think? of course he didnt - lol. Are you surprised? Me neither. Again my griend was not happy - she says atleast he could of left you a happy bday on your voicemal - wtf? I again found myself making up excuses for him. Blah blah. yeh so I hate that I feel like the ball is now in my court - like okay now it is my move, my turn. I could be just as hesitant and stuborn as he is - with out really trying. As long as I am distracted - really this can be done.

Young Lusty called - Part 3
by: sweet scorpio

Really what I want to happen is - I want to bump into him. It is true they react stronger when they get to see you, smell you, hear you, feel your presence in the room... hmmmm. It could actually happen. I kind of know where he is going to be sunday night. BUT i kind of have other plans. And really I dont want to MAKE anything happen. I like leaving things up to the universe. I hate when I run around ramming my will everywhere. I never really end up happy that way. So Ima let this just be. I think I know it took allot for him to call. I know he atleast called me on my bday. That is fine. I am fine with that. Again I am going to remind everyone -nothing gained -nothing lost. Yes I have an amazing time when I am with him. We laugh hard, talk soft, silly and on some slight deep levels, we cant keep our hands off eachother and neither of us ever want the night to end..but it always ends and the getting back there seems hard and with tooo much space between. .I dont know how much space is too much. I dont know my breaking point, my walk away point. I dont mind the toying teasing tension. The hard part is the disappointments and again I dont know when I have enough of them -or what its gonna take till someone else has won me over. You see I am a sucker for pretty eyed sweethearts with underlying swagger (confidence) along with some humbleness to where there is almost a conversation between us with out a word being said. If this happens - its on. And it dosnt happen often however when it happens neither me or him can shut it down - and lately its either been a leo or a taurus. Oh man ladies. I live my life - i live loud, large and with full blown enthusiasm I am not sure what im gonna do if and when a man ends up being apart of that and be apart of my life and my schedule -I tell you what though at that point then I will feel I have something to loose. You see right now since I am self supporting and with a busy schedule social life and full of interests -these boys got nothing on me. Whether or not they stay or go - they dont rock my world. Lusty dosnt do anything for my life, my reality. He adds to my days by the hour igniting my pleasure zone. Hmmm yum. Sorry but you have to rock my world to really win me over or shall I say entirely win me over. You get it. Gosh I babble. anyhoo - he atleast called

Young lusty called - Part 4
by: sweet scorpio

I love the mystery of not knowing what he would of said. I like not knowing - lol. My plan for when I see him next is to just act cool. Make sure I say hello to him and b a lil surprised to see him - like happy surprised. I eventually would like to share with him how I wished he would of rsvp to my friend. Out of everyone she invited he was the only one she didnt hear back from. If anyone has any other ideas on my next move - shout em out. I am open. I kind of feel like its my move - and if I sit and do nothing right now..? Wonder if they get frustrated and all confused too. Wonder if hes thinkn where is she, is she mad, or upset, wonder if he wished he called me back thursday or maybe he wished he answered the phone when I called him. Do they ever regret their actions - or are they even too stubborn to do that too? Good question tho right. Ok ladies it is now Sunday morning Im up going to the gym, tanning, walgreens then football party! Go Giants! Chat soon yall. I look forward to everyones feeback. Love and Light everyone!

@Sweet Scorpio
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

I am so proud of you for not picking up the phone. I know that had to of been very hard yet you did it. I'm not sure I would have had the same willpower lol. As far as insight on your next move, I think you're on the right track. I'm far from an expert on these Taurus men as you can see on my current situation but in my opinion leaving him a little curious may be a good thing. Not just with a Taurus man but with any man. The key is having the ability to follow through which you did. They are perfect in a lot of ways but communication is def not their strong suit. I've also learned that they need to know that you're still interested. He called bc he IS interested, you not picking up left him wondering whether you are. So my guess is that he'll probably figure out a subtle way to confirm his curiosity. So yes he will look for you. I wouldn't try show up anywhere that he may be especially if it's going to seem obvious. Let him do some of the work now. It drives me insane how they don't realize that a simple rsvp or text is just plain common courtesy. I'm still crazy over my Taurus but I refuse to reach out bc that's all I've done since the beginning. I have a strong intuition that he will look for you so just sit tight and wait. Hopefully AB will soon come by and give us all better insight to all our situations. She's the best!

sweet scorpio & He's retreating..
by: Leo Love

Oh sweet scorpio you've done good. He will call you again..believe that.

He's Retreating, I'm in the same boat I'm the one who has pursued from the beginning..and I know how your feeling..but he will come around you will see...

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi Leo Love! Guess nothing yet? I believe that they will come around too! Here's the ultimate question though: Are they really into us or are they merely keeping us around as an option given their "retreating time"?

Thanks for warm strokes
by: sweet scorpio

You ladies are awesome. So Supportive. I didn't realize how sharing everything and reading your shares really helps. What a blessing. I love our honesty here too, so bold. And the open mindedness to taking suggestions and asking for help, so humble. This is a beautiful thing and a beautiful journey. Thank you for sharing it with me. Im such a mooosh. My friends and family that really know me call me sweet sensitive Melissa and they all know I do not do well with just casual conversation. I like in depth detailed heart pounding interactions - I am so extreme. The scorpio in me. So ya'll get me. People who don't know me that well also just see me as sweet and think I am a social butterfly and I am all over the place sharing love and light - they don't realize I am always probing, collecting info, sensing tensions listening to what is not said... Like I said what a journey. And again this is why I am thanking ya'll for the support. It feels good and it seems we are all in the same intense situation.
Ok enough love and light.
So ready - my gym is located by his old apt and he just moved last week and said his new apt is close by - just a couple of blocks away. While I was driving I found myself look at the cars on the road - lol. Crazy crap ladies. lol. Thank you for the confirmation - as I will NOT be putting myself in his path tonight. I will proceed to carry on and not expect him to all or text. But I am going to admit to you that if he should call me or text me I am going to answer. I def prefer text - so I can figure out my response. However he does love my phone voice.. hmm either way, I am already admitting that if it convenient for me to pick up or text back I am going to. Hmmm if no sign of him today or tomorrow - then on Tuesdays he know exactly where I will be. So that will be that. More will be revealed I will keep yall in the loop.

bull talk lol
by: sweet scorpio

Heres where its at ladies: lets keep being sweet, smiling alot, smelling exotic, being super sexy, friendly, caring and giving. Let's always look ready, polished, clean and flirty. If we do this eventually we will attract another bull or even some other sign. All we have to do is be our best selves always. Or atleast try. Let's be open to what the universe has for us. I do not think relationships should be so hard and challenging. Even if there is chemistry, connection or sexual intensity - I still don't think that means it is suppose to be and more is needed to make something happen and work. Relationships take compromise, attraction, communication, trust and acceptance. Tall order I know. And like ya'll I am willing to accept a lil less communication as long as he over compensates in the other areas to make up for it. Makes lots of sense and I am pretty sure you gals agree. I give yall lots of credit - both of you. I know leos love attention and love to be complimented and need to feel respected. That has been my experience with my gal leo friends. So ur bull must be over compensating somewhere to be keeping you around. I think that is super additionally sounds like you have learned to be patient and there seems to be allot more trust going on with you two. Good Stuff. As for the other scorpio - hmmm I am not sure what to say. I know for me - I am not patience. So when someone tells me to be patient - what I am hearing is get busy doing something else. Go focus on another area of your life. And I am super great at that. I love my busy schedule - so if it seems I am being patient - it is just a disguise. I do not know what I would do or how I would handle this lusty bull with out the full life I have lol. I know in the past I was seeing a couple of guys at the same time - they all lived in diff towns. My favorite was the bull of course - but that slow start took forever so I crept quietly thru other towns. Had lil friends all about till that bull moved me in. That was fun. That one was actually my second bull - him and I lasted about 6 years. My family still talks about him. Long story short with him - I was no longer attracted to him. It was weird. We were such a great team together. oh man best team player yet but I only looked at him like a friend. ugh - sad sad break up. He actually called me like a year after we broke up and told me he was dating and felt guilty. aaawww right. jees I forgot all about that. Good guy. He is married with a kid now. Good for him - he deserves good things. Here I go babbling again ladies. I should be in the shower.

He's retreating and i dont get why
by: Anonymous

Aw thanks for sharing Sweet Scorpio and your absolutely right. Patience and Scorpios usually don't go in the same sentence. Although I do recognize that I am persistent though. There's not much we don't put our minds to that we don't get. But in this situation, as much as I feel for him I'm afraid that I will give up. And when he does decide to show up, it'd be too late. Trust and respect are very big for me and I'm feeling like he's violating both. Here's how I picture it in my head: so he comes back and everything is great but for how long? At what point is he staying for real? I'll always wonder when his next disappearing act will be and how much it would hurt each time that follows. I'm all for keeping busy and leaving my options open but you guys don't ever think about that? I know in my heart we are perfect for each other and that's why I still have hope but I'm afraid that in the end, this was all a game to him. Basically I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.

bull talk lol
by: sweet scorpio

Heres where its at ladies: lets keep being sweet, smiling alot, smelling exotic, being super sexy, friendly, caring and giving. Let's always look ready, polished, clean and flirty. If we do this eventually we will attract another bull or even some other sign. All we have to do is be our best selves always. Or atleast try. Let's be open to what the universe has for us. I do not think relationships should be so hard and challenging. Even if there is chemistry, connection or sexual intensity - I still don't think that means it is suppose to be and more is needed to make something happen and work. Relationships take compromise, attraction, communication, trust and acceptance. Tall order I know. And like ya'll I am willing to accept a lil less communication as long as he over compensates in the other areas to make up for it. Makes lots of sense and I am pretty sure you gals agree. I give yall lots of credit - both of you. I know leos love attention and love to be complimented and need to feel respected. That has been my experience with my gal leo friends. So ur bull must be over compensating somewhere to be keeping you around. I think that is super additionally sounds like you have learned to be patient and there seems to be allot more trust going on with you two. Good Stuff. As for the other scorpio - hmmm I am not sure what to say. I know for me - I am not patience. So when someone tells me to be patient - what I am hearing is get busy doing something else. Go focus on another area of your life. And I am super great at that. I love my busy schedule - so if it seems I am being patient - it is just a disguise. I do not know what I would do or how I would handle this lusty bull with out the full life I have lol. I know in the past I was seeing a couple of guys at the same time - they all lived in diff towns. My favorite was the bull of course - but that slow start took forever so I crept quietly thru other towns. Had lil friends all about till that bull moved me in. That was fun. That one was actually my second bull - him and I lasted about 6 years. My family still talks about him. Long story short with him - I was no longer attracted to him. It was weird. We were such a great team together. oh man best team player yet but I only looked at him like a friend. ugh - sad sad break up. He actually called me like a year after we broke up and told me he was dating and felt guilty. aaawww right. jees I forgot all about that. Good guy. He is married with a kid now. Good for him - he deserves good things. Here I go babbling again ladies. I should be in the shower.

persistant scorpio
by: sweet scorpio

I am feeling you for sure. Long ago someone told me if its meant to be there is nothing you can do to screw it up. TRUST THAT. I also try to acept that mr right now may not be mr forever. I stay in the moment, enjoying it for what it is that moment. Once I start thinking about how is this going to change or when will it get better or why isnt this moving any faster - i get so agitated and all of those thoughts rob me of my inner peace and steel the sunlight and joy from my soul. So I do my best not to let my head shift into that gear. I stay solid with other things that give me security - personal security like my career, I work hard and professionally, my health, I eat right and go to the gym, my outer beauty, get my hair and nails done and hit the gym n tan and my relationships with my family and friends, I stay connected and in the loop with them. These things - maintaining them bring me security and integrity of who I am no matter what guy is in my life. Unshakeable - stable and true to myself. I have been working toward this for years. I have securty in these areas. I dont NEED a man. I also have never seen my wedding day in my dreams or planned it in my head and have been told I have a free spirit so = perhaps I am not the best to talk to if you see yourself married with kids. hmm but I can tell you this - stay persistant, stay who you are, be true to yourself and do your best so in the end if there is an end atleast you can say you gave it your best shot. I dont know how I landed my 3 previous bulls. I lived with 2 of them and they both would of married me, giving me anything I wanted and they were both awesome to my family. Love that part. I can tell you this - looking back I was not head over heels over them in the begining so I was my silly friendly fun flirty self. COnfident kind of loud and aloof. Picked on them a lil bit always made them laugh with my witty self. Only was around them when I was feeling positive and up. I was black and white with areas like work, money and fmaily. They both let me lead in those areas. I def stated my beliefs and I think they respected me even more bcuz of it. Soooo you be you. DO what you do. To thy ow self be true and I promise if it is meant to be you can not screw it up. and lets not forget to enjoy the journey along the way. Enjoy the moments, feelings and the person for who they are even if we do not like what they are doing or how they are treating us. We always have a choice whether we will continue to let it happen. We cant change others and their behaviors however we can change how we react to them. I was told right action promotes right thinking so do soemthing different if you want different results. You are worth it. You are strong sexy and sweet. You are a scorpio! Do your thang girl. Love and Light to you.

Young lusty sent a text
by: sweet scorpio

Okay so remember where we were at right? He called on my bday around 9pm.. amd I didnt pick up. Okay so that was last night. Now today was football sunday. We are Giant fans. I always watch football with a bunch of other guys and he goes whereeva. anyhoo his favorite player made a great play when we needed it the most. So I sent Lusty a text. Wait - you need to knwo i kept it simple and light and totally said to my self I am not expecting a text back. All my text said was "Theres your man babe!" Thats it - just that simple. Giving props and sharing in the delightment of a kick ass play. AND? 6 min later he hit me back. Before I go any further I am going to stop and be honest... picture a bull ring with that man in the middle waving the red thing to make the bull come charge. Well that is my tactic only I barely made it to the middly of the ring and barely whipped out the red thing.. lol you see the truth is you know I am upset how he didnt rsvp my friend or how he didnt take the initiative and ask to hook up with me on my bday and remember he said he could use my help unpakn and then never ansered my call.... yeh remmember that okay so that aggrivation is still underlying. However I keep that tucked away. I only display my light flirty fun side right now to maybe peek his interest. There will be a time and a place for me to express lightly or jokingly how I really feel about those things. But that time is not now. Now it is all about keeping it light, fun and loose. IF we end up alone or I guess I should say WHEN we end up alone again and before we get naked is when I get to bring it up - in a jokingly loose way. Which I willshare when that goes down. Ok back to his text back to me - he writes back 6 min later and says this "Ye we needed that play. I was worried for a second they need to step it up... called u yesterday to talk and to wish you a happy birthday. I am about to grab some sleep Ill call u tomorrow... have a good night." and that is what my lusty wrote. They dont play. He got right to the point on everything. even the frign goodnight lol funny shit. so you know what i said back p NOTHING. I let him have his good night. And he didnt ask me anything so I had nothing to say. and remember I was not prepared for him to text me back soooo all needed to just be done. and his good night was sufficient. Guess yall be hearing from me tomorrow - lol. He knows mondays arent my best days - whateva - we shall see. chat soon yall - goodnight.

Young Lusty is BACK Full Force
by: sweet scorpio

I wonder what is up with you guys n ur bulls. Mine was super spicy on Monday. He called and was witty and almost digruntled but trying to be funny about it. We were on the phone a good 40 min. We touched on everything. He said he would rathercontinue the conversation in person and asked me to come over to see his new place. I said I didnt think that was an option for me since my night looked busy. But I would text him and let him know later. Immediately when we got off the phone I texted him how that conversation left a bad taste in my mouth. He again asked me to come over. Anyhoo I text him much later (when I was done with dinner with firends) and told him I could perhaps stop by but he called and said he was on hisway home so I said okay then I will just go home - he said nope just come over we can meet there. So I did. We talked about everything for as long as I could - then I just finally said can we shut up now and kiss. I asked him if we were friends yet or just still benefits... he said stop it you know i like you and more than you think. I laughed and said oh no i didnt know that and said friends call friends back and just cuz u think you are friends with me dosnt mean i am friends with. cuz i am not really sure about how much i like you - i mean i like you but do not like the way u treat me so I am hoping this benefit thing runs its course and that be that - cuz ur not such a great friend - lol I said it all while smiling - he got all serious and asked for patiencer and said he wants to totally see me more and will try harder. Okay dude easy with the promises - you still have a bunch of others you havnt taken care of. I patted him on the shoulder. Go easy on yourself - this shouldnt be hard and if it is then its not suppose to be. He just stared at me and then said ouch - sarcasm... I said no I was being direct bcuz i can. I have not proven other wise to you. He said he does not want to be that guy he was being and he wants to work on it. I said I wouldnt take your sweet ass time about it.I told him what my mom said long ago - if you want something to last you must take care of it. It was a great night. Kisses and chats and giggles and flood of compliments. He says we are suppose to get together wednesday night. We will see. I hate to say it but I love being honest with him in my light jokingly silly lil teasing ways. I am even entertained by it. Where is everyone? Yall gave up n your bulls or what? NO love and light up in here?

@Sweet Scorpio
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hey there sweet scorpio, glad to hear that things went so well for you guys. Definitely a good sign! As for mine, well he still seems to be in hiding. Last time I've heard from him was a few weeks ago so nothing new on my front. Getting really frustrated with all I wrote to him and not even an acknowledgement? I think I have a dud Taurus here. Really bad I had to fall for someone like this.

Sweet Scorpio and He's retreating..
by: Leo Love

@sweet Scorpio

Being honest and direct with him is the best thing and he will respect that. I told you he would resurface LOl!!

And no.. i will never give up on my bull. I havent heard from him for 10 days but im not stressing over it. He will show up sooner or later.. LOL..It's so true if something is meant to be there's nothing you can do to mess it up. I like you keep myself busy with my everyday life and the things that make me feel good.

@He's retreating..

He will resurface.. it just takes patients to deal with the waiting. But if you occuppy your time with you and your life when you least expect it he will call or text.

Happy Thanksgiving ladies!! light and love :)

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They really mean a lot. Especially now with Thanksgiving around the corner it's especially hard. I'm sure he's going to be with his family but somewhere deep down I had a glimmer of hope I'd at least hear from him :( I'm definitely trying to stay busy and keep my mind off of him but it's not easy. When I do hear from him it'll probably be via text or e-mail as we rarely spoke on the phone and when he's re-appeared it's been that way. Acting like he never left. I like the way sweet scorpio let her bull know what he did in a light yet direct manner and that's what I'm wanting to do as well. But I'm wondering and second guessing if telling him how I felt and that I'd wait for him was the right thing to do. What if my brutal honesty pushed him away? Ladies, what are your thoughts? And please don't hesitate to be honest because at this point I really need to know if it's a lost cause...anyways, Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Sending light and love to you guys!

by: stef

This is so pathetic! How could any of you give any human being that much power over you! Are you fucking kidding me? Do you wanna wait for him to resurface with a wife & kid when your 45 & single? Do you wanna wait for him to call you & say I have a baby now & I think I'm getting married? Do you wanna waste your heart,life & money on a piece of shit thats gunna leave you emotionaly damaged & mentally ruined for any other guy to have you? Congrats your his but is he yours? Wake up ladies before you're in way too deep & way too late! I'd rather die alone than live as a slave in some guys fantasy. I know its hard but Stay strong & walk away from this BULL shit!

by: stef

This is so pathetic! How could any of you give any human being that much power over you! Are you fucking kidding me? Do you wanna wait for him to resurface with a wife & kid when your 45 & single? Do you wanna wait for him to call you & say I have a baby now & I think I'm getting married? Do you wanna waste your heart,life & money on a piece of shit thats gunna leave you emotionaly damaged & mentally ruined for any other guy to have you? Congrats your his but is he yours? Wake up ladies before you're in way too deep & way too late! I'd rather die alone than live as a slave in some guys fantasy. I know its hard but Stay strong & walk away from this BULL shit!

by: stef

This is so pathetic! How could any of you give any human being that much power over you! Are you fucking kidding me? Do you wanna wait for him to resurface with a wife & kid when your 45 & single? Do you wanna wait for him to call you & say I have a baby now & I think I'm getting married? Do you wanna waste your heart,life & money on a piece of shit thats gunna leave you emotionaly damaged & mentally ruined for any other guy to have you? Congrats your his but is he yours? Wake up ladies before you're in way too deep & way too late! I'd rather die alone than live as a slave in some guys fantasy. I know its hard but Stay strong & walk away from this BULL shit!

by: SWEET scorpio

Would love to know what sign you are. You came in with some pretty harsh negative agressive energy.
We keep things pretty supportive and positive around here. Love n light babygirl. We all know we are not victims. We have a choice and we are choosing to be right where we are at.
Those of you who judge, don't matter and those who matter don't judge.
It is really a positive thing when you find support and share with others peoples experience to help you through your own. Either eat it up or spit it out but for goodness sakes try not to be sooo negative.
You sound like you have been hurt and you are full of scars. I try not to let my past beat me up. Keep on keeping on. Love more! You know that saying don't hate the player - hate the game. Well here is where we support each other in the game. We hope you can share some of your insight and lift us up or allow us to be there for you... Love n Light always!

@Leo Love
by: sweet scorpio

10 days is a long while chicky. I give you lots of credit for waiting. Any chance you can put yourself where you know he is going to be...? Even if it is seeing him or making sure he sees you from a distance..? That distance linger is pretty important. Just to have him barely see you can make a huge difference. It is almost like a reminder. Texting is impersonal and can easily be brushed off ya know. Too easy for them to not respond. If he sees you or better yet you get to walk by him and he smells your perfume - garuntee he would be on you all over again. IDK thats my take.
I hope you had a great thanksgiving. Did he call you and wish you a happy one?
Hope so - chat soon. Love n Light!

@hes retreating

Babygirl - have you seen him at all? Heard from him at all? Can you get yourself around him at all?

??? Stay strong - either way. You are beautiful and something great is coming your way soon.

Love n Light!

@Sweet Scorpio
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi sweetie, thanks for defending us with the negative person above. Some people just don't get it or maybe they've never been through this. Either way, kudos to you! And no there really is no way of me running into him at all. I've thought of that too but it's impossible as I don't really know his friends. I'm thinking at this point that if I do hear from him electronically, I'm just going to pick up the phone and call him. You're right about texting/email being too impersonal but unfortunately that's how this all began. Lesson learned though. No Happy thanksgiving from him or even a hello how are you. Not sure where my situation is going to take me however I'm taking your guys advice and keeping busy and my options open. lol Love and light to u guys!

by: Leo Love

Steff - seems like you've been hurt by a BULL! Since you came across this forum i'm guessing your looking for some answers or direction on how to handle your bull.. but like Sweet Scorpio stated is true we keep it positive and supportive.

Funny you should say to try to get in his face.. because I sure did.. I didnt hear from him on T Day but that was okay i was doing my own thing with my family and i knew he would be with his. Anyway, i made jello shots and sent some over to his house and his mother sent me a bottle of Coquito.. delish!! anyway, that evening i get a call from his father asking me if i could do a favor and drive him to garage for something.. idk.. i said i was too drunk to drive...then he asked for cables for a boost.. i was like wth!! anyway i go over there and sure enough the dad comes out and then he comes out...Thank God i was looking cute, smelling wonderful and was looking fly! :) i didnt get out the car at all!! so he said hello.. and he just looked at me with those deep freaking eyes!! OMG!! i hate what he does to me..:) and he smiled... i smiled back..ok.. so now there doing the whole car talk while my hood is up and i wanted to leave. So he closes my hood and comes over to me says hello Happy T Day and i kept my replies very short and sweet. then he starts to make conversation and we spoke for about 15 minutes. then he says that he still hasnt found his phone but asked if he can call me?? then he gives me a kiss on my cheek and his head is on my neck and says omg you smell good!! and that was it.. i drove off..

So Friday - on my way home from shopping my daughter ask me to pick her up on the way from her boyfriends house (his brother). So what happens... yes.. he was outside on his house phone.. again thank god i was looking cute and smelling delish!! :) he looked shocked like he wasnt sure what i was doing there.. when he walks over to my car and says hello and my daughter and boyfriend come out.. then he says he was waiting for his father to go to garage. and i never heard from him.. he never called me, but he got to see me. Maybe he will call me today. i will keep you guys posted...

@He's retreating
i would call him, i also agree about the whole texting/email being impersonal.

Well i hope you ladies had a great Thanksgiving Day and remember lets keep being sweet, smiling alot, smelling good, being super sexy, friendly, caring and giving!! Lets always look ready, polished, clean and flirty. And always be out best selves!!

He's retreating
by: sweet scorpio

hhhmmm thinking about your current status with your bull and I am wondering when the last time you sent him a text and what you said - ya know how you guys left it off.?? Like would it be constructive for you to send him a friendly "hello I was just thinking about you, wondering how your Thanksgiving was and hoping you are well, Hope to hear from you soon." hhmmm what do you think? It is friendly, flirty and not demanding or even asking for a response... it is just lke a lil wave from a distance with a smile attached. You can actually put the lil smiley face after you write I was just thinkin of you. IDK just thought I could send a suggestion your way - couldnt hurt. Just know that if you do send him a lil somptin somptin - DO NOT as anything this way you will NOT be waiting for a response (even tho we r waiting anyways). But that is key here. You gotta check your motive if sending this text. Dont send it thinking he is going to hit you back. Actually send it in a sincere way - cause I am sure you were just thinkn of him and are wondering how his thanksgiving was.... you know keep it real.

What do you think Leo Love? Oh and RIGHT ON with those super suave moves. Showing up, lookn cute as can be and staying cool -ooops almost forgot to mention smelling all sorts of sexy!!! Good move chicky! I love the way they notice all of that. And believe they notice ALL of it. My lil lusty bull sees right thru me sUGH or atleast I let him think he does but I always have something else sometimes brewing in my mind... lol
Well would love to know if he called... actually we know he will - it is just a matter of when. Keep doing YOU girlie.

Love n Light Ladies!! SHine ON!

@Sweet Scorpio
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

I can't even begin to tell you guys how much both your words of support and encouragement mean to me. There's some detail that I'm afraid to put in the forum just in case he happens to stumble upon this site. I'd love to be able to chat off of here so if you'd like here's my e-mail and hit me up. Perhaps with more insight as to my situation you can tell me if I just need to give up already. I'm at my wits end with the patience thing lol hope to hear from you guys soon :)

Aphrodite Bull Where Are You? need advice!
by: Leo Love

Hey Ladies, i'm a mess today!

so he called me last night asking how i was and what i was doing.. we spoke briefly and then he called me back asking me to pick him up and i did. we came back to my house to decide on what movie we were going to see, but things got hot and we never made it out the door. LOL I wanted to talk to him yesterday but i couldnt find the words. Anyhow, i think he picked up on the vibes cause he asked me if i was okay. told him i was fine and asked him why he was asking.. he said ur either worried about something or your holding back. Then he said something like he feels like that at home all the time. i didn't answer , i just chuckled and changed the subject. I didn't want to ruin the evening by bringing up something i'm wasnt even sure what i wanted to say. Anyway, we had a great and beautiful evening/morning as always it was amazing!! This morning, i decide to ask him about the picture i found on FB the one with the girl and his family from 4 years ago. I just said i had come across something online and wanted to ask him about it. knowing what i know about him i'm guessing she was very special since she's included in a family picture. anyway, he said she was never a girlfriend and she lived in Germany and that was way before he even heard of me. i told him i was just curious. Well, i guess he noticed that it bothered me. i asked him if he still has contact with her and he said yes. I told him i wasnt bothered but just wanted honesty from him that the last girlfriend he told me about was 6 years ago this picture was less then that and he never mentioned it to me so i became curious. So we get in the car and that's when i just couldnt keep shut... I told him that i thought i needed to stay away from him for some time because i wasnt sure about how i was feeling right now he said "okay" like nothing.. i told him that i really liked him and wanted to be with him but i didn't like the way he treated me. That i was volnerable right know and i am not trying to get hurt. That the vibe i was getting from him make me feel that he's just not into me , theres no communication and he gives me no attention. I told him that i wasnt his or anyones booty call that's just not me. He said he understood and okay. that was it, gave me a kiss on the cheek and he left..

I dont know what got into me.. i'm devastated right know.. not sure how to take this that i created! I dont want to let him go... i'm soo in love with this man i just want him to love me back! but you cant make someone love you and i know this. so what do i do now? i cant take it back! i think i've lost him.

Aphrodite Bull please resurface.. i need your expert advice/guidance.. please respond! :)

Love and Light

@Leo Love
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Honey I know that it's easier said than done especially when we're in the same boat but honestly think about what your options are with him. A. Stay in the same situation always wondering where you stand and never really moving on or B. doing what you did, feeling hurt and worried that it's over but eventually getting over it. It's hard, trust me because sometimes I think that it'd be even harder if I were put in a situation where I would see him occasionally then him disappear again. In my own, dilemma I'm starting to realize that we sometimes give people too much power over us. This isn't to say that you should give up but I think what you did was good. He needs to realize that he needs to take into consideration that what he's doing is hurtful. He's not taking responsibility for that because unfortunately we don't make them do it. It's us not them. I think that he'll come back after he realizes what he's losing so again I think you did the right thing. Remember that these bulls are used to having a sense of stability in their lives and like it or not, you were part of that. You've heard the saying, set something free and if it comes back...well that's what you've done. You stood up for yourself and in the end I believe that he'll admire that about you. Keep in mind that no one does to you what you don't allow them to do. Again, I'm not AB or an expert in these bulls but for whatever it's worth I have a good feeling that he'll be back and it'll all work out for you! AB is desperately needed! lol Love and light chicky and hope this helped a bit.

Not any better
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Ok so it's official, it's exactly 2 weeks since I've heard from my bull. I texted him a week ago to let him know I was thinking of him then again yesterday to say that i hoped he had a happy thanksgiving. I noticed he's also quite active on that dating site we met on so I'm just about ready to throw my hands up and completely give up. No answer. Not even a "you too". What is going on with him? I keep going back in my head to my out pouring of feelings and telling him that I'd wait the absolute wrong thing to do? I can't "run" into him, calling him will only make it worse since he probably not answer so what's left? I'm trying to play it cool and not seem overwhelming or pushy. I don't get why he told me all those incredibly sweet and amazing things since he never even tried to have sex! We "talked" a lot about it but he never came through. So what does that mean? Aren't most guys looking for that and whatever else they can get? I get that these bulls are original in their beings but c'mon guys, you don't find that to be the least bit odd? Any input at all?

he's retreating...
by: Leo Love

Thanks Girl.. it does help!

These bulls are very slow!!

you've already did your part in reaching out now its his turn.

take care girl...there is light at the end of the tunnel..:)

love and light

Back Again
by: Tia

So, my Taurus guy just reappears out of no-where. Hit me up with an email stating he wanted me to call him and text him as soon as I got his email. So I did. From since then we've "reconnected".. How So? I am not so sure but we are like moving slow, he literally confessed to messing up with me big time and even said leaving me was the worst mistake he's ever done hands down but he wants to try and make it back to what we had. He constantly tells me that he misses me and just can't wait to see me. He constantly reminds me of everything we did and how happy he was. But its all so confusing because he is engaged to someone else and suppose to be happy but is he not?. I just want to know what he wants and figure it out really quick so I can know to move on or hold on to him for somehing that might be? But it's been a year and a half and now this. So I'm still confused..

Aphrodite Bull Where Are You? need advice!
by: Leo Love

okay, i have new developments.. i asked his brother to tell him to call me.. and he did.and .he met me outside of the house. I told him i enjoyed our time this weekend and i didn't like the way things ended and wanted to tell him in person. I Told him that i had seen this picture a while ago and i didnt want him to think this was about a girl in a picture that was 4 years ago and that the topic of the picture only came up because i needed a way to tell him about what i was feeling. The truth is the only problem i'm having with him is just the amount of time and attention that he gives to me. He said he was sorry but that he has to get his stuff together and that he wanted to do things with me and have money to spend on me, but that right he couldnt give me everything! i told him i didn't want everything just his time and attention. I told him that i loved him and will always be there to support him and encourage him and i know he is going to be successful. He said some beautiful things to me, that i was an amazing woman, bueatiful and independent and he just loved that, that he is so lucky to have me and that he felt close to me and he doesnt want me to think that he's disrespecting me but to understand where he's at right know aand he kissed me.. he said that maybe it was better to leave things like i said because it hurts him when i hurt.... isnt he just the sweetest!! :) he said maybe we should think about things for a few days and we can discuss later and that he didnt know if there was a compromise that could be made but we should think about it. He kept kissing me.. he was tender and sweet and very understanding. I felt so connected with him and i just know he does not want to let me go!!

what do you think? your thoughts!!

your advice is greatly appreciated!!

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull


He meant everything he said.

Don't mistake his aloofness or feelings of nonchalance as insensitivity. Tauruses are deeply nurturing and sensitive, but we're also emotionally strong individuals. Which simply means we segregate emotions and logic very well. This is why we're notorious for beling labeled as calm, grounded people at the time of a crisis. We plan, organize, and execute. No complaints on our parts either.

He appears aloof for many reasons. He wants you to be strong. He wants you to fight for him. He wants you to be patient. He needs to sort himself out first, but it will tear him up if you were to abandon him. Tauruses like to feel needed. We're the most nurturing people (next to Cancers) in the zodiac. If he's financially unstable, then he can't be reliable. Do you see where I'm going with this? He needs you to NEED him! To be proud of him. Your love and support is great. Trust me, he admires you for that. But he needs to be seen as 'solid' in your eyes. He needs to get himself together 1st. Don't be surpised if his disappearing acts is triggered by 'getting himself together' to win you over. LOL!

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

Listen to him.
Listen to him.
Listen to him.

He's letting you letting it all out.

This is never an easy task for a Taurus. Trust me. You're very important to him. He's not using you for sex. LOL. The sexual urge (prior to the movies)was built up frustration. Smelling the perfume on your neck and seeing your outfit. Remember, Taurus is a sign of the senses. We're also nymphs! One of my exes cologne was intoxicating, I nearly raped him on the spot. No seriously! Pleasant scents = sex to a Taurus!

He will spend a considerable amount of time fantasizing about you. Literally! Will keep looking for ways to draw you back in. If you refuse him and let him go. It's OK. He will let you back in. Why? He wants you in his life. He just needs you to be patient until he gets himself sorted out financially. Right now, his self-esteem is at a ground zero. He doesn't think he's worthy of you.

It's ironic, people meet Bulls...and then get the impression that they're not good enough for us, when it's quite the contrary, we're thinking "how could this great, wonderful person be interested in us...what do we have to offer this person?" We love...I mean love to feel needed. Our insecurities kick in, and then we feel as if you will be looking someone who can offer you something that we can't.

This explains why we keep drawing you back in without committing to you right away.

I hope this helps!

To: Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

It's true about Bulls.

When you do we!

We're quite protective people.

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Oh my goodness! Your back yay! Any words of wisdom your can share with my situation? I've so missed you!

Aphrodite bull
by: Thejazzy1

Jjazzy in distress I blew it again!
To make a long story short his cable was cut off and he did not have a way of reconnecting his cable and he couldn't use his name. Since I know how he is and always home watching sports I offered to put the cable under my name and paid the deposit and the first month. He told me he was going to pay me back and i really thought he would but its been 2 months and he has not pAid me back. So I got upset because I felt like he was using me. We don't spend any time together he doesn't take me anywhere, we were not having sex like before and I was feeling like I was doing this for him yet he wasn't doing anything for me. So I cursed him out I talked mad shit to him and I annoyed him as much as I possibly can, I just feel like I was in love with him and he's not in love with me and I was frustrated. talking about overkill with negative text messages... I did that! I feel so bad about the messages and I just realized that maybe he really just doesn't have the money so I texted him today and was very nice and sweet and he responded that he never stopped loving me.. So where do I go from here? Do u think it's over? Or is there still hope! Okay I put my ego, swag and pride to the side my question to you is do u think I blew it? do u think there's still an opportunity for us to be together? Will he change?

Your guidance and advice is very much appreciated!

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thank you so much for your advice! You truly have made my day! God bless!

I will listen, listen and listen to him and continue to be patient but how do I make him feel needed? What do I do now?

I'm happy that after I said what I said I was able to reach out and have him respond to me as i thought for sure I had lost him forever. I know that when I told him I loved him he smiled aNd looked deep into my eyes and just kissed me like he already knew. I felt so close and connected to him and he said he felt the same way for me.

So I will continue to be patient and continue to be supportive and accept what he can give me right now.

Do u think he will go MIA for a while?

Thanks again for all ur help!

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

How to make him feel needed?

Hmmm. Well here is what you DON'T do!

I dated a man who made this mistake with me.

He told me that he was financially independent, could cook his own meals, wash his own clothes,and that there wasn't much a woman could do for him anyway. I guess he thought that he was going to win brownie points with me...but I was immediately turned off. I hate feeling as if I'm not making a contribution to the relationship. Bulls, we thrive when there is a crisis. This enables us to multi-task while keeping a cool head. This is what we're infamous for! LOL!

While this gentleman may have been regarded as the perfect package....{good looking, great in bed, great cook, financially stable,} I immediately felt inadequate. Useless. I opted not to pursue him. My friends thought that I was crazy. Literally. See, with Bulls, we will accept the flaws, given that the other person is honest and consistent with us at all times. We need to see some vulnerability, and the reassurance that you're not going to break our hearts. We NEED to know that you need us.

My advice, don't tell him how great and perfect you are. Show him how wonderful you are. Give him lots of compliments and reassurance. How to make him feel needed? See what he's good at. What he's mastered. Tauruses take pride in their work. Sort of like an ego-booster. Then ask him some questions or assistance with it. Always be sure to thank him for his assistance! I know it seems rather small and trivial, but a Taurus will love you more for it!....:)

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

I will have to agree with you.

Communicating is NOT one of our strong suits.

Is he keeping you as an option? I doubt it. The two of you are not sleeping together. During his retreating time...he's assessing you. We're very introverted people when it comes to the matters of the heart...we're just blunt and straightforward with everything else! LOL!

Never apologize for being brutally honest. This is what we love the most about you Scorpios:) If he gets upset...don't sweat it, he will get over it!

It's OK to put a Bull in their place. We live in our own heads sometimes and get comfortable and stuck in our little ruts...that, at times, we do need that extra kick in the rear end! But there is a way that you do it. Be stern without creating drama or manipulating situations. We hate drama...and hate feeling like we're being underminded!

Try something along the lines of this...
"Look. I'm just going to be straight up with you. I think what you're doing is f&cked up. I have no time for games. Save that sh*t for the birds! Look whenever you're ready to hang out and do something serious, then give me a call...but in the meantime, please don't present me with BS!"

No yelling. No screaming. No tantrums.

He will get upset. But trust me, he will get over it...and resurface.

He will simply re-evaluate how he comes at you. If you don't hear from him, don't panic. We're in assessment mode. But don't cut him off completely, either. He needs to know that you're in it for the long haul.

To Leo Love & Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

A thing to know about Bulls....

We love and prize forthrighness and honesty. We detest pretentious people. Never be afraid to be stern and put us in our place. We always want to know where we stand with you...despite some hesitation or uncertainty on our parts.

I will admit, we are horrific communicators. Our mind travels a mile a minute. We tend to blurt whatever comes out of our mouths (forgive the bluntness sometimes). But with the matters of the heart, we have to exercise caution when we communicate with you. At times, our message can easily be misconstrued as something else. We need to be away from you, to collect our thoughs, get it in persepctive, and decide how we're going to convey how we're feeling. But we need the reassurance that you feel the same way, too! which is why we always look for consistency. When we see a pattern of consistency. We slowly let the guards down...and you... in our hearts.

Your Bull feels completely relaxed with you. He's finally communicating to you about how he feels. You showed him consistency. His only dilemma? He feels that you don't need him. Which means that at any given time, you can toss him aside for someone who can provide you with nice things. He's going to NEED you to need him.

At times Scorpios can come off to strong. But what Bulls love about you Scorpions, is your brutal honesty, reliability, and the determination you have to make a relationship work. Any Bull who has dealt with a Scorpion will tell you they simply love those traits. What we don't like? The emotional manipulation, and the obsession with past-exes. Bulls dislike competition. It's you and I, me and you. All or nothing. Exes can't be a part of the picture. Continue to be persistent. Bulls prefer to be pursed actually. But please learn the virtue of patience.

-I hope this helps!

To Leo Love & Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

A thing to know about Bulls....

We love and prize forthrighness and honesty. We detest pretentious people. Never be afraid to be stern and put us in our place. We always want to know where we stand with you...despite some hesitation or uncertainty on our parts.

I will admit, we are horrific communicators. Our mind travels a mile a minute. We tend to blurt whatever comes out of our mouths (forgive the bluntness sometimes). But with the matters of the heart, we have to exercise caution when we communicate with you. At times, our message can easily be misconstrued as something else. We need to be away from you, to collect our thoughs, get it in persepctive, and decide how we're going to convey how we're feeling. But we need the reassurance that you feel the same way, too! which is why we always look for consistency. When we see a pattern of consistency. We slowly let the guards down...and you... in our hearts.

Your Bull feels completely relaxed with you. He's finally communicating to you about how he feels. You showed him consistency. His only dilemma? He feels that you don't need him. Which means that at any given time, you can toss him aside for someone who can provide you with nice things. He's going to NEED you to need him.

At times Scorpios can come off to strong. But what Bulls love about you Scorpions, is your brutal honesty, reliability, and the determination you have to make a relationship work. Any Bull who has dealt with a Scorpion will tell you they simply love those traits. What we don't like? The emotional manipulation, and the obsession with past-exes. Bulls dislike competition. It's you and I, me and you. All or nothing. Exes can't be a part of the picture. Continue to be persistent. Bulls prefer to be pursed actually. But please learn the virtue of patience.

-I hope this helps!

To Jazzy1
by: AB

Your situation is quite unique from the other ladies.

Your Bull has trust issues with you. With a Taurus, 'love' and 'trust' are always synonymous when pursuing a relationship with you. What I find that he already committed to you. We never commit to someone unless we're 100% certain. No one decides for us, but us. At the time he committed to you, he must have been 100% certain that he could trust you. My guess? His friends got in his ear again, and then he second-guessed his decision and pulled the disappearing acts all over again.

Winning him will not be easy. I would strongly advise to NOT overstep your boundaries by paying his bills. An encouraging ear is enough. He needs to place some distance from you to find learn to trust you. You can't decide that for him. He heas to come to terms with this himself. He hasn't called you because he doesn't have the money. Could you imagine coming over for sex without paying the money you owe this person. LOL! Bulls have too much pride for that. He may have felt a little reluctant taking the money in the 1st place.

To All the Ladies
by: AB

It's OK to loosen up with your Taurus man as well. Taurus men looooove to laugh. If you can tickle his funny bone with a joke or two, he will ease up a little. Most Taurus men have a partucular fondness for the Arts. He may have an interest in music, writing, painting, drawing, or etc. Ask him about these things. He may not divulge that side of him to you just yet. He's usually quite shy about it. But if you mention it, he will gladly tell you all about it.

Most Bulls are guarded. I wish it were different, but it is what it is. Keep in mind, our intentions are rarely intentional. Unless we're young and stupid (like I was) and trying to regain our self-esteem by breaking hearts. But once we pass our mid-twenties, we're true to ourselves all over again. We become the nurturing, loving person we once were...just a little more guarded.

With Bulls, we may have some insecurities due to negative past experiences, but we still know what we can offer. We carry the burden so that our loved ones wouldn't have to. This is what I meant by allowing your Bull to lead. There is a difference between 'leading' and 'dominating.' In order to lead, we need to feel needed. Our primary goal is to make you happy, and proud of being with us. We want to give 'the world' to the right person who is worthy of it.

We can be slow to change. But we will eventually cave in once you have won our hearts. We're curious people by nature, and love to be around people we can learn and grow from. As long as you keep enticing us with good food, good sex, funny jokes, pleasant scents, and good music. :)

We're yours!

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Aphrodite Bull thank u sooooooooooo much for the insight. I can't begin to tell you how much I've/we've missed your words of wisdom and am glad to see your back! I really mean that. So I've been following your advise where I only reach out to him about once a week or so usually via email or text as he never picks up his phone. Never more than that. About 2 wks ago, I reached out I poured my heart out and told him I'd wait for him and exactly one wk later I sent another text telling him I missed him. Still no response. I know you said that bulls can appreciate us putting them in their place even if it takes time to get over it but now I'm confused. Should my next move be to tell him what you suggested of no more games etc? I value your opinion so much and would like you to be brutally honest with me. Do you think he just lost interest? In the past when I reach out he normally responds but now it's been almost 3 wks since I've heard from him (me still reaching out once a wk since then). Three wks ago when he did respond he apologized for disappearing and reassured me that he missed me and was still interested.

So basically in other words, in your opinion is he still assessing me or has he just lost interest? I really want him but sometimes I feel like a dog chasing his tail lol If he only knew how he's literally taught me the art of patience! I don't mind waiting and being patient as long as I know there's something to wait for. I know that I'm more so in the beginning stages with my bull compared to the other ladies and I guess that's why I'm so lost. So again don't hesitate to give it to me like it

@Aprhodite Bull Patience is key?
by: Cancer Girl

Ok so im taking your advice and accepting the fact that I cant rush this man (sigh) lol & he still will not leave my life no matter what I do or say so I guess he is a keeper. We hung out tonight & im just feeling all these crazy emotions idk what this guy does to me but its magic haha he told me that he wants to "situate his life before he takes on being with me bc of my child" like hello am I dreaming ??! Hes PERFECT! But im scared hes putting on a front and selling me a dream. Is it possible he says similar stuff to other woman? Even though he tells me im the only one hes with like this. I mean I only see him once a month bc hes oh" so busy ". so he has to be with other girls, right? Im willing to wait it out bc hes worth it, I just dont wanna get hurt in the end. How trustworthy are these guys? I really appreciate your feedback :)

@Aprhodite Bull Patience is key?
by: Cancer Girl

Ok so im taking your advice and accepting the fact that I cant rush this man (sigh) lol & he still will not leave my life no matter what I do or say so I guess he is a keeper. We hung out tonight & im just feeling all these crazy emotions idk what this guy does to me but its magic haha he told me that he wants to "situate his life before he takes on being with me bc of my child" like hello am I dreaming ??! Hes PERFECT! But im scared hes putting on a front and selling me a dream. Is it possible he says similar stuff to other woman? Even though he tells me im the only one hes with like this. I mean I only see him once a month bc hes oh" so busy ". so he has to be with other girls, right? Im willing to wait it out bc hes worth it, I just dont wanna get hurt in the end. How trustworthy are these guys? I really appreciate your feedback :)

@Aprhodite Bull Patience is key?
by: Cancer Girl

Ok so im taking your advice and accepting the fact that I cant rush this man (sigh) lol & he still will not leave my life no matter what I do or say so I guess he is a keeper. We hung out tonight & im just feeling all these crazy emotions idk what this guy does to me but its magic haha he told me that he wants to "situate his life before he takes on being with me bc of my child" like hello am I dreaming ??! Hes PERFECT! But im scared hes putting on a front and selling me a dream. Is it possible he says similar stuff to other woman? Even though he tells me im the only one hes with like this. I mean I only see him once a month bc hes oh" so busy ". so he has to be with other girls, right? Im willing to wait it out bc hes worth it, I just dont wanna get hurt in the end. How trustworthy are these guys? I really appreciate your feedback :)

@Aprhodite Bull Patience is key?
by: Cancer Girl

Ok so im taking your advice and accepting the fact that I cant rush this man (sigh) lol & he still will not leave my life no matter what I do or say so I guess he is a keeper. We hung out tonight & im just feeling all these crazy emotions idk what this guy does to me but its magic haha he told me that he wants to "situate his life before he takes on being with me bc of my child" like hello am I dreaming ??! Hes PERFECT! But im scared hes putting on a front and selling me a dream. Is it possible he says similar stuff to other woman? Even though he tells me im the only one hes with like this. I mean I only see him once a month bc hes oh" so busy ". so he has to be with other girls, right? Im willing to wait it out bc hes worth it, I just dont wanna get hurt in the end. How trustworthy are these guys? I really appreciate your feedback :)

@ aphrodite bull
by: Cancer girl (update)

Okk so I took your advice, I have been being very patient & just going about my buisness and he still hasnt gone anywhere... He told me he needs more time bc hes overwhelmed still from coming home from afganistan & he wants to be financially stable before getting involved with me bc I have a child. Is this real life I mean it has to be to good to be true. Somethin in me is making me think this is an act. As I stated before he had a long term gf that he broke up with within a week of being home (shes also a virgin) so I feel like he told her the same thing "hes overwhelmed"" needs time" & in the mean time is gettin "buns" lol are these men sneaky like that? im a cancer so im super sensitive and very analitical but it makes sense. Im not trying to get sold dream. I would respect honesty. What do you think? He still has pics of them on facebook too. Ughh this man makes me crazy lol

@ aphrodite bull
by: Cancer girl (update)

Okk so I took your advice, I have been being very patient & just going about my buisness and he still hasnt gone anywhere... He told me he needs more time bc hes overwhelmed still from coming home from afganistan & he wants to be financially stable before getting involved with me bc I have a child. Is this real life I mean it has to be to good to be true. Somethin in me is making me think this is an act. As I stated before he had a long term gf that he broke up with within a week of being home (shes also a virgin) so I feel like he told her the same thing "hes overwhelmed"" needs time" & in the mean time is gettin "buns" lol are these men sneaky like that? im a cancer so im super sensitive and very analitical but it makes sense. Im not trying to get sold dream. I would respect honesty. What do you think? He still has pics of them on facebook too. Ughh this man makes me crazy lol

by: jazzy1

He committed but I just don't feel like he was all the way serious I know for sure I hurt him this time with the negative energy but I was really just trying to help him I love him but for some reason I don't feel the same love back I have never felt like he was all the way over our relationship but I just wanthim to be willing to work on us. Ill do whatever to get our live back and to have the relationship we had before but I keep getting emotional and losing it verbally he has taking me back several times outta love for me but I think this was it I know he loves me but I just want to need him and want to uplift him and support him I love him so. Do u think he will ever recover from his financial hardships and if he does do u think

@Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

He's studying to be a Automotive Technician and loves to talk to me about engines and transmissions, etc. Actually, i was looking into purchasing an extended warranty for my car and he offered to read the contract for me before i go ahead and do anything. I would consider that needing him!! :)

He was also telling me about some very creative art that he did when he was younger in his bedroom. Which i just love creative people so i can definetly use that topic of conversation and maybe ask him for help doing something in my house for me?

Although i am strong and independent there are plenty of things that i need and depend on a man for.

I guess exploring and trying to figure those things out for myself and then sharing them with him will make him feel needed?

Thanks so much AB!! We are all so lucky to have you in our lives!! I will keep you posted!

Love and Light

Cancer Girl Update
by: Aphrodite Bull

Tauruses are very nurturing, and have a particular fondness for children. I don't know where you stand with your child's father financially, but a Taurus will immediately take on the parental role or support without a moments hesitation. Remember, we're the sign of 'stability and order.' Everything has its natural place. We take our roles very seriously. He's not putting on a front or selling you a dream if he has already bonded with your child.

Let me give you an example. Brian Austin Green (Cancer) and Megan Fox (Taurus). She assumed the maternal role at age 18 when everyone her age were out partying. She juggled work and playing stepmom to his son instead.

We're often considered boring and a little uptight, but we take the matters of raising our family to be very important...which means that financial stability will have to take precedence over spending time with you at the moment. If he has no income, then you starve...and so does your child. He will 'die' before he lets that happen!

Cancers tend to move on perception rather than reality. You're overanalyzing something...that really doesn't need to be overanalyzed. Instead of taking what is told to you at face value. You read into it. I understand that Cancers can be quite intuitive, but sometimes you allow your insecurities to blind your practical judegement.

He doesn't want to be with this other girl (the LTR w/the Virgin), therefore she's irrelevant. His reasons for breaking up with her is a non-factor. She's out of the picture.

Keep in mind, you also showed 'flakiness' in the past. So he's assessing and taking that into consideration, as well. Does he have other women? He may have. I will keep it honest. But what I do know is that he's figuring out a way to map a future with you.

"He commits to you. Financially provides for your child. Bonds with your child...and then you decide that you no longer want to be in a relationship with him anymore."

This happens to us more frequently than you think.

Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

He may have felt overwhelmed by your intense emotional expression. He needed to 'sit' on it for awhile. Although he's very much interested in you, he's not at the stage with you, emotionally....yet! He doesn't know how to move with you without reciprocating that same level of intensity. We can be crippled with guilt, too. Especially if this person is overly-emotional, and we're not quite sure if we're ready to take it to the next level just yet. Remember, we're practical. Love and emotional expression is a gradual process, not an impulsive reaction.

Expressing yourself is always a good thing. But moderation is the key. He needs to know that you're in control of your emotions. He doesn't mind vulnerability. But an emotional headcase screams drama!

If he reassured that you he was still interested, then I wouldn't make too much of it. You still have a shot. Most Bulls (no offense) would have taken the back exit from you already.

Let me give you an example.
Pouring your heart out emotionally/crying =Headcase
Telling him that you're really feeling & miss him = Vulnerability

My advice to you. Fall back just a little. When he does contact you, then be blunt and honest about inquiring where the two of you stand. No BS. No games! He will respect you more for it. We hate doormats, but we despise 'fakesness' above anything. We,love,love,love brutual honesty.

We're romantics, but our emotions are very contained until we fall hard for the right person.
So we avoid being impulsive. We want to make sure the connection is real...and certain.

Allow love to progress, to be gradual, never impose it. Allow the cards to work in its favor.
I'm not asking you to hold back. Always speak up! But you have to also take into consideration that love progesses at a different times/intervals for certain individuals.

Just because they don't respond right away, doesn't mean that they don't want the same things that you do.

by: Aphrodite Bull

Only an encouraging ear...

Nothing more!

It's not just his financial status that's holding him back...he also has trust issues with you.

He needs to come to terms with that himself.

This may take awhile...but it's still possible.

by: He's retreating

Again thank you for your advice. I will just sit back and wait for him to reach out next then I'll be blunt and see what happens. That's basically what I needed to know as I was confused whether or not I should stop reaching out every week or so OR fall back now and see when he resurfaces. I'll be practicing my patience now I guess lol you know what I find so weird? That the bulls aren't the slight bit concerned of losing us while they sit back and "assess" us. Are they that confident about always having us? Lol just curious.

ab...part 2
by: thejazzy1

He understand how much I love him and how frustrating it is to to feel like he font love me? He tells me he loves me handheld will never stop loving mebut he just don't seem to be working on us being together ugh I live him but how he treats me isn't promising and I don't wanna keep giving him myall andnothing in return ugh I wish he could know how much I love him..what to Do as far as cable do I cut it off knowing he lives sport and he don't have anybody to get it for him? How do I get him to communicate with me again..I'm so boggled and if we can't be like we use ok I just don't want to behis enemy and I miss him please help again!!! I really appreciate all the advice you have given out to me and thank u for helping me and all the ladies on this blog understand these Taurus men!

To All the Ladies...
by: Aphrodite Bull

What goes on when your Taurus man is assessing...?

1. Conducting background checks. We're Master Investigators. Because we absolutely, and I mean despise and detest LIARS!, we are cross referencing everything you tell us. This is how we ween off the weak potential candidates. We will embrace an honest person with flaws, rather than a liar who represents the perfect package. But we will keep a poker face...pretending to know nothing, while we ask you subtle questions here and there. We always know more than you think we do.

2. A million "What ifs" occur before making a final decision. Once a decision is made, it's rarely reversed. We make a decision, stick with it, follow and see it through. This is the perseverance of a Bull. Thus, the main reason why we're slow to initiate a relationship. It's all or nothing with a Bull.

3. We're getting ourselves together financially. We hate moochers, and never want to be perceived as such. We love to feel needed, so we like to be the sole providers. If we're not, we will compensate for it in other areas, housekeeping, cooking, fixing things around the house. We like to feel that we're contributing to something.

4. We're active listeners. We don't hear you. We actively listen to you. I hear many references to us as being 'duds' or 'not emotionally intuitive'.
Total misconception! Our decision is always instinctual. If a Bull is initially interested in you, we SEE something in you. If we feel that you're hiding behind a mask, then we will choose not to entertain you. We want to see the real YOU!
Not some fictitious carbon copy of a perfect candidate.

5. We're testing your loyalty. We look for consistent patterns of behavior. If you want us, show us. If you love us, prove it? If we're reassured enough, our 'disappearing acts' turn into 'routine' and predictability.' No joke. LOL! You will know EXACTLY where we are. When we're at work, when we're with family and etc. You will come to realize that we're just old-fashioned homebodies who just want to build a life with you.

6. We want you at the palm of our hands. To make you fall in love with us over, and over again. It's not playing games. We're very affectionate people, so we want to be desired in the same way. We want you to miss us. To want us. To feel the same fondness we fill in your absense. We want to feel those same butterflies as we did when we initially met you. To inhale your scents. To remember what kissing you feels like. This is why people will admit, Tauruses can be quite addictive! LOL!

I hope this helps Ladies, :)

by: Candy Store

What do tauruses thing of Friends with benefits?
I've been like that with my taurus friend since.
We might have fought and actually stopped talking for months, but then when he came back, he cried and said sorry.. then we becme friends again, and eventually friends with benefts.. Again.

Question, how does this friend of mine view me now as a person? is there any chance for him to take me on a date? or is there any chance for this FWB to turn into something more?

As far as i can see, us being FWB actually caused ud to be closer to each other. he tend to be mor eopen to me than usual etc.

what can you say Miss Bull

by: Candy Store

What do tauruses thing of Friends with benefits?
I've been like that with my taurus friend since.
We might have fought and actually stopped talking for months, but then when he came back, he cried and said sorry.. then we becme friends again, and eventually friends with benefts.. Again.

Question, how does this friend of mine view me now as a person? is there any chance for him to take me on a date? or is there any chance for this FWB to turn into something more?

As far as i can see, us being FWB actually caused ud to be closer to each other. he tend to be mor eopen to me than usual etc.

what can you say Miss Bull

To Miss Aphrodite Bull - Friends with Benefits
by: Ms. Chemistry

What do tauruses thing of Friends with benefits?
I've been like that with my taurus friend since.
We might have fought and actually stopped talking for months, but then when he came back, he cried and said sorry.. then we becme friends again, and eventually friends with benefts.. Again.

Question, how does this friend of mine view me now as a person? is there any chance for him to take me on a date? or is there any chance for this FWB to turn into something more?

As far as i can see, us being FWB actually caused ud to be closer to each other. he tend to be mor eopen to me than usual etc.

what can you say Miss Bull?

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Thanks for extra info...of course it helps! Everything you tell us ladies gives us insight as to understand our bulls a little better. Still haven't heard a peep out of mine but I'll wait patiently till her re-surfaces and follow your advice. I'll keep you posted and thanks again! Xoxo

Aphrodite Bull and Ladies..
by: Leo Love

So, i haven't heard or seen him in a week. But i figured after the last conversation, that he would pull a disappearing act. I'm just hoping that it's not a month long!! LOL :)

I miss him like crazy but i'm patiently waiting for him to resurface!

His family asked me to join them this weekend to see the Cotto fight but i declined. I think that if he really wants me there he will ask me himself and i didn't' want to make him feel awkward or myself for that matter.

Anyway, I'm very busy this week and i will just continue to have faith that he will resurface sooner rather than later. Will keep you posted!!

To Candy/Miss Chemistry
by: Aphrodite Bull

How long have you and your Bull been FWB?

I'm going to need more info on the both of you.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

AB -

So do you think he will withdraw from me for a long time since the last conversation? Do you think i will see him for the holidays?

your thoughts are appreciated!


@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB just need a bit of advise. So it's been over 3 weeks since I've heard from my bull and it's been one since since I've reached out to him....should I just sit tight or try and reach out in a light way? I really miss him a lot but I'm trying not to come off as pushy and I really trust and value your opinion xoxo Hope to hear from soon!

To Leo Love and Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

This is something else that I forgot to include in the assessments.

#7...(similar to assessment#1) Taurus individuals stalk inconspicuously. This is usually an extension from playing master investigator and checking up on you. They will show up at places that you often frequent, but will make it appear as if it's a sheer coincidence. They will even avoid or ignore you in the process, too. You will approach them, almost confused about their 'indifference' towards you. Instead, you will find yourself approaching them to make conversation. When a Taurus does this, we're building emotional bridges with you. But we will keep an 'innocent face' and make you think this was all your idea. That YOU'RE the one who is actually bumping into him! This is another way we reel people in. We do this ALL the time!

My advice. Do the same. But don't let it be known.

@Leo Love: If his family invited you over for the holidays, ACCEPT the INVITATION. Mingle with his family members, but be a little indifferent in his presence, almost aloof. Only stay for a couple of hours. Tell them that you have another engagement to attend. Kiss them goodbye, but simply wave at him (bid him farewell).

His calls will be more frequent.

@Retreating Scorp: Learn the art of being inconspicuous. Not obvious!:) Do you know where he normally hangs out, work, or does on his downtime? My advice, if you answered 'yes' to all the above...make yourself available at these locations. At first, he will stare at you intently ( as we all do), but once he realizes that you're distant or not catching the bait, he will walk over to you, and play nice (almost lovey-dovey) forgetting that he hasn't contacted you in a few weeks.

We can real, real slow. Sometimes we just need an extra push. :)

To Leo Love and Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

This is something else that I forgot to include in the assessments.

#7...(similar to assessment#1) Taurus individuals stalk inconspicuously. This is usually an extension from playing master investigator and checking up on you. They will show up at places that you often frequent, but will make it appear as if it's a sheer coincidence. They will even avoid or ignore you in the process, too. You will approach them, almost confused about their 'indifference' towards you. Instead, you will find yourself approaching them to make conversation. When a Taurus does this, we're building emotional bridges with you. But we will keep an 'innocent face' and make you think this was all your idea. That YOU'RE the one who is actually bumping into him! This is another way we reel people in. We do this ALL the time!

My advice. Do the same. But don't let it be known.

@Leo Love: If his family invited you over for the holidays, ACCEPT the INVITATION. Mingle with his family members, but be a little indifferent in his presence, almost aloof. Only stay for a couple of hours. Tell them that you have another engagement to attend. Kiss them goodbye, but simply wave at him (bid him farewell).

His calls will be more frequent.

@Retreating Scorp: Learn the art of being inconspicuous. Not obvious!:) Do you know where he normally hangs out, work, or does on his downtime? My advice, if you answered 'yes' to all the above...make yourself available at these locations. At first, he will stare at you intently ( as we all do), but once he realizes that you're distant or not catching the bait, he will walk over to you, and play nice (almost lovey-dovey) forgetting that he hasn't contacted you in a few weeks.

We can real, real slow. Sometimes we just need an extra push. :)

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thanks AB -

I've never bumped into him anywhere and we literally live around the corner from each other but i'm always on the look out. So, if he's not checking up on me and being a stalker is that a sign that he's not that into me?

As for the invites, i will take your advice for the next time they invite me somewhere. If you think i should accept and act indifferent in his presence than that's what i will do and i will make sure to only mingle for a few hours then leave. The reason i've never accepted the invites is because i was waiting for him to do the inviting but i like your idea much better I just always thought that would make him withdraw from me and that's not what i want at all.

Thanks again for your advice and guidance i could not go through this without you!!


by: He's retreating

Hi AB unfortunately I don't know his friends or even have the ability to "bump" into him anywhere at all. He lives in the next state over about 20 min away so I have no excuse to run into him. He'd usually come out to me. What else would you suggest if anything at this point? I promise I'm being patient I'm just afraid he'll forget me. Also he works in a building that has top notch security. Plus me showing up would kindaake me look super stalkerish considering I've only been there once lol So please tell me there's a plan B ....

by: He's retreating

Btw is this really normal for a bull to drop of the face of the earth (at least my world) lol ? It's hard to not think that he comes around just to make sure that I'm still an option. Get what I mean?

to Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

I have a bestfriend, taurus. We used to have feelings for each other. but nothing happened with those feelings. we end up being FWB. we have been like that for a year or so now. Before, we fought like hell. He said he doesn't want me to be his bestfriend anyore. that i should not label aperson because they are not my property.I know he only said it because he was mad.. he was mad for various reasons which I think is unnecessary now. after 6 months or so. he was in england and I was herein the Philippines. After 6 months, just days before my birthday, he gave me an international call. didn't notice this at first but he gave me 6 calls already. for the 7th time, finally I was able to answer the call. he was crying. saying sorry for fighting with me and saying such thing. sorry for ruining the bond that we had etc.eventually, we became bestfriends again.. and yes, we started to be FWB.. again.. but after some time... he told me he can;t give me bestfriendhsip anymore for we have done so much and for I have special feelings for him.. etc.. I told him what I have to.. I told him that I might have feleinsg for him but i have learned to let it go for I value the bestfriendship. he didn't believe that. soI gave him a message asking him if he really wants to drop of the bestfrienship? i told him that no matter what happens, he will be and always be my bestfriend. That being bestfriends with him is the best thing that happened in my life. and i thank him for being my solid ground.. asked him what does he want to happen this time.. I told him that i'll give him space for the decision.. told him to clear up his mind first etc.. he hasn't replied to any of my messages yet. so i decided to stop texting him first..

what should I do? I'm having second thoughts. At times i tell myself to never give up.. cause I have never given up on him ever since and he knows that for sure. cause you don;t really give up on bestfriends right. If the person is a bestfriend, you don't just let thing be unsettled etc.But a part of me wants to stop trying.. for he is not showing any efforts in fixing the problem with me.. asmuch as I want to fix things, it won;t work if its just me doing the part of fixing, right? I don;t want to be taken for granted and al.. so what do I do now? what should tell him? I'm confused.. help...

Confusd/Hurt Capricorn
by: Tia

Miss A.B.,

I don't know if you read my recent post but now I have an even bigger issues with my Taurus guy. He texted out of the blue saying that he had to be totally honest with me and he said I still love you. I never stopped and never will. So at first I took at least 10 mins to reply bak bcuz I didnt know how to say anything or what to say so I was honest with him and told him I loved him too, and I thanked him for finally telling me that after a whole two months of "reconnecting" as he would say. He claims he misses me and wants me back and that leaving me was the biggest mistake of his life. He even apologized about hurting so bad and said he hopes he can make it upto me oneday... But I still don't know what to do because I am not sure if he is just stringing me along with him right now because he was or still might be engaged to someone else. I even called him out on this and asked to take whatever we were doing slow. Because I didnt want to just rush back into things or start anything with him especially if he can't be all mine. I told him how I felt and everything, and he asked me to be honest with him and I was rather bluntly honest with him more than he probably liked but hey he asked for it. Now my question is what am I do about all this? How do I progress from here bcuz I do love him and I want and need him with me and no one else. BBBUUUTTT my main issue is trusting him and letting him back in. I dont like prying about him and her bcuz I dont know how to ask with out sounding jealous for one..coldhearted for two and I sure dont know how to ask without being straight-up to tha point and mean about it without pushing him away or hurting his feelings.

So I am still confused and still hurt,

To Tia
by: Aphrodite Bull

Is this Tia the Capricorn?

I just want to make sure. :)

Your name was familiar, so I had to scroll to the previous comments on this forum posted awhile back. I wanted to make sure the advice I gave you was going to be beneficial to you.

I posted this in the last comment (addressing it to you) awhile ago.

"There is nothing you can do on your part to get him back. Tauruses are very stubborn people. Once our minds are made up there is nothing a person can do to change it. WE have to be the only deciding factor to correct any mistakes that were made. If he realizes that he made the wrong choice, then he will pursue you in the exact manner a fox hunts for a rabbit...and there will be nothing standing in his way when he does this."

Pay attention to the last few sentences...

"If he realizes that he made the wrong choice, then he will pursue you in the exact manner a fox hunts for a rabbit...and there will be nothing standing in his way when he does this.""

A Taurus, whether or not they're evolved/unevolved can be many things, but once we make up our minds about committing to someone...we're NEVER uncertain! It's 100%...All or nothing with us. Right now it looks as if he's pursuing you the way a fox hunts for a rabbit.

I believe he was using you in the past, but still had a particular fondness for you. Tia, try to be as honest with him as possible. If you're jealous about the other woman. It's OK. State it! Bulls hate indirectness of any kind. I'm pretty sure this is why he kept you as a sexual convenient 'side-dish' (no offense). A straight-up honest individual with many flaws than a secretive, pretentious individual with NO flaws will always take 1st place. So if you have family issues that you're embarrassed about. Don't be. We're nurturers and active listeners! If you are concerned about the other woman. Please, please relate that to him. He will respect you more for it!

Did you ask him if she was still in the picture?
There are ways of finding that out...

Refrain from having sex with him until you're sure!

by: Aphrodite Bull

No offense...

But I'm going to recite a quote from a famous Taurean....

"People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch." (-famous Taurus, Jack Nicholson)

You mentioned the term 'Best friends' a million times..."I don't want to lose your friendship...I value our friendship...I believe in friendship labels." WTF? Are you serious? So you want to stay in the position that you're in?

Keep digging a hole for yourself, and that is exactly where you will stay. LOL! But if you're expecting your Taurus to decipher your... "I know we're friends...but I want to be more than friends...but I don't want to lose the friendship...but...but...but..and but..."

Then progressing to a serious, more evolved relationship other than a FWB will never happen!

Have you considered a more direct approach?

"F*ck being friends, I want you to be my man!"

Something tells me this will work in your favor instead!

We don't have all day for long-winded people.

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

"So, if he's not checking up on me and being a stalker is that a sign that he's not that into me? "

He doesn't have to. You live within an 'earshot' from him. Trust me, he knows everything (or gathered everything he needs to know):)

This is very similar to the trip you took.
He already knew about it.
But yet, still asked you about it.

What he will want to where you're headed after you leave his family's house for the holidays....

The phone calls will be more frequent. We're curious by nature!

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

I have several questions.

1. Do you know anyone in his hometown?
2. What does he do for a living?
3. How many hours does he often work?

To Miss Bull
by: PYT

So i would just tell him straight that i want him to be my man? Wouldn't that scare him off? Aren't taurus the type of individuals who likes it in a traditional type of way? Where the guy is the one who pours his heart out? And I get a feeling that i would be rejected... once i told him I want him to be my man and not just a friend...

To Miss Bull
by: PYT

addition: do you think he likes me too? and could we actually have a chance?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

AB -

Really? i never thought about him knowing everything or gathering info but if i recall, i do remember from our last conversation when i asked him about the girl in the picture, i asked him if he wanted to know anything about me because he never asks me anything and he said "no, that it was better that he didn't know and if he needed to know something he would find out eventually" i didn't think anything of it, i just took that to mean that as things progressed he would learn more about me..

I haven't heard from him in 11 days (yes i'm counting) LOL! I texted him once this week just saying that I Miss him.. but no response.. i called him last night and he didn't pick up. I've been doing really well with not overwhelming him with text messages. His brother called me a few days ago and asked me to help him with some college stuff and he mentioned to me that my Bull was working. I was very excited to hear that!! and he must be very happy, i just wish i could share the happiness with him.

Anyway, do you think he's going to disappear for a while?

So AB - is it safe for me to feel that things are going well for me and my Bull? i know we still have a ways to go but that's what i'm feeling. You know they say women tend to create situations in our heads and i just want to, i guess, reassure myself that it's not becuase i want it so much that i'm making my self believe things are okay. Understand?

Thanks again for your wonderful advice!! it is sincerely appreciated ALWAYS!


aphrodite bull wth! im so confused 2
by: thejazzy1

OK his friend was asking me to hook him up with a friend like me with a job like mines. My Taurus told him to shut up I don't have a job. At first I was like I do have a job 2 jobs and y u don't tell him that..I was like u don't stick up for me that's y he talks crazy. My Taurus replied is that how u interpreted that conversation? That's when it hit me its not that its him his friend is a hating ass douche!!!! So from the back off his apartment to upstairs his guard was up but I was completely nice to him and finally he lowered his guard. So I went to the bathroom and came up to him in the bed. He had a bottle of water he said u thirsty? I said yea he opened the Boyle watering

by: Retreating Scorpio

Hi AB ok so I don't know anyone from his hometown. They live in a completely different state. He works for the military and is stationed in my area for the next few years. So when he visits his family, it entails getting on a plane to see them. He works average work hours. I would say about 8-9 hours a day Monday thru Friday. However I should mention that he does have to travel somewhat often due to his job. He often tells me that his job is quite draining but I'm not sure specifically what he does. He's very private about that for whatever reason. Hope this helps in giving me some insight. Thanks AB

aprodite wth im so cinfused! cont part 2
by: thejazzy1

and said here you can have some first. He was trying to be sweet then i went into kitchen and when i came back all the lights were off and the music was playing, you know what happened next. that night we layed together in eachother arms ALL night. Usually i hold him, but he was everywhere I turned and i was everywhere he turned. Heres the catch 22. He doesnt call me and rarely responds to my text Do you think i have been reduced to just sex? I always use to ask him y he keeps me around and once he replied "do u know how good ur p**** is?" We laughed but im starting to observe his behavior and i feel like its all about sex now. lET ME ASK YOU THIS.. last weekend when i was over there we didnt use any protection and i wanted to tell him that i wanted to but since our situation was really delicate I didnt want to raise his guard back up. I truelly feel like theres another woman but I just hope and pray he isnt knockig the boots with her unprotected and I know he lies so of course he would neve tell me. Also yesterday he told me he was outside in the cold working and that he would call me so we can talk..he never did. His behavior is totally different, My gut tells me not to give up on him but my mind says that some1 else has his interest mind and heart. How do I know what to do when were f****** like rabbits unprotected telling eachother we love one another and then no communication, understanding or time together but alot of problems? I ask him for clarity he will not tell me. I almost fellie im casing him and hes chasing some1 else. Mind you im really truelly in love with him but I dont know how to go about getting him to communicate with me about were we stand and now it seems like hes avoiding the question. Why would he avoid the question? Is he over me and will only sleep with me from time to time when his other chick aint around damn whats his deal y dont he communicate or atleast just tell me its over , he loves me but not in love with me, he just not ready for a relationship something y just string me alone dont answer any relationship questions and when i put my foot halfway out the door he makes an excuse on why he doesnt respond? WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM??!!!

by: Aphrodite Bull

Telling a Taurus that you're interested will NEVER scare him off. I assume this is why you're playing a little hard to get, and 'skirting' around the subject of a relationship.

We ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you!


We just detest being 'rushed' or forced to make a decision right away.

Tell us you're looking for a relationship.

...And then give us some time to think about it.

If he doesn't respond right away, don't panic. We're usually slow.

Read the six assessments I listed above. (This will explain why you will not hear from him right away).

Most Taurus men prefer to be pursued instead. There are some that chase, but it's actually a small percentage. The traditional courtship occurs after he's become emotionally invested in you. This is where will prefer to take the lead.

I think he's annoyed with you. He mentioned the the idea of progressing from a FWB after apologizing and pouring his heart to you...and you decided to have him 'friend-zoned!'

Bad move.

Here is some advice. You will have to pursue him with a dogged, fierce determination. You will have also have to tell him EXACTLY why you avoided the subject. Tell him that you had a fear of rejection. We value and prize HONESTY above anything else!

Good Luck!

by: Aphrodite Bull

Your case is a little more unique from the other ladies.

You're doing too much!

Your Taurus man does NOT trust you.

The fact that he committed to you, and then withdrew from you emotionally...suddenly... is rare for a Taurean. He came across some incriminating information about you (as I stated earlier, we're Master Investigators) will be amazed as to what we already know. There may have be some additional information that he came across that he may never reveal to you.

He may be keeping his options open. Who knows!

But because he's a Bull (we're stubborn and dogmatic by nature) he may not see your pleas or convictions from an objective point of view.

He needs to time away from you to figure out a way to trust you. Giving him sex will only re-affirm the 'rumors' that was implanted in his head from his friends.

Stop sleeping with him!


You want to be treated differently.
Then treat the situation differently.

A lady who wants a relationship withholds sex.

Not a misogynistic view, but because of the rumors that were implanted in his head, this is the way your Bull is examining the set-up as of now. "You're a woman who sleeps around...and is not to be trusted."

Withhold sex.
Don't answer his calls.
Use logic (we appeal to this method very well).

Logic: "You don't trust me. It's going to take some time for you to do so. I understand. I still love you. But I can't be with you. You need room to grow. So do I. If it's meant to be, then maybe we will re-connect in the near future."

Don't answer any of his texts or calls.

You have already done more than enough.

To:Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

If he started working, then this will be a good sign for the both of you. His confidence level will increase, he will be in better spirits, and he will want to take you out more (spend more time with you). Give him a little time to 'stack his paper.'
(The sex will be phenomenal! LMAO! Trust me!) I know you stated that sex with your Taurus man is wonderful, but once some dividends is added in his pockets, his sex drive, sensuality, and passion for you will increase 10X as much!

This enhances the famous Taurus mantra: "I Have"

I have money.
I have you
Therefore; I possess you.

He may not react right away, given the fact that we prioritize everything! We plan, and plan, and plan! When he gets acclimated to fitting you in his work schedule, then the two of you will be fine.

Remember, any plans that you make with him will have to be scheduled way in advance. NO last minute plans!

Good Luck!

Don't forget about what I said for the holiday invitation....:)

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

His problem seems to be availability and a distance issue.

Have you ever thought about calling him up and making plans to see him instead?

Set up a date....and give him some time to respond (or get back to you).

To: All the Ladies
by: Aphrodite Bull

Remember, NEVER forget to make your Bull laugh.



Comedy releases an anxiety that your Bull may have towards you.

It relaxes him.

Makes him at ease.

More transparent, and less guarded!

aphrodite bull
by: thejazzy1

OK I can stop answering his calls and text if he called! He doesn't call me and last night 12/9 we had sex and he told me that we will end up with each other in the end. I'm so confused but ill refrain from calling him for sex attention and love but its going to be difficult because he is all u know sexually and mentally I guess this situation is out of my hands I live him so deeply and I know he lives me the same. Do you think if I put everything on the table he can get everything off his chest about the rumors and we can move forward? Or should I just cold Turkey and when he starts tripping give him logic? Btw thanks for helping me if it wasn't for you I would've blew all my chances with him by now. Thanks ab you are so appreciated :)

by: He's retreating

Hi AB yes I did. I actually called him 2 days ago and he didn't answer although I did so when I knew he wasn't at work. I decided to leave him a message saying I wanted to say hi and to give me call when he can. I'd like to see if your available to get together this weekend. Today is Saturday and I'havent heard from him. I know patience is the key but at what point am I just kidding myself? Lol

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thanks AB!!

thanks for the advice. And yes, our sex is amazing but if it's going to be better it is sooooo worth the wait LMAO!! I'm addicted to him as it is, wow!! I will just need to continue to be PATIENT and wait and see what happens. I'm hoping and praying that i will get to see him and be with him for New Years but we will see.

I guess i'm doing somethings right and btw, me and my bull are always laughing and cracking up together we are both very funny and love to play around so i'm happy to known thats also a good sign.

As for the invites... if i get an invite, i will absolutely accept and make sure i look extremely hot and smell fantastic, then i will ignore him and leave.... ahhh.. can't wait!! LOL

I will keep you posted!!

Happy Holidays AB!! and again thank you sooo much for all that you do for us!!


Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thanks AB!!

thanks for the advice. And yes, our sex is amazing but if it's going to be better it is sooooo worth the wait LMAO!! I'm addicted to him as it is, wow!! I will just need to continue to be PATIENT and wait and see what happens. I'm hoping and praying that i will get to see him and be with him for New Years but we will see.

I guess i'm doing somethings right and btw, me and my bull are always laughing and cracking up together we are both very funny and love to play around so i'm happy to known thats also a good sign.

As for the invites... if i get an invite, i will absolutely accept and make sure i look extremely hot and smell fantastic, then i will ignore him and leave.... ahhh.. can't wait!! LOL

I will keep you posted!!

Happy Holidays AB!! and again thank you sooo much for all that you do for us!!


To Miss Bull
by: PYT

okay, so you think I should just tell him? How? I mean, he hasn't talk to me ever since he told me that he wants to drop the bestfriendship. and He wanted to drop it off because 1. We have done too much than what bestfriends should have done to each other, 2. I have feelings for him.. So now, How could I tell him? And what should I do?

I wanted to tell him but I'm having doubts in doing so because 1. I don't know how he will react since he hasn't replied to any of my messages. 2. we used to talk about this girl that he really likes. Unfortunately, This girl never wanted to and never will give him a chance - for a relationship. I am friends with this girl and she asked me to tell him about the thing that she doesn't really like him. And so I did tell him.. The thing now is, how can I tell him I love him if I was the one who told him about his place on the other girl? he said okay then, he will be moving on from the girl, but I dont know. lastly, 3. I asked him why is he dropping off the friendship, when he told me I wan his best friend. he replied, "I say many thing because I think its the best thing to say that time - not because its true." I know its not true. he's not a liar. he's better than that.

But I just can't help but feel hurt and lose trust in him.. I don't know now how can I trust the words he'll say etc.

For additional info, we became FWB for the second time after him telling me that he's move on from the girl. cause I told him before that I amnot willing to be FWB with him if at the end of the day, he is still for her / love her. that's why now, i dont know if he has really moved on.. or was he just saying that? and I want to tell him sorry but I just cant help but feel used and taken for granted. Though I know i should not tell him that cause i have read form one of your post that never let a taurus know you have offended them etc. its complicated.

but still thank you missbull for helping me understand him more.

edited. To Miss Bull
by: PYT

*okay, so you think I should just tell him? How? I mean, he hasn't talk to me ever since he told me that he wants to drop the bestfriendship. and He wanted to drop it off because:
1. We have done too much than what bestfriends should have done to each other (FWB, remember?)

2. I have feelings for him.. So now, How could I tell him? And what should I do?

*I wanted to tell him but I'm having doubts in doing so because :
1. I don't know how he will react since he hasn't replied to any of my messages.

2. Since we are bestfriends, we used to talk about this girl that he really likes. Unfortunately, This girl never wanted to and never will give him a chance - for a relationship. I am friends with this girl and she asked me to tell him about the thing that she doesn't really like him. And so I did tell him.. he said okay then, he will be moving on from the girl, etc, but I don't know. The thing now is, how can I tell him I love him if I was the one who told him about his position on the other girl?

3. I asked him why is he dropping off the friendship when he told me that I am his best friend. he replied, "I say many thing because I think its the best thing to say that time - not because its true."I know that reply is not true. He is not a liar. he's better than that..

But I just can't help but feel hurt and lose trust in him.. I don't know now how can I trust the words he'll say etc.

For additional info, we became FWB for the second time after him telling me that he's move on from the girl. cause I told him before that I am not willing to be FWB with him if at the end of the day he is still for her / love her. that's why now, i dont know if he has really moved on.. or was he just saying that?

I want to tell him sorry BECAUSE I just cant help but feel used and taken for granted. After what happened. Though I know i should NOT tell him that cause i have read form one of your post "Don't let him know that his actions offend you. " etc. its complicated.

But still thank you Miss Bull for helping me understand him more.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Good Morning AB,

I'm getting anxious and feeling down because i haven't heard from him in 17 days. No communication at all!! Zip, Zilch, Nada!! and OMG it's driving me insane. I called him a few days ago but he didn't pick up and i texted him last week and no response. I'm trying to be patient but i miss him so much and i want to see him. We had come to a compromise last month that we would see eachother every other week and after our last conversation where he opened up to me i thought that things were going to stay as they were but this weekend came and went and i didnt even get a call or a text from him. At this point, i'm confused and a bit hurt since i thought we were progressing..ugh!!

i sent him a card in the mail saying i had to resort to old fashion mail to communicate with him since he's not responding LOL!! but i just wanted him to know that i miss him like crazy!! oh and i also asked him if he would spend New Years with you think that was overkill?!!!

Thanks for your help AB!!


@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB, so it's been over a month now and I haven't heard a thing from my bull. I sent him a text a few days ago after my last message asking if he'd like to get together. I'm so confused. Or maybe just in denial at this point. I've read they like to know they're wanted and missed yet this whole ignoring thing is throwing me completely off. Do Bulls play games? Because I was more under the impression that they were pretty straight forward when it comes to telling someone they are not interested.

I'm almost hesitant to ask at this point but I'm pretty sure you're going to tell me that he's lost interest which really sucks since I haven't done anything to him. I've been patient and even pulled back quite a bit as to not do the over kill yet still nothing.

What's your take on this one AB?

to Miss Bull
by: PYT

I gave him one last message saying. "Don't forget, I love you."

he contacted me that day saying he was just angry at me. But i didn't know what to reply.

any comments?

Hopefully you'll reply to both of my post. this one and the previous one. THANKS A LOT MISS BULL. :)

Aphrodite Bull
by: Jazzy1

Hi Aphrodite, new events!!

So, he told me to come get the money for the cable and I went and i made him talk he was really mean and rushing me to leave cause he was going out, i went in his kitchen drawer and read his ticket and found out he was 44 yrs old he then grew so mad and put me out. i told him i didnt care how old he was and had to convince him to open the door. when he did open the door i made him talk. he told me that didnt wanna talk while he was mad and i made him talk anyway becuase if i didnt he was gonna keep avoiding the question. He was so insensitive he said he couldnt be with me and that he couldnt give me the attention i need or treat me like a woman. i cried and pured my heart out to him and he said nothing in return he was acting like i was making him late and the club was so important. i asked him how cold he not care and i asked him if he just dont give a shit and he said thats what i think.. he said i didnt love him when i left his house and got in the car with another man. i was appalled cause that was a year ago. i reassured him how much i loved him and how much im down for him and he responded like he had to go out! so i asked him for $ for cable one last time he said he didnt have it i was boggled cause that was the reason i can over in the first place. i said ok and i left. the next day i suspended his cable and i havent called ever since.

The Twitter Situation:

Prior to me going to his house and it being over i logged on twitter and mind u i never get on twitter hes on his twitter page tweetn some girl how shes gonna have him hooked and some good warm P****!! i called him on it asking him what was up with it he called me the twitter police lol and when he saw i was asking for an apology cause i felt disrespected he asked how to delete his twitter page but never did.. the he tweeted F*** twitter.. after i cut his cable off he tweets even monsters have feelings and im no monster therefore i have no feelings!! wth is up with that? then he tweeted that hes at the mall buying that special someone a gift for her bday!! WTH?? i feel like he pushed me away, i accepted it nice and respectfully. i showed my feeling to him for once and now he still striving to hurt me. whats his deal? all his actions dont display love and when i leave him hes still trying to hurt me. im so confused but i refuse to call or text him or feed into his twitter games. i'm not feeding into any negativity and i dont know whats left to do. im not going back to him and if he dont crawl back on his knees im ready to take that lost. he's to off the chain for me but all in all i love him.. girl please tell me whats up??? oh yeah its most def someone else whole lotta someone elses!!

Need your advice really bad!!!

Understand a Taurus male
by: Miss Aries

Hello everybody I have a question concerning the understanding of a Taurus male.

Since they are so different and slow in dealing with problems, they tend to think, that when people have another speed of life it is automatically the "wrong" one.

Im an Aries woman (24 years old) and I have been dealing with this Taurus guy (27) for about a year now. Steadily on and off, because we could not adjust to each others speed. I am very impatient, but I have learned with the time to give him his space and not to be as pushy. At the beginning I really overkilled him with texts and smartphone messenger messages. I used to write books of stories to him, feeling like Im talking to myself. A lotta emotional stuff, with many exclamation signs etc.. I was really psycho about him, because he just would ignore me - it was brand new to me and simply drove me nuts!

Here's the thing - instead of trying to understand my passionate and impatient side, he always seen it as me "messing things up". He was right and I was wrong. It went to the extent where out of the blue he just stopped talking to me for about half a year.

In that half a year however I have learned a lot about myself (insecurity issues, learned self-love) and him (being slow, having his own problems). I spent the summer in the USA (we are both from Europe). I tried to get over him, but as soon as I landed at the airport I realized that it did not work at all lol. I sent him an email asking to be back in my life, even if as a friend.
Fast forward: now we are back to dating. He is crazy over me just as I am over him. In a million years I didn't think he would "take me back" after all the psycho stuff I threw on his head. Im trying everything to keep calm and never tell him when things bother me. Until recently..

I was feeling lonely and wanted some attention from him. RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT. So I texted him and asked for it, and of course he returned to me all mad and telling me how much Im falling back into old routines and bring back the negativity in his life. He told me to stop over-analyzing him etc. I apologized and told him, that Im not trying to start anything bad and that I only wanted some attention. Now of course, I haven't heard from him in 2 days (I knew it and expected it, as Im getting used to this pattern).

Now the questions: how many times can I "mess up" with a Taurus until they run outta patience? And will he ever see our problems as "differences" and not him being the good guy and me being the psycho chick? From what I read on this amazing blog so far is that they almost never adapt, but we are always the ones to do that part. Do I always have to feel bad, when I want immediate attention? Is it even possible to ever get it from a Taurus male?

Thanks in advance!

Miss Aries

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB so update, out of nowhere my bull calls and asks make out to eat. I accept and we had a wonderful time. As we were walking and holding hands, he drops a bomb. He's scheduled to relocate in the next 8-9 months, just not sure where. He then says that he doesn't want to hurt me or himself knowing that he'll be moving eventually. He also said he has a fear of letting ppl down and that's why he usually stays alone. We kissed a lot and it felt so right. I know we both enjoyed it! I suggested going to my house but he said that he didnt want this to turn into a one nite stand?!?! Sex wasn't my objective at all but ok. No pressure but I did tell him that I just wanted to cuddle. Well he stood his ground and I guess to appease me, he said that the opportunity presented itself again (where I didn't have my kids) he'd come up?! Talk abt confusing but I just said ok. He texted me last nite to let me know he had fun and thanks for the company. I texted him something light this afternoon but no resonse. Guess we are officially back to the assessing part??? What he doesn't get is that I would go where ever he's re-locate. And while I kinda insinuated such, he still didn't seem convinced. And what's up with not wanting to let ppl down. Is that his way of copping out or a serious bull insecurity? He's def distant this time around but then why bother inviting me out? How can I make this man see all this in a 9 month span before he leaves?
Plz hel AB!! Plz

To Jazzy1
by: Aphrodite Bull

He doesn't trust you. I have told you time and time again to leave him alone until he comes to terms with his insecurities. You should have simply asked for the cable money and left. Instead, you opted to look through his belongings, creating an undesired situation...and simply reminded him that he still had control over you. Continue to pour your heart out, and he will continue to mind-f*ck you!

Just because a Taurus loves you, it doesn't necessarily meant that they trust you enough to let you in. At some point he did, obviously he committed to you. Then POOF! Maybe someone got in his ear...and he uncovered some incrimnating inforamtion about you. Remember, we NEVER commit unless we're 100% certain that we could trust you.

Jazzy, let me give you an example. When you're given the heart of a Bull, then it's all or nothing, now and forever. We will let you in, in ways that we will never let anyone else in. Because of this, the same level of power that we have to love you, you have that same level of power to destroy us. So 'love' and 'trust' doesn't always go hand-in hand with a Bull. We're practical more than we are emotional. Cautious, but never impulsive!

My advice to you, give him space to channel those insecurities into something more constructive (ex, career, family, and etc). When he's able to get his confidence level up, let him contact you, but be firm in your convictions.

Currently, I will be honest with you, you're feeling the wrath of a Bull! You're being punished. He's being entertained watching you turn into an emotional wreck, while he continues to keep his 'hoofprints' on your @ss.... marking it as his territory.

The mantra for a Bull is "I have"

Take away his prize possession, and he will be left with no other choice but to re-direct his approach. At this state he's not thinking like a logical Bull, more along the lines of a 'vengeful' Bull.

At this point. Stay away!

Miss Aries
by: Aphrodite Bull

I enjoyed reading your post. Unfortunately, initially, for Bulls, we tend to prefer to do things on our terms. At times it comes off as selfish, but because we're compulsive planners and extremely predictable, we tend to treat relationship obligations in the same manner. Like wanting someone at our 'beck-and-call' when it suits us. In your case, it already sounds like your Bull is emotionally invested in you. We rarely regress, unless WE ARE the ones to realize that we made a mistake. He may have realized that he didn't give himself the opportunity to fully explore a relationship with you. I don't know if he already told you that he loves you...but I'm pretty sure that he does.

Here it is with Bulls. We're walking daily planners, and we're extremely stubborn (set in our ways). The more people try to push, the more we will dig our heels in and refuse to budge.

My advice to you Miss Aries.
In your case.
You will have to coax your Bull.
Give him some incentives.
Cooked food, and a comedy show.
We love to eat...and we love a good laugh.
Once he warms up to the idea of eating and laughing with you, he will ease up a little. More relaxed, less flexible. I know how impulsive Aries can be. I dated one:) Try to avoid over- reacting to minor things. Be direct and honest. But gather your thoughts first, get them in perspective, and then convey them to your Bull. We respond positively to logic...not to emotion!

I hope this helps.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Hi AB -

It's been 23 days since i've had any contact with my bull!! I tried to reach him by sending him a card and asking if he would spend New Years with me but i have had no response at all. That was over a week ago. i haven't overkilled with the text messages or calls either. I called twice during this time and texted him maybe once a week but never received anything back.

I don't even know if it's true that he's working. But i have to be honest i am so confused. I thought we left things off on a positive note but now after 23 days i dont know what to think. At this point i feel that if and when he does call or text i should ignore him and not answer or pick up. That's not what i want but it kinda feels like he really doesn't care.

I also bought him a gift for the holidays but i was told by a friend that i shouldn't give it to him.

What should i do? or shouldn't i do?

your thoughts are always appreciated!

Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

"...Not wanting to let people down, a serious cop-out or just serious bull insecurity."

Judging by your description of your Taurus male, he seesm very evolved. A highly ethical Taurus. Not a hedonistic. A little guarded, yes, but insecure, no. Remember Bulls are direct with everything else, EXCEPT when it comes to the matters of the heart. When we're 100 certain we want to be with you, we will direct that to you. When we're still in assessment mode, you will NEVER get a direct answer from a Bull. it's not copping out because we don't want to let people's introducing the 'idea' or 'prospect' of a relationship to someone that we're not so sure about. It doesn't mean that we're not interested or smitten with's just that a 'million what-ifs occurs before making the final decision. We observe it from all angles. We're actually quite good investors:)

This is what he's probably already taken into consideration.

1. Relocating every 9 months, would simply mean relocating YOU and your children every 9 months.
2. He may not have completed his background check on you.:)
3. Figuring out a way to incorprate you into his schedule.
4. Making sense of how/what he feels for you at the time.

It can be a myriad of things.

But I can tell you, he's a gentleman. Bulls are nymphos by nature. This man clearly has self-control, and doesn't want to sleep with you w/o a committment. He doesn't want to feel like he's disrespecting you.

How to keep his intentions for the reamining 9 months?

I advised ALL the ladies on this forum to tickle their Bulls' funny bone! So far, I haven't heard anything about comedy shows, comedy DVD rentals. Look ladies, ALL Bulls LOVE, LOVE good laugh! You can also try these...
2) Dressing real feminine.
3) Well-applied make up. Add a hint of gloss to your lips, and some perfume on your neck. Bulls are senaul by nature. The lips and the necks are our biggest weakness. Taurus is a sign that rules the throat!
4. Cooked food. A Bull has a sweet tooth. So try some baked pasties as well.
5. Be very, very affectionate. we respond th this very, very well!
6. Be consistent. No flighty or unpredictable behavior. But Scorpios are known for their reliability, so I'm sure this isn't going to be a problem:)

by: He's retreating

Hi AB so now I think I blew it. That note we went out as I mentioned he said he'd be leaving in abt 9 months and didn't want to hurt me or himself. So the next day I sent him an email, tried. Calling but he didn't pick up, saying not to hold up "us" because of his departure as I'd leave with him. Wowzers! I felt like I said a bad word as his response was to slow down and lets date first. It wasn't that I wanted to go fast I just didn't want him to eliminate the idea of us because of him leaving. He told me he was busy at work and we would talk later. Of course he never called but I wrote him to clarify because I felt so stupid telling him I'd take off with him. I told him the only reason I said it is because he brought it up that night.

So I know I jumped the gun on this one but he seemed so apprehensive about getting into a relationship because of his impending departure that it only felt right to tell him I'd go. Did I blow it? Or will this be another few months of him taking this in and analyzing it? My concern is that if we continue at this rate he will leave and never had a chance to see if we could have had anything. Talk about confusing. Please help AB.

To Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

Just a few questions to ask you...

1. Has his family invited you over for the Christmas holidays?

2. Where does he work at the current moment? What does he do? I understand that you said that he is in school to become an Automotive Tech.

3. How long has he been employed at his current job? ( I understand that you told me previously that he has found employment).

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

1. Has his family invited you over for the Christmas holidays? I haven't heard from his family since the 1st week in dec which was for the boxing fight..

2. Where does he work at the current moment? What does he do? I understand that you said that he is in school to become an Automotive Tech.
I was told that he was working in a auto body shop where his brother works but i'm not sure what his actual job is as we havent spoken.

3. How long has he been employed at his current job? ( I understand that you told me previously that he has found employment). if he's really working then he's only been employed for 2-3 weeks the most.

Sorry i dont have much to tell you in regards to his job i only know what his lil brother told me.

Thanks AB -

aphrodite bull! :)
by: thejazzy1

So it has been a week(12/12/)from today (12/20/) since the whole fall out. I have not contacted him at all. He text me 2 days ago "ugh come get your boxes" I already made up in my mind that i was going to have to pay for the cable boxes because I wasn't contacting him for s***! I responded ok ill call, but I never did, That weekend I went out to the club.. (not a club that he was at that night)which i did intentionally cas i didn't want to see him. but anyhow I was with 2 of my very best male friends 1 of them he knows is my bff and hes ok with it and the other one he never met well after the club we were outside trying to figure out were we were going next and sure enough my ex was standing on the corner with his boy I didnt make eye contact or look in his direction i just smiled and kept walking with my friends. he yelled out "faaaaaaaat" when we walked pass.(my bff is on the chunky side) i ignored him and proceeded on. then Monday..(yesterday) he text me "faaaaaat" i didn't respond at all. It seems like hes trying to get back in good graces with me but hes not going about it the right way. Whenever he do get it together i want to tell him that i don't care if he isn't rich or has as much money as he use too and i love him for him. My only problem is Taurus men move like turtles and i don't have the rest of my life to be waiting for him. I'm trying to stay away from dating or letting some1 close to me because i know he will resurface. I don't get the feeling of anything promising from him meaning i don't see us living together being a couple just being the too of us. I love him so much and i know he loves me also but his actions aren't adding up to his words he mentioned a couple weeks ago that he knows hes going to end up being with me in the end..wth does that mean? i took it as he wants to be a hoe for now. idk girl! My plan with him was to invest in us, he mentioned some tow trucks i told him i had half on it, he never mentioned it again i want to buy a house together and just be in love why is this too much to ask for? I guess my question to you is whenever he does resurface how do i get these things across to him without overwhelming him? I just want us to have more. He is so sweet and funny when he wants and mad loveable. It really hurt when he told me that he couldn't give me the attention that i needed and that he couldn't treat me like he wanted to because he wasn't rich anymore. Man we got problems and i am not a good relationship person..never have been but through all of this i have learned to LOVE. I usually don't give a f***. I can honestly say I care. Help me shape this crazy man, i think if i keep taking your approaches we will be just fine i just gotta tear down his guarded do i do this? Anyhow thank you sooo much AB! your super cool! All your advice is so appreciated and needed thanks once again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and yours!!!

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB thank you again for your insight. I'm sorry I hadn't even realized that you had responded until after I wrote you the I think I blew it blog.

I guess I should feel good about him being evolved, a gentleman and not wanting to disrespect me and I do but I'm not sure where to go from here anymore. We communicate maybe once a month for a few days then he vanishes again. I was so shocked that he reached out to ask me out that I didn't even hesitate to say yes. Although a part of me still felt like he was going to flake. Guess due to past experiences.

When he spoke to me that night abt relocating, it seems as though this relocation will be for a min of 5 years or more. So I'm not sure that uprooting would be the big issue. I suspect that he's attracted to me just trying to figure out if I'm the one. Well here's where my confusion comes into play. How would he figure that one out when we communicate perhaps once a month for a few days then he vanishes and seeing each other is even worse. When you suggest cooking for him or inviting him to watch a comedy, I'd love to but the prob is his lack of response. I don't mind that he analyzes me to death, but can he do it while we spend time together? That would seem like the logical thing to me.

I would think that he's interested otherwise why even bother to invite me out. Oh yes, perhaps to assess me even further maybe? Even if it's just for a few hours? lol Also, you've brought up the whole background check in your previous blogs. What is that about? Is he trying to see if maybe we have a criminal record or something or a deep dark past??? Oh and that part about being natural nymphos, yes I do believe that as he seems to be into the whole sexting thing. Do you know that when I asked him to come up he actually ...

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

con't...stuttered and said no because he didn't want this to be a one time deal. I told him why? Because you'll disappear and he said NOOOO bc I won't be able to resist laying next to you and not wanting anything to happen. I then let it go but felt really slutty although I swear I had no intentions of having a sex. As a matter of fact, I couldn't due to that time of the month! Hence, my follow up with him the next day which made me feel even worse!

What advise can you give me AB? You've been on the money with everything so far and I so look forward to your words of wisdom.


Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Happy Holidays Aphrodite!

I have an update; i saw his mother yesterday, i dropped off something to her house. She invited me over for dinner on Saturday and of course i accepted!!

I'm still not able to confirm if he's working and i dont want to ask his brother for the details. I'm thinking he's just busy and focusing on work and is not thinking about me. Am I making an excuse for him? could it be that he's just not into me? That i've handled this man all wrong and there's no fixing it?

I sent him a card 2 wks ago and i asked if he would spend New Years with me... i never got a response!

what do i do AB? should i go to dinner or just stay away? It's almost a month that i haven't had contact with him. I'm getting anxious.

Please help!! thanks AB

I hope you have a great holiday and a very happy new year!!


To Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

Need your help Miss Bull..
What to do now? After I have told him "don't forget, I love you.' We started talking again. But not about what I said. And so here is what happened..
We started talking again. Just like the usual. Then after some time, things got a little 'hot' considering the fact that we were once FWB. so yes, I believe we have returned to that phase again. But something tells me it is different this time.
Yesterday, we found a chance to meet up/see each other. We went to my place, and yes, the deed happen. But the unusual thing that happened is that this time, he helped me get dress, he fixed my stuffs, he kissed me for one more time - just a simple kiss, then when we got dressed, we were both tired so he lay down to my bed, and I lay beside him, the next thing I knew, we cuddled and we were talking about his stuffs, and mine, and anything that we could talk about that time. we held hands while talking, we actually didn't want to leave at that moment but we have to buy some christmas presents. And so, we did. As we reached the mall, I helped him check some stuffs which he could buy for his family. then while roaming around, there was this human-sized snow globe where people could enter and experience snow falling from above. Both of us haven't experienced that. He asked me if I would want to enter and try it with him, if I want us to try it. but it was getting a bit late and we are not half way done so I offered him - while he was at the cashier - that I would check some stores for the next things that we could buy for his family so it would be less of a hassle. And so we did. We finished buying all the presents for his family. Grab some snacks an chatted. The whole time we were at the mall, we were laughing.. and laughing.. and laughing. From the time we have to part, we gave each other Goodbye Kisses. That never happened, ever. That was the first time we gave goodbye kisses.after some minutes, he texted me ans said "Thank You for this day."
It was a very nice day. I dont know what will happen next. But whatever it is, what shall I do now Miss Bull? I want to make this right this time. What is your say to what happened? Thanks in advance Miss Bull and happy holidays! :)

To: Retreating Scorpio
by: Aphrodite Bull

You asked:

1) How would he figure out that I'm the one when we communicate perhaps once a month for a few days?


1) It's simple. We trust our instincts. Being with a person every single day,& trying to get to know them does not give us affirmation. Why? We believe the more time you spend with a person, then the more time you become emotionally invested in them. Easily distracted. We're practical, not emotional. We would rather move on logic, trust our instincts and make a more concrete solid decision. When individuals move on 'emotions,' then they make real careless decisions. We want to avoid that! So we place a considerable amount of distance (placing emotional wedges) between you until we're 100% certain you're the one we want to be with. Remember, with Bulls. It's now and forever. All or nothing! We're very guarded people.

2) You asked:
Background checks? Criminal records? Deep dark past? What is that all about?


2) With Tauruses, we're not looking for perfection when we do background checks. We're not looking for a 'squeaky' clean image, either. We know that no one is perfect. We just need to know that we can trust you...and that you will be honest with the 'skeletons' in your closet. The key with Bulls here is not 'perfection.' It's HONESTY!

Once you unleash those skeletons, and lay your cards on the table, we know what your real motives are. We begin to feel safe with you. We feel that you can't hurt us. So we begin to unleash our own insecurities, emotions, desires, and needs. We become more vulnerable. Why? We NEED to feel that we can trust you.

This is why we don't just hear you, we actively listen to you. We absorb 'everything' you tell us. Everything. So trust me, being around you all the time isn't a requirement for us to get know you. We can be quite perceptive, too. We fact check what you tell us. If they're some inconsistencies in your stories, we will hold back from you emotionally. Yes, even for small white lies.

We will accept an imperfect honest person vs a perfect liar!

Retreating Scorp-
Despite our aloof personalities at times, we're quite picky about who we date. It's not always quantity...but always about 'quality' with us Bulls. This means if he's smitten with you, he SEES something in you!

Remember with a Bull, be honest at all times, and eventually you will win his heart!

I hope this helps!

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

Here is an example.....

So if you stripped at age 19, were TRUTHFUL with him about it, told him, and showed him there was some growth and maturity, he will love you more for it. Especially if you're a woman who is patient, loving, empathetic and understanding.

But if a person highlights their attributes stating how great they are in terms of looks, finance, independence, and etc, but they're liars, mean-spirited, pessimistic, cheaters, flirtacious, too aggressive, & impatient...I can tell you...all those other positive traits will be overshadowed, and to a Bull, that will be a serious deal-breaker!...and Yes, we will flee!

by: Aphrodite Bull

You're looking for every indirect approach possible to address how you feel about him. This will not work in your favor. The direct approach will work in your favor. With Bulls, we ALWAYS want to know where we stand with you, We just hate being rushed into making a decision right away.

I can tell you right now.
He hates the friendship label.
Stop it.
Stop it now!

He clearly doesn't want to be your friend.

Just tell him "Look, I want to be with you. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be with your woman."

Yes, it's that's simple.

I doubt that it will take him a million years to make u his mind about you( as we Bulls usually do). The two of you already have a rapport. He's comfortable with you. He trust you. don't give him a reason to distrust you by playing games.

I don't see any hesitancy on his part.
Just yours.

He's already laid his cards out.
Question is...
Why haven't you?

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Happy Holidays AB! Thanks for the valuable insight. Puts things into better perspective. So I haven't heard from him, I suspect I should just sit tight till he reaches out? Although I get confused sometimes when I hear about them liking consistency and predictability. lol Predictability would be me reaching out to him every week or so even if he doesn't reach back. Usually light messages.

My friend keeps telling me that he's a commitment phob and a womanizer and that I should give him a taste of his own medicine when he reaches out. I know how to follow that concept to a T but for some reason my insticts are telling me that he's not a commitment phob or even a player. A player would have taken advantage of having sex the first chance he got. I would think.

I guess my question is do Bulls tend to be commitment phobs? Because that would definitely throw a wrench into the whole situation!!

Ur the best AB and look forward to hearing from u!

To: Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

If his mother invited you over for Saturday night, accept it!

If he's home. Mingle, have fun, but then tell them you have other enagements to attend.

He will be smitten, maybe a little shy at seeing you. He will feel slightly awakard, but then he will begin to relax.

He will be more concerned on where you're headed afterwards. We're curious by nature.

Good Luck
And Happy Holidays!

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

Are Bulls Commitmentphobes?

The answer is NO.

Not even the womanizing, unevolved ones.

All Bulls want stability and committment. Even the Bulls who are dead set against marriage....still value those same things in a relationship.

Are we guarded?

All of us are. Even some of us who are evolved, still reserve just a little part of ourselves after we divulged everything else to our partners.
But once we feel completely safe with you, you will get our better halves. The loving, affectionate compassionate, fiercely loyal Bull who will move heaven and earth to protect you.

I will have to disagree with your friends. He's not playing you. Bulls (not to appear cocky or conceited), attract the opposite sex very easily. With little or no effort at all. We are known for having people at the palm of our hands. We know and understand this power very well. He knows he can sleep with you if he wants to. He knows he can have you if he wants to. If it was just sex, he would have expolited that opportunity full throttle. Yes, we can also be hedonistic, if we're unevolved.

But here is the contradiction with us Bulls...

With that same level of positive reassurance that we get from the opposite sex, also comes a 'truckload' of insecurities we see in ourselves when we're in love. We become guarded, doubt their sincerity, question their intentions and start investigating....and at times, we begin to withdraw. Not permanently. Just temporarily. Just to place some emotional distance.

Our insecurities stem from a fear of loss. Our mantra is "I have." EVERYTHING we do attributes to a fear of loss.

A Bull's ultimate fear? A loss of possessions.

We work hard so that we don't lose our car, our house, our savings.

We're jealous and possessive of our partners because we fear that we may lose them one day.

This is where our control isues, predictability and 'fixed' ways set in. Planning for the future and working very hard gives us control. We want to be able to provide for our families, and be the best that we can be to our partners. But because we're workaholics, finding a medium between working and spening time with our partners is ALWAYS a struggle! They feel as if they're only seeing us on 'our terms'...and then start to feel underappreciated, unloved, 'objectified'....and treated as a beck and call. {See: George!). I can't blame them. No one wants to feel that way. As a Taurus, myself, I can admit this 'flaw' that we have needs to change. Because although our intentions are genuine, neverthless that's not always displayed or relayed to the other person who just wants to get closer to us.

I hope this paints a more clear picture with your Taurus man:)

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Oh my goodness it sure does AB! Thanks. As a Scorp our insticts are usually pretty good and I knew this wasn't the case with him but thank u for the reassurance.

I wish I could just fast forward to the part where he's madly in love with me and we can start building from there. But like the saying, all good things come to those who wait ie patience. You see AB how well I'm learning? LOL I don't care what anyone says about Taurus men or women. I can tell that after the initial hurdles, life with them can definitely be great!

You didn't mention though if I sit back and wait for him to resurface to be predictable and reach out to him...

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

"You didn't mention though if I sit back and wait for him to resurface to be predictable and reach out to him... "

He will resurface.
We always do.
But check in with him at least once a week.
If he doesn't respond, don't panic.
Checking up on him lets him know that you're genuinely interested, and that you will take the relationship seriously once he's committed to you.

I know it feels awkward. No one wants to feel like they're chasing anyone. But with a Bull, it's always appreciated. We just begin to feel 'bombarded' when it's excessive! So patience and moderation with a Bull is always a good idea!

Remeber this too, Bulls 'mirror' your actions. When he gets closer to you, he will become more predictable. So keep contacting him at least once or twice a week.

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Thanks again AB! I will definitely do what you said. Happy Holidays to you and to the rest of the lady's. Hopefully we all get what we want this Christmas, our Taurus men! LL

To Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

I really want to tell him that. But I fear.. rejection..
I really don't know how will he react. We were bestfriends and then bestfriends-with-benefits..

Could you explain to me how could you say that he already laid his cards out?

and as for your question, the reason why I haven't laid mine yet is because..
Since we are bestfriends, we used to talk about everything, including this girl that he really likes - 'Cancer Girl'. The thing here is, unfortunately, he doesn't have any chance with this girl. This girl never wanted to and never will give him a chance - for a relationship. I am friends with this girl, I asked her if by any my taurus have any chance with her, she said 'None' and she asked me to tell him about the thing that she doesn't really like him and that she's actually freaked out by him liking her.. And so I did tell him.. he said okay then, he will be moving on from the girl, etc, but I don't know if that's true.. how can I tell?

we became FWB again after him telling me that he's done with the girl. cause I told him before that I am not willing to be FWB with him if at the end of the day he is still for her.. But then, he toldme he's done with her.

confused. How can I tell him if i have no assurance that it's me..

I know he's nit the type of User-friendly but how can I know that between us its not only physical?

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

I never made it to his house on Saturday. I had my kids to cook for and by the time my kids left it was very late. On Sunday, my daughter took the gifts to there house and i sent his with her. He put his gifts on and had her take a picture to send to me. I never heard from him, he didnt call or text me. I texted him that morning "Merry Christmas" and never got a response and he never responded to my card about NYE.

Its coming to a point where im getting pissed off and i want to curse him out again !! LOL!!

I feel like he's intentionally ignoring me and pushing me away. I'm just not sure how to feel about all this. I'm hurt and sad and i dont want to feel like this anymore.

Any suggestions on what i should do? im so confused..


@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB, so here's a brief update. I woke up on Sunday and sent him a "Merry Christmas babe. May God Bless you and your family always". His response: Merry Christmas!

I suppose I should be happy he responded at all right?

Hope to hear from you soon!

To Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

Miss AB, need you.

Here’s what happened.

Two days ago, I dropped by his house to deliver my gift for him last Christmas. Then the day after, he thanked me for it but asked me not to do it again. I askd him why. His reply was, “It is not lady like. You are not building up a good image here at home. And I don’t want that (happening to you).” So I said, Okay. That it won’t happen again.

Then, yesterday, he texted me asking me for help. He said that he want to remove the kinky stuffs – ALL of it, not just our FWB but generally all of it. It is because he said he wants to straight things out especially for the coming year. And so I said Okay I will help him with that.

And then today, we talked. We almost got into a fight. But the thing here is, I already told him “I want you and I want to be with you” – the ones you told me to tell him. His respond was something like “I told you so already and yet you keep telling me that there should be no emotions attached.” I replied that it was not my plan to have those emotions. Nothing happened with that topic. We went back on to our previous topic. We didn’t talk about the emotions etc anymore.

What we were talking about is him leaving the past behind and starting over. I opened up to him about what my past was like. His reply was “Its okay. That’s why I wont want that to happen to you again.” So yes, for the incoming year, we are both starting over. He hoped that for the two of us to be able to step from what happened and get back on track. No more kinky stuffs for he said we should start living a moral life etc.

I told him not to worry. That I understand why we have to stop, that it’s for the best. Then I asked where would I stand or where would he want me to stand now. Will it be Bestfriends or what? His reply was “Be a good friend to me.”

I don’t know what everything means. Can you help me out Miss Bull? Last week he was sweet, and everything, remember the time when we bought gifts. And then now this is what’s happening. What do I do now, Miss Bull?

How could we actually keep your interest prolonged?

Aphrodite Bull
by: TheJazzy1

Good morning AB -

i have an update! Ever since we seperated, i have left him alone like you said. I thought i deleted him from my phone but something happened where my son was playing with my phone and called him accidently. I didn't realize it until i checked my phone and i had a text from him that said: Damn, you still have my number? i replied: Alright, dont flatter yourself old man, all the data in my phone of you is gone as of now do the same tootles!!" so i went ahead and removed myself from the social networks so there is no kind of communication. I heard from a close friend that he's tweeting things about other women and being in love with someone. I feel like hes taunting me yet i thought we were done with eachother since he told me that he didnt want to be with me and couldn't give me what i needed. so i dont understand? do you think he's doing this because he's really in love with another woman? or do you think he's just doing that to get my attention? he already knows that he hurt me so why does he continue to hurt me by posting stuff about him and other women when he knows it would get back to me. AB, do you think he has moved on? How long do you think it will take him to get over it and stop being so vengeful?

Your thoughts and advice is very much appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!


Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Hello AB -

So, just when i was about to curse him out... he resurfaces! good thing i held my tongue LOL!! i am happy however, that i didn't have to go there. He called me on Monday early afternoon. I didn't answer right away, gave it a few hours and made sure he called quite a few times. in between a call or two i called back but hung up immediately and didnt give him enough time to pick up. I wanted him to put some effort into reaching me and he did. When i finally decided to pick up his call i was just getting out the shower he asked what i was doing and i told him he told me to hurry and put something on that he was walking to my house so go open the door. I was so excited and lucky for me i was smelling delicious. When he saw me he said Happy Belated Christmas and he hasn't called because he felt bad that he didn't have money to buy a gift for me. I told him he could just wrap a bow around him and give it to me that would be the best gift for me, something i definitely wanted and needed!! haha!! We spent 2 1/2 days together and it was AMAZING!! as always :)

We went out to see a movie and had dinner and drinks one day the next day we spent the entire day at home just being lazy and watched movies, we had lots of junk food and sweets and ice cream and incredible SEX!! and we talked and laughed alot!!

I asked him if he received my card and bag of kisses and asked him why he had not responded to my card. he said he knew i would want to plan something and he didn't want me to do it without him. I asked him what he was doing for NYE and he said nothing. i asked him if he would spend NYE with me and he said he would love to. He asked me what was i thinking and i told him my friend is having a NYE Party and she extended the invite to him and i would love if he came with me and met my friends. to my surprise he said yes and then suggested we get a hotel so we can finish the evening off and spend the entire NYD together. I told him i would reach out to my contacts and see if there was availability at the hotel and would make the reservations.
I'm so happy and excited, i want to make this weekend a memorial one for us. Sooo i was thinking maybe i should have something special for us in the room on NYE. Some scented candles, champagne, fruit and cheese platter with chocolates... what do you think? should i make it extra special or just leave as is and keep it simple?

AB your thoughts please!!

by: PYT

Hello Everyone! I wish all of you to have a great year! May you and your taurus man get closer and happier for this year. conflicts may arise but at the end, let's try to have a happy ending with our taurus! <3

All the Ladies!
by: Leo Love

Good morning ladies,

I want to also wish you all a Happy New Years and may god bless you all. I hope you all find Love and happiness first within ourselves then with our men! And of course, let's not forget lots of PATIENCE!!LOL!

I am so grateful to have this forum and to be able to interact and share my thoughts and worries and confusion with other fabulous women about the man in my life.
APhrodite Bull I could not thank you enough for all that you do for me, I have learned so much more about myself and my sexy bull. I could not have done it without you! Thank you and Happy New Year!!


To Leo Love / Jazzy1
by: PYT

Since we’re both Leo’s, and I can see you have been with a Taurus Male for quite some time, I was wondering if you could help me with this.

So basically, me and my Taurus guy have been bestfriends for some time now. Then that friendship evolve into a Friends-with-benefits type. It has been like that for almost a year and a half. We get involve into fights but good thing we always resolve it after some time. One time, He said he doesn't want me to be his bestfriend anyore. that i should not label aperson because they are not my property.I know he only said it because he was mad.. he was mad for various reasons which I think is unnecessary now. after 6 months or so. he was in england and I was herein the Philippines. After 6 months, just days before my birthday, he gave me an international call. didn't notice this at first but he gave me 6 calls already. for the 7th time, finally I was able to answer the call. he was crying. saying sorry for fighting with me and saying such thing. sorry for ruining the bond that we had etc.eventually, we became bestfriends again.. and yes, we started to be FWB.. again.. there were some fights after that but good thing we were still able to resolve it.
One time, I told him ‘Don’t forget, I love you.’ He didn’t respond to that.
Then, one time, 2 days before Christmas, we meet up to see each other. We went to my place, and yes, some deed happened, we were still FWB. But the unusual thing that happened is that this time, he helped me get dress, he fixed my stuffs, he kissed me for one more time - just a simple kiss, then when we got dressed, we were both tired so he lay down to my bed, and I lay beside him, the next thing I knew, we cuddled and we were talking about his stuffs, and mine, and anything that we could talk about that time. we held hands while talking, we actually didn't want to leave at that moment but we have to buy some christmas presents. And so, we did. As we reached the mall, I helped him check some stuffs which he could buy for his family. then while roaming around, there was this human-sized snow globe where people could enter and experience snow falling from above. Both of us haven't experienced that. He asked me if I would want to enter and try it with him, if I want us to try it. but it was getting a bit late and we are not half way done so I offered him - while he was at the cashier - that I would check some stores for the next things that we could buy for his family so it would be less of a hassle. And so we did. We finished buying all the presents for his family. Grab some snacks an chatted. The whole time we were at the mall, we were laughing.. and laughing.. and laughing. From the time we have to part, we gave each other Goodbye Kisses. That never happened, ever. That was the first time we gave goodbye kisses.after some minutes, he texted me ans said "Thank You for this day."
It was a very nice day.


To Leo Love / Jazzy1 (part2)
by: PYT

After a few days, I dropped by his house to deliver my gift for him last Christmas. Then the day after, he thanked me for it but asked me not to do it again. I askd him why. His reply was, “It is not lady like. You are not building up a good image here at home. And I don’t want that (happening to you).” So I said, Okay. That it won’t happen again.

Then,after some day, he texted me asking me for help. He said that he want to remove the kinky stuffs – ALL of it, not just our FWB but generally all of it. It is because he said he wants to straight things out especially for the coming year. And so I said Okay I will help him with that.

And then , we talked. We almost got into a fight. But the thing here is, I already told him “I want you and I want to be with you” His respond was something like “I told you so already and yet you keep telling me that there should be no emotions attached.” – this is because before he wanted to drop the bestfriendship because he said I have feelings for him. I replied that it was not my plan to have those emotions. Nothing happened with that topic. We went back on to our previous topic. We didn’t talk about the emotions etc anymore.

What we were talking about is him leaving the past behind and starting over. I opened up to him about what my past was like. His reply was “Its okay. That’s why I wont want that to happen to you again.” So yes, for the incoming year, we are both starting over. He hoped that for the two of us to be able to step from what happened and get back on track. No more kinky stuffs for he said we should start living a moral life etc.

I told him not to worry. That I understand why we have to stop, that it’s for the best. Then I asked where would I stand or where would he want me to stand now. Will it be Bestfriends or what? His reply was “Be a good friend to me.”

I don’t know what everything means. And I don’t now what to do and how to react. He’s becoming distant to me. It felt lke I’ve lost him again. – I sent him a year end message. Being nothing but honest with what I feel, but he didn’t respond to that message. Then I was always the one to text first, if I was lucky enough, we would exchange messages not exceeding 5. what do I do now? I don’t want to make the wrong move.

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB,

So here's an even more recent update...I texted him "Happy New Year" and I didn't even get one back. What's that about?

I've been keeping myself preoccupied with other things and thankfully it helps but I have to admit that I'm somewhat taken back by the fact that he didn't even respond to my text. Again, I find myself second guessing my last correspondence letting him know I'd be willing to move. Did I royally screw up by opening up so much? I get now that the idea is always to take it slow as he clearly said to me and I'm willing to do. But I have to say that right now I'm close to doing what you suggested earlier " me when your ready to take this seriously..." or something along those lines.

For someone that seems so evolved, he sure sounds like he's playing games.

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

AB I found what you had suggested in an earlier post "Look. I'm just going to be straight up with you. I think what you're doing is f&cked up. I have no time for games. Save that sh*t for the birds! Look whenever you're ready to hang out and do something serious, then give me a call...but in the meantime, please don't present me with BS!"

So you mentioned that he'd probably be initially upset but eventually resurface. However, I'm curious, in the meantime do I wait for him to re-surface or do I continue to reach out to him once or twice a week to reassure him I'm interested?

For some reason, this is starting to seem like we're getting to a critical part in whatever it is we have and I want to make sure that I proceed correctly. Lol

PYT Hey girl!
by: Thejazzy1

Will you email me so we can catch up?! I can tell u alotta stuff but I gotta know ur story from beginning.. I look forward to hearing from you

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

need help with taurus man
by: geminiwoman

I've be casually seeing him for the past 3 years.our relationship is secret(fwb). We have the same circle of friends. I am 37 and he is 48. He has played the hot cold game, ignored me, even had a 8 month mexican stand off after a fight we had in a bar with friends. ( I mentioned he seemed bipolar and his friends agreed and he took off mad) finally he resurfaced, time and time again after fights and misunderstandings he'd come back wanting to see me. He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis.

I realize after reading all of the posts that I was the flake, the asshole and he was mirroring me. I realize how easily I could hurt him and how he reacted strongly to me. He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care.he would befriend my friends, even my best friend. I would always catch him staring at me.

We treated each other like less than friends in public around our bar friends but when we got behind closed doors we were tender and affectionate with each other, he always caressed my hands and waited for myreaction before hewould go further. We would fall asleep cuddling. A hug goodbye in the morning. He disliked when I would get up and leave asap. So I stoped and took time to hug him good bye and he thanked me for it.

I always wanted him for more but my fear of rejection got the best of me. None of us had the guts to ask how we felt and at times when I tried to come off like I wanted more he would come off like he didn't. So confused.

I rently got upset at him and texted " I am done with you asshole". He didn't respond but he went to my best friend about it, telling him this is the reason why we are not a couple. I texted him to apologize and he forgave me. Later on this new years day he wished me a good year "but no more boooty calls tho". He ended it with me. :(

I feel sad cause I didn't have the balls to be more honest and I didn't know f he wanted more than sex with me. He never said. He just stares at me constantly. Help!!!!

by: Leo Love

Happy New Year!!

I'm not sure if i understand your situation exactly. Looks like you keep insisting on being best friends. Like AB said before you need to stop that because once his mind is set you will not be able to change it.

It seems like starting the New Year on a positive note and the fact that he's willing to change these behaviors i think is a good thing. For me it shows he cares.

If i were you, try not to worry less about where you stand with him and focus more on the things he wants to do with you and/or the things he wants to focus on in your relationship (whatever that may be). These Taurus men need alot of patience and understanding. I can only speak to my experience but only time will tell. If he's retreating then just fall back and let him do so. he will come back they always do they just dont like to be pressured into anything and really take there sweet time to make a decision. But you need to show consistency and reassure him all the time. Dont tell him you love him and want to be with him but SHOW him! Us woman play a different role with a Taurus man at least that's my experience. We have to do the chasing and pursuing and once they feel comfortable they open up little by little and in spurts.

I hope this helps a little but AB is the expert and i'm sure she will give you the best advice.

Love and Light

Aphrodite Bull
by: LeoLove

I have an update!

He came with me to my best friends NYE party. We had a great time he met my friends and there husbands and he fit right in. We danced and laughed and it was just perfect. When we first got there I told him that when he was ready to leave to just say so and we can leave. He said probably after the ball drops, well we didn't leave until 4 am. When we left he said he had a great time and that he liked my friends. I was so happy!

The entire weekend was just amazing! We hung out in the balcony one night and saw a shooting star!

At some point I had asked him if he was going to disappear on me for another month and his response really pissed me off. He said yes that it would probably be longer that he had to stay away from his family for a while. I told him I thought we had agreed that we would see each other every 2wks he said that he couldn't . So I told him that he was f-up and he sucks for being like that with me. I showed I wasn't pleased with his response. Anyway I left it like that, he asked for my help building his resume and filling out some applications for school so he picked up the paperwork and we went to my house. It was awesome, we covered each step in building the resume and we did it together and the result was awesome. He even put my name as a reference LOL!

I asked him to stay for dinner that I would cook for him and he did.

He opened up some more about his financial situation and the issues with his dad. We talked about him getting a job and I told him that if he didn't find anything right away worst case scenario I can try to get him a job at my company. He was fine with that.

Well, yesterday I get a call from one of the managers telling me that they were hiring for an entire 3rd shift and if I knew of anyone. I couldn't believe it!! of course! I gave him my bulls name. I'm not sure that this is a job he's looking for longterm but it's was worth them having a conversation. I'm excited. So I texted him and gave him all the information and just basically told him if he's interested this may be an opportunity.

I'm praying all works out for him and I hope he's ok with my help.

So that's my update. I will keep u posted!


by: Aphrodite Bull

You said it best.

"He mirrored your actions."

Your quotes:

"He would go out of his way to make me jealous whe.n I was ignoring him to get a reaction out of me but I played like I didn't care."

"He'd chase me and then 3 weeks of the same old distance/games...3 years of tis. "

" I am done with you asshole".

This is what was conveyed...
1. Aloofness.
2. Three years of game-playing.
3. Then you ended it!

He doesn't see stability with you.
He's a Bull, which means he's quite stubborn.
It will take a substantial amount of effort to change his mind.
Since this cat/mouse game has occurred for 3 years, his opinion of you is set in stone.


You make yourself completely vulnerable. Be at his mercy! Begging. No joke. LOL. No more hanging out. No more parties/clubs. Almost like an absolute nun. No flirting with other men. Be available whenever he calls you. This is the only shot with your Bull. He NEEDS to feel safe with you! He needs to know that you're HIS! This will be his only 'confirmation' that you won't flake out on him again.

Your ego will not work in your favor. He's a Bull, he will hold out longer than you will. And just when you thought ignoring him was reeling him back're wrong! HE's actually the one who is reeling YOU back and just prepping for the next disappearing act.

Remember, with Bulls, we're immovable rocks. You can't push it, go around it, or try to jump over it.

But show a Bull honesty, consistency, vulnerability and reliability. Then we will provide you with the strength to move us!

by: Anonymous

Here is your dilemma.

I will pull up all your quotes:

1."He said he doesn't want me to be his bestfriend anyore. that i should not label aperson because they are not my property."

2."he told me he can;t give me bestfriendhsip anymore for we have done so much .

3. "I told him that I might have feleinsg for him but i have learned to let it go for I value the bestfriendship."

His response:
“I told you so already and yet you keep telling me that there should be no emotions attached.”

He responded to your aloofness and indifference. So he showed you aloofness and indifference. A Bull needs CERTAINTY.

When you did this....
"I gave him one last message saying. "Don't forget, I love you."

He reciprocated this....
"But the unusual thing that happened is that this time, he helped me get dress, he fixed my stuffs, he kissed me for one more time - just a simple kiss, then when we got dressed, we were both tired so he lay down to my bed, and I lay beside him, the next thing I knew, we cuddled and we were talking about his stuffs, and mine, and anything that we could talk about that time. we held hands while talking, we actually didn't want to leave at that moment but we have to buy some christmas presents."

Yes. A Bull will mirror your actions. Show vulnerabilty and he will ease up a little. Remain guarded and aloof, and he will continue to keep his guards up!

My advice.
Be consistent with the I love you Texts.
Show him you love him.
Don't bring up the possibility of a relationship.
Eventually HE will!

Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

"Look. I'm just going to be straight up with you. I think what you're doing is f&cked up. I have no time for games. Save that sh*t for the birds!"

This will not be necessary. He already explained his 'disappearing act.' He will relocate in the next few months, and hasn't figured out what he's going to do with you.

My advice, continue to contact him 1-2x a week.

Consistency and predictability will win you points!

Whatever decision he implents, he will keep you in mind.

Keep it simple.
Hi, how are you.
Missing you.
Just checking in with you.

Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

You're making great progress with your Bull.

I admire your convictions!

You love him, but you're not afraid to stick it to him.

You're not guarded with your love, but free with your emotions.

You're direct and honest, willing to adapt, accomodating...but he knows better than to cross you.

You let him in, but you don't let him off the hook.

You should write a book on dealing with a Taurus man.

Take notes :)

1.Bulls want vulnerability. But not doormats.
2. Bulls respect consistency, honesty, and directness.
3. Bulls need to feel safe with you. Bulls need to know you're in their corner. They respond to individuals who are grounded. Not flaky!

He's opening up about his family situation and finances. Bulls rarely disclose this information. We're very private in those matters.

This is a great sign!

Anonymous / Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

Okay, so here's what happened..
Me and my Taurus got into a small fight.
I was the one who got mad. He did things and i ended up calling him out.
When I finally realized what I've done, I messaged him. he asked me if I was still mad. Then i answered him 'No. Not anymore. But I was hurt." When we meet up, said Sorry. then he said "It's okay. It's not like the first time that it happened. I mean, we always fight, over and over and over again but the good thing here is the relationship is not ending."
We bonded for a few hours. Just like the old time. Laughing and laughing and stories after the other. I can say, we are now okay.
So, what do i do now?
I mean, I still want him.. i fell inlove. I fell hard. advice?


To Miss Leo Love (part 1)
by: PYT

How do you actually deal with your taurus man?
Here's the whole story of me and My taurus man.

Me and My Taurus met last year, 2010.
We went to the same HighSchool together but I never actually got a chance to meet, well not until year 2010.
So we met though a common friend - this friend is actually my ex.
so From then on, we talked more often, and eventually got closer - here is when we started to become best of friends.
We tell each others secrets, worries, happy moments, etc.
back then, he has feelings for this certain girl - let's name her Miss Cancer. But sadly, this certain girl didn't actually like him. They never went out together, they never bonded generally. But he really likes this girl's personality. Her ideal girl we could say. But sadly, even before they could have had a chance, he had done something that made the girl not like him at all. The girl was basically turned off by him.
With this, my taurus opened up to me. He felt sad about this etc.
But after some time, with us hanging out and all. he told me he has feelings for me. Back then, of course I would not believe that cause he just got dumped, right? So how am I supposed to believe that he likes me if he also likes another. So I told him not to feel that way. That if we want to keep each other, it's better if we become best friends. In that way we could have each other longer than expected.
So he was okay with that. I don't actually remember what happened, but the next thing I knew is I got to know him better, then suddenly, here enters the 'Friends-with-benefits".

That kind of thing push through until he met a new girl - Miss Aquarius - whom eventually he had feelings with.This happened first Quarter of year 2011. Things, at first, were okay. but on the latter, everything changed. the way he treats me changed, the ususal things we do he forgets etc. This became harder than expected when I had feelings for him. we have been through a lot during those times. A lot of quarells, etc. Until one day in March 2011, he got really mad and pissed. That he told me he doesn't want me to be his bestfriend anymore. That i got beyond bestfriendship, that he is not my property, that I intervene with his personaly life too much, and other more painful things. back then I figured, okay. Now this is the end. I didn't hear from him for 6 months.

During those 6 months, I figured out a way to enjoy life.
Them September 2011 came. He was in Spain while I am here in the Philippines.
It was morning, I thought it was my alarm clock, but when I checked my phone, I received 6-7 missed calls from him. So when I finally got a chance to picked it up. He told me he has something to say. He was crying and was telling me "I am really sorry for doing what i did. I should have known better than actually fight with you and than saying those things. I ruined the good things we had. I'm really sorry."

To Miss Leo Love (part 2)
by: PYT

I told him No, that he said too much etc. He said he's understand and he way sorry.
But I guess we really had a good foundation. We kept on talking and the last thing I know we were bestfriends again and yes, we are also friends with benefits. That thing went on. Until one time, he went back here in the Philippines. When we met, yes, we actually did the deed.

That is only until one time, I figured out he is not yet over Miss Cancer. He actually planned in trying things out with here. Then and there he asked me if I could be okay with me if We will still use each other for sex until he made a way to be with Miss Cancer. I didn't know what was I thinking but I said Yeah Sure. I think then he needed a shoulder to sleep with. But after a few days, I broke it off to him that No. That he can't use me for that especially when at the end of the day it will still be Miss Cancer.

we didn't talk for a few days. Afterwards, he messaged me saying sorry.
Then, i became friends with Miss cancer. I figured out that if i could talk to her, Maybe i would know my taurus' status with her. So I asked Miss cancer whether or not taurus has any chance with her. She said that she is firm with her decision and that No - taurus really dont have a chance with her. That she can only give him frienship and nothing more. that he is really not her type - as far as I can see, he isnt really her type.

So i break this news off to Taurus then he decided that he'll stop. He messaged her saying that he'll stop and that he's moving on.. etc.

So i thought, okay. That's it for that part. Eventually, something came up. after that, he broke off our bestfrienship again. for the reason that I have feelings for him and that we have done too much. Knowing him, i know he was just depressed that he could say such things. I knew he needed a friend that's why I didn't gave up on him and the friendship. I told him, okay. I will wait for your respond. that he is my bestfriend and that the reason he gave me for breaking up the friendship is way to lame. After a week, he messaged me. And i was right. he was just mad at me and all that's why he said those things.

To Miss Leo Love (part 3)
by: PYT

After some time, I don't know how it started but again, we became FWB.
It was december 23,2011. He went to my place. and the deed happened. The difference there was he helped me get dress, he fixed the room, he cleaned the mess. then when we were dressed, he gave me a simple kiss. Just a simple kiss on the lips. We laid down to my bed again. the next thing I knew, he cuddled with me. He was spooning - with clothes on. Then we changed the position. I was lying in his chest. He held my hand. then told me wonderful stories. Stories about his career, family, anything we could think of that time. we were like that but i let got of his hand. then afterwards. we went to the mall to buy christmas gifts for his family. While buying, we spotted a human-sized snow globe right in the middle of the mall. He asked me if I want to try it with him but i refused cause its getting late and we arent halfway done to buying gifts.

And so we finished buying, grabbed some snacks. the last thing I knew, before we part, he kissed me on public. that and all the other stuffs never happened before. So it got me into thinking. Is this the real deal now? I saw an entire relationship. I told this to Miss Bull, she told me to tell him straight that I want him and that I want to be with him. but i fear. cause I might get rejected.

After a few days. december 26. I delivered my present for him for christmas to his house. Unfortunately, he went out wth his family so I had to leave it to their caretaker. The day after. he texted me saying thank you for the gift but asked me not to do it again. I asked him why. I mean, he was my bestfriend and that I do that to my closest friends. he replied "It's not lady like. then you deliver it straight to my house. You are not building a good image here at home and I don't like that. so please?" i replied, well. I really dont understand but okay. evening that night, he messaged me. asking him for help. he said he want to stop and remove all the Kinky stuffs, not only the friends with benefits but generally all the lusty things cause he wants to set things straight for the incoming year. So then i asked him, is this because of you planning to pursue Miss Cancer. he replied "no. that's far gone. I have left that behind already." so i said, okay.

To Miss Leo Love (part 4)
by: PYT

After that day. Some of our common friends who knew I had feelings for him warned me. the I figured out. he hit on one of my closest friends during the time he told me he likes me. He tried to kiss her and gave her sex talks. In my total shock, i was really hurt. after some time, I confronted him. He didn't deny it. But he told me "what are your grounds for asking me this? who are you to me to ask a question like that?" after that, I confessed about my feelings for him. he told me "i told you so already and yet you said no feelings should be attached." Then we went back to our first topic. he told me he wanted to really remove the sexual stuffs. and that as long as I understand, we are okay. I told me "I really hope we can take a step from this and get back on track." then and there, i said okay.
I asked him, where do i stand? he said "be a good friend to me."
then for newyear, i gave him a message. all i placed there was honesty, I told him my feelings, and telling that let us both start over and help each other to not go though the things we have been though." blah. He didn't reply.

So after that, we barely text. I we would, it would be because I texted him or if i was lucky, it would be 5, nothing more nothing less.

And so, okay. i continued being friends with him. tell him secrets. tell him stories. and he would do the same. Until I opened up one conversation. I asked him why isnt he going to pursue Miss cancer. I was expecting the answer that it was done, that it was long gone. cause remember, we became FWB again. then his reply was "What the hell? aren't you one of those who told me not to do it anymore. and She have already pushed me away. Yes, your words can't make my feelings for her stop, but my determination to keep my word to her that I'd move on, can." so I didnt open that one up anymore. I was hurt at the same time.
Until yesterday, we fought. I told him that I made him a portrait. he called me obsess. so i asked him where are those coming from. and that i also painted some of my friends, so does that mean I am also obsess with them. he told me "You know exactly why I'm reacting this way." then we fought. bottomline: he used the same reasons he used on my before on why he heated me. that I was assuming, obsess, interfering with his personally life blah. And then, I call him out.
After some time, I figured out I was wrong. that I said too much, then I talked to him saying Sorry. Then his reply goes like this "It's Okay. We're okay. I mean, It's not like the first time it happened to us. I mean, we always fight but we find a way to fix it. At least it gets fixed and the relationship doesn't stop."
I guess, what doesn't kill our bond, makes it stronger. We may argue all the time, but still end up side-by-side in rockers on the porch
And now, we still talking. Nothing much happened. So yes.
Advice? :DD
Now, i know. I am aware. I really love him.

It has gotten even worse :(
by: Miss Aries to Aphrodite Bull

Dear AB, thank you so much for your respond!

Since I posted in this thread the things between my bull and me have gotten even worse. After my "emotional attack" he told me that he needed time for himself and his thoughts if he was "ever to get out of this messed up place." This means he is having his own personal issues he needs to cope with to get his life on track.

I understood clearly what he said and left him alone as he wished. Unfortunately I don't think he liked that, because after one week of not talking he erased me as a friend on a social network site. After I texted him saying "I did not deserve this" he texted back and it was clear he was being jealous of the "random dudes" (as he called them) writing and commenting on my page. At first I thought it was kinda cute that he gets jealous and wants a reaction out of me, so I started writing him nice texts, telling that I would like to see him and that I always will be there for him no matter what. He never replied to none of that. He neither wished me a Merry Christmas nor a Happy New Year :( I even sent him an Xmas present, but he never said "Thanks" so I don't even know if he received it..

We haven't been talking since the end of last month and the last try from my side was texting him that I would like to see him before my university starts again and that I missed him (because I read on here a lot, that they like being chased sometimes in order to feel wanted). So I was trying to let him know how much he means to me and that I am here for him. But no reply to NONE of my attempts.

This is not a very good sign, is it? :(

by: Leo Love

I don't know if what I can say to you will actually help. AB is the person who can give the best advice, i can only share my thoughts and what my experience with my Bull has been.

You need to be very very very patient with your bull and show him that you can be vulnerable and you have to be consistent with them and always, always be honest with him about how you feel. Don't be scared to speak your mind.. he will respect you for it.

I remember once my bull telling me and it stuck to me like glue.. "never be sorry about how you feel and always be honest and never settle for less than what you think you deserve". And every time i start thinking about stuff and get these feeling that i need to express. I do not hold back of course, i think about how i want to say it and how i want him to hear it but i will never hold back because then i'm only hurting myself and before i can love any man i need to love myself first.

If you truly love this man and want him in your life you will need to show him not tell him SHOW him.

It sounds like he does like you, but the arguing and fighting is not going to get better or change if your not being honest about your feelings.

If i were in your shoes, i would tell him what i want and how you feel and see how he responds and take it from there. Of course, realizing that it's going to take alot of time it's not going to happen overnight. So you need to learn how to be patient. Sometimes we have to make these men talk because they do not like to talk about how they feel and when it comes to there hearts they are extremely careful and very guarded and with reason, no one wants to get played or hurt etc.

It seems like he cares about you just do what AB told you to do...

good luck girl!!

hope this helps a little


@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB, thank again! I've been doing what you said religiously 1-2 x's a week a quick hello, miss u, etc. It's been over 3 weeks now and I've hear nothing. I know one has to be patient and I get that he's "deciding" if I fit into his life and all but at what point should I just throw in the towel?

I don't mind being patient as I've learned that with a Bull, it's either take it or leave it. However, I'm somewhat weary considering I haven't even gotten a "hello, I'm alive" response. Do you think that perhaps he is just getting annoyed at my infrequent persistence? Being that he's an evolved Bull, would it be safe to assume that he would at least tell me if things weren't to work out? I'm so afraid that he has moved on and just neglected to tell me.

Thinking back to one of our first dates, I remember him telling me how he met someone on-line that he just didn't click with her yet the girl continued to call and text him randomly and that he wasn't too fond of that. He said he rarely even responded. I asked him if he'd at least been straight with her and told her that he wasn't interested and he answered no. At that point, I told him that if he didn't want her calling/texting, that perhaps he should of just told her and he basically just shrugged it off! Consequently, about a month later he changed his number but never really gave me a reason for it.

Anyway, I'm just wondering if he may be considering me one of those annoying girls that reach out to him even though he doesn't respond.

Baffled and confused
by: Sweet Pisces

I met this great Taurus guy about 4 months ago. In the beginning he was consistent and text me about every day or every other day and send me some sweet texts like how he would love for us to work out, how he missed me etc .. About our 6th date we had our first kiss and we were making out (it truly shocked me how amazing he was. I had no idea such passion was behind this quiet soft spoken man .. He took my breath away), he asked me if I want to be together for a relationship and told me how much he liked everything about me .. I loved his straightforwardness and I said yes and that I liked him too.,
We became more intimate the next couple of dates but have never had sex yet. But I feel like he contacts me less and less :( I'm so confused because we have a great time together but don't see other as often and texts are less. I even told him I felt he is backing off and asked if he needed space and that I just wanted to know where I stand. He said no he doesn't need and space but things haven't improved ?? I backed off a little bc I don't want to seem pushy but I send him a text every few days , haven't seen him in almost 3 weeks. Seems he lost interest not sure what to do

Baffled and confused
by: Sweet Pisces

Also., he always responds to my texts pretty quickly and never ignores me.. That's a good sign right?? Trying to stay positive here lol

I can't understand him at all!
by: Confused Gemini

Hi! I am a 41 year old gemini woman, so into a taurus man. My story goes like this, i met my taurus man when i was 21. Had a secret relationship with him cuz he was married at that time. It lasted for 4 months. I had to part ways with him because during that time, he was having problem with his in-laws and wife( they've already guessed our relationship and started bothering us). I knew then that they could make his life miserable (just recently i found that they did make his life miserable)and so with much regret, i left him, for his own good... because i love him too much... plenty of things happened to me during that span of time, i got married, had two kids, got separated. everything's ok until my taurus pops back into my life, after 19 years of absolutely no communication with him... it started when i got an anonymous message last november, asking me how i was doing, what's new with my life. Being a true gemini by nature, i got curious and answered his messages. after a few days, i guessed his identity and since then, we began exchanging messages. we would start chatting at 8pm and it would last until 2am. that went on for 2 weeks, then he would disappear for 3 days without saying anything and comes back as if its a natural thing. it happened twice until finally we decided to meet last December. we had a great time together. It was pure heaven for us. (at least, that how it was to me) I learned that he's already separated and found a new one. (BTW, he hasn't remarry)He told me he still love me, told him, i feel the same way. Told me he'll leave his girlfriend for me if i would just give him enough time. But recently, i found that he was with her, he kept it a secret to me. now, i am not sure anymore if he truly love me. he's confusing me!! i believed him when he told me he still love me but who wouldn't? he looked me up, contacted me, exchanged messages with me til dawn? cared for me, so sweet with me... can you blame me for believing?? i still have this strong feeling for him... I love him too much but he's giving me this mixed signal.... after our last meeting, i haven't been with him again but still send me messages... telling me he loves me, misses me... and now, for the third time, he disappeared once again... haven't heart from him for the last three days... its driving me NUTS!!! Is he telling me the truth when he told me he still love me? I want to understand him but i can't figure him out... i'm beginning to lose him and give up on him... i'm not sure i can deal with this emotional turmoil i'm feeling right now... should i give up on my taurus guy or is this just a Taurus thing? HELP!! I NEED TO UNDERSTAND HIM EVEN A LITTLE! WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF ANYBODY COULD GIVE ME A PIECE OF SOME ADVICE...

Need Your Help -Aphrodite Bull and Taurus Male
by: Anonymous Sag (1of 2)

Sag that has completely and utterly fallen for a 35 year old Taurus-May 6 I'm 40 and Dec 2. We met online and after our first conversation and intial meeting we talked nearly everyday for 2 weeks at least an hour with him mostly intiating the calls. He has come to my home and it's very true what you say about the bull and their love for the 5 senses. I'm a damn good cook and he absolutely loves my food. I am a candle freak and love to smell nice so I have entertained all of his senses with the exception of sex. We have kissed once very intensely and fireworks were going off all over the place. I had to make him leave...that's just how much I did not trust myself with him. This reaction is so not like me. I could never be intimate without knowing where I stand with a guy first especially this one. I seem to lose all control with him. I am an attractive, educated, confident woman who in my professional world has things under control but with him I am just silly puddy! I think I made a huge mistake sharing how much I was into him and cared for him perhaps that scaresd him away because soon after that he CUT ME OFF. It was sudden and evident that he was purposely not responsive to my calls and texts anymore and when I called him out on it via text (because he ignored my calls) he admitted it stating "he did it actually because he really does like me and thinks I am a wonderful woman...but is focused on improving himself as a man right now...and for his daughter." His daughte ris 12 and resides in another city abotu 3 hrs away. I was so hurt and confused and of course, became the "convincer" hoping to make him realize that I was the woman for him. That didn't work only made me the chaser and feel even more out of control. That phase lasted about a week when I texted him stating I won't reach out again as not to give unwanted attention, emphasized my feelings again for him, wished him well, and told him despite my disppointment I still thought he was a great guy; a good man just complicated.

Need Your Help-Aphrodite Bull and Taurus Male
by: Anonymous Sag (2of 2)

Immediately, after receiving my text he texts back with "so, you're cutting me off?...I hope to get through this phase I'm going through before its too late!" He promised to try and be more responsive to my calls/texts and has told me in the past that the long conversations we have shared is very unusual for him as he is not a talker and especially unusual without leading to a sexual encounter. I waited a few days to ponder his response and when I called guess what NO RESPONSE. MY CALLS WENT TO VM AND TEXTS UNANSWERED. So, just this week I texted again after a short break of not intiating communication that I won't text/call again and that he would not have to worry that I would stalk him like this woman is doing him at work he told me about LOL (I wrote lol to lighten the tone but I meant every word). I also told him to check his email for a budget sheet I sent him that I thought he would appreciate as he is working on self dev. and ended wishing him well in everything. To my surprise, he immediately responded with "UR not gonna stop talking to me"...and then again with "I will see you soon too! thanks UR the best." He called the next day as if nothing has ever transpired speaking about general stuff and I went along with just glad to hear his voice. Am I nuts? I am so baffled. What's up with this behavior specifically to my situation? Once he aske dme to be patient with him BUT the disappering acts are just too much. The fact that he is extremely attractive and sensual does not help with my insecurities wondering whose he with what he's doing but the truth of the matter is he owes me nothing. Deep down I feel he is a good, caring person even worth this effort but you Tauruses are so complicated. Your charisma can have a woman thinking youa re good when you are playing us like a fool. Truly, he is unique, has me intriged, wanting him, BUT DAMN HE'S COMPLICATED! I want him so bad which has led me to this page. Never have I done anything like this before in my's like an out of body experience. Does he care for me or is he full of BS? I am desperate for insight because this thing has taken hold of me and I don't want to continue to invest for it all to end in heartbreak and blow up in my face. Please help me understand what is going on here? What to do if anything I can to bring him closer to me? Thank you in advance for your help.

Need Your Help-Aphrodite Bull and Taurus Male
by: Anonymous Sag (2of 2)

Immediately, after receiving my text he texts back with "so, you're cutting me off?...I hope to get through this phase I'm going through before its too late!" He promised to try and be more responsive to my calls/texts and has told me in the past that the long conversations we have shared is very unusual for him as he is not a talker and especially unusual without leading to a sexual encounter. I waited a few days to ponder his response and when I called guess what NO RESPONSE. MY CALLS WENT TO VM AND TEXTS UNANSWERED. So, just this week I texted again after a short break of not intiating communication that I won't text/call again and that he would not have to worry that I would stalk him like this woman is doing him at work he told me about LOL (I wrote lol to lighten the tone but I meant every word). I also told him to check his email for a budget sheet I sent him that I thought he would appreciate as he is working on self dev. and ended wishing him well in everything. To my surprise, he immediately responded with "UR not gonna stop talking to me"...and then again with "I will see you soon too! thanks UR the best." He called the next day as if nothing has ever transpired speaking about general stuff and I went along with just glad to hear his voice. Am I nuts? I am so baffled. What's up with this behavior specifically to my situation? Once he aske dme to be patient with him BUT the disappering acts are just too much. The fact that he is extremely attractive and sensual does not help with my insecurities wondering whose he with what he's doing but the truth of the matter is he owes me nothing. Deep down I feel he is a good, caring person even worth this effort but you Tauruses are so complicated. Your charisma can have a woman thinking youa re good when you are playing us like a fool. Truly, he is unique, has me intriged, wanting him, BUT DAMN HE'S COMPLICATED! I want him so bad which has led me to this page. Never have I done anything like this before in my's like an out of body experience. Does he care for me or is he full of BS? I am desperate for insight because this thing has taken hold of me and I don't want to continue to invest for it all to end in heartbreak and blow up in my face. Please help me understand what is going on here? What to do if anything I can to bring him closer to me? Thank you in advance for your help.

Taurus man
by: Anonymous

Hi ! I'm Capricorn woman and I am experiencing exactly the same situation as almost everyone here. My Taurus was after me for year and I made him wait for our meeting 9 months after it got serious and I said I miss him and want to spend more time with him he just dissapeared. It happened already 5 times and he always was back but only after I texted him first. This time I'm really sad and don't want to chase a man .we met in my place many times , he was very loving towards me... I don't understand nothing . why does he leave me "hanging "? What does he want from me?? Help please :((
Shall I contact him again??

Aphrodite Bull Please Help!!!!
by: Anonymous Sag

Update---I reached out even after stating I would not initiate contact and texted last night (it had been 3 or 4 days since he called) close to midnight during a weak moment that "I'm missing response required:)" I just couldn't help myself because I do miss him terribly and was not expecting any response just wanted him to know that. He texted back to my surprise about 1 am saying "Same here!" I wanted so bad to text again but didn't. I wanted to ask WHEN will we see each other based on his text last week "...And I am going to see you soon too!UR the best." But I'm trying not to be emotionally overwhelming. I am trying to be more patient understanding now because of you AB that his definition of soon could be 3 weeksor even longer whereas mine is 3 days. I also went online to the dating website we met on and saw that he had added pictures and was recently on the site because it tells you when the person was last is he still looking for someone when he tells me he is focused on other things? I would just like to know if my waiting will lead to something more. Aphrodite Bull tell me straight up if I should just walk away no matter how much it hurts...I can take it. Sag in distress.

Aphrodite Bull Please Help!!!!
by: Anonymous Sag

Update---I reached out even after stating I would not initiate contact and texted last night (it had been 3 or 4 days since he called) close to midnight during a weak moment that "I'm missing response required:)" I just couldn't help myself because I do miss him terribly and was not expecting any response just wanted him to know that. He texted back to my surprise about 1 am saying "Same here!" I wanted so bad to text again but didn't. I wanted to ask WHEN will we see each other based on his text last week "...And I am going to see you soon too!UR the best." But I'm trying not to be emotionally overwhelming. I am trying to be more patient understanding now because of you AB that his definition of soon could be 3 weeksor even longer whereas mine is 3 days. I also went online to the dating website we met on and saw that he had added pictures and was recently on the site because it tells you when the person was last is he still looking for someone when he tells me he is focused on other things? I would just like to know if my waiting will lead to something more. Aphrodite Bull tell me straight up if I should just walk away no matter how much it hurts...I can take it. Sag in distress.

Aphrodite Bull Please Help!!!!
by: Anonymous Sag

Update---I reached out even after stating I would not initiate contact and texted last night (it had been 3 or 4 days since he called) close to midnight during a weak moment that "I'm missing response required:)" I just couldn't help myself because I do miss him terribly and was not expecting any response just wanted him to know that. He texted back to my surprise about 1 am saying "Same here!" I wanted so bad to text again but didn't. I wanted to ask WHEN will we see each other based on his text last week "...And I am going to see you soon too!UR the best." But I'm trying not to be emotionally overwhelming. I am trying to be more patient understanding now because of you AB that his definition of soon could be 3 weeks or even longer whereas mine is 3 days. I also went online to the dating website we met on and saw that he had added pictures and was recently on the site because it tells you when the person was last is he still looking for someone when he tells me he is focused on other things? I would just like to know if my waiting will lead to something more. Aphrodite Bull tell me straight up if I should just walk away no matter how much it hurts...I can take it. Sag in distress.

he says that he wants to only be friends
by: Anonymous

If a Taurus says he only wants to be friends, does it mean that there are no more chances and I should just forget about any chances for romance?

I know he was attracted to me physically, and I was to him too (we made out, pretty passionately), but he insisted that he doesn't "feel love" for me, but he cares for me deeply "as a friend".

I think I can be friends with him with time, but I just wonder if there is absolutely no way for us to have a relationship, not just a friendship.

Would any Taurean guys please enlighten me on this?

by: Leo Love


Being Patient is key with a Taurus man... they dont like change but they do adjust gradually.

They hate to be rushed. H-A-T-E to be rushed.

They go MIA but they do resurface. Let him miss you! fall back a little and give him space and time he will come around if he's really interested and when he does just keep it light and friendly and fun!! and of course BE EXTREMELY PATIENT!!

They hate drama, confrontation, or unpleasantness of any kind.

They give you their hearts, and ask for very little in return.

They only ask for patience.

Give them time to get there. Don't make threats or back them into a corner. Don't make situations difficult for them. Bulls crave peace and harmony, and they hate confrontation.

Bulls are real slow, slow, slow to initiate!

Attempt to rush them, and they will run, run, run!

by: Leo Love

This was a scenario i was given and AB says it is spot on accurate!!

"Female: I really want to be with you.
Taurus Man: I'm not too sure right now. I'm in transition. I can't be in a relationship right now.

What he's really thinking...
"Be patient. Wait for me. Fight for me. I don't know how to answer you at this moment. But I don't want you to give up on me."

Bulls are very private people and secretive also. But they will open up to you but just a little at a time. They're never hiding anything malicious, it has more to do with self-preservation. They let just a few people in. This stems from a fear of being judged. Remember, they want to be seen as perfect in our eyes. Any imperfections they see in themselves will drive them to isolation. But they also need to know that once they give themselves to you completely, you will not sabotage there hearts. It's happened to them before. They may forgive, but they never forget, or regress! This takes them some time. But they only ask that the individual trust them enough to be patient.

Yes. They will investigate. They're gatekeepers of there inner circle. They're protective of there domain.
Very few individuals will be given the opportunity to meet there family members or members of there circle. Bulls operate on an organizational plane. Finances, 1st, Relationships 2nd, Marriage and Family 3rd. If they don't give you an answer right away, don't panic like most do. LOL! They are trying to sort things out for themselves. Trying to see if they can trust you, where they see themselves financially, and figuring out ways to incorporate you into there lives.

It's just never done in the pace that people want it! Eventually, we just give up on them, which contrary to there aloof disappearing acts 'exterior' can tear them to pieces. This is why they frown when they contact people and they're either not available or not answering there calls. Panic sets in, and they assume that we are looking elsewhere. They never assume that we're just put off by there 'aloofness.

Reading through some of the comments from AB can really help you understand a little more about your Bull.. hope this helped a little..

Good luck! :)

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

I have an update!!

Okay, So we spend the entire New Years Eve/Day weekend together and it was like always AMAZING!!

We also spend the following weekend together, it was certainly unexpected!! I was feeling very sick and come to find out when i picked him up that he was also feeling sick!! So we went and had a simple dinner and then went to my house and we never got up from the bed after that. We took Meds together and we watched a bunch of movies, i made soup, we ate and we just rested the entire weekend!! It was the best way I've ever spent being sick! LOL! I was very shocked that he would even come out feeling like that and i mentioned that and he just laughed and said yeah he must be delirious!! LOL!!

Anyway, it was great sick and all!! I haven't heard from him since, but i know he finishes school this week and is very excited!! I'm excited for him and hope to celebrate his accomplishment this weekend.

So things are progressing slowly and that's just fine with me. I guess I'm learning to be patient and the more time goes by, the more i understand him.

This man is just amazing to me and i can truly say i have never in my life felt like this about a man!! I can just hope and pray that he can feel for me in the same way..

Thanks for everything AB!! i could not do this without you!!


Taurus confusion
by: Pisces47

Hey everyone. I am having the same confusing experiences as many of you.I ran into this guy at the bar a couple of times and had brief conversations with him. A few weeks later, I ran into him at a fundraiser event where there was music and dancing as well. I approched him and started a great conversation...talked about our likes, dislikes, family, etc. He asked me to dance which we did. We kissed a little bit but nothing to get too excited about. He continued to tell me what he was looking for in a relationship and asked if I could date slowly.(we had been drinking some)The nite ended and we went our seperate ways. Days later thru emails, he asked me to dinner and in my reply I told him what I was looking for in a relationship as I had not told him that nite of dancing, where I just told him I would like to get to know him. So in his reply email he says he has alot of transitions going on and was not looking for more than friends. Perhaps my email was too direct as to what I was looking for? The dinner was nice, talked alot and had a great time, 3 1/2 hrs!

We kept running into each other after this and started to hang out from time to time. We began to jog together as well. He tells me a bunch of personal things and says he trusts me and is confortable around me. Bout a month later he confesses that he has cancer. A shocker! There were usually hugs goodbye but nothing more. So to fast forward a couple months. I had distanced myself emotionally cause I was developing feeling for him. We had not hugged in a few weeks then one nite after a run he reached out for a hug so I gave a 'friend' hug (leaning in with on side only and one arm). Well he surprised me by grabbing me and pulling me in and hugged very tightly...was nice but confusing because I didnt think he liked me. We hugged most everytime after this.

Taurus Cofusion Pt 2
by: Pisces47

Fast farward another month. I was at breakfast after church (the week after we went to dinner, he asked me to join him at his church and have been going with him ever since) with him and a frind of his. His friend asked how it was going with the gal he has been hanging with and with a puzzled look he says, do you mean Jude? He talked about her saying she makes him uncomfortable cause she is too pushy, wanting to date. I found myself very very jealous which kinda caught me off guard! The conversation went to another topic but about 5 minutes later, he looks at me and says that Jude keeps trying to kiss him goodbye and he just turns his head cause he doesnt want to get involved with her and her mess(she is just out of a relationship and is still living with the ex) I am not sure why he felt he had to tell me this especially 5 minutes later.

We continued to hang togther. About a month later, we had made plans to do New Yrs eve together. We did and had a great time. I caught him a few times staring at me intensely when he thought I was not looking. When I would catch him, he would just smile and look away. And he will stand so close to me that I feel like he is going to push me over. I would slowly move over and BOOM there he is again, right up against me.

There have been a number of times when I would think he was liking me but it was too inconsistant so I thought otherwise. But this staring and the contact confusses me.

Taurus Cofusion Pt 3
by: Pisces47

Well that nite, New Yrs Eve, he dropped me off, got out to give me a very nice hug goodbye. Something snapped inside of me and I asked if I could talk to him about something. Well, I confessed that I had grown to have feeling for him but that I knew he was not wanting that. I said that everyone that wants to date you because you are handsome, charming and funny,but that it was his heart that I grew attracted to most, I touched his chest when I said this. He said he was glad I told him and that I was comfortable enough with him to share my feelings. He began to say that if there is a change in his disease that he would be up to dating me but than said 'who am I kiddin,,,that aint going to change'. I told him that I got very jealous at breakfast that day and that I didnt like feeling jealous, He asked why it would bother me to feel jealousy. Not sure what he meant by this. He gave me a very big and long hug goodbye after he told me that what he liked about me was that I had goals and that I had a life outside the bar/niteclubs.

2 days later, he ask me to go for a walk in park. he has text me more. He asked me to be on his bowling team which I did. (he never has had me around his friends up to this point) The kicker is..a couple weeks later someone dropped off his team and he felt obligated to ask Jude, the girl I got jealous over, as she was already a sub. So here we are now bowling together. I am kinda confused by this. Also he has began to call me by a pet name, adding a Y to my name.

Last week after a fundraiser we worked togther on, when i went in for a hug, he leaned his face and gave me a kiss on the lips, just a sweet gentle smootch. I would not think that after I confess to having feelings that he would give me a kiss if he had no feelings. Then days later he tells me while walking in the park that he cant see himself in a relationship as he is so comfy doing his own thing.
This guy is confusing but I am loving the mystery of it all. Is this guy into me and just afraid to move forward due to his illness or is he playing games. Stroking is ego since the two of us that like him are on his team now?
Any help or direction appreciated! Sorry for length! I am 47 he is 46.

To Aphrodite Bull
by: Anonymous Sag's my update...My Taurus crush continues to push me away and though Leo Love and Aphrodite Bull have emphasized that they hate confrontation, hate to be pushed in any form and require patience, reality is there is only so much patience a woman can give when there seems to be no results. I am walking away and I've expressed that to my bull. In no way did I communicate this in anger or to get a reaction out of him. It is what is is...and that is adds up to basically NOTHING! If he is so closed and continues to as he states to "Push me away because he actually sees that he could be with me, is trying not to get sex from me because of the high chemistry when he is around me, and is working on being a better man financially and in other ways" but cannot say hang in there with me as I go through this process (which I was willing to do), pick up the phone occasionally or hang out sometimes, then he is not the man for me.

He has me bound to texting as a form of communciationing with him and I will not be treated like this anymore. I have so many other suitors after me that I have refused to allow to get to know me BUT as of today not anymore. I want to be chased and if this man cannot then I am not the woman for him. He may even be chasing someone else or ina relationship who knows? I emotioanlly will take time but I'm ready to start the process. Feeling hurt by someone who won't even allow you to get to know them is just not worth it and speaks volumes when they can't even pick up the phone anymore just for casual conversation. BTW I had to text him that its not worth my effort anymore and if he didn't like DAMN bad...I've been pushed out anyway!

Good luck to you other ladies as you work to understand your bulls. As a Sag my patience has been extended more than ever in this effort and is now exhauste.

All the best!

To Aphrodite Bull
by: Anonymous Sag's my update...My Taurus crush continues to push me away and though Leo Love and Aphrodite Bull have emphasized that they hate confrontation, hate to be pushed in any form and require patience, reality is there is only so much patience a woman can give when there seems to be no results. I am walking away and I've expressed that to my bull. In no way did I communicate this in anger or to get a reaction out of him. It is what is is...and that is adds up to basically NOTHING! If he is so closed and continues to as he states to "Push me away because he actually sees that he could be with me, is trying not to get sex from me because of the high chemistry when he is around me, and is working on being a better man financially and in other ways" but cannot say hang in there with me as I go through this process (which I was willing to do), pick up the phone occasionally or hang out sometimes, then he is not the man for me.

He has me bound to texting as a form of communciationing with him and I will not be treated like this anymore. I have so many other suitors after me that I have refused to allow to get to know me BUT as of today not anymore. I want to be chased and if this man cannot then I am not the woman for him. He may even be chasing someone else or ina relationship who knows? I emotioanlly will take time but I'm ready to start the process. Feeling hurt by someone who won't even allow you to get to know them is just not worth it and speaks volumes when they can't even pick up the phone anymore just for casual conversation. BTW I had to text him that its not worth my effort anymore and if he didn't like DAMN bad...I've been pushed out anyway!

Good luck to you other ladies as you work to understand your bulls. As a Sag my patience has been extended more than ever in this effort and is now exhauste.

All the best!

by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Wow! I must say that I am very impressed with your decision and hope that it all works out. I'm almost there too! Especially considering that I too have put aside potential suitors for someone who rarely shows interest. I get the whole patience thing and I am even willing to work with you however KEY word here is work WITH you. They seem to live in a world where we just happen to visit every so often. They suck at communicating because God knows I would have been out to the door had he just said anything leaning towards not being interested. I keep hearing how they DON'T play games but it seems to be the opposite. We have to play their game by their rules.

I won't deny the immense attraction but this is getting super exhausting! I kind of wonder though if walking away would somehow ignite them to move a bit quicker or even make a decision. I guess that's a good question for AB.

Good luck Sag!

Seeking advice from taurus guy.
by: Fell4Taurus

Ive known my taurus friend since october 2011. We were long distance at first only talking over the phone and on FB. He admitted to being infatuated with me and it was hard getting me off his mind. I recently moved to where he lives(for a job) and we are finally seeing each other on an intimate level. However i'm still seeing other guys only because he has not asked me to be his. He knows it, but he says he is waiting on me to decide to be with him. The things he says to me is letting me know he has already made up his mind about us. I'm afraid to commit to him out of fear of getting my heart broke. Should I let my guard down and tell him that I want him just as bad?? I really want us to work and we are both shocked we feel this strongly about one another in just 4 months. I'm ready to be with him if he will not hurt me.....Help I need advice on what to do, sincerly Fell4Taurus

Seeking advice from taurus guy.
by: Fell4Taurus

Ive known my taurus friend since october 2011. We were long distance at first only talking over the phone and on FB. He admitted to being infatuated with me and it was hard getting me off his mind. I recently moved to where he lives(for a job) and we are finally seeing each other on an intimate level. However i'm still seeing other guys only because he has not asked me to be his. He knows it, but he says he is waiting on me to decide to be with him. The things he says to me is letting me know he has already made up his mind about us. I'm afraid to commit to him out of fear of getting my heart broke. Should I let my guard down and tell him that I want him just as bad?? I really want us to work and we are both shocked we feel this strongly about one another in just 4 months. I'm ready to be with him if he will not hurt me.....Help I need advice on what to do, sincerly Fell4Taurus

Seeking advice from taurus guy.
by: Fell4Taurus

Ive known my taurus friend since october 2011. We were long distance at first only talking over the phone and on FB. He admitted to being infatuated with me and it was hard getting me off his mind. I recently moved to where he lives(for a job) and we are finally seeing each other on an intimate level. However i'm still seeing other guys only because he has not asked me to be his. He knows it, but he says he is waiting on me to decide to be with him. The things he says to me is letting me know he has already made up his mind about us. I'm afraid to commit to him out of fear of getting my heart broke. Should I let my guard down and tell him that I want him just as bad?? I really want us to work and we are both shocked we feel this strongly about one another in just 4 months. I'm ready to be with him if he will not hurt me.....Help I need advice on what to do, sincerly Fell4Taurus

Seeking advice from taurus guy.
by: Fell4Taurus

Ive known my taurus friend since october 2011. We were long distance at first only talking over the phone and on FB. He admitted to being infatuated with me and it was hard getting me off his mind. I recently moved to where he lives(for a job) and we are finally seeing each other on an intimate level. However i'm still seeing other guys only because he has not asked me to be his. He knows it, but he says he is waiting on me to decide to be with him. The things he says to me is letting me know he has already made up his mind about us. I'm afraid to commit to him out of fear of getting my heart broke. Should I let my guard down and tell him that I want him just as bad?? I really want us to work and we are both shocked we feel this strongly about one another in just 4 months. I'm ready to be with him if he will not hurt me.....Help I need advice on what to do, sincerly Fell4Taurus

Plz advice "will my Taurus man return back"
by: Dumped Leo

Does my taurus man love me and will he return back if he does?

Well i have been in a relationship with this Taurus man for five years, he proposed to marry me and i accepted it but later he lost his job two years back and said he is not ready to marry anyone including me so i am free to marry anyone i want. Understanding his situation, i said i understand him but remained loyal and supportive to him. He always appreciated me being understanding, loving and caring. Last year when he gained back his desired job and earning, he began asking me if i was ready to marry, how much he misses me, how much he wants me, how much he craves to do things like touching, smelling, caring etc. I never objected and allowed him to say what he wanted to say because i too truly loved him but was seceptical that what if i introduced him now to my parents and he looses his job and again refuses to marry me what will i say to my parents, so i made excuses to get him introduced to my parents till i meet him and sort things amicably. He started postponing our dating plans telling each time hardly makes difference if we met after a fortnight or a month, i didn`t push him till it was almost three months of delaying. so i told him if we do not meet now then not in a fortnight or next month but i also pointed out his past mistakes. He didn`t say a word but texted me that he wasn`t fit for me. I replied that i wasn`t mad at him but mad at him not taking time for me, he didn`t reply. Now after no contact period of 21 days, he called me to say he plans to marry someone else, a complete stranger and on reproaching the issue of us, he says he still misses me in his life and thinks of me everyday but since we weren`t suppose to marry he had to marry someone someday and so he has decided to marry a girl a girl of his parents choice and can`t upset his parents. I don`t understand, we both love each other, i waited for him in his bad phase and never moved on for a better suitor.

The reason he gives me we weren`t suppose to marry, if he is talking about himself then why was he so overly romantic and eager to meet my parents?.

If he had any doubts about me, if would have crossed checked from me before moving ahead with the new girl? He says he is marrying another girl and still saying he thinks of me and misses me?

Please advise what is he upto, does he know what he wants, if he wants me then will he return back tom me ? Will he marry someone else or brek up and come back to me? Plzzzzzzzzzz Advice

Plz advice "will my Taurus man return back"
by: Dumped Leo

Does my taurus man love me and will he return back if he does?

Well i have been in a relationship with this Taurus man for five years, he proposed to marry me and i accepted it but later he lost his job two years back and said he is not ready to marry anyone including me so i am free to marry anyone i want. Understanding his situation, i said i understand him but remained loyal and supportive to him. He always appreciated me being understanding, loving and caring. Last year when he gained back his desired job and earning, he began asking me if i was ready to marry, how much he misses me, how much he wants me, how much he craves to do things like touching, smelling, caring etc. I never objected and allowed him to say what he wanted to say because i too truly loved him but was seceptical that what if i introduced him now to my parents and he looses his job and again refuses to marry me what will i say to my parents, so i made excuses to get him introduced to my parents till i meet him and sort things amicably. He started postponing our dating plans telling each time hardly makes difference if we met after a fortnight or a month, i didn`t push him till it was almost three months of delaying. so i told him if we do not meet now then not in a fortnight or next month but i also pointed out his past mistakes. He didn`t say a word but texted me that he wasn`t fit for me. I replied that i wasn`t mad at him but mad at him not taking time for me, he didn`t reply. Now after no contact period of 21 days, he called me to say he plans to marry someone else, a complete stranger and on reproaching the issue of us, he says he still misses me in his life and thinks of me everyday but since we weren`t suppose to marry he had to marry someone someday and so he has decided to marry a girl a girl of his parents choice and can`t upset his parents. I don`t understand, we both love each other, i waited for him in his bad phase and never moved on for a better suitor.

The reason he gives me we weren`t suppose to marry, if he is talking about himself then why was he so overly romantic and eager to meet my parents?.

If he had any doubts about me, if would have crossed checked from me before moving ahead with the new girl? He says he is marrying another girl and still saying he thinks of me and misses me?

Please advise what is he upto, does he know what he wants, if he wants me then will he return back tom me ? Will he marry someone else or brek up and come back to me? Plzzzzzzzzzz Advice

Plz advice
by: Dumped Leo

Does my taurus man love me and will he return back if he does?

Well i have been in a relationship with this Taurus man for five years, he proposed to marry me and i accepted it but later he lost his job two years back and said he is not ready to marry anyone including me so i am free to marry anyone i want. Understanding his situation, i said i understand him but remained loyal and supportive to him. He always appreciated me being understanding, loving and caring. Last year when he gained back his desired job and earning, he began asking me if i was ready to marry, how much he misses me, how much he wants me, how much he craves to do things like touching, smelling, caring etc. I never objected and allowed him to say what he wanted to say because i too truly loved him but was seceptical that what if i introduced him now to my parents and he looses his job and again refuses to marry me what will i say to my parents, so i made excuses to get him introduced to my parents till i meet him and sort things amicably. He started postponing our dating plans telling each time hardly makes difference if we met after a fortnight or a month, i didn`t push him till it was almost three months of delaying. so i told him if we do not meet now then not in a fortnight or next month but i also pointed out his past mistakes. He didn`t say a word but texted me that he wasn`t fit for me. I replied that i wasn`t mad at him but mad at him not taking time for me, he didn`t reply. Now after no contact period of 21 days, he called me to say he plans to marry someone else, a complete stranger and on reproaching the issue of us, he says he still misses me in his life and thinks of me everyday but since we weren`t suppose to marry he had to marry someone someday and so he has decided to marry a girl a girl of his parents choice and can`t upset his parents. I don`t understand, we both love each other, i waited for him in his bad phase and never moved on for a better suitor.

The reason he gives me we weren`t suppose to marry, if he is talking about himself then why was he so overly romantic and eager to meet my parents?.

If he had any doubts about me, if would have crossed checked from me before moving ahead with the new girl? He says he is marrying another girl and still saying he thinks of me and misses me?

Please advise what is he upto, does he know what he wants, if he wants me then will he return back tom me ? Will he marry someone else or brek up and come back to me? Plzzzzzzzzzz Advice

by: Anonymous

This is going to sound kinda trashy but I cant help it... I am a 28yr old married aries and have a on the side relationship(kinda) with a 29yr old Taurus who is also married. WE have known eachother for years and we have always had this overwhelming chemistry... we text n talk all the time and he has told me how much he likes me, he made me cut off ties with all of my guy friends stop wearing low cut outfits and stop going to bars with my friends. I obeyed all that and you know how us aries are so it wasnt easy. We have never full out had sex but we have messed around a lot. He would kiss me all the time and tell me how it just felt right... well it started getting hinted to us at work that people thought we were messing around and then all of a sudden he was totally wanting to back off... I hate this I am an aries and I am a risk taker and I think he is worth it I am totally in love with this guy maybe and it kills me that he is pulling away I changed so much for him to just walk away. He still texts me daily but it is not the same. I dont know what to do...just get over him or what. The problem is that he is like my best friend and if I dont have an intimate relationship with him I want to stay best friends I just dont know if I can do that. Please tell me what to do? What does he feel for me I mean could our relationship be a future possibilty again or in his mind is it over. He still tells me I look pretty when I see him (after he leaves he texts me)I am so confused! I think I am in love and I dont want to look like an idiot. I think about him all day! grrr

Aquarius vs.Taurus
by: Anonymous

Ima woman Aquarius an my Bf is a Taurus we've been together on an off. For nine months we argue alot were both 18 and were just so different.we try to make the relationship work but I always feel he doesn't want to make an effort .he doesn't call me anymore all we do is text and when I ask him lets spend time together he says ok but then at the last minute he says he was doing something. Or he says he's with his brother. But he never trieds to connect with me again an when were at schools he spend time mostly with his friends sometimes I feel like im not in a relationship. He says he loves me an on Christmas he surprised me With a gift but I just want to connect with him an spend time with someone I love but it seems like he want to do what he feels to do.can someone please give me some advice

Aquarius vs.Taurus
by: Anonymous

Ima woman Aquarius an my Bf is a Taurus we've been together on an off. For nine months we argue alot were both 18 and were just so different.we try to make the relationship work but I always feel he doesn't want to make an effort .he doesn't call me anymore all we do is text and when I ask him lets spend time together he says ok but then at the last minute he says he was doing something. Or he says he's with his brother. But he never trieds to connect with me again an when were at schools he spend time mostly with his friends sometimes I feel like im not in a relationship. He says he loves me an on Christmas he surprised me With a gift but I just want to connect with him an spend time with someone I love but it seems like he want to do what he feels to do.can someone please give me some advice

To: Anonymous Sag
by: Aphrodite Bull

"I think I made a huge mistake sharing how much I was into him and cared for him perhaps that scared him away because soon after that HE CUT ME OFF!"

You didn't scare him off. Being upfront and honest about your feelings/emotions NEVER scares us off. It's the emotional meltdowns and craziness that does. Lol. What you described was the infamous Taurus disappearing act that has been widely discussed on this page. This is just temporary. Read the previous list/comments on what Bulls do when they're assessing. You will find it very interesting, considering the fact that we live in our heads.

What goes on when your Taurus man is assessing...?

1. Conducting background checks. We're Master Investigators. Because we absolutely, and I mean despise and detest LIARS!, we are cross referencing everything you tell us. This is how we ween off the weak potential candidates. We will embrace an honest person with flaws, rather than a liar who represents the perfect package. But we will keep a poker face...pretending to know nothing, while we ask you subtle questions here and there. We always know more than you think we do.

2. A million "What ifs" occur before making a final decision. Once a decision is made, it's rarely reversed. We make a decision, stick with it, follow and see it through. This is the perseverance of a Bull. Thus, the main reason why we're slow to initiate a relationship. It's all or nothing with a Bull.

3. We're getting ourselves together financially. We hate moochers, and never want to be perceived as such. We love to feel needed, so we like to be the sole providers. If we're not, we will compensate for it in other areas, housekeeping, cooking, fixing things around the house. We like to feel that we're contributing to something.

4. We're active listeners. We don't hear you. We actively listen to you. I hear many references to us as being 'duds' or 'not emotionally intuitive'.

To: Anonymous Sag Pt II
by: Aphrodite Bull


5. We're testing your loyalty. We look for consistent patterns of behavior. If you want us, show us. If you love us, prove it? If we're reassured enough, our 'disappearing acts' turn into 'routine' and predictability.' No joke. LOL! You will know EXACTLY where we are. When we're at work, when we're with family and etc. You will come to realize that we're just old-fashioned homebodies who just want to build a life with you.

You posted: "He admitted it stating, 'That he did it actually because he like me and he thinks that I am a wonderful woman."

You posted: "He text back: "so you're cutting me off?"

He needs you to be patient with him. He's not playing games. He just needs reassurance that you're really into him. When we're still in assessment mode you will NEVER get a direct answer from him.


He's not too sure about you. Getting himself together for himself and his daughter may be just a part of the reason, but I believe that there are other reasons why he may be placing some emotional wedges between the two of you. Something isn't right. I don't think he's playing you, but there is something about you that is causing him to be hesitant.

How long were the two of you dating?
Have you been COMPLETELY honest with him?
Are there any exes in the picture?
Are you physically cold or non-affectionate with him?
Have you been consistent in your actions?
Are you apathetic or cold towards other people?

Anonymous Married Aries
by: Aphrodite Bull

I will not judge you.

But I will keep it honest with you.

He's smitten with you, but he's not in love with you.

Bulls are very private people, so withdrawing from you is quite natural. We guard our private lives with a fierce determination to keep nosy people from asking questions that we're not ready to answer.

He did not have an intimate affair with you. Kissing but no sex, which simply tells me that he's feeling neglected at home, and just simply strung you along for some attention.

As for advising you about the low cut blouses, and hanging out at the clubs with your male friends is a sign of an unevolved controlling Bull. He doesn't want to be with you. But he craves and desires your attention.

When his wife starts coming around, he will completely ween you out of the picture. Chances are, he may still be in love with her despite their marital problems. How do i know this? He had the opportunity to sleep with you, and didn't.

Anonymous Capricorn
by: Aphrodite Bull

I need more info....

Your story sounds vague.

You posted: "My Taurus was after me for year and I made him wait for our meeting 9 months after it got serious and I said I miss him and want to spend more time with him he just dissapeared."

Where did you meet him? How did you meet him?

You posted: "This time I'm really sad and don't want to chase a man .we met in my place many times , he was very loving towards me... I don't understand nothing."

Did the two of ever go out to a movie, dinner...a show?

@Aphrodite Bull
by: He's retreating and I don't get why

Hi AB, I see you have quite a bit to catch up on and even some new bloggers that have joined the "Bull Bandwagon" so to speak.

I was kinda hoping that you'd resurface soon so I can give you my latest update (if that's what we're gonna call it lol

Ok so it's officially now four complete weeks since I've heard from my Bull (last times were for us to take it slow due to my sudden outburst of I'll go where you go, then he was kind enough to respond to my Merry Xmas, nothing however on New Years.

I've been reaching out 2 times a week religiously to say hi, miss you, how are you, etc. You know something light. And yes, four weeks out and not even a hey I'm alive. He's a huge and a mean HUGE Giants fan and I even waited for my 2nd text of the week to congratulate him on win last week! Still nothing. This week I turned it into more of a concern type text like hope everything is ok and waited 4 days to call him. Of course he didn't pick up so I left him a cute airy message.

I get that they assess quite a bit but at what point do they make up their minds? And here's the question of the year for my evolved BULL. Is it safe to assume that once he decides, in my favor or not, will he let me know? I'm so afraid that he's decided and just hasn't let me know and could possibly have even moved on.

What do I do AB? I'm holding on to your words of wisdom but I'm also skeptical that I'm seeming quite the lunatic by reaching out as often as I do with no response. Like would it have been that much to ask for him to say thank you for my congrats on his team winning a major game?

Side note: He's also removed himself from the dating website and in order to not torment myself, I've decided to remove myself fro the social websites we both shared. It was driving me crazy to see him make so many new friends. I can't figure out if those are friendship or not so I took myself out till we can figure this out. So please help...please...

To: Pisces47
by: Aphrodite Bull

He's not playing games with you. He's going through a transitional period. He has Cancer. There may be some revelations. He may be examining his life, priorities, moving cautiously in matters of the heart. He's interested in you. But he's closed off due to his illness. You're doing nothing wrong.

As for saying that he can't be in a relationship because he's too comfy doing his own thing. Not true! he's guarded and emotionally closed off due to his illness. He likes you, but he is preventing you from getting closer to him.

Married aries
by: Anonymous

It's really weird because he said he only wouldn't have sex with me because he was afraid he want goods at it ....he said he n his wife only have sex in special occasions. He also told me he wouldn't have married her if he knew I was interested! But ok ill let him go!

Aphrodite Bull You Won't Believe This!
by: Anonymous Sag

First, Aphrodite Bull welcome back we missed you terribly. I know I said I was through with him my bull in the last post but he called since then and I couldn't resist but to answer. We talked for almost an hour keeping the conversation light. I admit to having a few emotional melt downs with being way too expressive in sharing my feelings via long texts but may have had it all wrong. He may not be this great guy I wanted to get to know better afterall. He broke the cardinal rule for me and asked me to borrow $200 last Thursday stating he would pay me back on Tuesday this week. Even worse he texted me asking for it and by his word choice it was pretty obvious he assumed I would say yes unless for some reason I didn't have it to loan. I could not believe that a man who admits he doesn't try to call or even see me would ask for money. My god, I must have shown myself as a very desperate woman who would do and take anything from a man. And this is so not who I am. I feel like such a fool. I told him I was not comfortable loaning him money and have never loaned a amna money in my life! Then I asked him why are you asking me who you don't even communicate with call, see, barely respond to texts? I told him I'm sure he can all those women whom he communicates with easy. BUT like the fool I've been I apologized for my harsh words and tried to make it all better even saying if he really had an ER and could not find a resolution to let me know. I just didn't want him feeling ba. Later he texted he was embarrassed,felt stupid and like a bomb particularly when due to pride he never asks for help from anyone. I hate to say it but maybe what has been revealed is the true character of a man who tried to play me for a fool because to be honest he never gave me a chance to get to know him on an intimate level. I am so disappointed mostly in myself for being so foolish when I have never ever chased a man in my life. And to come back over and over for more poor treatment.

Aphrodite Bull (Part 2)
by: Anonymous Sag

To answer your questions: we never really dated he just came to my house for dinner a few times (something else I never did for a man before dating for 5 or 6 months); I have been completely honest with him though on our initial meeting I did talk a lot about my ex- (I know poor taste but I did)whom I have no feelings for at all anymore...he even asked me if I was still in love with him that night.I think though by now he knows that is not the case. There are no exes in my life and I was physically cold to him at first but when we had our first real kiss the things got so heated he wanted to take me but I stopped him and told him nicely it was time for him to go---I've never been casual and as crazy as I have been for him would not be with him either. Yes I've been consistent in my actions...consistently chasing like a fool. Finally, I am a love people and am very loyal and show concern for those who I care about. At this point, I'm not sure its worth anymore of my time because he blew me with asking me for money. Your feedback welcome Aphrodite Bull.

Taurus man -confusing!

Hi Aphrodite Bull

Thank you for replying on my post.I met with my bull on my friend's party in Dec 2009.he was very very much after me but I was in love with someone else and I told him that I cannot meet with him . Anyway we still were in touch every two months etc during whole year. Then my relationship with other guy ended in July and my bull contacted me in August so i told him about it and he also told me he had girl for month and she cheated on him with her boyfriend !!! She had 2 guys in the same time! He was really sad me too and we were trying to cheer each other up. Anyway when I came back from hOliday in sept I texted him if you want we can meet in 15 min ( he offered me meeting at least 25 times last year! Always refused) and we met. It was nice , really nice. Since that we texted a lot and we went out together as well. We met quite few times in his and my house as well. Of course we did have sex and he was always very warm , loving. He told me he can't jump into new relationship until he is 100% ready and we have to take things slowly. I agree but what hurts me the most is then after we meet he doesn't text me at all for 2, 3 weeks and then I text him that I don't understand what he is doing . He always comes back after month or so but without any communication .we spent night before Christmas it was great and since that time I haven't heard from him. I wish him happy new year he texted back and that's it . Obviously I got frustrated and i emailed him that if he only wants me for sex he doesn't need to call me anymore but I belive that he is better than that and I still have trust in him.i said I want to meet him , spend more time with him etc.i agree that I may have sounded emotional but how would you feel if YouTube been meeting with guy since sept and after night together he doesn't contact you at all but still keep on coming back like nothing happend. I haven't heard from him for month now and I am sad , dissapointed and I don't want even to think he wanted me just for sex. To be honest I don't think so. He was after me for sooooooo long I believe he genuinely likes me but I'm lost now... Will not contact him any more I have done it do many times:((( please tell me what you think.
Thank you!
Ps. I know this girl broke his heart but I wrote him I'm not like any if your exes don't do it to me ...

Taurus man -confusing!

Hi Aphrodite Bull

Thank you for replying on my post.I met with my bull on my friend's party in Dec 2009.he was very very much after me but I was in love with someone else and I told him that I cannot meet with him . Anyway we still were in touch every two months etc during whole year. Then my relationship with other guy ended in July and my bull contacted me in August so i told him about it and he also told me he had girl for month and she cheated on him with her boyfriend !!! She had 2 guys in the same time! He was really sad me too and we were trying to cheer each other up. Anyway when I came back from hOliday in sept I texted him if you want we can meet in 15 min ( he offered me meeting at least 25 times last year! Always refused) and we met. It was nice , really nice. Since that we texted a lot and we went out together as well. We met quite few times in his and my house as well. Of course we did have sex and he was always very warm , loving. He told me he can't jump into new relationship until he is 100% ready and we have to take things slowly. I agree but what hurts me the most is then after we meet he doesn't text me at all for 2, 3 weeks and then I text him that I don't understand what he is doing . He always comes back after month or so but without any communication .we spent night before Christmas it was great and since that time I haven't heard from him. I wish him happy new year he texted back and that's it . Obviously I got frustrated and i emailed him that if he only wants me for sex he doesn't need to call me anymore but I belive that he is better than that and I still have trust in him.i said I want to meet him , spend more time with him etc.i agree that I may have sounded emotional but how would you feel if YouTube been meeting with guy since sept and after night together he doesn't contact you at all but still keep on coming back like nothing happend. I haven't heard from him for month now and I am sad , dissapointed and I don't want even to think he wanted me just for sex. To be honest I don't think so. He was after me for sooooooo long I believe he genuinely likes me but I'm lost now... Will not contact him any more I have done it do many times:((( please tell me what you think.
Thank you!
Ps. I know this girl broke his heart but I wrote him I'm not like any if your exes don't do it to me ...

by: Capricorn

I meant -how would you feel if you were meeting with guy had sex and then he never texted you after for long time.he was much more open to me when we were friends thats why i know he is really good guy. After we got closer it looks like he back off for some reason...:( but always was back like nothing is wrong.sorry for some mistakes it's automatic spelling lol. Please Aphrodite tell me what to do.

Thank you!

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Welcome back Aphrodite!! We've missed you. I have some what of an update but for the past week I'm not sure how I'm feeling about my Bull!

Well the start of the New Year so far has gone rather well. We spent New Years wknd together and it was awesome! We spent a weekend sick together and that was pretty amazing! So he graduated 2 weekends ago, he was very happy and i was very proud of him so we celebrated and we went on a 4 day getaway to Ft Lauderdale. We had a great time. We had great dinners and enjoyed some beautiful views. We attempted to go to the Zoo but never made it out of the room!! haha!! We talked about many different things but never once did the topic of US ever come up. We even scheduled a workshop in Feb that we will both be attending on how to be Financially Intelligent and how to make money.

So.. even though we had a nice time together and things seem to be progressing. I'm still not soo convinced that he's likes me like that. Let me explain, i began observing him during that weekend and i noticed that he was not very affectionate with me. It's always me initiating! Now and then he would give me a kiss without me asking for it. When we were walking, i waited to see if he would reach out for my hand but he didn't. Maybe this doesn't sound like much of a big deal to others but aren't these signs that he may not be feeling me? I decided that i would not bring up the relationship unless he does, knowing all to well it will take him forever to say anything!!

Well, i'm just confused and torn about what i'm feeling. I can see that we are getting closer and sharing more about ourselves. So it seems like the relationship is progressing and moving forward but I'm not feeling like he's feeling me. Should i say something to him? or just leave it alone and continue to see what happens? should i hold out on being affectionate with him?

your thoughts?


Not sure if he still wants me? Help
by: Aries Girl

I am totally head over heels for a taurus guy! we have been friends with benefits for over a year now and we have been best friends really for about 4 years. We have always had chemistry together and he had been really into me since we met but I kept it just friends until about a year ago... anyways, we work together and we would randomly kiss here and there and stuff like that at work when we could hide and we would randomly meet eachother on the weekends and whenever we could, being that we are both seeing other people. We text and talk on the phone every night and I honestly think I am in love with him... well over the past couple of weeks a guy at work has been making comments that he thinks that we are sleeping together (we had been hiding our relationship) and now ever since then he has been totally stand offish. He still texts me pretty much everyday but we are not affectionate or anything anymore and I dont know how to take it. Is he just not into me anymore? I asked him about it and he told me to stop trying to define everything and just go with it... What the heck does that mean. I mean this guy was after me for a long time and he had told me on many occassions that he wished he could be with me instead of who he is with and that he never stops thinking about me... he is super jealous and possessive over me and gets mad if I even like another guys status on FB (I know weird) but I totally fell for this guy and now I am getting the cold shoulder... What should I do? He is my best friend pretty much do I just forget the romance and move on being friends or continue to flirt and try to win him back?

Aphrodite bull did you forget about me?
by: Fell4Taurus

Iam still waiting for your advice before I make my move.

To: Anonymous Sag
by: Aphrodite Bull

What's holding your Bull back?

He doesn't think that you're over your ex. I KNEW there was something! The excuse with his daughter being in another state seemed a little way too evasive. I believe that your Bull is also having some financial problems, which is another reason why he's hesitant.

Bulls never like to regress, especially if there were many past negative memories. We crave peace and harmony which is why we're always looking forward. The fact that you went on and on about your ex triggered insecurities within your Bull. According to him, your ex still has some emotional power over you. Why else would you speak of this man excessively? Your Bull is just falling back. He doesn't have ties to the past. He will expect you to do the same. No photos, no love letters, no friends on FB.

You shouldn't feel like a fool. I think you were being just a bit melodramtic. Well...just a tad! :) He is probaly waaaaaay more ashamed than you are. Most likely he will apologize. A Bull will starve before before they ask for money. If he asked you, then it must have been a life or death situation, and he was simply out of options.

This is what's going through his head right now.
He's feeling you. You're still feeling your ex. He doesn't know what to do with you with you at the moment. Should he take it further? Or should he fall back? Now he feels like a mooching bum, so now he knows this 50/50 'limbo' has turned into a 0 chance possibility. So he may never get the courage to face you again...until he's financially situated. He may be comparing himself to your ex. Your ex may 'pop' back into the picture and want to reconcile. If he's more financially stable, then your Bull may be certain that your ex is already a step ahead of him.

To: Anonymous Sag Pt II
by: Aphrodite Bull

Try this:

Send him a note.

"We need to just be friends. But don't be a fair weather friend. I'm very loyal to my friends, and I expect the same in return. You're going through the motions right now. I will just fall back. If you need someone to talk to, I will be willing to listen."

He will re-direct how he comes at you.

If he's really interested, he will open up to you little by little.

The note shows:
1. You're in control of your emotions.
2. Your're communicating by using logic.
3. Shows loyalty.
4. Shows that you're not a doormat.
5. Lets him know that it's OK for him to be vulnerable with you.

We're not very trusting people.

To: Capricorn
by: Aphrodite Bull

I hate to be the bearer of bad news....

But your Bull is an unevolved Bull who is running a game on you!

An evolved Bull who is uncertain about taking a relationship to the next level isn't going to rush into something quickly, sleep with you, then pull a disappearing act.

It's quite the opposite actually.

He will beckon you to him. He will be subtle. Private. He will never give you a mouthful. He will let you in little by little. He will be incognito. Guarded. Prefering you to pursue him instead. An evolve Bull doesn't have to BS to get laid, women want to sleep with him, but yet he will be the one to hold out, and simply choose, instead.

You posted: "I met with my bull on my friend's party in Dec 2009.he was very very much after me."

You posted: "Anyway when I came back from hOliday in sept I texted him if you want we can meet in 15 min ( he offered me meeting at least 25 times last year! Always refused"

An uncertain Bull would have NEVER approached you this aggressively. He would have felt you out, assess the sitaution, did some background check, and then made a decision.

He fits the description of an unevolved Bull, a great bullsh%tter (convinced of his own BS if you ask me), hedonistic, sef-centered, loves the thrill of the chase, and unapolgetic.

There is a small percentage of evolved Bulls who pursue the opposite sex aggressively. They're usually 100% certain. When this happens, expect wedding bells:)

All Bulls are great nurturers (we make people feel safe)...unfortunately this trait applies to the Bullsh*tting Bulls as well. Sorry.

To: Fell4Taurus
by: Aphrodite Bull

I didn't respond the 1st time around because your original post was directed to TaurGuy.

You posted: "However i'm still seeing other guys only because he has not asked me to be his."

You posted: "He knows it, but he says he is waiting on me to decide to be with him."

This sounds like a contradiction.

You posted: "He admitted to being infatuated with me and it was hard getting me off his mind."

You posted: "The things he says to me is letting me know he has already made up his mind about us."

Bulls rarely approach the idea of a relationship unless we're 100% certain. He used the term 'infatuation." We rarely just move on infatuation.

The keywords for a long lasting relationship with a Bull is loyalty, stability, and honesty. He's Ok with you seeing other guys until you make up your mind? Something isn't right.

1. What has he told you EXACTLY that led you to believe that his mind was made up about you?

2. Has he introduced you to anyone in his inner circle, family, friends?

3. What part of himself has he shared with you that he shared with just a few other people?

Ask him this...
1. What do you love about me?
2. What are my personality flaws?
3. Can I get the ket to your apt?

Post the answers to the questions above, and I can tell you whether or not your Bull is playing you.

To:Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

It's OK. You have nothing to worry about.

Did you pay for the 4-day getway to Fort Lauderdale?

It was a great idea.

But if he didn't sponsor it, he will be excited and grateful that you did it...but he will also feel away.

May withdraw a little.

Remember, Bulls live in their heads.

If he's not affectionate at the moment. He's probably in deep thought.

But nothing to worry about.

He will express this to you soon.

He's opened up to you already :)

To: Leo Love
by: Aphrodite Bull

He's comfortable enough with you, can always ask him about it.

To: Retreating Scorp
by: Aphrodite Bull

4 weeks is a long time.

Fall back just for a little while. This is just temporary. But when he calls you, be sure to pick up your phone or return his call.

He has removed himself from the dating site.

Which means he is no longer looking.

If he calls you.

You're the reason why he's no longer looking.

If he doesn't.

Then he has already chosen someone else.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Thanks Aphrodite!

I did pay for our getaway! as he has no income at this time but it was a gift for his accomplishment and finishing school. He was very grateful and appreciated it very much and thanked me 100 times over for it! I was okay paying for it as i used my resources and contacts and was able to get everything discounted, hotel, meals etc.

I think your right about him being in deep thought!! that would definitely explain it. I will take your advice and not worry and when the time is right i will talk to him about what i am feeling.

thanks again AB!! your the best!

by: He's retreating

Thanks for your input AB. I kinda figured that what u said would be the case. Luckily, I've been keeping my options open and dating other people.

So if he calls, I know you said to respond immediately. Can you tell me what demeanor I should display with him at this point? Act like he's disappearance is quite the norm or maybe a little, just a little cold and possibly bring up his long hiatus this time? I'm truly questioning his intentions and I also don't want to come off like a complete doormat that he pucks up and drops off at his convenience. How do I get my point across without alienating him at the same time? And do I?

This is all of course based on complete speculation that he will resurface! Lol I'd love your feedback on this AB.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Anonymous Sag

Aphrodite Bull simply you are the BEST! I promise you I could not have gotten through this without your insight. I texted as you recommended only with a very minor addition after your suggested "We need to just be friends(at least for now)" I added. He immediately texted back with "I will not let u forget me woman and sure we can be friends but don't be shocked if something happens!;)." I guess I should be glad about his response but wonder if when he is ready if he will choose me? BTW you are right I can be very working on that:) Yesterday, I texted and asked him if he was seeing other women and how many stating after all you are a Bull. He responded "I am not dating right now. I may consider it in the near future though." I texted back telling him how evasive he can be. If you notice he didn't say with me per se. His response to that was "...You have always been considered and I told you what I was doing at this time so there is nothing else to it sweetie." I am smitten with this guy and agree with you that he only asked me for the money because there was no other recourse at the time though still I'm glad I didn't give it to him. Like you said, he even expressed that as part of the reason when I asked him why he asked me for it. The other reason he said was because he knew he would give it back in two days. As far as going forward what can I expect Aphrodite Bull or should I expect anyhtign at all? Do I stop all texting which for the last month is the way I have initiated communicating with him? I will tell you that it concerns me not texting because I think he will forget me despite what he says. Thanks you are indeed the best!

Aphrodite bull.. NEW STUFF!!! Advice please!!
by: TheJazzy1

Hey Ab! We missed you! Im happy you are back I sooo need you! Ok ima try to make this as short as possible, new years I was drunk I called him after the club to see him.. He rushed out the club to get home.. (i know cas his friends called in the morning asking him what happened y he leave so fast without telling anybody) we been talking since then we slept around 2/3 times while on good terms. He stopped calling me and givin me attention buy was still calling for sex. I stopped sleeping with him completely. He asked me to come over and I told him I was saving myself. He said for me I told him sure whenever he gets it together. He tried a few times to get me to have sex I wouldnt. The story is soo long so ill get to the point basically HES BROKE AS S#)%? He is barely makin it so all that bottle poppin is a front. I understand him now. However we have been communicating but he still doing things female wise that I dont approve of. He has been communicating with me more expressing his feelings so I do see progression. Here are the things he say to me

Aphrodite bull.. NEW STUFF!!! Advice please!!
by: TheJazzy1

Hey Ab! We missed you! Im happy you are back I sooo need you! Ok ima try to make this as short as possible, new years I was drunk I called him after the club to see him.. He rushed out the club to get home.. (i know cas his friends called in the morning asking him what happened y he leave so fast without telling anybody) we been talking since then we slept around 2/3 times while on good terms. He stopped calling me and givin me attention buy was still calling for sex. I stopped sleeping with him completely. He asked me to come over and I told him I was saving myself. He said for me I told him sure whenever he gets it together. He tried a few times to get me to have sex I wouldnt. The story is soo long so ill get to the point basically HES BROKE AS S#)%? He is barely makin it so all that bottle poppin is a front. I understand him now. However we have been communicating but he still doing things female wise that I dont approve of. He has been communicating with me more expressing his feelings so I do see progression. Here are the things he say to me

Aphrodite bull.. NEW STUFF!!! Advice please!!
by: TheJazzy1

Hey Ab! We missed you! Im happy you are back I sooo need you! Ok ima try to make this as short as possible, new years I was drunk I called him after the club to see him.. He rushed out the club to get home.. (i know cas his friends called in the morning asking him what happened y he leave so fast without telling anybody) we been talking since then we slept around 2/3 times while on good terms. He stopped calling me and givin me attention buy was still calling for sex. I stopped sleeping with him completely. He asked me to come over and I told him I was saving myself. He said for me I told him sure whenever he gets it together. He tried a few times to get me to have sex I wouldnt. The story is soo long so ill get to the point basically HES BROKE AS S#)%? He is barely makin it so all that bottle poppin is a front. I understand him now. However we have been communicating but he still doing things female wise that I dont approve of. He has been communicating with me more expressing his feelings so I do see progression. Here are the things he say to me

Ab..part 2..
by: TheJazzy1

He tels me if he had $ to buy me things he would without hesitation..he tells me that he appreciates everything I do for him he tells me that I need to be the best woman I can to him and everything will fall into place. We went to walmart tofetger and got a new bathroom set bedroom set and household items I helped him put everything up and whn I went back over there my shaving cream and bodywash that he suggested I leave over there was in the bathroom in the tub. He tells me that he is with me (like were r together) so here is the good things.. The fishy things are the females he saw me in lounge talking to a male friend he came up I excused myself from the guy.. We chattd briefly.. Later he was with a chick I said hi he spoke..he left tbe lounge with her. He tried to sneek out lol he too big to sneek outta anywere lol but anyways I called him he answered we talked we texted. The next day he told me that I should hace introduced him to my friend. I agreed and left it at that. He keeps referring to his house to home to me..when u come home..stuff like that and the day after he left tbe lounge with the girl he tiok me and my son out to eat. All these things are progression to me hes showing more attention hes more in tune and wanna know about my son we laugh joke talk and we get along more. My question to u is this I know hes in a financial bind I help me out alit and he tells me he appreciates me. He also buys my son things and been trying ti work things out. Do you think he is using me? Should I fall back on caring about the females? I been trying to establush respect like him leaving out the club with tht chik made me feel used. I love him and I been taking different approaches with him positive approaches how do I get him to respect me. I know taurus are turtles and we have alot of work to do but im willing to stick it out tbis is what and who I want im for sure. Any advice? Is he fareal is he running game help me out. We r geting along really well and we r so communicating nicely when we dnt see eye ti eye.:) I NEED UR EXPERTISE!

i need help @ab
by: confused pieces

Its been a while since I wrote. But I'm. back and I need advice on this matter that is at hand. So b4 I wrote about my Taurus man and his babymomma issue. So let me tell u wat happened this made me feel like he was playing me all along. Oh and were not together anymore. So like I said b4 he wasn't working had lost his job.from that time til now he's not working. He just been taking care of his chlid and I guess babymomma also..and I mean with her sexually. So it seems he's been seeing her while he was with me cuz when I went to NY for Christmas that one year I couldn't even stay at his hothouse bcuz he said the babymomma comes to pick up his son sometimes...and this I could not believe..I'm like if y'all don't have anything y try to hide me..he said he just don't want. No drama..I asked him if she knows u have a girlfriend he was like yeah..OK so I let that go..I mean I used to help this man out I would pay his phone bill send him money to eat I heven gave him stuff for Christmas for his bday...I just felt like I was used. Anyway early December last year one night he called me and I was on break at work we talked so good and everything..I was asking him wat he wanna do about the relationship bcuz we hardly see eachother cuz u know our relationshiup was long distance he was like he don't know cuz he would b hurt to know I'm with somebodyelse..I was like me too I don't wanna loose u. So convo ended I went back to work later that night I called back and guess who answers the phone(the babymomma) I was in shock.immediately steam start comming out my ears I was like can I speak to whoever and she was like who is this and I was like his girlfriend. She was like WHATTT like she was in shock she put him on and he himself was in shock didn't know wat to say he hung up the phone one me so I called back and she answers again I started asking her questions she was like she be there every night and stuff he was their when she wad having the baby.and stuff she told me he told her about me but he said I was a friend of his that use to help him out and stuff so I guess she went with it.let he tell u how I stared curseing like a bitch. I told that boy so much hurtful tings its not funny and he didn't say one word..I even cursed him out over his email.told him I don't ever want him to call me again I don't never wanna see after all years day he emails me talking about how he still loves me and how I'm still going to b his wife and if I really do lo e him I would wait for him... I emailed him back and told him
stop saying he love me he just loved wat I could do for him..he emailed me so many times telling me he's sorry for real and how he know that he would not find some like me again,and if I would marry him if he come where I'm at...

i need help @ab
by: confused pieces

OK so I have dated this Taurus man for like a yr. And some.but were broken up.I've know him for yrs now we still talk and such but he lives in Boston and I'm way over here in FL.but we still talk. But we broke up becuz of some rumor someone told that claims that they know. And it was tings where infidelity was involved. and he was pleased with that so b4 he was leaving to go back to Boston the one time he came to me at work hugest me goodbye and everything. And said we need to talk me puzzled don't know wat he's talking about wat? U know wat could it b..these tings running through my mind like crazy. Now he reaches to Boston I get on the phone with him that night he says if I'm ready to tell him wats been going on..I'm like huh? Wat u talking about..he's saying about the ppl u been seeing while he wasn't around..I almost pasted out because I have never once ever cheated on this man in my life. I could put my hand on the Bible with that.

i need help @ab
by: confused pieces

OK so I have dated this Taurus man for like a yr. And some.but were broken up.I've know him for yrs now we still talk and such but he lives in Boston and I'm way over here in FL.but we still talk. But we broke up becuz of some rumor someone told that claims that they know. And it was tings where infidelity was involved. and he was pleased with that so b4 he was leaving to go back to Boston the one time he came to me at work hugest me goodbye and everything. And said we need to talk me puzzled don't know wat he's talking about wat? U know wat could it b..these tings running through my mind like crazy. Now he reaches to Boston I get on the phone with him that night he says if I'm ready to tell him wats been going on..I'm like huh? Wat u talking about..he's saying about the ppl u been seeing while he wasn't around..I almost pasted out because I have never once ever cheated on this man in my life. I could put my hand on the Bible with that.

i need help @ab
by: confused pieces

I mean we was on the phone foever that night ..then finally I gave up trying to convince this man that wat this person was saying was not true..I just said u know wat I did it. Who told me to say that OMG worst mistake of my life I could hear the hurt in his voice when I told him that...but none of wat the the person said was true I only said that cuz I was so frustrated trying to tell him its not true its like everything I say he would not believe. And I swear to all God I've never ever cheated on this man in my life...I mean I cried like a baby trying to tell him its not true.. and now when we talk its like we just saying hi to eachother and stuff...he's going through a rough time over there in kicked out of school and stuff..almost got evicted one time. I sent him some money and he thanked me so much. And its like everytime I talk about us trying to get back in a relationship. He's always trying to brush the convo off or doesn't answer me

i need help @ab
by: confused pieces

I txed him one time and told him that I know he's the only person that I want to b with and the only person that's being real with me and how I would wait for him...he txed me back saying that he don't tink I should wait I should b talking to other ppl and how he's talking to other ppl. I asked him if he's with anyone he said no talking and being with Simone is two different tings...I just txed back and said OK I guess I'm gonna find wat I'm looking for soon. He never replied. So couple days passed and he txed me telling me he might b coming over to my end of the earth..asking how far it is from where he's gonna stay to get by me...I told him or whatever he was like OK.I told him to call me and let me know when u got here but I never received any calls from u tink this guy still have feelings for me and how can I win him over?

Thanks AB
by: fell4Taurus

Sorry for the misunderstanding, i did mean you but was unsure of your name at the time. I did ask him and he is very immature, he couldn't give me a straight answer nor look me in the face. I can say that I hate I wasted my time and iam too fine to wait around and play his little game. Ever since i questioned him he won't call but sends texts and messages on FB!! Waisting my time lol Anywho thanks for the advice and maybe next time ill get a mature taurus guy!!

my 8 year love tryst..
by: Kirst

Hi all,
Sorry this is a little long, it is a long story however (8 years worth)
I'm a Scorpio (29th October) so- when I was 19 I met this guy (10 years older) at a house party. I noticed him staring at me non-stop and I remember feeling quite uncomfortable because I couldn't read his intentions and thought he may disapprove of me somehow; shortly after he got my number from a mutual friend and asked me to dinner; i declined. He was persistent and called again and I gave in- we started dating and things were good except that I found him emotionally distant alot of the time- almost quite cold and methodical, but wanting me near all the same. Then i discovered that he had been cheating on me the whole time- inviting girlfriend number 2 on Fridays and me on Saturdays; we broke up as I was shattered (usually my intuition never fails me, yet I had been completely unaware of what was happening). I was humiliated (Scorpio jilted) anyway he kept wanting me back and after a few months we started with an off-on relationship again.
At the end of that year I left the country for university. We stayed in touch in varying degrees over that time, but i was often seeing other people so unwilling to take things too much further than friendship, although I did admit to him often that I still loved him and would like to give things another try when back in the country after studies. To cut a long story short, 8 years later, I have just returned to the country, which we were both quite excited about in the lead up to. Since I've been away we haven't spoken too often, but usually at least once a month (sometimes more) we have stayed in touch. Over the years he has often told me that he wants to marry me. He has often invited me on expensive trips, all of which I've declined because I wasn't able to pay my own way as a student-money is no object for him, and i guess it was more about letting him know i wasn't there for the money but for him. I would go and stay with him at a house of his however when he was on business in the same town as my varsity. One mistake I know I’ve made with him was that I would confirm that I loved him, yet be reluctant to leave whomever I was with because I didn't want a long distance relationship. I think he kind of understood that though;

My 8 year love tryst (2)
by: Kirst

however, now that I've been back I've made more mistakes that I've only realised now since reading this; bear in mind we have hardly seen each other in this time- in total only twice since being back- i guess I was missing my old boyfriend a bit and just needed some time to get over that. Firstly, I've been struggling to disentangle myself from the old boyfriend, who is heartbroken and in my varsity country still. On New Year’s i sent my Taurus guy an sms intended for the old boyfriend- saying i loved and missed him and wished i could be spending new years with him. At this stage there was nothing official happening between me and the Taurus guy, but i still felt bad in that I had promised that when i moved back i wanted to give things another try; also he told me on years eve whilst with my buddies at a party that he had gotten stitches in his face and was too embarrassed to go out- i guess he wanted me to be there with him and in retrospect i wish i had done that.

also as I have just graduated and still trying to get on my feet I have had to temporarily move in with my folks for the first time since i was 19- meaning that overnighters and such are not acceptable, and I’m not too comfortable having people at my parents’ house as it’s all a little too intimate for my liking- no privacy at all after living independently for all these years! So as a result I’ve not invited him over, but always let him take the initiative by inviting me to his place- means i have never cooked for him, it’s always him cooking for me. he always asks me to stay the night (after sex, not before) and i always have to decline because my parents will be less than impressed with finding I’m not at home in the morning (makes me feel incredibly silly at the age of 26- part time is all I can find right now); so he has started the disappearing acts a bit- answering the first text, not the rest, or sometimes not answering at all. I give him loads of room as I don't want to push him. I have been a little emotional recently as I've found it quite a big change moving back to my home town- struggling to find meaningful work which is quite tough as I am very much performance orientated workaholic and had an illustrious varsity career (desperate to move out but just can't afford it yet, feeling frantic about my work situation.) and missing my old varsity friends. I feel humiliated as I don’t have cash to take him out for dinner, and often say no to things just because i won't be able to insist on paying for myself. I know that this will change- i only graduated 2 months ago and these things take time. But I’m worried that I don't have time- that he may be resenting that I'm financially unstable right now, that I don't invite him to see my family, that I don't stay over.. Etc.

My 8 year love tryst (3)
by: kirst

I want to make things work with him- he has a hold on me that 8 years later I just can't shake, but also at the same time so afraid of chancing another humiliation and heartbreak at his expense. And my Scorpio side makes me want to retaliate to his distance with a few choice words and then silence from me for 6 months- trying not to though. Sex with him is amazing, we have the same work ethic, and when we are close it just melts my heart. For some reason he is much more affectionate when relaxing on holiday or drunk (!) rest of the time he can be quite methodical, to the extent it can feel like I’m being a nuisance. I've learnt when is a good time and not a good time to contact so i try to leave him alone during the week. I just want us to be close all the time and to know that he won’t be put off by my current lack of independence financially.
I feel fairly sure that he loves me and wants to be with me- however I’m not sure if me moving back and then not following through may have been the last straw. How can i let him know that I'm ready to be serious with him? I’m terrified it may already be too late- i had to decline yet another sleepover after an awesome night on Sunday - he didn't reply my sms last night, and tonight he replied the first one, not the second one asking if i could take him out for dinner on the weekend. Feel I’m walking on thin ice with regards his patience, after 8 years he may just give up on me. I’m not going to text him again so that i don't appear clingy, but what else can i do to let him know I want him forever and I’m ready to commit? 8 years we've loved each other and been waiting for the right time and place.. Please help! I think I will always love him regardless I just can’t help myself, don’t want to wonder what could have been the rest of my life. I’m also worried that maybe I’ll end up waiting around for him for years with disappointing results, as we have a great time together, and then I don’t hear from him for 2 weeks; thanks :)

To Miss Aphrodite Bull
by: PYT

Hello again Miss Bull..
It's really nice to know that you are around again.
A lot of things happened. But here's the gist: remember when I told you that we hang out last time, went to the mall to buy gifts,he was really sweet. Then after some time, he wanted to stop the FWB. The I said Okay.. But after a day or two, i found out he flirted with one of my friends a year ago. on the same day he told me he has feelings for me.. So i opened it up to him. He didn't deny it. But he also told me "Who are you to me to ask a question like that?". the fight continued and the last thing I know I confessed my feelings for him. he told me "I told you so already but you kept on telling me that no feelings should be attached." The fight continued for a day or two. Then we found a way to resolve it. So nothing happen much with that.. for a month. We just remain friends (without the benefits part) though we still argue on some days but it end up getting resolved. But I just cant seem to detach from what he told me and what he did. another thing, when I told himabout how i felt, he basically pushed me away...

as for the latest incident: We became FWB again. How? It just happened and we basically had an agreement that we would still do it etc. And so it happened. But again, here's what happened. After we do the deed, I asked him to leave. I asked him because he has to - since he has to do some important business. But he insisted in staying for a minute or 2 but he ended up staying for 2 hours in my place.I lay down in my bed and he laid down next to me. he cuddled up my feet with his own. I asked him to turn around and I gave him a back massage since the deed was tiring. Then he stood up and grabbed my guitar and started singing. I stood up to fix his hair. Then he continued singing. Suddenly, he hugged me. And kissed me on the cheek and on the lips. when he stopped singing, he cuddled with me again, he hugged me, tickled me, tells me jokes, made me laugh etc. Basically,he cuddled with me. But i asked him to leave cause that is just like what happened last year. he'll be sweet them all of a sudden be cold as hell.
A day after it happened, we saw each other, and it seemed like nothing had happened. So i go on with my day. Until that night, I told him I think I want to stop the FWB. He asked me why. I didnt reply. At least I didnt want to. But I took my word back. We almost got into a fight after that incident. He said I'm confusing etc. and that All of the sudden I wanted to stop.

I wanted to stop because its been like that for a year. yet nothing happened. then when I confessed my feelings he pushed me away. Then after sometime, he pulled me back again. be really sweet again - act like couples but we're not. Its getting lame. I cant settle for this but I fear that I might lose him. I cant settle with the FWB but I cant also see myself with someone else. So i dont know. Advice?

confused by my bull
by: leo lady

I desperately need some advice as I am very confused by my bull and think he has cut me off without directly saying so.
We have been dating for about 3 months. I have only seen him 5 times in those 3 months. He was gone for a month traveling and visiting his sister and since I didn't know bulls like to be chased, I don't feel like I have been doing enough chasing. I initiate more than him and he always responds to my text and emails. Yes, we have been communicating primarily through email and text.

I emailed him a clever witty valentine's day poem asking to spend the day together at his place and he responded by saying he already had plans to go to a party and that he may bail because he was having issues at work. I responded saying that I appreciated him being direct and honest and that I have always been honest with him as well and that when he figures things out at work to contact me. I guess that was the wrong response because he responded and said that if a relationship were to happen it would have happened by now and that he always had fun hanging out and he thinks I have too and that he didn't see it was moving forward. then he mentioned he was served an hour prior for a traffic accident (someone is suing him I think) and having problems at work. I responded by pouring out my heart to him telling him I felt we had a strong connection and that as we hung out more I started to develop real feelings for him and wanted to talk to him in person because I had things to say. I said I enjoyed hanging out with him and wanted to build on the relationship. He responded by saying he was really really really sorry. He kept apologizing saying he just didn't see its moving forward. He said he didn't mean to be insensitive and mean no harm and though I was fantastic. I still want to talk to him in person but I responded by saying there was no point for me to talk to him in person because he made up his mind and there is nothing I can do or say to change it or to give us a chance.

I feel like he just cut me off without any direct answer or explanation. Does this mean he has no feelings for me and sees no future with me or he is having problems at work and needs to focus on that? I am very confused. I even called him on the phone and he didn't respond. I wanted him to tell me directly what he meant by that comment but he didn't respond. Please, aphrodite bull or anyone, can you please help? I need advice! I don't want it to be the end without giving it a fight!

confused by my bull
by: leo lady

I desperately need some advice as I am very confused by my bull and think he has cut me off without directly saying so.
We have been dating for about 3 months. I have only seen him 5 times in those 3 months. He was gone for a month traveling and visiting his sister and since I didn't know bulls like to be chased, I don't feel like I have been doing enough chasing. I initiate more than him and he always responds to my text and emails. Yes, we have been communicating primarily through email and text.

I emailed him a clever witty valentine's day poem asking to spend the day together at his place and he responded by saying he already had plans to go to a party and that he may bail because he was having issues at work. I responded saying that I appreciated him being direct and honest and that I have always been honest with him as well and that when he figures things out at work to contact me. I guess that was the wrong response because he responded and said that if a relationship were to happen it would have happened by now and that he always had fun hanging out and he thinks I have too and that he didn't see it was moving forward. then he mentioned he was served an hour prior for a traffic accident (someone is suing him I think) and having problems at work. I responded by pouring out my heart to him telling him I felt we had a strong connection and that as we hung out more I started to develop real feelings for him and wanted to talk to him in person because I had things to say. I said I enjoyed hanging out with him and wanted to build on the relationship and I didn't want to lose him because I felt a strong connection. He responded by saying he was really really really sorry. He kept apologizing saying he just didn't see its moving forward. He said he didn't mean to be insensitive and mean no harm and though I was fantastic. I still want to talk to him in person but I responded by saying there was no point for me to talk to him in person because he made up his mind and there is nothing I can do or say to change it or to give us a chance.

I feel like he just cut me off without any direct answer or explanation. Does this mean he has no feelings for me and sees no future with me or he is having problems at work and needs to focus on that? I am very confused. I even called him on the phone and he didn't respond. I wanted him to tell me directly what he meant by that comment but he didn't respond. Please, aphrodite bull or anyone, can you please help? I need advice! I don't want it to be the end without giving it a fight!

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

@AB-- thanks for the advice
by: geminiwoman

He has come back and I have been nice and talkative and consistant, saying hello first. If I'm busy he will do or say things to get my attention but I've been good with the smiling and having fun.

He Invited himself over 2 weeks ago, he was at back door texting me.... just knowing I wouldn't say no. Seemed creepy that he was back there the whole time but I'm flattered.

Also, he's including me in his conversations with friends. I changed the way I treated him and he's been very nice and sweet. Smiling at me and looking into my eyes. Poking me to get my attention. No fights no sarcasm, just good conversation a lot of good eye contact.

But he's retreated but I will sit back til I see him again. I am hoping he's interested. Any advice what to do now would be greately appreciated.

Gemini woman :)

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Aphrodite please some advise!!

So it's been 25 days since I've seen my Bull and he called once and that was 2 weeks ago. It's V-day and i was really hoping to hear from him even if it was just to say "happy V-day". I decided that i was going to hang back for this holiday, i wasnt going to be the first to make contact with him nor im i going to buy a card or get creative with a gift. The day is not over yet but if he hasn't reached out to me yet I am sure he will not do so.

So this is where i have a problem. I know i will see him this weekend as we are scheduled for a 3 day workshop but I'm really not sure how I'm feeling about all this. I have to value myself enough to realize that i deserve to be loved and appreciated. I will stay cool and sweet as always, i will not lash out on him because he didnt do anything for me on Valentines Day but isn't he sending a signal that this is not
where the relationship is for him?

How should i handle this? should i just tell him straight up? i just dont think its fair at this point.

Your advice is very much appreciated!

thank you.

Aphrodite Bull Update
by: Anonymous Sag

Aphrodite Bull as expected my Bull crush and I had plans to meet for a drink a week ago but he could not meet until 9pm due to leaving work late and I cancelled because I have to wake so early in the morning for work. I was very disappointed but did not show it. He wanted to come over but I said let's try another day. Well, he agreed we could meet the very next morning after work but texted (not called) and to tell me 5 min before I was leaving to meet him he could not. I was so hurt I literally cried, told him I was disappointed and don't know why I even bother. I true taurus form he texted back stating he understood my frustration and would make it up to me if I allowed him too. Well, I have corresponded maybe twice since last Tuesday and really have lost a lot of enthusiasm for gets old after a long while. Oh! I almost forgot that he told me I'm just not use to a man not pursuing me as aggressive and I agreed but he doesn't pursue at all. At this point I'm encouraging myself to move on mentally so I can find the right person out there for me. Thanks so much for being there during this process and Happy Valentine to you.

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

So, i never heard from him on V-day but yesterday he reached out wondering what i was doing?? Lucky for me, i had made plans to go to dinner and a movie with friends from work so i was not available to him. I finally returned his call when i left the movies and he asked me to stop by his house on the way home. When i got there he came out and sat in the car. He gave me a kiss on the cheek!!! whats up with that? and then he said Happy Belated V-day!! i chuckled and said thanks! We talked briefly, i was very nice to him but i was also not my usual self. We talked about the workshop this weekend he told me he had some cd's for me to listen to and then he said he wasn't sure if he was going to go because he needed to be at the garage. I told him i took off from work on Friday to attend this workshop (which was all his idea) I told him to just let me know. He said he would let me know today.

He said he missed me and i laughed.. since it's been almost a month since we've seen eachother. I didn't reply but just left it like that.

I don't know what's up with this guy! if he bails out on me for this workshop that was all his idea in the first place how should i take that?

advise please Aphrodite!!


Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo love

He never called! So i didnt go to the workshop! I'm really upset and disappointed.I paid for us to go to this training and I'm very surprised he would pull this shit! Maybe I shouldn't be surprised he mentioned that he needed to be at garage but he also said he would let me know.

I'm not sure how to handle this situation, part of me wants to curse him out then the other part just wants to create distance and not bother showing any emotions.

I don't know what to think at this point!

Your thoughts?

Aphrodite Bull Please Help :(
by: pisces girl

I have been dating a taurus guy for about 5 months now. Things were going well in the beginning. By the 5th date he said how much he likes me etc, and I told him I felt the same way. I noticed he doesn't call at all but he always responds to me, stares at me. We've shared physical closeness but no sex yet as I;ve said I want to wait..hes even told me he is willing to wait for me..

now i havent seen him the past month, I reached out saying this is not right that he hardly contacts me anymore. He responds right away telling me he's having personal family problems, is sorry i feel this way, and is not available right now to give me the attention i deserve, and that he will leave the decision as to what I want to do. I told him I wont just go away bc u r going thru a rough patch. I want to be there, I just wanted to know where this is headed..he says he doesnt know right now and doesnt want me to feel like im waiting for him. I said I hope things get better w the problems and i miss him a lot and we'll see what happens (didnt want to be pushy)
Is this his way of letting me down gently?? I'm confused as to what to do..should I keep contacting every once and awhile letting him know I care? or just wait and see
Thanks so much

Aphrodite Bull
by: Leo Love

Hi Aphrodite Bull! hope all is well with you! I have an update and I'm very happy to say that things are going well for us.. At least i think so..

After not seeing him for almost a month I've seen him everyday for the past 10 days and he's stayed at my house 9 out of the 10 days and of course i'm so happy i'm on cloud 9!! :) He mentioned having another fallout with his dad and realizing that he needs to grow up and do things differently. During the weekday when i was getting ready to go to work, i would get out of bed quitely not to wake him to only be surprised with coffee already made and he did this everyday that he stayed with me. A few times he brought the coffee up to me and other times he was downstairs waiting for me. :) He moved some stuff around my house and fixed some picture frames and alot of other little stuff and all without me even asking. He took one look at my garage and said we needed to do a garage sale and that he would help me. We came up with a plan for the garage sale!!

We've been talking about investing opportunities and we even drove around looking at houses for sale/foreclosure. He says he wants to build an earthship and needs to start creating the design.

Yesterday, he sat with my oldest son for hours just chatting away. He mentioned that he had to go home but that he didnt want to and he never left and decided to stay the night with me with the exception that he had to leave very early this morning because he had an appt at 7am. This morning he woke me with a great big kiss! i was surprised as he's not that affectionate but i was very happy :)

I think he's feeling more comfortable being with me and in my surroundings. Although, he still not as affectionate as i would like, i think that doing all those little things for me is his way of showing me that he cares and the fact that he's stayed with me almost every night I'm thinking is a good sign.

what do you think Aphrodite Bull? are these good signs and is this really progressing? do you think that he could possibly be falling in love with me? I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!!

thank you:)

To Aphrodite Bull

Hi Aphrodite Bull,

Thank you for your post . I haven't been here for a while so I just want to make quick were right my bull was playing games with me.he texted me week ago everything was ok then on Friday he wanted to come over in the morning when I asked why not in the evening he said he has another girl !!!! And despite that he still wanted to see me!!!! I just told him he is womaniser and bullshitter!!! unfortunately Aphrodite you were 100% right. Girls be careful with these guys! my heart is broken but I hope I will be ok soon.obviously he was surprised I said its our last talk, what an idiot!:(((

Take care everyone


Dating a Taurus man - HELP!!!! Part 1
by: Sparkling Emerald

(I will write this in two parts as the whole thing won’t fit)

I am dating a Taurean Man (born on May 20) with a Moon in Libra. Not sure of rising as I don't know his time of birth. We have been dating for 3 months but have been moving very slowly. I have done extensive reading on the net about Taurus males and this seems par for the course. He is 44 and I am 33 which doesn't bother me as I prefer an older man. He is a great person, lovely and kind, generous etc, taking me to nice dinners, lunch, driving me around, opens my door etc so all nice romantic things. We take turns making each other dinner, watching movies, going places and just generally enjoying each others company. I remember the moment he took my hand, my heart soared because I knew from the moment I met him, he wasn't like other guys and the fact that he placed so much emphasis on taking my hand one night, meant that he (at least to me) was serious and I was happy to take it slow. The odd thing though is that we haven't really kissed each other. Sure, we've kissed on the lips, had hugs, snuggled on the couch and held hands, but nothing beyond that. It doesn't bother me so much how fast or slow it moves and I am not worried about the sex side at the moment, but I am a bit confused by his actions. Doesn't a guy that likes a girl want to kiss her properly? I will also add he has a 12 year old daughter so I understand the need to want to be careful about who you bring into your life too. I haven't met her as yet and I am also fine with that.

Up until about 2 weeks ago we were seeing each other at least 3 times a week depending on the week. All of a sudden, he seems to have dropped off a bit. He doesn't call or takes time to return calls, doesn't always return texts and sometimes returns calls with a text, which really irritates me. So for about 2 weeks I haven't seen him. I know he has been really busy with a scuba diving course he has just taken on and has been totally exhausted from it but can't he find a few minutes even a couple of times a week to even chat to me? I understand if he is busy if we don't see each other but the sudden lack of contact hurts me.

Dating a Taurus man - HELP!!!! Part 2
by: Sparkling Emerald

I finally caved and called him on Monday to see how he was (which he returned with a text) and said he was busy with scuba this week and could we catch up on Sunday. I said OK, that was a result and I am praying now he keeps the date. The weird thing is, he always checks my Facebook, posts funny comments or 'Likes' my statuses and also RSVPed straight away about a week ago when I organised a bowling night with friends. Keep in mind - he hasn't met the friends yet, so the quick response made me feel great. So why the split personality???

One thing I should mention also is that on Valentine's Day, we didn't see each other and nothing happened. All I got was a text that said 'Happy Valentine's Day xxxx'. That was nice but I was disappointed that's all. Granted, I didn't know his feelings on the day so I couldn't really get too upset. Because I am me, I bought him a little gift but nothing too personal or mushy so I got him a keyring with his initials on it. He loved it and put it straight on his keyring, telling me it would 'be with him always'. He was quite stoked I remembered his middle name and gave me kisses but nothing passionate, just lots of little ones. I wrote a nice card too - nothing too mushy - just saying that I thought he was an awesome person and I was really enjoying getting to know him and I look forward to many more adventures. Simple yet it said something. Would this have scared him off? I called him today to try and organise tomorrow but I've had no returned call...

SO (and again I apologise for the long-windedness), what do you think gives? What should I do? Has he gone cold? Should I bring it up? I've read conflicting info on the net so I'm not sure. Some sites say pursue him, others say let him pursue you. I know Taurus males don't like to be pushed and they're slow but how slow is too slow? Do I risk saying something or wait for him and at what point do I stop looking at him as a 'Taurus' and start thinking about the right way I deserve to be treated?

Any advice would be HUGELY appreciated!!! Thanks so much if you've read this far!!!


UPDATE Part 1 - Dating a Taurus man - HELP!!!!
by: Sparkling Emerald

Hi all,

A bit of an update since my last post:

So, he called me today - hurrah! We chatted for about half an hour and organised to meet up. I had a shower, put on a nice flowy, silky skirt and a singlet. Tiny bit of eyeliner, lip gloss, some nice perfume and minimal jewellery - doing my best to appeal to the senses yet making it look like minimal effort wink

I travelled over to his area which is only 15-20 minutes from me. We had a nice hug and kiss hello but nothing over the top. Headed down to the beach and had a lovely brunch. One thing I love is that when we talk we really talk and he listens (I am the same). He is very much an active listener (yes, total Taurean thing!) and always asks me questions about me and my life when we chat on the phone and in person however if we communicate via text or email, alot of the time he doesn't. He shouted me breakfast and then a coffee, which we took away and went and sat down at the beach and just chatted for ages, sitting close together but not being affectionate. We always walk hand in hand and he is totally comfortable with that, but that's about the extent of it. Having said that, I noticed a couple of times when I had to walk in front of him, his hand lightly touched my back.

Headed back to his place after and watched a good ol' comedy DVD. We both love comedy and I know this is especially good for a Taurus too! He went and sat on a separate lounge to me, which put me off a little at first, but he wanted to lie down as he was quite tired. The fact that he was quite tired and didn't ask me to leave so he could rest was a good sign I thought. He fell asleep a couple of times, which didn't bother me. After the DVD was over, the rain wasn't far off so we raced out to bring in his washing, which I helped with. I wasn't sure if he felt awkward about me handling his 'unmentionables' :P I just didn't say anything and neither did he so I don't think he really cared.

UPDATE Part 2 - Dating a Taurus man - HELP!!!!
by: Sparkling Emerald

Shortly after, it was time to go as he had more study to do for his scuba course and needed to sleep. I was fine as we'd spent a good 6 hours together by this point. This is where I changed my behaviour a little. We were standing in his kitchen and had big hugs just holding each other. I told him it was really nice to see him and he said the same thing back to me. When he pulled back I kissed him properly and we did that for a little bit. Again, didn't last long but it was progress. We pulled back and he let go but I didn't. I just stood there with my arms still around his waist looking and smiling at him, talking and saying goodbye etc. Again, he didn't seem to mind. I asked him over for dinner on Wednesday night which he said 'he'd love to' so that was great too.

As I left, it was pouring by this stage and I said I'd just run out to the car quickly, but he wouldn't have it. He walked me out with an umbrella which was very sweet. Gave him another couple of kisses goodbye and just as I got into the car, I realised I had left the milk I'd bought in his fridge. He went back to get it for me which was sweet too. When he came back and gave me the milk, he leaned into the car and went to give me another kiss goodbye and this time I held his face a little and said 'Bye, sweetie.' We waved goodbye and that was it.

I was on Cloud 9 all the way home. It was an awesome afternoon and as always whenever I spend time with him, I just love him more and more. We certainly haven't said 'I love you' yet but I feel it with him already. There is so much spark there and from what I here, that is also par for the course with a Taurus.

It all reads quite positive to me. I never brought up the lack of contact or the V Day gift as I didn't think it needed to be said. His actions said he was happy to see me and the fact that he was happy to spend time with me on a day he was quite tired says a lot too - that he was happy to fit me into his schedule. He also said that he wanted me to learn to dive so I could go with him so it's all sounding great and I feel a lot better than I did when I originally posted.

Having said that, if anyone has any other comments, please feel free as I value and appreciate all opinions.

Thanks heaps!!!


Getting Over What Use To Be
by: Tia

Hey Ms. AB,

I am back once again and hopefully almost to last time. (lol)

I finally just snapped and told my Taurus guy how I was feeling about the situation. Especially with me being jealous and everything. Then I just told him I couldn't keep doing this. And I just stopped all communication with him. Well I did that for almost a about a week and I did text him only because he kept saying how he wanted to meet up and see me so I abiliged and we were supposed to meet up that following Thursday (which didn't happpen. While texting back for that day I asked him to just tell me what it was he had to say, well of course he wouldn't say but he did say " I know you don't want to hear this but I love you" and then went on to say " I can't stop thinking about you" and how he was sorry for ignoring my texts in the past. BUT he did it again! He said that the day we were to meet was fine and if he couldn't make it then he would let me know for sure. Well of course me being paranoid, I had to text him. I texted him once each day leading upto the day we was suppose to me. I asked him if he was going to show and then you just checking about every three hours because I was excited! I even dressed up, did my hair and everything because I was finally going to see him again or so I thought.. Well long story short he never responded and of course I cried and felt bad.. I still feel quite stupid now that I think about it and the last text I sent to him ":guess it will have to wait until another time, you have my number if you need anything" and of course I had to say that I loved him. I came to myself and actually am done with us. I realize that there isn't going to be especially since he has quite the family now with the girl he is with. Its just that it hard and I mean hard that Ive cried everyday since then and can't eat or sleep without my heart aching over this heathen! My mood is all out of wack but still I hope I will be okay..

Did I finally do the right thing, because I don't want to wait for him anymore especially when I am not his choice anymore and I got the short end fo the stick out of our relationship. I love him to pieces and I would go running right back to him if he'd allow it. But waiting for something to happen is no longer my forte'

ANOTHER UPDATE - Dating a Taurus man - HELP!!!!
by: Sparkling Emerald

Hi all,

Apologies for the bombardment of posts but am trying to understand this :P

So I have another bit of a quandry. Am not as distressed about it but am getting somewhat annoyed. This morning, my man's place got broken into and he confronted the person. Nothing was stolen and he wasn't hurt so all was OK on that front. He sent me a very long email this morning about it, which I thought was nice that he was sharing it all with me. As I was at work today, I called him in my lunch break. He didn't answer which was OK. I left a message letting him know that I was thinking of him and to call me whenever he could so he could tell me about it. No return call OR text. I tried calling after I left work but this time didn't leave a message. It is now 9:40pm at night. I called about 20 mins ago and left another message.

Why doesn't he return any of my calls? What gives here? This is what confuses the hell out of me! Again, I am not tooo distressed but more hurt/offended that he took the time to write me this long winded email yet can't return THREE phone calls made to him today as I was concerned about his welfare.

Any feedback would be great!

C xx

A Libra woman in love with a Taurus man
by: Anonymous

I have been known my Taurus man for 15 year. But we just get back into each other lifes after all these year. He tell me he want to marry me and we have not even have sex yet. He has a girlfiend but does want to be with her anymore. He is my best friend and I am his. His family loves me. He tell me he love me. He tell me what his girfriend had done to him and how he is done. We have recently had sex together and it was wonderful. But I am scare because I don't know if he is tell the truth to me. I live in the state we grown up and where his family lives and he lives in another state with his girlfriend. I need help to know should I take and be patient or should I leave and never look back? He has hug me from behind many times and I make him laugh and he make laugh. He say that we can't talk to each other right now for alittle while because his girlfriend call his mother and ask about me and got no answer in return because the mother want me and him together. He told me nothing has change with us he just got to take care of this problem. The girlfriend told the mother she is with child but he has not touch her in months and he told her he was leave. He say he can't talk to me because he don't want to take their money of the bank account they have together. He say after he get that straingt he does care how much I call or text him. Please help me to find out is this a game or this taurus man real want me and love me.

by: confused picses

so heres my story. i have known my taurus man for a long time i would say about 7 yrs and still goin.were not together right now due to circumstances that we live in different states and the fact that we dated back a couple yrs ago. that didnt work out because it was kindah longdistance. he was going to school so he was back and forth between home and school,anyways while we were dating what caused us to break up was that,there was this one time that he was going back away to school and he came to see me at my job and he gave me a hug and said we need to talk. right then and there i was worried cuz i wanted to know wat could he be talking about wat wats wrong?. i asked him and he said later when he calls me we gon talk about it.ok so i left it alone waiting til i get off work to find out wat he was talking about. this was on my mind the whole day. i could remember this like it was yesterday(worst day of my life).i loved this man so much yall dont even know.although i didnt see him as much its like my feeling grew stronger everytime i saw him,and i could see it was happening with him through his eyes but things just changed after that night. anyways back to my story,so that night i called him and its like he couldnt wait to ask me the question. he asked who this other guy is?.....right there i feel out.i couldnt believe he asked me something like that.when i know have i have been nothing but faithful to this man from time we started talking to eachother never told him any lies.

by: confused pisces

when i asked him where is this coming from. hes gonna say he doesnt know i tell him where its coming from who is this other guy i going out with late at night and b picking me up and dropping me off.i was like watttttttttttt the hell is u talking about i dont know wat u talking about.he was like dont ack stupid i know wat hes talking about.right then and there i knew no matter what i told him he wouldnt take it for an answer.i told u i cryied my eyes out that night to know someone i love so much could b gone so fast.i mean this convo got so heated its like the only thing that would make him happy is if i said that i was wid the guy and i did all the stuff that hes inquiring about. i always tell myself its kindah my fault for our break up cause i kindah gave him the opportunity to feel and tink he was right and i was lieing and that was totaly not the case. i told him yes i did it thinking that if i said so it would kindah ease things a little and then we could start over or something. well i was dead wrong it only made tings worst. im telling u we didnt get off the phone til the next day i didnt even go to work...i was crying so much. trying to get this man to believe me that i did not cheat on him with anybody and still wasnt.he didnt want to hear it. im telling u i didnt eat nor go anywhere after that night for a week.that night i had lost the person that was dearest to my heart.

by: confused picses

after all of that i still called,texted.he would answer and say he have to go or wat im calling him for. sometimes he wouldnt even answer at all...ok so now that have passed months later im finding out from his brother that some one came up to him telling him that i and person had something going on and he asked the person are u sure its my gurl ur talking about the person said yes it her she lives this and that place so right there he took the persons word for it. but im saying where we lived at the place is small so of course ppl may see u know where u live and stuff and never talked to u in their life but bcuz they have seen u they know u.and this is wat i was trying to tell him. so now i found that out i was so f****** pissed because i dont know this person from adams. and he talking bout he know me i asked to plz show me the person who told him that or tell me his name so i could confront him about it he wa like no he cant do that cause its gonna make him look bad. i wanted to ask this person where the hell he knew me from and had the audacity to come to my man and tell him such lies..even his brother didnt believe it his brother asked him if he sure its me the person was talking bout cuz he know im not that type of person. i will put this on everything i love i never never cheated on this man from day one thats y it hurt me so much to know that he came

by: confused picses

to me with all thats said and done years pass we still talk and stuff u know i would always throw lil hints that i wanna b back with him.sometimes i would frank out just say it. he would try to brush me off and say hes talking to someone right now when i know thats a lie. cuz i know the person he takes him a while to even b with that person just becuz he scopes them out first.right now we still talk as friends and stuff i guess now he kindah let tinhs go ah bit (yeah right. hes opening up to me. like before he wouldnt tell me whats going on with him ,but now he does. is this a good sign? even even txted me this one time and told me he was coming to where im at but he didnt idk id things didnt work.i mean every now and then we talk i even send him like pics of me just so he doesnt forget me. i mean i still have his number after all that. i do txt him sometimes and he doesnt txt back days wouls pass and i wouldnt hear from him...AB what do i have to do to win my taurus heart back? i want him so badly im still inlove with him plz help......

A Libra woman in love with Taurus man
by: Anonymous

I have been known my Taurus man for 15 years. We just getting back into each other life after all these year. This man say he loves me and he want to marry me. But he has a girlfriend that he say he leaving her. They have no kids together. This man said he want to marry me and we didn't even sleep together at this time when he said that. I live in the state where his family lives in and he lives in another state with his girlfriend. We get alone so well together and he makes me laugh and I make him laugh. We recently had sex and it was wonderful. His family loves me and he has hug me behind many time. Recently his mother got a call from his girlfriend and say when he come home is he seening me or visiting me. His mother does say anything to her and she told her mother she with child. But he say he has not sleep with her in months so she can't be with his child. Now he say we can't talk on the phone but he say that nothing has change between us but he must take care of this problem. What should I do?

by: Anonymous

just recently i was seeing a Taurus man and I am a female Scorpio. I met him at a bar and we instantly clicked. The chemistry was intense. We never slept together, but i went over to his place to a party met his friends, spean the night 3 times and every time was fun and we talked for hours about personal things and then \..even tho he had his disseapearing acts where sometimes he would txt me every other day to say hi and then we woudl talk about meeting up to hang out he wouldn't get back to me. so then afterwards one week he's having financioal issiues and he messages me to see how i am and then says he's sick and then i go out with friends and there he is out with his friends and i call him out on his shit. Because he lied..and so he gets all mad at me and says he no longer wants to be intimate with me and can only offer friendship..Such BS. cause then 2 weeks go by and i hear nothing from him even tho he lieks all my facebook status updates..Which really pisses me off. I contact him off course once during the week to say hi and my feelings are still there for him but he says he doens't know what he wants and can't commit to me. but he really really liked me and now he he says he just wants friends cause i got ocmplicated and he thinks i am over anaylzing everything he does and says..>Do u think he's done with me cause i konw we had a conection..or u think he'll come around.. I know Taurus are FIXED signs and once theyve made up their midns they wont' come around but i really still think he likes me..he's just not contacting me cause of his financial issues..he alays seems to have an issue with money really dumb..but ya..i can't figure it out...I think he's over me but mayb enot..

Trying to understand what happened with my Taurus man
by: patient taurus woman

Hi Aphrodite Bull, I hope this posts as I'm not sure it is an active forum. I am heartbroken about seemingly having lost my Taurus man to another woman. I am 55, my Taurus is 49. He told on our first date he didn't believe I am my age, saying I look really great and younger than his last girlfriend who was 39. He always told me the age difference did not matter to him, but now i wonder. We had a long distance relationship, 3 hours apart..he said the distance didn't i think he was far lonelier than he would admit. one night last Nov. I hadn't heard from him for over a month and long story short I discovered on facebook that he seemed to be newly involved with someone in his area, and I felt stunned and very very upset...made the mistake probably of calling him as soon as i saw the posts (his facebook is usually private, as is mine, and i never wanted to be facebook "fiends" it was a FLUKE that i saw these posts between himself and another woman). my call was emotional but not crying or anger, just expressing my surprise and disappointment, nicely. But I also blurted to him that I had been diagnosed with herpes since our last visit together and that it seemed that i got it from him, but told him i waas just telling him in case he wanted to be tested...not blaming. said i hadn't told him because i wanted it to be in person. i have since sent him an email telling him i am sorry for blurting that out, it was because i was upset that he got involved with someone before we had a chance to talk, etc. but i wasn't blaming him, and it doesn't change my feelings for him at all. so.......he has yet to respond to anything i've said. I am very sad, I really cared about him, although I am not sure i expressed that enough to him. The woman he seems to have gotten invovled with is a scorpio, which i know is a magnetic combo, but so are 2 Tauruses!!! I don't know what to do....i didn't contact him for 2.5 months, and then reached out with a hand written letter about 3 weeks ago. I wasn't asking for anything, just expressing some things i regretted, and things i like about was short, and nice. AB, WHAT happened with me and my Taurus?? I feel cheated and that things are so unfinished between us!I really care about him and thought he knew it..

Trying to understand what happened with my Taurus man
by: patient taurus woman

Hi Aphrodite Bull, I hope this posts as I'm not sure it is an active forum. I am heartbroken about seemingly having lost my Taurus man to another woman. I am 55, my Taurus is 49. He told on our first date he didn't believe I am my age, saying I look really great and younger than his last girlfriend who was 39. He always told me the age difference did not matter to him, but now i wonder. We had a long distance relationship, 3 hours apart..he said the distance didn't i think he was far lonelier than he would admit. one night last Nov. I hadn't heard from him for over a month and long story short I discovered on facebook that he seemed to be newly involved with someone in his area, and I felt stunned and very very upset...made the mistake probably of calling him as soon as i saw the posts (his facebook is usually private, as is mine, and i never wanted to be facebook "fiends" it was a FLUKE that i saw these posts between himself and another woman). my call was emotional but not crying or anger, just expressing my surprise and disappointment, nicely. But I also blurted to him that I had been diagnosed with herpes since our last visit together and that it seemed that i got it from him, but told him i waas just telling him in case he wanted to be tested...not blaming. said i hadn't told him because i wanted it to be in person. i have since sent him an email telling him i am sorry for blurting that out, it was because i was upset that he got involved with someone before we had a chance to talk, etc. but i wasn't blaming him, and it doesn't change my feelings for him at all. so.......he has yet to respond to anything i've said. I am very sad, I really cared about him, although I am not sure i expressed that enough to him. The woman he seems to have gotten invovled with is a scorpio, which i know is a magnetic combo, but so are 2 Tauruses!!! I don't know what to do....i didn't contact him for 2.5 months, and then reached out with a hand written letter about 3 weeks ago. I wasn't asking for anything, just expressing some things i regretted, and things i like about was short, and nice. AB, WHAT happened with me and my Taurus?? I feel cheated and that things are so unfinished between us!I really care about him and thought he knew it..

Virgo wants Taurus man
by: virgo gal

I dated this Taurus man for 5 months. While we dated, I only met a 1 or 2 immediate family or friends towards the end. He didn't take me to his place, we went out or went to my place. He did show me his workplace. He took me to nice restaurants and I baked for him. To make a long story short, he suggested that our relationship needed to change. We had no physical contact at all (I'm traditional). I am very attracted to him and lost all my senses to him. I told him that I was attracted to him and liked him. I mentioned something about getting rid of the elephant and he said no, we just took a bite out of it. ?? Our last date ended pretty much with him saying he does want more, but he's not ready. I don't know what you want to do. I then asked him Do you want me to keep calling you? He said after a thoughtful moment that we should take a break. Instead of saying that wasn't what I wanted, I said, Thank you for speaking that out loud. I must of surprised him with that comment b/c he looked at me. And what happened next, I don't understand. We caught eye contact and we were mesmerized (a Taurus thing?) It felt we were looking deeply into each other souls (??) I spoke so slowly...It.....was.....nice.....and in between reading something in his eyes. I could be wrong, but I feel like they said to wait. I know I was poring all the love inside of me through my eyes. Whether he noticed or not, I don't know. I had to force myself to walk away. When I looked back, when he couldn't see me, he was looking straight ahead leaning on his steering wheel. 2 months later, I called him (it was a holiday). I made the excuse that I was thinking about him b/c of it. I got the AM, left a message. He left a message back to me the next day with, Hi I'm returning your phone call, thanks for the call, give me a call when you get a chance. I called back the next day and left AM...then he called back and finally we got a hold of each other. We talked for 12 min. with me ending it saying I hope you have a good holiday and be safe. He replied back with I appreciate you calling and have a good holiday. That's it. I haven't talked to him for 4 months, telling myself that he should make the first attempt. I did take a walk and saw him drive by. He must of saw me b/c he then turned into a fast food place and did a drive thru order. Where he was he could perfectly see me. Whether he knew I saw him or not, I don't know. That was 1-1/2 months ago. I have been sure not to date anyone else, no guy friends. In less than a month it will be the day we met a year ago. I so want him to call me. I don't know if there is any chance for us or not. I know if it was up to me I would give us a chance. What should I do? I have been waiting patiently, but for how long and was I wrong to read anything into this? ANY and ALL advice would be great! He's an older taurus (mid 40's) divorced 2 (same as me). We both have trust issues, I'm sure.

@Taurus Guy
by: Taurus Bull

Wow this thread has really made me feel better....Iam a Taurus woman seeing a taurus guy for arounf 4 months, He is annoying me have to say lol.....Basically everything was good when it first started and he would txt good bit during week and would make efforts to meet up at least once a week. he canceled once on me and then rearranged the next night, we have great sex etc.....Heres the problem, Iam in another relationship where we live togther and are living seperate lives (well in my head we are) and the taurua guy was always asking could he come back to my place, so one night when I knew the other guy would be out, I brought taurus guy back and low and behold the boyf came back and went mad and left, I told Taurus guy that he was my ex and he was on the couch atc and looking for another place, I said I understand if ya dont want to see me anymore, but he said no its cool I do....So now he is not txting as much and he keeps canceling saying he is really busy with work, we met up two weeks ago and had great night, I told him your man moved out and he was like great etc, but then he canceled again last week and didnt even txt me to let me know, I rang him no answer, but got missed calls off private number, he then txt me after 3 days and said he had tried to call me and he had been so busy in work etc, and he will try meet this weekend, what ys think?

My Taurus :)
by: Gemini girl

I was reading your stories and I decided to share my adventure with Taurus male. We met 2 years ago at work; he became my new boss who was working abroad. At the beginning everything was so professional but after 2-3 months we started chatting via emails privately. We used work emails to joke and comment work stuff. Later on we moved to private emails, we exchanged photos and we started talking live online. I’d say we exchanged thousands of emails chatting about our countries, families, habits, etc. After 2-3 months he visited my office – it was official business trip during the day but very unofficial in the evenings. We had a dinner every night and ended up having sex (the best in my life). Everything was so perfect.
And guess what? After coming back to his country I hardly got an email from him. When asked he said everything was ok and he was just tired and busy. I am restless and suspicious Gemini so you can imagine my fear and anxiety. I was afraid of losing him. He asked for 2 weeks break in our contacts (WHY?????) and promised to be back and send thousands of emails again. So I was waiting… and waiting and waiting. I was waiting for a month and then I asked if he was still interested in contacts with me. I got simple ‘YES’. And nothing else… when I asked ‘when would he like to chat’ I got no response. No response means NO – am I right?
Things at work went wrong. Once he criticized my task what only worsened my attitude. I took his criticism very personally and I blamed myself for not meeting his work requirements. Later I took revenge as a cunning and malicious Gemini and I criticized his work publicly. Thus we started hating each other at work. Tit for tat. We stopped talking in private. 5 months after his visit I sent him an email saying that I couldn’t continue our private contacts. No response.
Things at work went wrong again. He rejected all my ideas – I took it as humiliation and discrimination. I complained about him to my other boss. He complained about my immature and unprofessional behavior at work. It caused that we stopped sharing even work emails unless it was absolutely necessary.
After 2-3 months I experienced a very strange feeling. I started missing him! I wanted to rescue this relationship but I realized it was doomed to failure. So I simply asked if he planned to visit my office again. I received a confirmative answer (WOW!!!). We started chatting again at work – our emails weren’t as passionate as before his visit but at least we were in touch. We started planning his next business trip that was going to turn into a private trip. Big wow! I thought I got my Taurus man back.

My Taurus :)
by: Gemini girl

I was reading your stories and I decided to share my adventure with Taurus male. We met 2 years ago at work; he became my new boss who was working abroad. At the beginning everything was so professional but after 2-3 months we started chatting via emails privately. We used work emails to joke and comment work stuff. Later on we moved to private emails, we exchanged photos and we started talking live online. I’d say we exchanged thousands of emails chatting about our countries, families, habits, etc. After 2-3 months he visited my office – it was official business trip during the day but very unofficial in the evenings. We had a dinner every night and ended up having sex (the best in my life). Everything was so perfect.
And guess what? After coming back to his country I hardly got an email from him. When asked he said everything was ok and he was just tired and busy. I am restless and suspicious Gemini so you can imagine my fear and anxiety. I was afraid of losing him. He asked for 2 weeks break in our contacts (WHY?????) and promised to be back and send thousands of emails again. So I was waiting… and waiting and waiting. I was waiting for a month and then I asked if he was still interested in contacts with me. I got simple ‘YES’. And nothing else… when I asked ‘when would he like to chat’ I got no response. No response means NO – am I right?
Things at work went wrong. Once he criticized my task what only worsened my attitude. I took his criticism very personally and I blamed myself for not meeting his work requirements. Later I took revenge as a cunning and malicious Gemini and I criticized his work publicly. Thus we started hating each other at work. Tit for tat. We stopped talking in private. 5 months after his visit I sent him an email saying that I couldn’t continue our private contacts. No response.

My Taurus :)
by: Gemini girl

Things at work went wrong again. He rejected all my ideas – I took it as humiliation and discrimination. I complained about him to my other boss. He complained about my immature and unprofessional behavior at work. It caused that we stopped sharing even work emails unless it was absolutely necessary.
After 2-3 months I experienced a very strange feeling. I started missing him! I wanted to rescue this relationship but I realized it was doomed to failure. So I simply asked if he planned to visit my office again. I received a confirmative answer (WOW!!!). We started chatting again at work – our emails weren’t as passionate as before his visit but at least we were in touch. We started planning his next business trip that was going to turn into a private trip. Big wow! I thought I got my Taurus man back.
Things at work went wrong again. I got a new job. I was looking for it for a while and I got it when I didn’t expect. At my last day I sent him my feedback – in other words I listed all things that I didn’t like working with him. He wasn’t happy but I was. I was happy because I thought he would never make me sad again.
Guess what? After 5 months I started missing him again! I really hate my zodiac sign – I am so indecisive. I decided to check if everything was ok with him. This time I sincerely apologized for my stupid behavior. He forgave me and we started sharing private emails again.
He says compliments very rarely and he is still very busy but everything is on a good track.
Do you think that this guy has true feelings for me? Sometimes I am confused…

Taurus man Leo Female
by: Anonymous

I met this Taurus man at a random place. He approached me. We talked and enjoyed each others company. We exchanged numbers. I first texted him being the Leo that I am. He replied back a few hours later. Afterwards he was the one to send the texts or make the calls. I will get to that in a minute. Here we are texting each other for a few days getting to know each other. We are planning our first date. Which we go on. Everything went great. He called and we spoke for hours. This went on for a week. He is initiating "the talk" telling me what he wants from a relationship, which is to be married and have a family. He asks me what I want from a relationship. I told him the same thing. He then says he wants to date me and really date me. One day as I was speaking, he waits for me to finish my thought and says out of the blue he thinks he's falling in love me. Asks me if I feel the same way. I told I was, which was true. The next day, he called and we spoke. Everytime we spoke on the phone it was for hours. We are talking and he tells me he likes the way i carry myself. Again, out of no where he tells me he loves me. I asked him "you love me?" he said "of course I love you, you're so beautiful". I thanked him and he told me he meant it. He asks me if i feel the same in which i did. As i told him i did. We then saw each other and it eventually led to having sex. The best ever! The next day, he then tells me his brother wanted to talk to me. So we talked and his brother told me taurus talks a lot about me and that Taurus wants me to meet his brother. I agreed to meet him. Taurus brother told me he had a girlfriend. The next day I confronted him and old me he ran into his ex and was thinking of getting back together but wanted to continue to see me. Being the Leo I am I can't do that. When I ended it, he said he didn't want us to fall apart but it was. He then said I was only a friend, a good friend, a true friend and that he loved me as a friend. A day later, he repeatedly tells me and i mean repeatedly says we are friends and I agreed. We were still talking about getting together as he said as friends. I agreed. He lived a little far away and wanted me to move to where he lives the same year we met. Everything was fine I thought. I also had him on fb. One day he deleted me off Facebook. Ignored my texts and calls. As a Leo women we really dislike being ignored. Doesn't sit well with us. Since he wasn't returning my calls or texts. I dents him a message on fb asking him why he deleted me. What I did wrong and that I thought we were friends. Lastly, I demanded to know what happened. Also, saying I deserve to know.

Taurus man and Leo Woman part 2
by: Anonymous

As we spoke I was there listening to him, encouraging him, feeding his ego as he fed mine. When he asked me to live in the same cit as him I said yes. This was when were dating. When were friends he still wanted me to live in his city the more he asked I ended up saying one day. He asked a lot. I now realize that was the mistake. because the next day was the day he broke all contact with me.

Taurus man Leo woman Pt 3
by: Anonymous

Aphrodite Bull, I have seen your posts and you are so insightful!!! I know you haven't been on for so long. If you dint mind would you mind helping me with my problem. If so, thank you so much!!!! I would truly appreciate it!!!!

A solution for the ones in love with a Taurus man
by: Anonymous

My dear friends: I'm in a relationship with a Taurus but since the beginning I've learned to leave him alone when he is in bad mood, which happens often. They are stubborn like mules, even knowing they are wrong mostly of the time they do not change, so I gave up.

Some Taurus never learn to manage their psychic powers,falls deep into the pit struggling with negative energies, losing everything they have, they are too sensitive suffering a lot inside, some can even get rich but look what happens next, they are broke, depressed. He is a passive do-me type in bed, which is irritating, I had to invite him out for our first meeting, he tried to tell me about his former ladies; I had to tell him to stop talking about his herd of "cows" on the web. He can't control his spending habits,I have my own house/salary/bank accounts never sharing anything with him, he'll never stops with his childish behaviour, solving his own problems.

Because of his silly life behaving like an adolescent at 54, complaining all the time, he went through awful relationships,beautiful,sexy ladies who betrayed him many times. He dresses like a bum even at work, ironing? Forget it, I'm never at home, he cant use my maid to take care of his clothes.. He thinks he is an smart person, an avid reader but I doubt, he do not buy newspaper, magazines, sometimes no one can follow his boring ask me why I'm still with him? Trying to find another "replacement" w/ astrologer/numerology/kaballah help this time..

The do-me type, waiting to be venerated for life
by: Anonymous

Taurus men feel absolutely miserable, depressed, when they can't have an luxurious life this is why they often get stuck in many debts, foreclosures, divorces, disappointments, etc...

They love to buy stuff to compensate for their lack of commitment, their vanity, their arrogance...I've met many Taurus, neighbours, co-workers, sorry to mention this but I was not able to start a decent conversation with them, they are terribly stubborn, never recognize their own mistakes, they do not respect their wives and family connections...

They are the Venus-Boys, eternal adolescents waiting to be courted, venerated, they attract people promising what they never give - loyalty and passion - what do they give in return??? A weird sex life do-me kind, even if they commit to you after months thinking if you are the perfect person for them based on how you behave, your fantastic looks and bank accounts, the next day the sex is gone...

If they belong to the Taurus-Gemini Cusps run like hell or you will be in real trouble, they never commit, they make you pay for precious gifts for them, they cheat and lie, they go to the web and start collection women here and there..until they get sick and need you, then they'll beg for your attention and help.

A difficult choice
by: Destiny

Dear Aphrodite Bull

After reading all your comments, I found out you are great, an amazing and loving person, really trying to help people...

Five months ago I've met a Taurus in weird circunstances, now we are friends. Well, kind of, since the beginning he told me he was interested, that I had a "perfect profile" but we can not decide anything, his father is dying in a hospital, his mother is an elderly lady, his two selfish sons are abroad, they doesn't want to help him.

I'm on tenterhooks, he's trying to stop smoking which I hate, based on what I've seen he wants an educated and kind woman who could be introduced to his family, someone that he can be proud of. I can pay my own bills,I travel a lot, my financial status is much better than his. It seems that he took some "beatings" in life, his wife died of an incurable disease, women he met online betrayed him many times, sometimes he is depressed but he can't show unhappiness at work. Unable to change jobs due to a contract, he is having health problems, he really can't cope with this complicated life but he knows I'm willing to help .

Is curious to find a lonely Taurus who accepts help, who tell secrets the way he did, his stubborness ended the day we met according to his assistant but what will happen after our real relationship starts? I've many affairs but never met a passive, religious guy like him before.

When we are together I don't dare to look or talk at other men,I feel how jealous he is, his face gets red, he cant take his eyes from me, like trying to penetrate in my soul!

I was surprised when he told about his secrets on the first day we met at his work, he is a serious person, willing to help people expecting nothing in return! He never told me he loved me but his daily actions prove it!He introduced me to his boss, to all his co-workers, keeps telling everybody loves and miss me but I'm afraid to be in love with a man who has a past with so many problems,an smoking person, a bad karma maybe?

Would be wise to invest in such relationship or help him just as a friend? I wish you can help me...Kisses, many thanks, bye bye

by: Saammyy

Alright so i've met this guy at work. All of our coworkers went out so we got to talking. At first he couldnt wait to ask me out, seemed super eager. That never happened and its been 4 weeks and he keeps canceling our plans. He texts me constantly telling me what he's doing and such, but never follows through on plans? He says he just isnt in the mood, but he has no problem going out with his guy friends.

Man Im Confused All Over Again
by: Tia

Ms. AB,

Dude (sorry for the informatility) but seriously this Taurus is CONFUSING!! He actually took all of what I said and all then venting I did for real I guess. He kept apoligizing and said how he wanted to make things better. So I finally call him and to my suprise he answers we talk for a short while because he is with his girl at the moment and they were out doing something. Well long story short he's all talking to me like he use to when we dated as if nothing has gone wrong, calling me baby and saying I love you and I miss you and on and on. So I decided to be mean for a while and he just brushed it off and kept going. Well like an idiot I gave in and told him I loved him and what not. So he finally gave into wanting to meet up with me finally after a longgggg time of having lame excuses to why he never made it in the past. I guess you can say that we have a date. One that I can't lie I am quite excited because I do love him and I really want to see him but once again I am thinking negatively and I really don't know what to expect. UGH!!! What if he does stand me up.. Is it okay to blow up at him and never look back (very hard but can be done).. He says that he wants me and wants to make things right. But I thinking (and this is what I am sensing) that he want to give me a mercy IOU sexually and withdraw from and just be done but then again I don't know what to feel or what to do. I am going to meet up with him unless he decides to cancel then we will see. What should I do? Ughhhh IDK

What happened to our Blog...APHRODITE BULL m.i.a.
by: Anonymous


@Tia (confused again)
by: Taurus Bull

I know this is gonna be hard to do, but you should cancel first, Just txt before your due to meet and say ya can't nake it (it will worry him)
Iam a Taurus girl and if I think the other person is grand with my behaviour I will just continue like that, but if think the other person could cancel and not be there at my beck and call then I would be worried and would make more of an effort (if ya get me)....I think he might cancel, we hate hassle , but we also hate change (Iam friends with alot of my exes, coz we hate to let go), he is keeping ya sweet as a safety net for him, yes we can be selfish, so Iam telling ya cancel first, keep your dignity, you deserve aguy who will put you first, not as a backup plan, hope this helps.....

Missing the Blog
by: Leo Love

Hello ladies,

I've been missing this blog too.. I'm sorry i haven't been on for sometime but i must report that me and my Bull are doing great!! and i owe it all to Aphrodite Bull and this blog!

Since Feb he has not left my side. He stays with me every night and our relationship just keeps growing. He includes me in family events and vice versa. He's the sweetest and most loving man i've ever been with and he makes me very happy.

I'm still waiting for him to tell me that he loves me but he's definitely showing it.

Ladies, all i can tell you is that if you really love your bull then you need to learn how to be extremely patient. It took my Bull almost a year to finally let his guard down and let me in but the wait was so worth it.. so if you love your bull just be patient and honest and always keep it real with him he will respect you for it and love you even more!! These Bulls are SLOW very SLOW and you will have to do alot of chasing but again.. at the end.. it's all worth it!

Read through the blogs all of Aphrodites comments to me.. she was right on it..if it applies to you try to follow her advice you wont go wrong!

good luck to all of you! and Aphrodite Bull we do miss you and would love to hear from you! :)

congrats leo
by: geminiwoman

I'm going through a weird time with mine right now. Someone asked him about me and he got upset and didn't say one word about me good or bad. Ugh. I feel that will make him back off of me. Wish that person would mind their business.

Anyway, he will come back again in time I hope. It seems when he comes to me then he jumps back 2 steps by pushing me away in the process.

I should read the posts that AB and you had. Congrats and I wish you the best!

congrats leo
by: geminiwoman

I'm going through a weird time with mine right now. Someone asked him about me and he got upset and didn't say one word about me good or bad. Ugh. I feel that will make him back off of me. Wish that person would mind their business.

Anyway, he will come back again in time I hope. It seems when he comes to me then he jumps back 2 steps by pushing me away in the process.

I should read the posts that AB and you had. Congrats and I wish you the best!

congrats leo
by: geminiwoman

I'm going through a weird time with mine right now. Someone asked him about me and he got upset and didn't say one word about me good or bad. Ugh. I feel that will make him back off of me. Wish that person would mind their business.

Anyway, he will come back again in time I hope. It seems when he comes to me then he jumps back 2 steps by pushing me away in the process.

I should read the posts that AB and you had. Congrats and I wish you the best!

by: Leo Love

Thank you!

These men are very private and do not like others to know there business. Just give him the space and time he needs to think about it. Patience is key with these men. They are very slow and think things through over and over and over again.

I recommend you read through the blogs and if you can relate to a situation and Aphrodite has given advice to it.. then use it and apply it to your relationship.

Good luck!

confused 23 gemini female with a 25 taurus male
by: Anonymous

Ok me and ex met a couple of years ago at a bar and hit it off great we pretty much started dating immediately. Well a month after we started dating he ended up going to prison and we stayed in touch and he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever things like that and I was feeling the same way, he even told his whole family about me and about how much he loved me. Well here it is 2 1/2 years later and he's out now and things were good the first week, he was still telling me how much he loved me and wanted to live together. But then a bunch of drama happened with him and his family because his family is crazy ( o by the way his family loves me so it had nothing to do with me). But after that he started acting really distant towards me and a few days after everything he told me he needed some space to get his life back on track and that I was his best friend and that he still loves me. But here is where I get confused we have a lot of the same mutual friends they tell me he said it was for a different reason and when I confront him about it he says that they twisted his words. But now he wont talk to me at all and I don't understand why if he loves me so much I was the main person there for him when he was locked up and now its like I dont even exsist to him. He never calls when he says hes going to and he can call all our friends except for me. All he keeps saying to me when I do get a chance to talk to him is that he cares about me and he thinks about me all the time but I feel like its a lie. And he told me he would never hurt me but its exactly what he's doing. I'm confused and dont know what to do.

confused 23 gemini female with a 25 taurus male
by: Anonymous

Ok me and ex met a couple of years ago at a bar and hit it off great we pretty much started dating immediately. Well a month after we started dating he ended up going to prison and we stayed in touch and he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever things like that and I was feeling the same way, he even told his whole family about me and about how much he loved me. Well here it is 2 1/2 years later and he's out now and things were good the first week, he was still telling me how much he loved me and wanted to live together. But then a bunch of drama happened with him and his family because his family is crazy ( o by the way his family loves me so it had nothing to do with me). But after that he started acting really distant towards me and a few days after everything he told me he needed some space to get his life back on track and that I was his best friend and that he still loves me. But here is where I get confused we have a lot of the same mutual friends they tell me he said it was for a different reason and when I confront him about it he says that they twisted his words. But now he wont talk to me at all and I don't understand why if he loves me so much I was the main person there for him when he was locked up and now its like I dont even exsist to him. He never calls when he says hes going to and he can call all our friends except for me. All he keeps saying to me when I do get a chance to talk to him is that he cares about me and he thinks about me all the time but I feel like its a lie. And he told me he would never hurt me but its exactly what he's doing. I'm confused and dont know what to do.

confused 23 gemini female with a 25 taurus male
by: Anonymous

Ok me and ex met a couple of years ago at a bar and hit it off great we pretty much started dating immediately. Well a month after we started dating he ended up going to prison and we stayed in touch and he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever things like that and I was feeling the same way, he even told his whole family about me and about how much he loved me. Well here it is 2 1/2 years later and he's out now and things were good the first week, he was still telling me how much he loved me and wanted to live together. But then a bunch of drama happened with him and his family because his family is crazy ( o by the way his family loves me so it had nothing to do with me). But after that he started acting really distant towards me and a few days after everything he told me he needed some space to get his life back on track and that I was his best friend and that he still loves me. But here is where I get confused we have a lot of the same mutual friends they tell me he said it was for a different reason and when I confront him about it he says that they twisted his words. But now he wont talk to me at all and I don't understand why if he loves me so much I was the main person there for him when he was locked up and now its like I dont even exsist to him. He never calls when he says hes going to and he can call all our friends except for me. All he keeps saying to me when I do get a chance to talk to him is that he cares about me and he thinks about me all the time but I feel like its a lie. And he told me he would never hurt me but its exactly what he's doing. I'm confused and dont know what to do.

confused 23 gemini female with a 25 taurus male
by: Anonymous

Ok me and ex met a couple of years ago at a bar and hit it off great we pretty much started dating immediately. Well a month after we started dating he ended up going to prison and we stayed in touch and he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever things like that and I was feeling the same way, he even told his whole family about me and about how much he loved me. Well here it is 2 1/2 years later and he's out now and things were good the first week, he was still telling me how much he loved me and wanted to live together. But then a bunch of drama happened with him and his family because his family is crazy ( o by the way his family loves me so it had nothing to do with me). But after that he started acting really distant towards me and a few days after everything he told me he needed some space to get his life back on track and that I was his best friend and that he still loves me. But here is where I get confused we have a lot of the same mutual friends they tell me he said it was for a different reason and when I confront him about it he says that they twisted his words. But now he wont talk to me at all and I don't understand why if he loves me so much I was the main person there for him when he was locked up and now its like I dont even exsist to him. He never calls when he says hes going to and he can call all our friends except for me. All he keeps saying to me when I do get a chance to talk to him is that he cares about me and he thinks about me all the time but I feel like its a lie. And he told me he would never hurt me but its exactly what he's doing. I'm confused and dont know what to do.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man
by: Anonymous

not enough characters to express my situation so ima sum it up enough to paint the picture and ask my question. im with a taurus and read that we are NOT compatible, but can work if he learns that im NOT his possession and give me a little bit of freedom. yes i am a nomad and i wander easily if im not happy in ANY situation or feel like my back is against the wall. i am NOT affraid of committment like my sign says. well mayb i am but its not relationship wise. anyways i also read that Capricorn and Taurus are perfect matches. im woman enough to admit that yes im in a relationship with this Taurus man who was having issues with this Capricorn woman wayyyy before i came into the picture. he tells me that he loves me and yesterday while i was grooming him for a breakup he admitted that he was in love with me. when i last saw him which was his birthday weekend he jus stressed to me every chance he got that he appreciated everything i did 2 make his bday week the best he ever had. idk...i love him and im not just saying i do. i have fear of heights and its something about him that even made me get on a plane for the 1st time. i know im wrong for being with him because he is someone elses but i slipped up and fell in love. he had plans to leave and money was the issue. should i leave him alone or stay and be patient? and yes there is 2 sides to every story and me bein me, im skeptical of everyone so i started observin her facebook page and she vents thru facebook and he doesn so its like he will come telln me an issues that has arise but i will already know what, when, and why because of her posts. ummm i jus need some help in deciding what i should do because i love him genuinely

The Fish
by: Anonymous

Dear Aphrodite Bull,

After reading all your advices, it pretty much makes a lot of sense why the bull I am sorta seeing is acting a certain way but I'd like to be more clarified and would genuinely appreciate the assistance.

I met the bull 2 years ago, we were colleagues then and only communicated via an e-messenger. I quit my job and we kept in touch via email and eventually texting. It was very surfacey but it went on for a good 6 months and he eventually asked me to meet him for dinner. Fast forward, it was romantic and he was the ultimate gentleman. It felt like a date but I was not convinced.

We communicated for another 6 months. He quit his job, moved to another company and works as an offshore worker. A lot of travelling but we still kept in contact. I never saw him as a potential because he carried a standoffish vibe which did not appeal to me despite the fact that he was actually a decent guy.

Along those lines, I opened up a lot more about my life and saw him in a different light because he was an excellent listener, we flirted here and there. But I could never get pass the surface from him, he would speak in snippets about his problems but could never fully open up fully. There was one time, I was a little fed up with him being walled up and spoke up about it.But again,I always told him I am always here for him no matter what. He disappeared, I was disap