Dont be clingy with your Sagittarius

by Tyleisha

If a Sagittarius doesn't text or call you back the last thing you do is call. Remember that the more you text, the more we feel smothered and overwhelmed.

Comments for Dont be clingy with your Sagittarius

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scorpio woman
by: Anonymous

well i am talking to a Sagittarius man and he always talks about how i never call or txt him. i told him that i dont want to seem clingy but he says he would want it that way. I have also found him to be very over protective.

reply to scorpio woman
by: Bei

I recently dated a Sag guy and he also said similar thing. He will say "I hope we can chat again sometimes" but in reality it was him that was busy. We kinda having problem now. Oh he also was the one that started the whole thing if we should start dating, we originally wanted to be just friend! So I started to talk more with him and we did go out once a week....

My suggest is don't fall for it!!! Keep what you are doing and it makes them want you more!!

Hope it helps even tho I failed and believed in him :(

Aquarius Woman
by: Anonymous

I have a boyfriend that is a Saqittarius, and he is very confusing at times. I text him every now and then, but I give him space because I don't want too clingy. My boyfriend will get so angry that I am not text or calling him. I guess thats how they are.

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