I'm an aquarius man

I need an intellectual counterpart or nothing at all. The fakery around "the dating games" turns me off. However a true trait of femininity completely scrambles my rationality and leaves a strong desire of intimacy.

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by: Anonymous

What's a "true trait of femininity?

by: Anonymous

HE's not going to describe it. You have to just know it...just like you have to just know him.
My guess? He said hedoesn't like games. Imagine a girl who seems like she's playing games. She's beautiful, witty, confident but she's up and down. Then he finds out...she's actually quite new to this...though she has many and many admirers... she's picky. She's selective. And falling for Aquarius has left her vulnerable but she's strong too. She's both, in a delicate way

by: Anonymous

I have to agree. I am curious about what the original poster meant by this, "true trait of femininity"

Is that pretending to be helpless and hopeless?

Seduction using sexual innuendos?

Being a stay-at-home mom?

Acting incompetent to feed a partner's ego?

being able to handle any situation with poise and dignity?

being a star athlete?

having great fashion sense?

being valedictorian?

Please explain.

Art of saying nothing
by: done w/ Aquarians

Once again, a vague answer. I'm beginning to believe that Aquarians cannot say anything directly. Everything they say just serves to further confuse you.

Re: The Art of Saying Nothing
by: Hope

Yes, but no one else can “say nothing" with such panache. Who else can keep you ruminating over the real meaning of their short responses, while you simultaneously try to uncurl your toes?

Aquarius men. Gotta love 'em!

Hope is lost
by: Anonymous

Dearest Hope,

I believe that they (Aquarians) have cast a spell on you... I hope it's worth it

Re: Hope is Lost
by: Hope

May 17, 2010

Yes, I realize I'm probably offensively giddy these days. If by 'lost', you mean I'm falling in love, you are correct; the Aqua has indeed cast his spell.

Can't yet vouch for the worthwhileness - we only met 7 months ago. However, we do seem very well matched thus far. But I'm a Scorp sun and moon, with my Mars in Aqua. He's an Aqua sun, with his moon and rising in Scorpio. Lots of laughter and unspoken understanding. Time will definitely tell though - he's the only Aqua male I've known.

Fwiw, we are actually meeting for the first time in 10 more days!

This is me!
by: Anonymous

HE's not going to describe it. You have to just know it...just like you have to just know him.
My guess? He said hedoesn't like games. Imagine a girl who seems like she's playing games. She's beautiful, witty, confident but she's up and down. Then he finds out...she's actually quite new to this...though she has many and many admirers... she's picky. She's selective. And falling for Aquarius has left her vulnerable but she's strong too. She's both, in a delicate way

THAT'S ME! I am beautiful and he is intrigued by me but he has no idea that I'm in love with him and extremely vulnerable because he's so darn fine, mannish and his charm brings me to my knees! I need a voodoo priest to exercise this love Jones out of my heart!

"true trait of femininity"
by: Anonymous

"true trait of femininity"

Meaning a women who's worth it, whos independent whos willing to fight for what she wants, whos willing to give her love and full attention to when her man needs it because remember Aquarius has trouble when it comes to showing feelings, and why are they scared to show their feelings? because its their kryptonite, and hes needs that feeling of security when it comes to sharing his feelings with his femalse companionship without backfiring. Pretty much no BS just be REAL be yourself no front or cover up.

Posted by an aquarius.

Maybe its this
by: Anonymous

I think I know it.. I think its about having a bit of a confident aloof femme fatale about you but a bit kooky, thats what intrigues him and draws him in BUT when chilling with him you have to have your flow where you click like best friends, affectionate but chilled and easy going but you have to have that switch like you are the sexualy dominant one in a way that he doesnt know whats coming, tease him, be playful but confident.

Doris Day
by: Anonymous

He's looking for Doris Day. Independent, sassy, with a lot of sweet. You can't fake these qualities but, you can develop them further within yourself.

reaching out to you because i need your advice
by: J3ella

the man im dating has pretty much the same out look as you do hes also an aqua, maybe you could help me out with this

I am the epitome of a leo (woman) and ive been on and off with a aqua man for a few months now. Ive never been so confused in my life with this!... at first everything was great he was so assertive and talkative we talked all the time, he told me he liked me and cared about me and how im mysterious to him ( which ive heard compliments from an aqua man is a huge deal)he even asked people about me before we met and then told me about it and throughout our relationship he continued to ask around and proceeded to tell me his findings, also he would always bring up something i put on twitter whenever i would see him and make assumptions that were not even close to being true!! .... then as time passed he began to become aloof.. i would still hear from him but not as much, and then that slowly went into nothing. but when i would see him he would treat me like the love of his life but the minute after i left it would be back to him being his cold aloof self. He was never short with me through texting and now hes extremely abrupt, but yet he still "likes" every status and picture i put up via social network... we got into a few arguments and since im a leo sometimes i let my temper get ahead of me, and he became even more cold after that, but still was contacting me via social network... until one day i asked if i was going to see him again and he write " i like you, i think youre a great girl, but im afraid if we continue to date im going to mess with your head and i dont want to do that with you"and of coarse my pride came in and i told him not to worry about me... i ended up seeing him last weekend and like it was before he treated me like GOLD, was extremely clingy, took me to this really nice restaurant begged me to spend the night was calling me love and baby ( which he never has done) and snuggled with me all night long, then the next day when i left he returned to his old cold self.... i cant seem to get him off of my mind. and i dont know what to do. i heard when aqua men start to catch feelings they back off, but im not sure about this one :/

Shouldn't have to ask
by: Anonymous

It's sad but a sign of the times when you have to explain to a woman what being feminine is.

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