Libra and Capricorn

Libra and Capricorn compatibility in relationships

Libra and Capricorn can sometimes be a challenging relationship to make work. The scores represent the initial compatibility of this match. However, if you can both adapt to the others style this is a relationship which will improve steadily over time, and eventually rival any other match.

Libra and Capricorn Compatibility scores

Libra and Capricorn Compatibility
Libra and Capricorn Sex
Libra and Capricorn Communication

These scores show the averages for data collected from my clients over the past 20 years. It's important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. It's also worth noting that Soulmates can be found in any sun sign match, even those which are statistically likely to have low compatibility.

Libra and Capricorn compatibility

This article is in two halves, the first is written from the viewpoint of the Libra man or Libra woman, and the second is written from the viewpoint of the Capricorn man or Capricorn woman.

From the Libra viewpoint

Capricorn is a partner who is very hardworking and materialistic, often highly motivated to improve their life and financial security. This is however a partner who often puts ambition ahead of a relationship, while you tend to focus much more on making your partnership work. Don't be surprised if your Capricorn seems more focused on work / studying / planning career moves etc than a normal person would be.

In the long term, depending on your roles in the relationship this can be a solid match, or, it can be fairly awkward one. Libra is often focused on making a marriage work, while Capricorn is often focused on career success. If you have traditional roles (breadwinner & homemaker) this can work well if you're both in the appropriate role. In a 50/50 partnership however it can be a recipe for dissatisfaction on both sides.

You're more light hearted and fun, while your Capricorn leans towards being serious much of the time. That's not to say they aren't fun of course, but they do tend to put 'work first' so it's often a practical rather than reckless type of fun.

You're likely to admire this partners ambition and determination, though on the flip side, you may find the implementation of it dull or boring at times. This is a serious and often reserved partner who is likely to feel more like a parent than a lover at times.

You're both very concerned with appearances and public image/reputation, and both tend to be classy and sophisticated - you're very unlikely to ever embarrass each other. You both like socializing though you're far more outgoing and charismatic by nature. If your Capricorn is particularly unsociable (likely) this can lead to arguments over going out versus staying in. On the other hand if socializing is an integral part of your Capricorns career they'll adore and appreciate your gift for charming and impressing people.

Libra Capricorn sex

Initially this is likely to be good, though in the longer term the chemistry may start to fizzle if you're not careful. One factor in this is exactly how 'work obsessed' your Capricorn is - they're known for 'working till they drop' - and leaving little energy for playing in the bedroom. In this respect they do best with someone who forcibly drags them into 'fun mode' occasionally.

If you're able to do this (rather than taking offence at what may feel like being avoided) then you'll do much better in this area. Capricorns are surprisingly light and fun in bed, once you get their attention on it!

It's important to note however that we're looking only at sun signs here. There are many other planets which can have an equal or greater effect on someone's personality. Makes sense, as ultimately everyone is of course unique. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.

To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results.

This unlocks the real power of astrology, and gives much more useful and specific information: everything from how they view you, how to turn them on, how to avoid arguments with them etc. If you would like to explore this further please see the compatibility readings page.

From the Capricorn viewpoint

Capricorn and Libra Compatibility

By your standards this is a partner who may come across as disorganized and carefree, flaky, irresponsible or even lazy. This is a spontaneous and fun partner, who may feel more like a child than a lover sometimes. This is no bad thing overall, encouraging you to stop and enjoy life occasionally.

Your Libra likes a lot of attention and compliments. You aren't big on handing these out routinely, so your partner may turn elsewhere for that need. That's not to say they will cheat (they tend to be very loyal), but it's likely to make you insecure, especially if deep down you know you're neglecting them due to work obligations etc.

Your Libra is more outgoing and sociable than you are. If you're particularly reclusive by nature this may lead to arguments over whether to go out or stay in. On the other hand if socializing is required for your career then this partner can make an excellent ally - never tiring of making friends or charming people.

Depending on your roles in the relationship this can be a solid match, or, it can be fairly awkward one. Libra is often focused on making a marriage work, while Capricorn is often focused on career success. If you have traditional roles (breadwinner & homemaker) this can work well as long as you're each in the appropriate role anyway. In a 50/50 partnership however it can be a recipe for dissatisfaction on both sides.

Along these lines you're both very concerned with appearances and public image/reputation. You both tend to be classy and sophisticated, and unlikely to embarrass each other.

Capricorn Libra sex

This will be good in the short term, though potentially lacking in the longer term if the relationship is neglected. You're more focused on the physical component of sex, while your partner is likely to have a higher emphasis on the intellectual component - you may each find the other lacking in this respect unless you take time to understand each others needs and viewpoint.

Libra and Capricorn Compatibility Summary

So is this article conclusive? No! This article is based only on sun sign interaction. In order to provide a lot of people with information it's a convenient and fast way to generalize, but it's far from conclusive at this broad level. To get a complete picture we need to take all the other planets and their interactions into account for each of you, with a real astrology reading...

Libra and Capricorn related pages

Capricorn man
Capricorn woman
Libra man
Libra woman

For details of the most common pros and cons of relationships with each of the other signs I have a separate index of articles on Libra compatibility and Capricorn compatibility

Libra and Capricorn compatibility readings

I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. These are designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality.