Mystery Capricorn Man

by PavedParadise
(Washington, DC)

I am a scorpio 27. I met a Cap man 28 online. After emailing back and forth for a week or so, we agreed to meet. He wanted to go art shopping and then go to dinner on a friday. I love art so agreed as I figured he was playing on my interests. He is new in town so told me to recommend something which I did.

We had the most amazing date. It was as if I had known him for a while. We laughed a lot, got lost a few times, laughed more, found the restaurant, shared 2 starters and had our main courses. He is really into asian stuff and so introduced me to sake & tea. when we were done, we talked in the restaurant for so long. I was so intrigued by him.

By this time we had been on a 5hr first date. When we got out of the restaurant, he asked if I wanted to get some coffee. We spent another 2 hrs there. He was making eye contact and smiling and talking and asking me questions. He seemed very interested to me. I found him so attentive and gentleman-like. Door opening, helping with jacket, pulling out seats, listening.

Anyway, he asked me about my favorite this and thats and said "OK we should try out this place" which was the place I had said I loved the food but it had to be a special occasion because when I went, I found it really expensive. We walked back to his car, he drove me to mine blah blah!

No kiss. a rather friendly hug and said "give me a call". I crossed my fingers that it slipped out nervously and was right. when I got home, he had sent me the a text to say he really enjoyed our date and if I was free, he would like to call me the next day. He called and we talked for an hr. He then said (having not mentioned this on our date at all) that he was going out of town the following mid-week to the next Monday and we would go on our 2nd date the week he got back.

I said this was fine. He said he would call me during the week and didn't. He sent me a few of text messages on the Thursday that week from the airport and then said he would call when he got back.

Does he really want to go on this 2nd date? After our phone chat last Saturday, he has been completely unengaging.Is this normal for cap men? He seems very typically Capricorn-like. I am confused. I thought he was so into me that he would at least call again. Help!

Comments for Mystery Capricorn Man

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be patient
by: Anonymous


I'm not sure when you posted this inquiry since this site does not list dates. I'm a Cap male, specifically a Sun and Venus Cap.

The description you've provided of his behavior (gentleman-like) is very Cap. Even the hug without a kiss. There's a good chance that he may have wanted to kiss you but, even if not visibly evident (and it probably wouldn't be because he would likely have been in control of and deliberate in his actions), he may have been quite nervous about doing so. Caps are generally practical, so in your statement about the place where you loved the food but it had to be a special occasion because you found it expensive would likely have clicked for him.

You clearly made quite an impression on him, hence the quick text followed by his follow through on the call the next day. Don't read too much into his failure to call you in the days leading up to his trip and while he was gone. Obviously there was a reason for the trip, whether business or personal. In the days leading up to it he would have been prepping for the trip and while on the trip would have been fully engaged in whatever reason he was there. If he's been unengaging, he may also be analyzing the effect you had on him. I know it can be frustrating but we do that... with everything. The best thing you can do is give him the space and time to do so. We note and remember everything. I myself met a young lady about a month ago that made a very strong impression on me. I can tell you exactly what she was wearing down to her earrings. In addition the stronger the effect the more he'll analyze, because we like to be in control and the more the impact you have the more we need to understand the reasoning behind the part we can't completely control (namely our feelings/emotions even though we will give the outward appearance being in control of them).

To answer your question, my gut feeling is that "Yes, he would really like that second date."

I hope this helps.

In the same situation as you...
by: Anonymous

I am in the same exact situation as this Scorpio woman. I am also a Scorpio dating a Capricorn...well at least I think I am. See...unsure. We live three hours apart, are both single parents and we are both bosses. We have a gillion things in common and our first date was 8 hours long. He also went on a trip and said that he would call/text, which he did a few times but when he got back he quit texting me every day and hardly ever texts first.

I feel better after reading the comment to this post. I have felt that he was just busy or doing exactly as you thought...analyzing the situation. I know that he wants to see me again and I know that he likes me he says so. I feel like I can trust him and that is very difficult for me to do.

So...coming from an older Scorpio....relax if you can..enjoy the ride as he is probably thinking about you when he has time. I think that if we rush these Capricorn men they will run the other way. How assume it would be though if it all works out with them. I am willing to wait, even get my heart broken to see. I have been looking for a Capricorn man for a very long time and I am going to stay put until I he either tells me to go away or asks me to marry him. 8)

Good Luck

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