Scorpio Woman Pisces Man best match in the Zodiac

by Fish Man
(Broward, FL)

This has to be the best match in the Zodiac. I am a male Pisces male and I met my Scorpio girlfriend when I was only 15 years old, she was also 15. Before I met her I would have girlfriends here and there and I noticed the other girlfriends I did have were Scorpios! It's really freaky and now I am 25 and I will be asking my girlfriend to marry me next month. We have been together almost ten years, and I just can't believe how deep our relationship is. I mean we have been through it all but we find ways to make our relationship better, even after so loong. For a guy it has been hard to be with on girl for the last ten years, only because when you are younger girls practically throw them selves on you. But even through all of that, I have never felt any thing for any one else. Never cheated and never really wanted to. I am happy and I have a feeling the will be together for hopefully much much longer!

Comments for Scorpio Woman Pisces Man best match in the Zodiac

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by: Anonymous

Is that because ur rising sign is scorpion? pisces scorpion? decane?

by: Anonymous

long term relatiosnhip r the closest

by: Anonymous


i don't know about all that
by: Anonymous

my scorpio woman showed her true self in 15 years. i left her with everything we had and moved out with just a suitcase. was happy to just leave. she betrayed our family for alcohol, cigarettes, and gambling. traitor. stay away from scorpios, especially if her mother is a gemini

scor woman
by: Anonymous

im scorpio woman and i know how much piscean guys are attracted to us the connection is so strong

scor woman
by: Anonymous

im scorpio woman and i know how much piscean guys are attracted to us the connection is so strong

I Am a Scorpio woman who dated a Piscean
by: Anonymous

I dated a Pisces man and for me, am a Scorpio woman, he was just too freaking domineering, possessive and had a temper if things didn't go his way! A real control FREAK!!!! The best day of my life was when I looked straight through him and said "GOODBYE!" That was such an amazing feeling!!!!! GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!

pisces man and scorpio woman
by: digitilimigrant

My scorpio woman and i had sex everday for two years.
Usually 2-3 times. It was fantastic and i was completely satisfied for the one and only time in my life.

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