Unsure of how to handle a Capricorn man.

by Jessica
(California )

I'm a 29 year old Scorpio female who recently got in contact with an old acquaintance who is a 30 year old Capricorn male. We have communicated via computer and text for the last few weeks. We finally saw each other this past Saturday and went to lunch. We had an awesome connect mixed a bit with his witty sarcasm while being a complete gentleman. We had great conversation and he was a bit touchy feely. Towards the end he indicated that he hoped we would do it again soon and to contact him later. Which I did by sending him a text thanking him for a great time. He responded by saying that he had a great time too. During lunch he said that he was not in a relationship because he had not found a woman recently who has made him want to be. He also indicated that he moves slow because when falls, he falls hard.

We have had very minimal contact since lunch. I'm wondering if this could be a sign of his lack of interest and maybe he told me he wanted to do it again soon just to be polite? Or, could this be him moving slow and digesting everything. Also, how should I proceed, should I be a bit more aggressive (he implied he could feel I kind of had my walls up) or should I relax and let him come after me?


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scorp vs cap
by: Samantha

Well, I am a scorpio too, if a man, in my case a lesbian lover on the male spectrum....is not responding to my sexual charm and madening emotion well it tends to make me sad and want to give up immediatly...I think it would be best to sit down and talk, with no interuptions, no phone, no tv and especially as in my persons case no computer....and just let them know whats on your mind...tell it like it is..these caps like a no BS kind of woman...good luck but I dont know if you or I will last very long with a Capricorn I am to over the top romantic for a cap...I can alreay see it...

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