Capricorn women and patience

I'm a capricorn young adult in my early twenties. Men have to be patient with us, we may seem as though we don't love or like you but on the inside we really have deep feelings. We can't stand men that always have their hand out asking for something. We are also very jealous ppl and love attention from our lovers

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How it is to be a cappy 'simplified'
by: Anonymous

I am a cappy woman, 25. I must add to the comments. I am very confident and like to always come across very good. i like all eyes on me, and i need to look good to feel good. I love a challenge and a debate. I hate silences. THerefore i will talk away and make others feel comfortable.

I like a traditional relationship. He should wine and dine me... not expect to jump into bed by the second date! If he is lucky he may get a kiss... in private! I hate not resolving disputes and if i like someone i am very forgiving.

maybe the age?
by: ippyriddle

i'm a capricorn, jan. 5 and 17. when it comes to patience, i dont know if its my age but i have very limited patience at times, especially when it comes to being aggravated or getting what i want. im currently trying to date a gemini, which isnt a good match really cause theyre flirtatious and i am very possessive (sometimes unreasonably paranoid about unfaithfulness). just because i know him well im sure he's very interested and has been wanting my attention for awhile so i know he's not about to screw it up... atleast for now, i do worry about him losing interest down the road. but i AM being very patient with this relationship even though i know he wants to rush me a little, i can't help but like how he's a little demanding, it makes me feel like he can and wants to be serious. i think its good to keep him guessing a little and not give all of myself to him, just throw him a little something when i feel the time is right.
but at times it aggravates me a great deal when i want my space.

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