Does both partners being born on a cusp change compatibility?

by Joshua Carlile
(Glendale, Arizona )

I'm a Sagittarius, born cusp and I'm dating a Virgo woman, also, born cusp. It's by far wonderful and we are very good at understanding, healing, and communicating with one another. We see eye-to-eye for almost everything. We have deep common ground and great understanding to experiences of the past. He is very soft voiced, quiet, and very very sweet. He says he likes to listen more than be outgoing or talkative. While I, am more outgoing and talkative. It's weird how we express our love for each other and complimenting each other constantly. But my friends say we aren't compatible at all. I'm not one to base my life off of astrology but I'm being somewhat paranoid about it because they keep saying how incompatible we are. When clearly I see is a perfect relationship, never a dull moment, happy, fulfilling. Does a cusp have to do with anything, do we have somewhat split personalities or possess qualities of another sign to keep us compatible to a level? Libra and Sadge are compatible and Virgo as well as Scorpio are compatible, but they cross each other out. We are making big plans for the future, I just want to know, If I'm making the right decision.

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be real with her
by: Anonymous

I am a virgo woman and was with a sag man(no cusp), it was heaven yet he couldn't make a commitment to me. i think with any woman no matter the sign we need commitment. with virgos in particular were very cautious almost to a fault so just be open about your feelings towards her and your plans for the future, it'll help ease her worrying mind and you'll see great things happen from your virgo. Chilvary and gallantry go a long way with this sign. oh yeah and keep it hot in bed too, she'll never look elsewhere. i'm sure if your a sag you'll have no problems with that ;-)

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