Scorpio seduction and cheating

Please do not take the "cheating" section of this lightly. I lost a Scorpio man because he fell for me instantly before I could make up my mind about who I wanted. There was someone there before him and he had NO tolerance for that. That might sound crazy, but to a Scorpio, that spells betrayal & playing games. Also they like to flirt with other people intentionally to make you jealous when they are feeling insecure. Please do get jealous! If not, they'll think you don't love them. Sigh.
-Love moon child 69

Comments for Scorpio seduction and cheating

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by: Anonymous

thanks for the sharing :)

scorpio man like you to get jealous?
by: Anonymous

Really? Scorpio man like to see you get jealous? They do that on purpose? My boyfriend and I work in the same company and I do get jealous when he flirt with other girls. I didn't know they did that on purpose so that they know I am into them... I guess I am good then LOL.

total flirt
by: scorpio

it's the same wiht us scorpio woman, I love to flirt with other people to see how my man's kinda a test and a game all in one...But I hate it when he flirts with other girls. Us scorpios are such hipocrytes. I love it.

Total Flirt
by: Bei

I am still with my scorpio man, Scorpio girl, that is crazy about scorpio then. Why do that. You made us jealous and then he will have to hold me and kiss me to show he is not interested in her etc. Not too much work for you? or that is kind of fun when you have to do the hugs and kisses? lol crazy :P

by: Anonymous

is so true im a scorpio lady i love seeing a guy jealous and i get really jealous with my first BF he was flirting a little with another girl and i got insanely jealous i left him

cheating scorpios
by: Anonymous

My scorpio husband of 35 years had a 20 year affair with a pisces woman i thought was my best friend I am aries.What am I supposed to do and the pisces woman is dying and begging gor forgiveness. Don't see it coming from me. My husband and I are still together.

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