Aquarius profile

Everything about Aquarius

Aquarius birthdays

You're an Aquarius if you were born between January 20th and February 18th (these dates can vary slightly each year)

Aquarius personality

My complete guide to the Aquarius man and Aquarius woman with common questions and answers.

Articles describing Aquarius compatibility with each of the other sun signs, with forums to share reader experiences.

Read about the common problems and challenges when starting a relationship on my Aquarius seduction page, with forums to share reader experiences and advice.

What are the most common Aquarius traits?

My list of the Top 400 Famous Aquarius celebrities and historical figures.

Aquarius lovers: What to expect from your Aquarius in love

Common features of Aquarius relationships

Share Aquarius gift ideas on the Aquarius man gifts and Aquarius woman gifts pages.

Aquarius zodiac

Aquarius zodiac symbol: Aquarius the Water Carrier
Aquarius zodiac: Aquarius zodiac
Aquarius tattoo: Aquarius tattoo

Aquarius astrology

Ruling planet: Uranus
Zodiac element: Air
Zodiac quality: Fixed
Rules: 11th house
Polarity: Positive

Birthstone: Garnet - Amethyst, Moss Agate, Opal, Sugilite (these birthstones really have nothing to do with astrology. They're established by jewelers, and competing jewelers sometimes use different systems)

Aquarius is an Air sign

People of Air signs tend to be friendly, outgoing, and easy going. They love to socialize, talk, party, dream, meet new people and try new things. Typically they hate being bored or stuck in dull routines. When single they tend to be very good at flirting. When in a relationship they typically like a high level of independence and generally dislike to feel restricted.

The fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Aquarius is a Positive sign

People of positive signs tend to be extrovert, confident and optimistic (when compared to people of negative signs). They typically relate better to people of other positive signs (though their soulmates are typically of negative signs).

The positive signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
The negative signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Aquarius is a Fixed sign

People of fixed signs are known for their determination, deep thoughts and persistence. They tend to achieve more than the other (cardinal or mutable) signs due to being so willful. On the negative side they can be stubborn, opinionated and inflexible.

The cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
The fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
The mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus

Uranus is a unique and unusual planet! Amongst other things its north pole faces the sun and its moons rotate around it backwards. It's associated with the unique, eccentric and brilliant. Conceptually it's also associated with radical change, invention, disruption, independence, awakening, surprises - all the things needed to rebel against structure and routine in order to create improvement.

Aquarius is associated with the 11th house

The 11th house represents improvement, hopes and aspirations. The times and areas in our life when we ignore chores and routines and focus on ways to improve and make our lot in life better. Conceptually this is very focused on team effort (ultimately pursuits such as science are done for the betterment of all and not just for personal gain) this house therefore includes friendships, common goals, working together and shared ideals.

Are you really an Aquarius?

If you were born on the first or last day of Aquarius then it's worth noting that the signs do not neatly correspond to calendar days. You may wish to check out the articles on the Capricorn Aquarius cusp or Aquarius Pisces cusp.

Aquarius compatibility

For details of the most common pros and cons of relationships with each of the other signs I have a separate index of articles on Aquarius compatibility

Aquarius and Aries compatibility
Aquarius and Taurus compatibility
Aquarius and Gemini compatibility
Aquarius and Cancer compatibility
Aquarius and Leo compatibility
Aquarius and Virgo compatibility
Aquarius and Libra compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility
Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility
Aquarius and Capricorn compatibility
Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces compatibility