Astrology Compatibility
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Astrology relationship reports


I offer a wide selection of birth chart interpretations and relationship compatibility reports, together with discounted report packages on various themes.

Package comparison table:
  Yourself Compatibility Relationship
  $12 $17 $27
Basic natal report for yourselfYes Yes
Advanced natal report for yourselfYes Yes
Personality scores for yourselfYes Yes
Basic natal report for your partner YesYes
Advanced natal report for your partner YesYes
Personality scores for your partner YesYes
Compatibility report YesYes
Composite report YesYes

This page describes the Relationship reports package, which contains eight full length professional astrology reports (approx 90 pages total). This package is $27

If you just want to evaluate your compatibility with someone and dont need natal reports for yourself there is a cheaper Compatibility reports package eg if you have already obtained them with a different partner (they don't change)

Each report included in this package is also available individually for $7, from the Astrology readings page.

Relationship report package - contents:

1. Basic natal interpretation for you (10 pages approx)
A natal interpretation in a basic format "this planet is here, which means this", it lists all your planet placements and what they mean.

2. Advanced natal interpretation for you (17 pages approx)
This report groups similar facets of your natal chart interpretation together and describes the net effect on your personality. This reduces contradictions which typically exist when placements are examined individually.

3. Personality scoring for you (3 pages)
A list of your key personality traits, with scores for each. It highlights your strengths and weaknesses based on your natal interpretation. For example it lists scores for patience, loyalty, introversion, extroversion, how romantic you are, how logical you are etc.

4. Basic natal interpretation for your partner (10 pages approx)
A natal interpretation in a basic format "this planet is here, which means this", it lists all your partners planet placements and what they mean.

5. Advanced natal interpretation for your partner (17 pages approx)
This report groups similar facets of your partners natal chart interpretation together and describes the net effect on their personality. This reduces contradictions which typically exist when placements are examined individually.

6. Personality scoring for your partner (3 pages)
A list of your partners key personality traits, with scores for each. It highlights their strengths and weaknesses based on their natal ion. For examp. For example it lists scores for patience, loyalty, introversion, extroversion, how romantic they are, how logical they are etc.

7. Basic compatibility report (5 pages approx)
A basic comparison of two peoples natal charts in a basic format "this planet in your chart interacts with this planet in your partners chart to create this effect".

8. Detailed composite report (25 pages approx)
Your individual charts are combined into a composite chart for the relationship, which is then analysed in detail. Topics covered include where and how you complement each other, how you communicate, the weaknesses of the relationship, and the influences that can affect the longevity of the relationship.

Each report is also available individually for $7, from the Astrology readings page.

These are the best commercial quality astrology reports available, and sold for up to $30 each elsewhere.

What information is required?

Below is a questionnaire to ensure you have everything before ordering.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me there's also a link to do so available on the right hand menu of any page on this site.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
Your first name
Your date of birth
Your time of birth
This time is in the...
AM (Morning)
PM (Afternoon/Evening)
My time of birth is...
Close, but maybe an hour off
Within a few hours either side
No idea, so I used noon
Location of birth - Town
-State / county / region
Your Partners first name
Partners date of birth
Partners time of birth
This time is in the..
AM (Morning)
PM (Afternoon/Evening)
Partners time of birth is...
Close, but maybe an hour off
Within a few hours either side
No idea, so I used noon
Partners town of birth
-State / county / region
Your email address*

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to know our precise birth times?
All the analysis is based off of the date, time and location of birth for you and your partner. Ideally those details should be as accurate as possible, but I can work with the best information you have. The date and location of birth must be accurate however.

Do you offer a guarantee?
Yes. A very high percentage of my business comes from repeat customers and personal referrals, so ensuring every customer is satisfied is a high priority. All my work has a 100% money back guarantee if you're not totally satisfied.

How long does it take to get my reports?
All packages are delivered via email. I promise delivery within 48 hours, though it's rare for one to take longer than 12 hours, and the average is around 2 hours.

Why does it take so long? Can't I get instant delivery?
Calculations for my reports are checked by hand. Automated (instant) systems nearly always make errors. As a quick example, daylight savings rules often change every few years. Instant systems use lookup tables for the current DST rules for a location, and are nearly always wrong for dates 20-50 years ago.

I could list 10 similar shortcuts they take which cause errors. I've purchased several instant systems, and none of them are accurate more than 50% of the time. If I ever find one that's always accurate I'll start using it in a heartbeat.

Why do you include so many reports in your packages?!
To my mind this is the minimum information which is required to fully understand your relationship. I could sell one report for the same price that I package 3, but the end product would be inferior.

Why are your reports so cheap? / Why are your reports so expensive?
At last count I've helped clients in over 80 different countries. I realize in some $7 is pocket change and in others it's a small fortune. The price is designed to be affordable to as many people as possible.

Why does this cost money? Xyz astrologer gives away reports for free!
No they don't. They advertise a free generic teaser designed to harvest your email address. Order those and you'll find the real reports are far more expensive than mine. I prefer to offer a quality product, in a straightforward manner, at a fair price.

About me

ut oh

My name's David, and I'm a professional astrologer and relationship consultant. Since 1993 I've written thousands of articles on relationship astrology. 400 or so are currently available on this site.

My clients have included three of Europes largest dating services, for whom I've matched tens of thousands of premium members worldwide.

I use state of the art techniques from multiple astrological schools and practices including western, vedic, cosmobiology, symmetrical, hellenistic, huber, harmonics and others.

  • I have 15 years experience, helping thousands of couples

  • I specialize. Relationship astrology is my full time business

  • I monitor and purchase new astrology tools constantly - to ensure I use the best available

  • I answer questions by email - you aren't left guessing about anything.

A lot of my business comes from personal referrals. I want every customer to be 100% satisfied, so I offer an unconditional money back guarantee.

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